
We Happy Few – Sympathy for the Lightbearer

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is acquired during the Church of Simon Says quest.



  • Go to Nick Lightbearer’s House
  • Get Inside Nick’s House
  • Disable Nick’s Security
  • Talk to Nick
  • Talk Nick Out of the Bathroom
  • Take Nick’s Wig and Mask
  • Take Nick’s Key
  • Take Nick’s Fab Threads
  • On Your Way!


Go to Nick Lightbearer’s House

Follow the objective to Nick’s house.


Get Inside Nick’s House

*Before you head into Nick’s house, you will need 2 Electro-Lock Shockers, a Shortspike, a joy pill, and a Jimmy Bar.

Swing around to the back of Nick’s house and follow the scaffolding until you find a ramp. Take the ramp to access the scaffolding and follow it until you reach a window. Use a Jimmy Bar to open the window. Enter the house and take the stairs up to the next level. Open the first door at the top of the stairs and move through the bathroom, to the bedroom, then out the window onto some scaffolding. Follow it, jumping over 4 gaps, walk over a makeshift bridge, then dropping down to a lower scaffold. Eventually, you will reach the window to Nick’s house. Use a Jimmy Bar to force the window open and enter.


Disable Nick’s Security

Once in the window, use the electro-lock shocker to enter the door right in front of you. Grab all the joy pills and Nick’s wig and mask. Head out of the room and pop a joy pill. Pass through the joy detector and head down the stairs. Disable the electrified doorknob and use a shortspike to disable Nick’s security.


Talk to Nick

Head back into the hallway and turn right. Head through the door at the end of the hall and turn right. Lockpick the door and take down the sleeping lady. Grab Nick’s safe password off the dresser and exit the room. Take the stairs down to the lower level and talk to Nick.


Talk Nick Out of the Bathroom

Head into the bathroom and talk to Nick for a cutscene.


Take Nick’s Wig and Mask

Should already have this from following the guide. It’s in a locked room on the top floor of Nick’s house.


Take Nick’s Key

Grab the key off of the small table in the bathroom and head back up to the room you got the wig and mask from.


Take Nick’s Fab Threads

Use the key to grab Nick’s threads and equip them.


On Your Way!

Exit the residence to complete the quest.



We Happy Few – The Church of Simon Says

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is triggered by finding the Church in Maidenholm and knocking on the door.



  • Go to Church
  • Bring Nick Lightbearer to the Church
  • Let the Games Begin!
  • Win Simon Says
  • Escape the Church
  • Deactivate the Electricity
  • Take the Medal


Go to Church

To obtain this quest, knock on the door of the church. You will need to be on joy to pass through the joy detectors. Once you knock on the door, a brief cutscene will trigger.


Bring Nick Lightbearer to the Church

Follow the objective to  Nick Lightbearer’s house then complete the quest Sympathy for the Lightbearer. When that has been completed head back to the church.


Let the Games Begin!

Head into the church for a cutscene.


Win Simon Says

Play the game until one person is left.


Escape the Church

Run through the church to the entryway.


Deactivate the Electricity

Head up the stairs in the entryway and follow the path until you reach a ladder. Take the ladder to a storage room and deactivate the electricity.


Take the Medal

Head back to the Simon Says room and grab the medal to complete the quest.



We Happy Few – Moon Juice Leech

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is triggered automatically while exploring Maidenholm.



  • Hide in the Bushes and Eavesdrop on the Bobbies
  • Search the Corpse


Hide in the Bushes and Eavesdrop on the Bobbies

Crouch and sneak up behind the fence on the other side of the bobbies to witness a cutscene.


Search the Corpse

Take care of the bobbies then search Eddie’s corpse to complete the quest.



We Happy Few – Flower Picking

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is automatically triggered while exploring Eel Pie Holm.



  • Come Back After Dark
  • Steal Some Flowers


Come Back After Dark

If discovered during the day, head back to the flower patch after 9 pm.


Steal Some Flowers

You will need to collect one of the glowing flowers in the middle of the wiggling flower worshipers to complete the quest. When you get close to the flowers, the worshipers will turn hostile and attack.


We Happy Few

We Happy Few – Crazy Legs

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is triggered automatically while exploring Eel Pine Holm.



  • Stop the Runner


Stop the Runner

The runner will stick to the path along the abandoned houses in Eel Pine Holm. To stop the runner, you will need to hit him with a weapon. The best way to get him is to lead the runner down a path where you can anticipate his arrival. Then run out and hit him before he escapes. This will probably take multiple tries.



We Happy Few – Motilene Makes You Strong

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is automatically triggered while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • Rescue Poor Ralph from the Mob
  • Give Ralph Some Sick Up Tea


Rescue Poor Ralph from the Mob

Defeat the three enemies around the Stonehenge and talk to Ralph.


Give Ralph Some Sick Up Tea

Craft some Sick Up Tea and give it to Ralph to complete the quest.



We Happy Few – Biological Hazard

by Chappie in


Acquired: The quest is automatically while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • Talk to Thomas Cream
  • Give Thomas an Antiseptic Bandage
  • Tidy the Pond
  • Talk to Thomas Again


Talk to Thomas Cream

Equip a gas mask and head into the poison cloud. Look for Thomas who will be sitting on the ground and talk with him.


