
Pokemon Let’s Go – Cerulean Cave Guide

by Chappie in


*Version exclusive Pokemon will be marked by (Pikachu) or (Eevee).


This is a guide for the items and Pokemon found throughout the Cerulean Cave.


Cerulean Cave

  • Pokemon
    • Chansey
    • Ditto
    • Geodude
    • Golbat
    • Golduck
    • Graveler
    • Lickitung
    • Mewtwo (level 70) – You have to battle it before you can catch it.
      • Mewtwo knows the following moves:
        • Recover
        • Psychic
        • Amnesia
        • Swift
    • Psyduck
    • Rhydon
    • Rhyhorn
    • Zubat
  • Pokemon (Using Sea Skim)
    • Poliwag
    • Magikarp
  • Trainer(s)
    • Pokemon Trainer Green (After catching Mewtwo and talking with your rival)
      • Clefable – level 66
      • Ninetales – level 66
      • Kangaskhan – level 66
      • Gengar – level 66
      • Victreebel – level 66
      • Blastoise – level 68
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • PP Max (1st floor)
    • Full Heal (1st floor)
    • Max Revive (1st floor)
    • Max Repel (1st floor)
    • Max Lure (2nd floor)
    • Rare Candy (2nd floor)
    • Ultra Balls x 5 (2nd floor)
    • Max Revive (2nd floor)
    • Full Restore (2nd floor)
    • Escape Rope (B1)
    • Full Restore (B1)
    • Max Elixir (B1)
    • Pokeballs x 5 (B1) – After beating Pokemon Trainer Green
  • Mega Stone(s)
    • Mewtwonite X – Defeat Pokemon Trainer Green after capturing Mewtwo
    • Mewtwonite Y – Defeat Pokemon Trainer Green after capturing Mewtwo


Click Cerulean City Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Victory Road Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Victory Road.


Victory Road

  • Pokemon
    • Geodude
    • Golbat
    • Graveler
    • Machoke
    • Machop
    • Moltres – level 50  (On the 2nd floor. Use the stairs to the left of Officer Jenny on the 3rd floor)
    • Onix
    • Rhydon
    • Rhyhorn
    • Zubat
  • Trainer(s)
    • Coach Trainer Alemana (1st floor)
      • Ditto – level 49
    • Ace Trainer Naomi (1st floor)
      • Kangaskhan – level 47
      • Venusaur – level 48
    • Ace Trainer Rolando (1st floor)
      • Rapidash – level 47
      • Victreebel – level 48
      • Starmie – level 47
    • Juggler Nelson (2nd floor)
      • Hypno – level 46
      • Slowbro – level 46
    • Black Belt Daisuke (2nd floor)
      • Hitmonlee – level 47
      • Poliwrath – level 47
    • Tamer Vincent (2nd floor)
      • Primeape – level 47
      • Tauros – level 47
    • Juggler Gregory (2nd floor)
      • Mr. Mime – level 46
      • Alakazam – level 46
    • Ace Trainer George (3rd floor)
      • Scyther – level 48
      • Marowak – level 47
    • Ace Trainer Alexa (3rd floor)
      • Dragonair – level 47
      • Hitmonchan – level 48
      • Wigglytuff – level 47
    • Ace Trainer Colby (3rd floor)
      • Electrode – level 47
      • Kingler – level 47
      • Pidgeot – level 47
      • Rhydon – level 48
    • Ace Trainer Caroline (3rd floor)
      • Jynx – level 47
      • Arcanine – level 48
      • Golbat – level 47
    • Poke Maniac Dawson (2nd floor)
      • Lickitung – level 46
      • Onix – level 46
      • Blastoise – level 46
    • Coach Trainer Ryan
      • Primeape – level 48
      • Gyarados – level 48
      • Arcanine – level 48
      • Tauros – level 49
  • Item(s)
    • Eevee or Pikachu Candies x 10 (1st floor) – Defeat Coach Trainer Alemana
    • Leaf Stone (1st floor)
    • Ultra Balls x 3 (1st floor)
    • PP Max (2nd floor)
    • Full Restore (2nd floor)
    • Max Revive (3rd floor)
    • Max Potion (3rd floor)
    • Golden Nanab Berries x 5 (3rd floor)
    • Full Restore (3rd floor)
  • TM(s)
    • TM39 Outrage – Defeat Coach Trainer Ryan (3rd floor)
    • TM45 Solar Beam – 2nd floor south of Black Belt Daisuke
    • TM49 Superpower – 2nd floor in the north part east of Juggler Gregory
    • TM51 Blizzard – 3rd floor south of Officer Jenny
    • TM56 Stealth Rock – Victory Road (1st floor in the northeast corner. Need to move stone pillar.)
  • Special
    • Officer Jenny heals Pokemon (3rd floor)


Click Route 23 Guide or Indigo Plateau Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Seafoam Islands Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Seafoam Islands.


