
Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 17 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 17.


Route 17

  • Pokemon
    • Dodrio
    • Doduo
    • Eevee
    • Pidgeotto
    • Pidgey
    • Ponyta
    • Psyduck
    • Rapidash
    • Raticate
    • Rattata
  • Trainer(s) – Order starts from Route 16 side 
    • Picnicker Dalia
      • Vaporeon level 37
    • Beauty Alexis
      • Jolteon level 37
    • Lass Mila
      • Flareon level 36
    • Ace Trainer Johnson
      • Wartortle level 40
      • Magneton level 39
      • Marowak level 39
    • Punk Guy Corey
      • Primeape level 38
      • Graveler level 38
    • Coach Trainer Grantley
      • Fearow level 40
      • Beedrill level 40
      • Sandslash level 41
    • Beauty Samantha
      • Weepinbell level 37
    • Gentleman Orson
      • Persian level 38
    • Ace Trainer Maria
      • Exeggutor level 40
      • Ninetails level 39
      • Starmie level 39
    • Picnicker Misaki
      • Vulpix level 37
      • Wigglytuff level 37
      • Ivysaur level 37
    • Team Rocket Jessie and James (After beating the Elite 4)
      • Weezing – level 52
      • Arbok – level 52
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Elixir
    • Great Ball x 3
    • Nugget
    • Rare Candy
    • Silver Pinap Berries x 5
    • Super Lure
    • Super Potion
    • Super Repel
  • Special Item
    • Blast-Off Set – Defeat Jessie and James
  • TM(s)
    • TM58 Drill Run – Defeat Coach Trainer Grantley


Click Route 16 Guide or Route 18 Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 18 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 18.


Route 18

  • Pokemon
    • Dodrio
    • Doduo
    • Pidgeotto
    • Pidgey
    • Raticate
    • Rattata
  • Pokemon (Using Sea Skim)
    • Magikarp
    • Starmie
    • Staryu
    • Tentacool
  • Trainer(s)
    • Bird Keeper Wilton
      • Fearow level 39
      • Dodrio level 39
    • Bird Keeper Jacob
      • Farfetch’d level 39
      • Farfetch’d level 39
      • Farfetch’d level 39
    • Bird Keeper Ramiro
      • Pidgeot level 39
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Elixir


Click Route 17 Guide or Fuchsia City Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Fuchsia City Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items and Pokemon found throughout Fuchsia City.


Fuchsia City

  • Pokemon
    • Alolan Marowak – Trade a man in the Pokemon Center a Kantonian Marowak
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Nugget – Move the boulder in the Warden’s house, then talk to the Diglett
    • Super Lure – The fenced in area behind the Warden’s house
  • Special Item(s)
    • Gold Teeth – South of the Pokemon Center on the beach. It will be given to you by Jessie and James.
    • Safari Set – Give the Safari Warden his gold teeth. His house is located to the right of the Pokemon Center.
  • Secret Technique(s)
    • Sea Skim – Talk to the guy in front of Lapras in Safari Zone
    • Strong Push – Give Safari Warden his Gold Teeth


Click Route 15 Guide or Route 18 Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 15 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 15.


Route 15

  • Pokemon
    • Bellsprout (Eevee)
    • Chansey
    • Gloom (Pikachu)
    • Oddish (Pikachu)
    • Pidgeotto
    • Pidgey
    • Tauros
    • Venomoth
    • Venonat
    • Weepinbell (Eevee)
  • Trainer(s) – Order starts from the Route 14 side
    • Coach Trainer Midge
      • Machoke – level 40
      • Magmar – level 41    
    • Picnicker Yazmin
      • Tangela – level 37
      • Seaking – level 37
    • Punk Guy Ernest
      • Primeape – level 38
      • Muk – level 38
    • Punk Guy Alex
      • Arbok – level 38
    • Beauty Lana
      • Growlithe – level 37
      • Growlithe – level 37
      • Growlithe – level 37
    • Bird Keeper Edwin
      • Dodrio – level 39
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Hyper Potion
    • Ultra Balls x3
  • TM(s)
    • TM31 Fire Punch – Defeat Coach Trainer Midge
    • TM47 Surf – Found on upper path to the left of Coach Trainer Midge
  • Special Item(s)
    • Assistant Set – Received from Professor Oak’s assistant on the second floor of the guard station outside of Fuchsia City if you have gathered data on at least 50 species of Pokemon


Click Route 14 Guide or Fuchsia City Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 14 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 14.