Give Thomas an Antiseptic Bandage

Give Thomas an antiseptic bandage to move onto the next objective. At this point in the game, I looted one randomly from a chest in Faraday’s house.


Tidy the Pond

Head around the pond picking up trash. You will get infected while doing this and will require a healing item to cure it.


Talk to Thomas Again

Talk to Thomas again to complete the quest. He will tell you about a dig spot near a blood-covered rock.



We Happy Few – Mystery House

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is triggered while exploring Lud’s Holm. You will also find the quest during part of the Treehouse questline.



  • Cleanse the Doors of Your Perception
  • Find the Source of the Strangeness Without Being Seen
  • Neutralize the Cultist Priest
  • Leave the Mystery House


Cleanse the Doors of Your Perception

To enter the Mystery House, you will need to consume a Histoplasma Mushroom to open the door.


Find the Source of the Strangeness Without Being Seen

Before you enter the Mystery House, know that if an enemy spots you while inside, you will be kicked out of the house and have to start all over again. The best way to complete the quest is to take your time and knock out each enemy as you come across them. The below path assumes you will also be looking for the Ephemeral Lines while in the Mystery House as part of the Treehouse quest.

As you make your way to the front door, there will be two enemies to watch out for. Once you pass through the door, take a right and crouch walk under the planks blocking the doorway. This leads to a hallway filled with debris. From here, head through the kitchen into the dining room while keeping an eye out for the enemy that is patrolling this area. After entering the dining room, turn left and follow that hallway while keeping your eyes peeled for another enemy patrolling. You will pass the library and bathroom as you walk down the hallway taking a right once you reach the end to arrive at a door. Head through this door to enter a big open room with a piano and to sets of stairs leading up to the second level. Head up the stairs watching out for the 2 enemies that patrol it. Head to the room set up like a church with an enemy facing the wall to trigger a cutscene.


*Here is where the ephemeral linens were for me in the Treehouse quest:

  • 1 on the counter in the kitchen next to the stove
  • 4 in the dining room closet (first door on the left in the dining room)
  • 3 on top of the bookshelves in the library
  • 4 in the bathroom closet
  • 1 on an end table in the piano room


Neutralize the Cultist Priest

You can either sneak up and take down the cult priest or engage him in combat to neutralize him.


Leave the Mystery House

The quest will complete as soon as you exit the Mystery House.



We Happy Few – Treehouse

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is triggered randomly while exploring Lud’s Holm.



  • Rescue Peachy
  • Bring the Doll Back to the Loony in the Treehouse
  • Find or Craft a First Aid Kit
  • Give a First Aid Kit to the Loony in the Treehouse
  • Find 10 Ephemeral Linen in the Mystery House
  • Give the Loony the 10 Ephemeral Linen
  • Craft the Suit of Blending
  • Give the Suit of Blending to the Loony in the Treehouse


Rescue Peachy

After talking to Johnny Bolton, follow the objective to find yourself at the Avon Puppet Theater. This will trigger the side quest Get the Dolly. Complete that quest to get the next objective.


Bring the Doll Back to the Loony in the Treehouse

Head back to the treehouse and give Peachy back to Johnny Bolton.


Find or Craft a First Aid Kit

If you don’t already have a first aid kit, you will need to craft one using the schematic that Johnny gave you. It will require 2 bandages (found in medicine cabinets and medicine boxes), 1 antiseptic (found in medicine cabinets and medicine boxes), and 2 medicated balm (found in medicine cabinets, medicine boxes, and end tables).


Give a First Aid Kit to the Loony in the Treehouse

Give the first aid kit to Johnny Bolton to trigger a cutscene.


Find 10 Ephemeral Linen in the Mystery House

Locating the Mystery House will trigger the side quest Mystery House. You will need to collect 10 ephemeral linens while making your way through the house.  They can be found in the following locations:

  • 1 on the counter in the kitchen next to the stove
  • 4 in the dining room closet (first door on the left in the dining room)
  • 3 on top of the bookshelves in the library
  • 4 in the bathroom closet
  • 1 on an end table in the piano room


Give the Loony the 10 Ephemeral Linen

Head back to the treehouse and hand over the ephemeral linen to Johnny.


Craft the Suit of Blending

Craft the Suit of Blending using 2 sewing kits and 10 ephemeral linens.


Give the Suit of Blending to the Loony in the Treehouse

Hand over the newly crafted suit to Johnny to complete the quest. Don’t worry, you will get it back.



We Happy Few – Get the Dolly

by Chappie in


Acquired: This quest is obtained through the Treehouse quest.



  • Get Into the House
  • Find the Loony’s Doll
  • Run Away!


Get Into the House

To enter the Avon Puppet Theater, use a lockpick to unlock the front door or enter from the door around back.


Find the Loony’s Doll

Once you’re in the house, look for the stairs leading to the second floor. Make your way through the house, keeping an eye out for its inhabitants. Once on the top floor, jump the big gap to the other side of the room and take out the enemy stationed there. Then grab the doll.


Run Away!

Alarms trigger after the doll has been swiped. Flea from the house to complete the quest.