
Persona 5 Royal – Hierophant Confidant Guide

by Chappie in



  • Rank 2: Coffee Basics
  • Rank 4: Leblanc Curry
  • Rank 6: Coffee Mastery
  • Rank 9: Curry Tips
  • Rank 10: Curry Mastery


Rank 1

Choice 1

  • Got it. (+3)
  • That was our deal. (+2)
  • It’s the least I can do. (+2)


Rank 2

Choice 1

  • Making coffee. (+2)
  • Hitting on girls. (+0)
  • No idea. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Who was he? (+0)
  • That guy seemed suspicious. (+2)
  • Who’s the “her” he mentioned? (+0)


Choice 3

  • I want the ladies to love me. (+2)
  • I don’t care about that stuff. (+0)


Choice 4

  • Got it. (+2)
  • Give me a break. (+0)
  • Why’d you call my cell? (+0)


Rank 3 (Have to make coffee on your own first)

Choice 1

  • Medium-fine. (+2)
  • Coarse. (+0)
  • Anything goes. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Is it a date? (+0)
  • Is it trouble? (+2)
  • You don’t want my help anymore? (+0)


Choice 3

  • I’m ready to work. (+2)
  • Go easy on me. (+0)
  • Thank you in advance. (+2)


Rank 4

Choice 1

  • Tell me more.(+3)
  • That sounds tough…(+0)
  • It all tastes the same to me.(+0)


Choice 2

  • Run for help.(+0)
  • Call Sojiro’s phone.(+3)
  • Kick the man out.(+0)


Choice 3

  • Understood.(+2)
  • I’m kind of nervous…(+0)
  • I’ll kick him out.(+0)


Rank 5 (Not available until 8/22)

Choice 1

  • It wasn’t bad. (+2)
  • Nothing special. (+0)
  • I think I’m addicted! (+3)


Choice 2

  • Was she like Futaba? (+2)
  • She wasn’t normal, huh? (+3)
  • So that’s why you’re a bachelor? (+0)


Choice 3

  • It really paid off in the end. (+2)
  • Almost brings a tear to my eye. (+0)
  • So much history… (+0)


Choice 4

  • Sounds good to me. (+0)
  • She needs a balanced diet. (+2)
  • There’s always instant noodles. (+0)


Rank 6

Choice 1

  • I admire it. (+0)
  • I’m not impressed. (+0)
  • To each his own. (+2)


Choice 2

  • You’re wrong. (+2)
  • I’m sorry. (+0)
  • Shut your mouth. (+3)


Choice 3

  • Saving Futaba was no mistake. (+2)
  • Just cut your ties with him. (+0)


Choice 4

  • Is she okay? (+0)
  • Try to relax. (+0)
  • If I can help somehow… (+2)


Rank 7 (Requires Angelic Kindness)

Choice 1

  • You might be right. (+2)
  • That’s not true. (+0)
  • They’re still delicious. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Are you all right? (+0)
  • Have you calmed down? (+0)
  • Do you want to talk? (+0)


Choice 3

  • Let’s talk to him. (+0)
  • You should tell him that. (+0)
  • You guys are one awkward duo. (+0)


Choice 4

  • I’m truly glad. (+0)
  • You’re welcome. (+0)
  • Feel like a real dad now? (+2)


Rank 8

Choice 1

  • You want my suggestion? (+2)
  • Something with curry. (+3)
  • I can’t decide! (+0)


Choice 2

  • I didn’t do anything wrong. (+0)
  • I was just protecting Futaba. (+2)
  • I’m sorry. (+0)


Rank 9

Choice 1

  • It’s great. (+3)
  • He’s a bit of a nag. (+2)


Choice 2

  • Are you crying? (+0)
  • You have a great daughter. (+3)
  • Congrats. (+3)


Choice 3

  • You did great. (+2)
  • Futaba did great. (+2)
  • You two were already family. (+2)


Rank 10

The choices don’t matter since this is the last rank!



Persona 5 Royal – Chariot Confidant Guide

by Chappie in



  • Rank 2: Punk Talk
  • Rank 3: Follow Up
  • Rank 4: Stealth Dash
  • Rank 6: Harisen Recovery
  • Rank 7: Insta-kill
  • Rank 8: Endure
  • Rank 9: Protect
  • Rank 10: Second Awakening


Rank 1

Obtained as part of the story on April 11th.