Seafoam Islands

  • Pokemon
    • Articuno – level 50 (Have to battle it first)
    • Dewgong
    • Golbat
    • Jynx
    • Seel
    • Slowbro
    • Slowpoke
    • Zubat
  • Pokemon (Using Sea Skim)
    • Cloyster
    • Magikarp
    • Shellder
    • Squirtle
    • Tentacool
    • Tentacruel
  • Trainer(s)
    • Coach Trainer Yas (B1)
      • Jolteon – level 46
      • Flareon – level 47
      • Vaporeon – level 46
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Ice Heal
    • Rare Candies x 5 – Defeat Coach Trainer Yas
    • Escape Rope (B1)
    • Max Potion (B2)
    • Super Repel (B2)
    • Great Balls x 5 (B2)
    • Super Lure (B2)
    • Ice Stone (B3)
    • Super Repel (B4)
    • Super Lure (B4)
    • Ultra Balls x 3 (B4)
    • Hyper Potion (B4)
    • X Speed (B4)
    • Big Pearl (B5)
    • Big Pearl (B5)
    • Big Pearl (B5)
  • TM(s)
    • TM55 Ice Beam (B3)


Click Route 20 Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Silph Co Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Silph Co in Saffron City.


Silph Co.

  • Tip(s)
    • Get the Key Card First
      • Start by taking the elevator to the 5th floor and head to the left side of the room to find Team Rocket Admin Archer with a Team Rocket Grunt. Battle and defeat them to receive the Key Card. This will make clearing out the building easier.
    • Reach Giovanni
      • To quickly reach Giovanni, make your way to the third floor and follow the middle hallway south. Turn left into the room with a single warp tile and use it. This will bring you to the room your rival is in. After a brief cutscene, take the next warp tile to reach the top floor and follow the hallway down to reach the President’s office where Giovanni is. You will battle Jessie and James along the way.
  • Pokemon
    • Lapras – Talk to the guy wearing a black suit sitting in a red chair on the 7th floor
  • Trainer(s)
    • Pokemon Trainer Blue (1st floor)
      • Exeggutor – level 38
      • Charizard – level 40
    • Team Rocket Grunt (2nd floor)
      • Raticate – level 33
    • Team Rocket Grunt (2nd floor)
      • Koffing – level 33
      • Koffing – level 33
      • Koffing – level 33
    • Scientist Jerry (2nd floor)
      • Electabuzz – level 35
    • Scientist Connor (2nd floor)
      • Weezing – level 35
    • Scientist Jose (3rd floor)
      • Grimer – level 35
      • Magmar – level 35
    • Team Rocket Grunt (3rd floor)
      • Haunter – level 33
    • Team Rocket Grunt (4th floor)
      • Koffing – level 33
      • Electrode – level 33
    • Team Rocket Grunt (4th floor)
      • Rattata – level 33
      • Grimer – level 33
    • Scientist Rodney (4th floor)
      • Voltorb – level 35
      • Voltorb – level 35
      • Electrode – level 35
    • Team Rocket Admin Archer and Team Rocket Grunt (5th floor)
      • Muk – level 34
      • Electrode – level 37
      • Weezing – level 37
      • Raticate – level 34
      • Golbat – level 37
    • Juggler Dalton (5th floor)
      • Hypno – level 34
      • Haunter – level 34
      • Kadabra – level 34
    • Team Rocket Grunt (5th floor)
      • Zubat – level 33
      • Arbok – level 33
    • Team Rocket Grunt (5th floor)
      • Ekans – level 33
      • Hypno – level 33
    • Scientist Beau (5th floor)
      • Muk – level 35
    • Team Rocket Grunt (6th floor)
      • Raticate – level 33
      • Golbat – level 33
    • Team Rocket Grunt (6th floor)
      • Meowth – level 33
      • Raticate – level 33
    • Scientist Taylor (6th floor)
      • Magnemite – level 35