Route 14

  • Pokemon
    • Bellsprout (Eevee)
    • Chansey
    • Gloom (Pikachu)
    • Oddish (Pikachu)
    • Pidgeotto
    • Pidgey
    • Tauros
    • Venomoth
    • Venonat
    • Weepinbell (Eevee)
  • Trainer(s) – Order starts from the Route 13 side
    • Camper Beck
      • Flareon – level 37
    • Camper Carter
      • Psyduck – level 37
      • Dugtrio – level 37
    • Bird Keeper Benny
      • Pidgeotto – level 39
      • Fearow – level 39
    • Bird Keeper Donald
      • Fearow – level 39
      • Pidgeot – level 39
    • Ace Trainer Kindra
      • Vaporeon – level 40
      • Sandslash – level 39
      • Dodrio – level 39
    • Punk Guy Harvey
      • Raticate – level 38
      • Raticate – level 38
    • Punk Guy Malik
      • Rhyhorn – level 38
    • Punk Guy Gerald
      • Magmar – level 38
    • Punk Guy Felix
      • Weezing – level 38
    • Roughneck Zeek
      • Machoke – level 38
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Hyper Potion
    • Nugget


Click Route 13 Guide or Route 15 Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 13 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 13.


Route 13

  • Pokemon
    • Bellsprout (Eevee)
    • Farfetch’d
    • Gloom (Pikachu)
    • Kingler
    • Krabby
    • Oddish (Pikachu)
    • Pidgeotto
    • Pidgey
    • Weepinbell (Eevee)
  • Pokemon (Using Sea Skim)
    • Horsea
    • Magikarp
    • Seadra
    • Tentacool
  • Trainer(s) (Order starts from route 12)
    • Camper Nash
      • Sandshrew – level 37
      • Sandslash – level 37
    • Camper Susie
      • Jigglypuff – level 37
      • Weepinbell – level 37
    • Beauty Lola
      • Chansey – level 37
    • Ace Trainer Kite
      • Graveler – level 39
      • Magneton – level 39
      • Haunter – level 40
    • Bug Catcher Milo
      • Scyther – level 36
      • Pinsir – level 36
    • Bird Keeper Robert
      • Doduo – level 39
      • Pidgeotto – level 39
    • Beauty Sheila
      • Eevee – level 37
      • Persian – level 37
    • Picnicker Gwen
      • Raticate – level 37
      • Golduck – level 37
    • Camper Perry
      • Growlithe- level 37
      • Nidorino – level 37
    • Punk Guy Jared
      • Golbat – level 38
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Full Heal
    • PP Up – Behind the tree you can chop down


Click Route 12 Guide or Route 14 Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 12 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 12.


Route 12

  • Pokemon
    • Bellsprout (Eevee)
    • Chansey
    • Farfetch’d
    • Gloom (Pikachu)
    • Kingler
    • Krabby
    • Oddish (Pikachu)
    • Pidgeotto
    • Pidgey
    • Snorlax – Need the Poke Flute to wake it up
    • Weepinbell (Eevee)
  • Pokemon (Using Sea Skim)
    • Horsea
    • Magikarp
    • Seadra
    • Tentacool
    • Tentacruel
  • Trainer(s)
    • Fisherman Ned
      • Staryu – level 27
    • Fisherman Chip
      • Poliwhirl – level 27
    • Fisherman Hank
      • Magikarp – level 27
      • Seaking – level 27
      • Poliwag – level 27
    • Fisherman Elliot
      • Gyarados – level 27
      • Magikarp – level 27
    • Ace Trainer Zach
      • Tangela – level 28
      • Onix – level 29
    • Fisherman Andrew
      • Tentacool – level 36
      • Kingler – level 36
    • Rocker Luca
      • Electabuzz – level 36
    • Camper Justin
      • Nidoran (male) – level 35
      • Nidorino – level 35
    • Coach Trainer Priya
      • Butterfree – level 38
      • Clefable – level 39
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Awakening
    • Lure
    • Max Lure – Passed the tree that can be chopped down to the south
    • Repel
    • Ultra Balls x 3
    • Water Stone – Passed the tree that can be chopped down
  • TM(s)
    • TM24 X-Scissor – Use Sea Skim to reach an island near the docks south of the guard station.
    • TM32 Dazzling Gleam – Enter a house along the route and talk with the man inside. When prompted, select the Mr. Dazzling choice to receive the TM.
    • TM50 Roost – Received from a girl on the second floor of the guard station
    • TM59 Dream Eater – Defeat Coach Trainer Priya


Click Route 11 GuideRoute 13 Guide, or Lavender Town Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 10 (Near the Power Plant) / Power Plant Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 10 (near the Power Plant) and around the Power Plant.


Route 10 (Near the Power Plant)

  • Pokemon
    • Magikarp
    • Tentacool
  • Trainer(s)
    • Poke Maniac Mark
      • Rhyhorn – level 42
      • Lickitung – level 42
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Thunder Stone – Right side of the Power Plant


Power Plant

  • Pokemon
    • Electabuzz
    • Electrode – Can also be found on the ground. They look like items with a white top. Encountering them in this way will trigger a battle. Defeat them using your Pokemon then you will have the chance to capture it.
    • Grimer (Pikachu)
    • Koffing (Eevee)
    • Magnemite
    • Magneton
    • Muk (Pikachu)
    • Voltorb
    • Weezing (Eevee)
    • Zapdos – You will have to battle Zapdos (level 50) and defeat it to get a chance to catch it
  • Trainer(s)
    • Coach Trainer Mable
      • Omastar – level 44
      • Aerodactyl – level 45
      • Kabutops – level 44
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Max Potion
    • Max Potion
    • Max Revive
    • Rare Candy
    • Rare Candy x5 (beat Coach Trainer Mable)
    • Thunder Stone
    • X Sp. Def
  • TM(s)
    • TM38 Thunder – On the ground in the Power Plant


Click Route 10 (Before Rock Tunnel) Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Rocket Game Corner Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items and trainers found throughout the Rocket Game Corner.


