
Vampyr – Wrong Target

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Thelma Howcroft at Pembroke Hospital to obtain this investigation.


Summary:  Thelma claims that she is being watched by some people who are hunting her because she’s a vampire. Jonathan decides to look into the issue as Thelma is a mental patient and he can’t have people snooping around the hospital.



  • Find out who is spying on Thelma
  • Determine what the Priwen agents have discovered
  • Find the local command post of the Guard of Priwen
  • Steal the reports leading to the Pembroke Hospital
  • Reassure Thelma Howcroft about the spies


Find out who is spying on Thelma

From the main gate of the Pembroke Hospital, take a right heading north down the road towards the objective. Once you reach the bridge heading to Whitechapel, keep moving past it to the left of the pop-up tent towards an alley. You will see the word ‘WHISKY’ printed on a building at the end of the alley. Turn right to find a doorway leading into one of the buildings. Follow the stairs to the top and open the door. You will fight 2 enemies in a small room.


Determine what the Priwen agents have discovered

Pick up the paper sitting on a wooden folding table near the windows to examine it and update the objective.


Find the local command post of the Guard of Priwen agents have discovered

Head back outside to the front of the building you are in and take the bridge to the Whitechapel district. Pass through the ‘enter at your own risk’ gate and keep following that path. Take a right before the next gate, then left at the end of the alley. Fight the enemies there and push up, proceeding through the next gate. Fight those enemies and head into the building that the objective leads to.


Steal the reports leading to the Pembroke Hospital

Head upstairs in the building and take out the lone enemy. Grab the report from the desk and head back to the Pembroke Hospital.


Reassure Thelma Howcroft about the spies

Back at the hospital talk to Thelma to complete the investigation.



Vampyr – Tool of the Trade

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Wait for Clay Cox at Pembroke Hospital to be sitting in a chair in front of a tent. Look for a letter in the tent and read it, then talk to Clay Cox. Choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions, ‘Your wife’s letter pissed you off?’, then ‘Don’t you want it back?’ to get the investigation.


Summary: Clay told Jonathan that he would feel easier if he had his lucky knife with him. Seeing a grateful Clay intrigues Jonathan enough that he decides to go looking for the knife.



  • Retrieve the knife of Clay Cox
  • Bring back his knife to its owner


Retrieve the knife of Clay Cox

Head south from the hospital to the bridge that takes you to the docks. The knife is located on the pier to the right of the bridge. To access the pier, you will need to look for an alleyway between the green grocer and bookstore. Enter the alleyway to find a set of stairs heading down to the pier. At the bottom of the steps swing right to find the knife in a trunk under one of the archways.


Bring back his knife to its owner

Head back to the hospital and talk to Clay to hand over the knife and complete the investigation.



Vampyr – The Harder They Fall

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: This investigation can found early on in the game when going to the morgue in chapter 1. In the basement of the morgue is a deceased patient on an operating table. Read the nearby medical report to receive the investigation.


Summary:  Jonathan finds a death report written by Dr. Tippets for the death of a man named Samuel Connor. He thinks something with the report is off and decides to start his own investigation.



  • Find out the cause of death
  • Interrogate Gwyneth Branagan about the medical error
  • Interrogate Corcoran Tippets about the medical error


Find out the cause of death

You should already be in the morgue when you get this investigation, if not make your way back to the basement of the morgue to the room with the guy laying on the operating table. Interact with him to begin the investigation and exhaust all the dialog options.


Interrogate Gwyneth Branagan about the medical error

Make your way to Nurse Branagan at Pembroke Hospital and speak with her. Choose the dialog options ‘Personal question’ then ‘Tippets Medical error’ to unlock a new hint for her and fulfill this objective.


Interrogate Corcoran Tippets about the medical error

Head to Dr. Tippets and choose the dialog options ‘Personal question’ then ‘About your medical error’. Finish the resulting dialog to complete the investigation.




Vampyr – Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Milton Hooks at Pembroke Hospital to get this investigation.