      • Magnemite – level 35
      • Magmar – level 35
    • Team Rocket Grunt (7th floor)
      • Voltorb – level 33
      • Voltorb – level 33
      • Voltorb – level 33
    • Team Rocket Grunt (7th floor)
      • Zubat – level 33
      • Golbat – level 33
    • Scientist Joshua (7th floor)
      • Koffing – level 35
      • Magneton – level 35
    • Team Rocket Grunt (8th floor)
      • Grimer – level 33
      • Koffing – level 33
    • Team Rocket Grunt (8th floor)
      • Gastly – level 33
      • Persian – level 33
    • Scientist Parker (8th floor)
      • Electrode – level 35
      • Porygon – level 35
    • Scientist Ed (9th floor)
      • Weezing – level 35
      • Electrode – level 35
      • Electabuzz – level 35
    • Team Rocket Grunt (9th floor)
      • Persian – level 33
    • Team Rocket Grunt (9th floor)
      • Koffing – level 33
      • Haunter – level 33
    • Scientist Travis (10th floor)
      • Grimer – level 35
      • Muk – level 35
    • Team Rocket Grunt (10th floor)
      • Voltorb – level 33
      • Raticate – level 33
    • Team Rocket Grunt (11th floor)
      • Drowzee – level 33
      • Zubat – level 33
      • Golbat – level 33
    • Team Rocket Jessie and James
      • Arbok – level 36
      • Weezing – level 36
    • Team Rocket Boss Giovanni
      • Persian – level 39
      • Rhyhorn – level 39
      • Nidoqueen – level 39
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • X Sp. Atk (1st floor)
    • Super Potion (2nd floor)
    • X Attack (2nd floor)
    • X Sp. Def (3rd floor)
    • Max Lure (3rd floor)
    • Dire Hit (4th floor)
    • Full Heal (4th floor)
    • Star Piece (4th floor)
    • Escape Rope (4th floor)
    • Great Ball x 5 (4th floor)
    • Revive (4th floor)
    • Guard Spec. (5th floor)
    • Nugget (5th floor)
    • Max Ether (5th floor)
    • Pokeballs x 5 (5th floor)
    • PP Up (6th floor)
    • X Sp. Atk (6th floor)
    • Super Potion (6th floor)
    • Max Repel (6th floor)
    • Hyper Potion (6th floor)
    • Smart Candies x 3 (7th floor)
    • Rare Candy (7th floor)
    • PP Up (7th floor)
    • X Attack (8th floor)
    • Revive (8th floor)
    • Ultra Balls x 3 (9th floor)
    • Great Balls x 3(9th floor)
    • Poke Balls x 3(9th floor)
    • Revive (9th floor)
    • Full Heal (10th floor)
    • Max Revive (10th floor)
    • Rare Candy (10th floor)
    • Max Elixir (11th floor)
  • Special Item(s)
    • Key Card – 5th floor after beating Team Rocket Admin Archer and Team Rocket Grunt
    • Master Ball – Defeat Giovanni in the President’s office
  • TM(s)
    • TM34 Dragon Pulse (7th floor)
    • TM37 Flamethrower (10th floor)
    • TM42 Self-Destruct (2nd floor – received from the lady in a black dress)
    • TM54 Flash Cannon (5th floor)


Click Saffron City Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Saffron City / Fighting Dojo Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Saffron City and the Fighting Dojo.


Saffron City

  • Pokemon
    • Porygon – Stop Team Rocket at Silph Co. and then talk to the man outside the Pokemon Center
    • Alolan Raichu – Trade the Ace Trainer in the Pokemon Center a Kantonian Raichu
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Moon Stone – 2nd floor of the house (copycat house) in the northwest part of town
  • Special Item(s)
    • Police Clothing Set – Stop Team Rocket at Silph Co. and then talk to Officer Jenny near the Saffron Gym.
  • TM(s)
    • TM40 Psychic – Given to you by Mr. Psychic in Saffron City. His house is in the southeastern part of town.