Rocket Game Corner

  • Lift Key – To find the Lift Key, head to floor B3 and work your way through to the south part of the room past the spin tiles. You will come across a set of stairs that head down to B4 and are guarded by a grunt. Take those stairs down a floor and head to the back room to find another grunt. Battle and defeat him. This will cause him to throw the Lift Key up on the ventilation system. Use the nearby chair to boost Pikachu or Eevee into the vent allowing them to retrieve the Life Key.
  • Reach Giovanni – To reach Giovanni, make your way to the second level and head through the spin tiles to reach an elevator. Take it to floor B4 to reach Giovanni’s office.
  • Trainers
    • Team Rocket Grunt (1st floor)
      • Raticate – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) – Guarding the entrance to a room on the right side of the floor
      • Koffing – level 29
      • Rattata – level 29
      • Rattata – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) – Left side of the floor next to the stairs leading up to the Rocket Game Corner
      • Golbat – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B2) – Guarding a hallway between floors B1 and B3
      • Hypno – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) – After the spin tile maze on B2, take the stairs up to B1. She will be the lady on the right side of the room.
      • Ekans – level 29
      • Arbok – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) -After the spin tile maze on B2, take the stairs up to B1. He will be on the left side of the room.
      • Voltorb – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B3) – Guarding the room to the south of the stairs
      • Golbat – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B3) – Past the spin tile maze
      • Rattata – level 29
      • Voltorb – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B4) – Take stairs past the B3 spin tiles to B4
      • Grimer – level 29
    • Team Rocket Grunt (B1) – After obtaining Lift Key, near the elevator
      • Zubat – level 29
      • Gastly – level 29
    • Team Rocket Jessie and James (B4) – After obtaining Lift Key
      • Arbok – level 32
      • Weezing – level 32
    • Team Rocket Admin Archer (B4) – After obtaining Lift Key
      • Weezing – level 33
      • Golbat – level 33
    • Team Rocket Boss Giovanni (B4) – After obtaining Lift Key
      • Persian – level 35
      • Rhyhorn – level 35
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Mighty Candies x 3 (B1)
    • Ultra Bags x 5 (B1)
    • Nugget (B2)
    • Awakening (B2)
    • PP Up (B2)
    • X Accuracy (hidden B2)
    • Great Balls x 5 (B1) – After spin tiles on B2
    • Hyper Potion (B1) – After spin tiles on B2
    • Revive (B3)
    • X Speed (B3)
    • Rare Candy (B3)
    • PP Up (B4)
    • Hyper Potion (B4)
    • Elixir (B4) –  After obtaining the Lift Key
  • TM(s)
    • TM05 Rest (B2) – In the spin tile maze
    • TM20 Dark Pulse (B4) –  Bottom left of the room with the stairs
  • Special Item(s)
    • Team Rocket Set (B1) – Talk to the red headed beautiful spy in the hallway near the bottom
    • Lift Key (B4)
    • Sliph Scope (B4) – Obtained after defeating Team Rocket Boss Giovanni


Click Celadon City Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Celadon City Guide Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Celadon City.


Celadon City

  • Pokemon
    • Alolan Sandshrew (Pikachu) – Trade Camper Nicholice in the Pokemon Center for a Kantonian Sandshrew
    • Alolan Vulpix (Eevee) –  Trade Camper Nicholice in the Pokemon Center for a Kantonia Vulpix
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Fresh Water – Hidden next to the water jug on the 3rd floor in the Celadon Condominiums
    • Health Candies x 3 – Top floor of the Celadon Condominiums using the front entrance
    • Nugget – Right side of the path behind the Pokemon Center
    • Pewter Crunchies – Given to you by Brock in front of the Celadon Condominiums on your first visit to the building
    • Rare Candy – Left side of the path behind the Pokemon Center
  • TM(s)
    • TM26 Poison Jab – Talk to the old man behind the pond. Requires Special Technique Sea Skim.
    • TM44 Play Rough – Take the path behind Pokemon Center left and enter the Celadon Condominiums from the back entrance. Follow the stairs up to the roof and enter the room there to find the TM on the ground next to the chalkboard.
  • Special Item(s)
    • Tea – Given to you by Brock in front of the Celadon Condominiums
  • Special Technique
    • Sky Dash – After beating the Team Rocket Underground, talk to the man that appears in front of the Rocket Game Corner.


Click Route 7 Guide, Celadon City Gym or Rocket Game Corner Guide to view the next area.