Cyberpunk 2077
by Chappie in


Below are the gigs that can be found at Santo Domingo in Cyberpunk 2077! Please note that the side jobs are listed in alphabetical order for ease of searching.


Breaking News

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective south of Arasaka Industrial Park fast travel point

Objective: Meet with Ted Fox

Enter the car with Teddy then speak with him to get the details. This is a sneaky mission so be good and remain undetected! Exit the car and follow the objective to the parking lot. Disable all the cameras then sneak your way to the building in the back. You can jump up onto the guard station from the billboard to the left then jump down into the hostile area on the left side. If you follow the wall to the back left side of the building there is a window you can open. Hop inside the window to find yourself in a bathroom. Be careful when you open the door because there will be an enemy in the next room. Distract them with the computer then take them out nonlethally. Head through the door on the left side to reach the garage. There is an enemy in here so again sneak up behind them and take them out nonlethally. Place the tracker on the van then leave undetected. Follow the objective to collect your reward then the gig will close.


Cuckoo’s Nest

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective south of Rancho Coronado North fast travel point

Objective: Get inside the hospital

Once you head inside the hospital, you’ll need to reach the restricted section. Jasmine can be found on the second level of the hospital. In order to open her room, you’ll need to loot the access token off of a guard downstairs or use a Body Value of 15 to force open the door. Speak with her then escort her outside to the car awaiting across the street. You’ll need to speak with her once more before she gets in the car to complete the gig.


Cyberpsycho Sighting: Discount Doc

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective south of Kendal Park fast travel point

Objective: Find the cyberpsycho

This cyberpsycho is heavily armed and armored. If you enter via the knocked down gate and follow the path around, he can easily one shot you if he spots you rounding the corner. To make it a bit easier, you can jump over the fence to the right of the knocked down gate and land right next to him to get your hits in fast before he can move. There will also be one more normal enemy in this area. After the  cyberpsycho has been defeated, loot his body to receive the “Doesn’t look good” shard and read it. Also, loot the body of the other enemy in this area to find the “Send a crew” shard. Read it then head inside the open garage to read the files on the computer in there as well. Afterwards, message Regina to complete the gig.


Cyberpsycho Sighting: Under the Bridge

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective just south of the Hargreaves St fast travel point

Objective: Find the cyberpsycho

Head into the search area then make your way to the objective to loot the corpse. Disable the 2 turrets above the corpse first. Tamara will then make her appearance. Defeat her nonlethally then message Regina to complete the gig.


Error 404

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the gig location north of Mallagra & Manzanita fast travel point

Objective: Enter the garage area

Enter the storage unit then head to the center of it to find a turret. Enter the open storage unit where indicated by the objective to find a computer. Install the malware onto this computer then leave the area to complete the gig.


Family Matters

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the gig location south of Kendal Park fast travel point

Objective: Go to Juliet’s home

Follow the objective to Juliet’s house. To enter via the front door, you’ll need a Technical Ability of 5. Alternatively, you can force the back door open with a Body Value of 5. Once inside, look for safe on a shelf next to a neon pink flamingo. You’re going to need a key to open it, which can be found downstairs on a body behind the chair. Be careful when you go downstairs because Rose is waiting there. You’ll need to neutralizer her first. With the key in hand, head upstairs to open and loot the safe. Follow the objective to the Drop Point to deposit the item into it and complete the gig.


For My Son

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the gig location south of the Rancho Coronado South fast travel point

Objective: Get inside the Boxing Club at the Old Paint Factory

Approach the garage to be stopped by a bouncer. You’ll need to either pay $3,800 or if you have a Body Value of 11 you can tell him to get out of your way. Once you get inside the Animals’ club, look for Logan Garcia. When you head up to the second floor where Logan is, the enemies will become hostile. Neutralize Logan then leave the club to complete the job.


Going-Away Party

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective southwest of the Rancho Coronado North fast travel point

Objective: Go and get Flavio from the hideout

Enter the house and head up stairs to find a bunch of bodies. Scan the bodies to find Flavio on the ground in front of the body. Press the prompt to revive him when you’re given the option. Speak with him then escort Flavio downstairs to the garage. Hop in the vehicle and drive him to the objective. Exit the car and speak with the nomad to compete the gig.


Hacking the Hacker

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective at the Megabuilding H6 fast travel point

Objective: Enter the megabuilding

Enter the building and head up to 19: Apartments. Exit the elevator and follow the objective into a room across the way. Head up the stairs and kill Lucius then upload the virus onto a computer in the same room. Leave the building then collect the reward from the Drop Point to complete the gig.


Race to the Top

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective northwest of the Rancho Coronado South fast travel point

Objective: Get into Kendachi factory area

Once you sneak inside, you’ll need to get inside Matheus’ office, which is located on the second level of the building. Steal the info from the computer in his office then leave the area for the gig to complete.


Serious Side Effects

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective south of MLK & Brandon fast travel point

Objective: Go to the Dewdrop Inn

Head into the inn and speak with the receptionist. She won’t be much help, but you can pay her $50 for a room to gain access to the door. Alternatively, you can head to the left of the inn (when facing the entrance from the outside) to find a fire escape. Climb it and force open the door with a Body Value of 8. If you’d like to find out where Booker Updike is staying, walk past the receptionist to find a room on the left side. Open the door and take out the guy sitting in the chair. Access the computer to find out that Booker is staying in room 103. Head to room 103. In order to open it, you’ll need a Technical Ability of 12. Alternatively, you can ask the techie working on the vending machine in the hall to open the room. He’ll do it if you bribe him $1,000 or if your Body Value is 20. Scan the body in the room and the ventilation shaft. Head upstairs and go through room 200 to the balcony. Jump across the balconies until you reach the last one then enter through the door to find the lab. Take out the 3 enemies inside the loot the container to retrieve the beta acid. Leave the motel then deposit the item in the Drop Point to complete the gig.


Severance Package

Obtained: Arroyo – Approach the objective northwest of Rancho Coronado South fast travel point

Objective: Enter the factory area


Head inside the factory and make your way up to the second floor. Follow the objective to the server room then steal the data from the computer inside. Afterwards, leave the factory to complete the gig.


The Union Strikes Back

Obtained: Rancho Coronado – Approach the objective west of Kendal Park fast travel point

Objective: Get inside C-Team’s building

Head into the building via the front entrance. Speak with the receptionist then distract her to grab the Access Card from her desk. Head inside the double door then make your way to the second level to find Vic in a corner office. If you neutralize him nonlethally, you’ll need to carry his body outside to the awaiting vehicle. Rogue will call you and the gig will complete.



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