Fighting Dojo

  • Pokemon
    • Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee – Defeat Karate Master Koichi to choose one
  • Trainer(s)
    • Coach Trainer Leona
      • Machoke – level 32
      • Electabuzz – level 33
    • Black Belt Hitoshi
      • Primeape – level 31
    • Black Belt Aaron
      • Graveler – level 31
    • Black Belt Hideki
      • Poliwhirl – level 31
    • Black Belt Mike
      • Machoke – level 31
    • Karate Master Koichi
      • Poliwrath – level 34
  • Item(s)
    • TM23 Thunder Punch – Defeat Coach Trainer Leona


Click Route 5 Guide, Route 6 GuideRoute 7 GuideRoute 8 Guide or Silph Co Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 21 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 21.


Route 21

  • Pokemon
    • Bellsprout (Eevee)
    • Gloom (Pikachu)
    • Oddish (Pikachu)
    • Pidgeotto
    • Raticate
    • Rattata
    • Tangela
    • Weepinbell (Eevee)
  • Pokemon (Using Sea Skim)
    • Magikarp
    • Staryu
    • Tentacool
    • Tentacruel
  • Trainer(s)
    • Fishman Wade
      • Magikarp – level 42
      • Magikarp – level 42
      • Magikarp – level 42
      • Magikarp – level 42
      • Magikarp – level 42
      • Magikarp – level 42
    • Fisherman Ronald
      • Seadra – level 42
      • Gyarados – level 42
    • Coach Trainer Pam
      • Machoke – level 44
      • Jynx – level 44
      • Kangaskhan – level 45
    • Roughneck Martin
      • Raticate – level 42
      • Onyx – level 42
    • Swimmer Spencer
      • Seel – level 42
      • Seadra – level 42
    • Swimmer Jack
      • Tentacool – level 42
      • Golduck – level 42
      • Tentacruel -level 42
    • Fisherman Nolan
      • Tentacruel – level 42
      • Starmie – level 42
    • Sailor Claude
      • Primeape – level 42
      • Machoke – level 42
    • Swimmer Roland
      • Starmie – level 42
      • Kingler – level 42
    • Swimmer Jerome
      • Slowbro – level 42
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Hyper Potion
    • PP Up
    • Water Stone
  • TM(s)
    • TM35 Ice Punch – Defeat Coach Trainer Pam


Click Pallet Town Guide or Cinnabar Island Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Cinnabar Island / Pokemon Mansion Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Cinnabar Island and the Pokemon Mansion.


Cinnabar Island

  • Pokemon
    • Alolan Meowth (Eevee) – Trade the Punk Guy a Kantonian Meowth in the Pokemon Center
    • Alolan Grimer (Pikachu) – Trade the Punk Guy a Kantonian Grimer in the Pokemon Center
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Antidote
  • TM(s)
    • TM02 Taunt – Received from a cranky scientist at the Cinnabar Lab in the Research Lab (second room on the right side of the building)


Pokemon Mansion

  • Secret Key – Head to the second floor of the Pokemon Mansion and look for the Coach Trainer. Take the stairs near her to the 3rd floor and then locate the ladder leading down a hole in the floor. Follow it to arrive on the 1sft floor and take the nearby stairs down to the basement. Head to the center room and use the statue there to unlock the northern section of the floor. Make your way to a room in the northern section with the beds and use the statue there to gain access to the lab area on the left side of the floor. Enter the lab to find the Secret Key south of the large glass container.
  • Pokemon
    • Grimer (Pikachu)
    • Koffing (Eevee)
    • Magmar
    • Muk (Pikachu)
    • Raticate
    • Rattata
    • Weezing (Eevee)
  • Trainer(s)
    • Burglar Arnie (2nd floor)
      • Rapidash – level 44
    • Coach Trainer Rita (2nd floor)
      • Graveler  – level 46
      • Poliwrath – level 47
      • Dugtrio – level 46
    • Scientist Braydon (3rd floor)
      • Weezing – level 45
      • Magneton – level 45
      • Magmar – level 45
    • Ace Trainer Louis (2nd floor)
      • Kingler – level 45
      • Primeape – level 46
    • Burglar Simon (3rd floor)
      • Magmar – level 44
      • Muk – level 44
    • Scientist Ted (1st floor)
      • Electrode – level 45
      • Muk – level 45
    • Burglar Lewis (b1)
      • Koffing – level 44
      • Koffing – level 44
      • Koffing – level 44
      • Weezing – level 44
    • Scientist Ivan (b1)
      • Electabuzz – level 45
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Escape Rope (2nd floor)
    • Fire Stone (1st floor)
    • Full Heal (3rd floor)
    • Hyper Potion (2nd floor)
    • Max Elixir x 2 (1st floor and B1)
    • Max Ether (2nd floor)
    • Max Lure (1st floor)
    • Max Potion (B1)
    • Max Repel (1st floor)
    • Max Revive (2nd floor)
    • PP Up (2nd floor)
    • Rare Candy x 2 (3rd floor and B1)
    • Silver Razz Berry x 5 (1st floor)
    • Ultra Ball x 3 (2nd floor)
    • X Accuracy (3rd floor)
  • TM(s)
    • TM21 Foul Play – Pokemon Mansion 3rd floor
    • TM22 Rock Slide – Defeat Coach Trainer Rita
    • TM52 Sludge Bomb – Pokemon Mansion B1
  • Special Item(s)
    • Secret Key (B1) – Opens Blaine’s gym