Summary:  Milton informs Jonathan that a patient he was bringing to the hospital attacked him. He escaped through a garden, but lost his wallet along the way and now refuses to go back for it. Jonathan decides to check it out to see what is really going on.



  • Enter the backyard garden
  • Find the lost wallet in the garden
  • Bring the wallet back to its owner


Enter the backyard garden

Head through the first floor of the Pembroke Hospital to the gate on the northeast side next to where Rakesh Chadana runs his shop. Pass through the gate and take a right heading southeast following the objective. This will lead you to a gate near a sealed-off area behind the hospital.


Find the lost wallet in the garden

Pass through the gate and head forward until you reach a t-intersection. Take a left and follow the path fighting the Skals along the way. At the end of the path, you will find 2 Skals huddled together near a pool of blood. Take care of them and pick up the wallet laying the blood.


Bring the wallet back to its owner

Head back to Milton to return the wallet to complete the investigation and get a new hint for Milton.



Vampyr – Burn After Reading

by Chappie in


Investigation Received:  To get this investigation, you will first need to eavesdrop on a conversation between Mortimer Goswick and his mother Beatrice. The eavesdrop location is next to the window outside of the room he is staying in. This is behind the tent you first meet Lady Ashbury. Next, you will need to talk with Mortimer and choose the dialog options ‘Personal questions’, ‘You tried to kill yourself’, then ‘Can I help you?’ to obtain the investigation.


Summary: After eavesdropping on a conversation between Mortimer and Beatrice, Jonathan learns the real reason why Mortimer is at the hospital. He talks to Mortimer with this information to try and help his patient out.



  • Go to Mortimer Goswick’s place
  • Choose what to do with Mortimer Goswick’s letter
    • Bring the letter back to Mortimer
    • Give the letter to Mortimer’s mother


Go to Mortimer Goswick’s place

Follow the objective to Mortimer’s place located south of the Hospital. It is the hideout that is locked. Unlock the door using the key Mortimer gave you and grab the letter sitting on the table.


Choose what to do with Mortimer Goswick’s letter

Head back to the hospital and give the letter to Mortimer or his mother to complete the investigation. If you give it to Beatrice, it unlocks a couple new hints for her.



Vampyr – Missing Ingredients

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Talk to Dr. Thoreau Strickland at the Pembroke Hospital to get this investigation.


Summary:  Dr. Strickland is working on an experiment but is waiting for some items he ordered to show up. He believes that his supplier sold the items to a more prominent doctor, so Strickland asks Jonathan if he will use his reputation to get the items he needs.



  • Reach the pharmacy
  • Search for Thoreau Stickland’s Order
  • Tell what happened to Thoreau Strickland
  • Gather ingredients and formulate the medication
  • Choose what to do about Thoreau Strickland
    • Give the medication to Thoreau Strickland
    • Report him to Dr. Ackroyd


Reach the pharmacy

From the main gate of the Pembroke Hospital, take a left heading south along the road towards the objective. You will run across a couple of vampire hunters along the way. Eventually, you should reach a bridge that takes you back to the Docks area. As soon as you cross the bridge, take a right between 2 buildings into the alley. One of the buildings will have Harwood A. Lingard written on the front.


Search for Thoreau Stickland’s order

In the alley to the left, there will be 2 Skals, one of them is a level 16 boss while the other is a regular enemy. Take out the scrub and focus on the boss. He likes to use a clone then teleport into a lunge melee attack that has a massive range. Defeat the Skal and loot the corpse the boss was near to find the list of ingredients Dr. Strickland’s request.


Tell what happened to Thoreau Stickland

Head back to Pembroke Hospital and talk to Dr. Strickland.


Gather ingredients and formulate the medication

Bring 1 unit of sodium hypochlorite, 1 unit of potassium permanganate, and 6 units of ferrous tartrate to the medical desk in Jonathan’s office and create the medication. You can break up items dropped off of enemies or buy the materials from a vendor if needed.


Choose what to do about Thoreau Stickland

You can give the medication to Dr. Stickland or report him to Dr. Ackroyd to complete the investigation. If you report Dr. Strickland to Dr. Ackroyd, Dr. Ackroyd will give you a key to the doctor’s office on the second floor to store the medication.



Vampyr – Hide and Seek

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Head to Enid Gillingham’s house in the Western Docks. Search around her house to find the Unfinished Letter to get this investigation.


Summary: After finding a half-written letter, Jonathan learns of a scared young man who is hiding in a quarantine area. He is so afraid that he is hiding in a dangerous location. This is interesting to Jonathan who wants to know why he chose to hide there.



  • Talk to the man hiding in the sewers
  • Convince Rodney to go back to the Docks


Talk to the man hiding in the sewers

In order to gain access to the sewers, you will need to be at least on the Give a Dog a Bad Name main story quest in Chapter 3. Head to the boardwalk located on the southwestern side of the Western Docks. The entrance to the sewer is a gate located under the boardwalk. Head through the gate to work your way forward until you reach the sewer skal camp. If you already completed the sewer quest, then take the shortcut in Sean Hampton’s office.  Head to the southern lower level of the skal camp to find a tunnel that leads straight to the man hiding in the sewers. 


Convince Rodney to go back to the Docks

Talk to the man named Rodney and choose the dialog option ‘You don’t look like a killer’ to convince him to head back to the docks and complete this investigation.



Vampyr – Old Prune and Good Manners

by Chappie in


Investigation Received:  This investigation is automatically triggered when exploring around the center of the Docks.


Summary: An old man is trapped by Skal and it’s up to Jonathan to help him out.



  • Save the old man by defeating the Skals


Save the old man by defeating the Skals

Follow the object to the southish-eastern side of the Dock to find a trio of Skals trying to get to the old man. Defeat them, open the gate, and then talk to the old man named Archer to complete the investigation.



Vampyr – A Simple Token of Filial Love

by Chappie in


Investigation Received: Head to the Docks and locate Seymour Fishburn. Talk to him and choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘What is your role around here?’, then ‘Is something bothering you?’ to get the investigation.


Summary: Seymour Fishburn told Jonathan that he lost a necklace he wanted to give to his mother. Jonathan thinks about looking for it to help calm Seymour down.



  • Retrieve the necklace lost by Seymour Fishburn
  • Choose what to do with Seymour Fishburn’s necklace
    • Bring back the necklace to Seymour
    • Give it to his mother


Retrieve the necklace lost by Seymour Fishburn

Head down the stairs to the lakefront near the area where Seymour can be found in. Take a right at the bottom and head towards the fire barrel next to a dead end (image below). Shortly before the barrel, take a right and destroy the wooden barrels that are in the way. Turn right again at the end of the path to find the necklace in a pile of dead bodies.



Choose what to do with Seymour Fishbyrn’s necklace

Talk to either Stella or Seymour to hand over the necklace and complete the quest. If you give Seymour the necklace, you will get a new hint for him. Make sure to choose the ‘Try to understand’ option during your conversation to unlock additional hints.



Vampyr – Tribute to the Victims

by Chappie in


Investigation Received:  Head to the Docks and talk to Dyson Delaney (around ch. 3). Choose the dialog options ‘Your life in London?’, ‘Anything you like about the district?’, then ‘All right. Go on…’ to get this investigation.


Summary:  Dyson Delaney told Jonathan he started drinking the day a bomb fell and took away all that he cared about. He drank so much that he forgot where it happened. Jonathan ponders looking for the place where the incident happened to help bring Dyson closure.



  • Locate the site where the bombing took place
  • Find some flowers to pay respect to the victims
  • Put the flowers on the bombing place
  • Talk to Dyson Delaney about the bombing


Locate the site where the bombing took place

Head to the Southwark location in the image below to find the area where the bombing took place.



Find some flowers to pay respect to the victims

Look around on the ground nearby to find flowers that Jonathan can make a bouquet out of.


Put the flowers on the bombing place

Follow the objective to locate the nearby memorial to place the flowers on. It is next to the fire in the image below.



Talk to Dyson Delaney about the bombing

Head back to Dyson at the Docks and talk with him to complete the investigation.