Click Route 20 Guide or Route 21 Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 20 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 20.


Route 20 (From Route 19)

  • Pokemon (Using Sea Skim)
    • Magikarp
    • Tentacool
  • Trainer(s)
    • Swimmer Douglas
      • Gyarados – level 42
    • Swimmer Darrin
      • Golduck – level 44
      • Gyarados – level 44
    • Beauty Shirley
      • Wartortle – level 41
      • Starmie – level 41


Route 20 (From Cinnabar Island)

  • Pokemon (Using Sea Skim)
    • Gyarados
    • Magikarp
    • Tentacool
  • Trainer(s)
    • Beauty Melissa
      • Seaking – level 43
      • Jynx – level 43
    • Ace Trainer Marty
      • Golem – level 45
      • Pinsir – level 46
    • Beauty Nora
      • Cloyster – level 41
    • Picnicker Missy
      • Jolteon – level 41
    • Swimmer Dean
      • Starmie – level 44
      • Kingler – level 44
      • Tentacruel – level 44
    • Bird Keeper Roger
      • Fearow – level 45
      • Dodrio – level 45
      • Pidgeot – level 45
    • Beauty Hansol
      • Slowbro – level 43
    • Pickicker Irene
      • Marowak – level 43
      • Gloom – level 43
      • Wigglytuff – level 43
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Heart Scale
    • Max Repel
    • Ultra Ball x 3


Click Route 19 Guide or Cinnabar Island Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 19 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 19.


Route 19

  • Pokemon (Using Sea Skim)
    • Magikarp
    • Starmie
    • Staryu
    • Tentacool
    • Tentacruel
  • Trainer(s)
    • Swimmer Reece
      • Dratini – level 38
    • Swimmer Richard
      • Starmie – level 38
    • Beauty Alice
      • Golduck – level 41
      • Cloyster – level 41
    • Swimmer Axle
      • Poliwhirl – level 42
    • Swimmer David
      • Seel – level 42
      • Seadra – level 42
      • Seel – level 42
    • Beauty Anya
      • Seel – level 41
      • Seaking – level 41
    • Beauty Connie
      • Vaporeon – level 41
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Full Heal


Click Fuchsia City Guide or Route 20 Guide to view the next area.



Pokemon Let’s Go – Route 16 Guide

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the items, Pokemon and trainers found throughout Route 16.


Route 16

  • Pokemon
    • Dodrio
    • Doduo
    • Pidgeotto
    • Pidgey
    • Raticate
    • Rattata
    • Snorlax – Need the Poke Flute to wake it up
  • Trainer(s) – Order starts from the Celadon City side
    • Punk Guy Lao
      • Onix – level 36
      • Muk – level 36
    • Punk Guy Hideo
      • Arbok – level 36
      • Fearow – level 36
    • Roughneck Koji
      • Raticate – level 36
      • Koffing – level 36
      • Rhyhorn – level 36
    • Camper Ruben
      • Psyduck level 35
      • Psyduck level 35
  • Item(s) – Remember to pay attention to Eevee or Pikachu’s tail to detect nearby hidden items.
    • Great Balls x 3
    • PP Up
    • Super Potion
    • Ultra Ball x 30 – From Prof. Oak’s assistant on the 2nd floor of the guard station for having 40 species of Pokemon
  • TM(s)
    • TM14 Fly – Given to you by a lady in the house at the very top of the route


Click Route 17 Guide or Celadon City Guide to view the next area.