Rank 2

Choice 1

  • I’m counting on you. (+3)
  • You seem pretty excited. (+2)
  • …Help with what? (+1)


Choice 2

  • What about them? (+0)
  • And then you punched him? (+0)


Choice 3

  • Do you want to go back? (+1)
  • Do you regret it? (+1)


Choice 4

  • You’re already fast enough. (+1)
  • Are your legs okay? (+1)
  • It’s never too late, man. (+1)


Rank 3

Choice 1

  • Let’s not fight. (+2)
  • Want to train with us? (+0)
  • It’s nice to meet you. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Calm down, Ryuji. (+3)
  • Just endure it. (+2)
  • I’ll shut them up. (+0)


Choice 3

  • I can’t exactly blame you. (+2)
  • Violence is not the answer. (+0)
  • Yeah, that’d be best. (+0)


Rank 4

Choice 1

  • Nakaoka? (+0)
  • Are you worried about him? (+2)
  • Just leave him be. (+0)


Choice 2

  • But you’re doing great. (+3)
  • It’s not so bad. (+2)
  • I know how you feel. (+3)


Rank 5

Choice 1

  • A towel? (+2)
  • Protein powder? (+3)


Choice 2

  • You seem conflicted. (+2)
  • Do you want to rejoin them? (+2)
  • You’re done with them, right? (+0)


Choice 3

  • So he’s short. (+2)
  • So he’s an asshole? (+3)


Choice 4

  • Don’t worry. I gotcha. (+2)
  • I haven’t agreed to anything. (+0)
  • Fine, but you’re buying ramen. (+0)


Rank 6

Choice 1

  • Let’s stay here. (+2)
  • How about Protein Lovers? (+2)
  • We can train at my place (+3)


Choice 2

  • You guys should trust Nakaoka. (+3)
  • This is no time for arguing. (+3)


Choice 3

  • Absolutely. (+3)
  • More or less. (+3)
  • No in the slightest. (+0)


Choice 4

  • I don’t get it. (+0)
  • Care to explain that? (+0)


Choice 5

  • …Huh? (+0)
  • I really don’t understand. (+0)


Choice 6

  • Sounds like you two were close. (+0)
  • Just like you. (+0)
  • So he should’ve punched you back? (+2)


Rank 7

Choice 1

  • Should we change his heart? (+0)
  • Let’s talk to Takeishi. (+3)


Choice 2

  • I think it’s cool, Ryuji. (+3)
  • Wait, what? (+2)


Choice 3

  • Never know until you try. (+2)
  • It’s out of our hands. (+0)
  • We’ll use force if we have to. (+0)


Rank 8

Choice 1

  • What if they start fighting? (+0)
  • I doubt they’ll believe you. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Things turned out for the best. (+3)
  • You deserved it. (+3)


Choice 3

  • All I did was watch. (+3)
  • Are you gonna pay me back? (+2)


Choice 4

  • But I was just standing here… (+2)
  • You weren’t cool though. (+3)


Choice 5

  • You did a great job. (+0)
  • So. Case closed? (+2)
  • We make a good team too. (+0)


Rank 9

Choice 1

  • Are you satisfied now? (+3)
  • Not running? (+2)


Choice 2

  • What did you say? (+2)
  • Do you have any time for that? (+2)
  • Don’t do it. (+3)


Choice 3

  • You’re right. (+3)
  • I never realized that. (+3)


Choice 4

  • I agree. (+2)
  • Be more specific. (+0)
  • And where is this place? (+0)


Choice 5

  • Congratulations. (+2)
  • Got him under control, how? (+0)
  • Better watch out for them. (+2)


Rank 10

The responses don’t matter since this is the last rank!



Persona 5 Royal – Magician Confidant Guide

by Chappie in



  • Rank 1: Infiltration Tools
  • Rank 3: Follow Up
  • Rank 4: Kitty Talk
  • Rank 5: Pickpocket
  • Rank 6: Ace Tools
  • Rank 7: Harisen Recovery
  • Rank 8: Endure
  • Rank 9: Protect
  • Rank 10: Second Awakening


Rank 1

Obtained as part of the story on April 15th.


Rank 2

Obtained as part of the story when stealing Kamoshida’s treasure from his palace.


Rank 3

Obtained as part of the story after defeating Madarame’s Palace.


Rank 4

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 6/20.


Rank 5

Obtained automatically after defeating Kaneshiro’s Palace.


Rank 6

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 7/25.


Rank 7

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 8/29.


Rank 8

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 9/17.


Rank 9

Obtained automatically after completing Okumura’s Palace.


Rank 10

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 12/23.



Persona 5 Royal – Fool Confidant Guide

by Chappie in



  • Rank 1: Wild Talk
  • Rank 1: Arcana Burst
  • Rank 2: Third Eye
  • Rank 3: Power Stock
  • Rank 5: Super Stock
  • Rank 6: High Arcana Burst
  • Rank 8: Ultra Stock
  • Rank 10: Max Arcana Burst


Rank 1

Obtained as part of the story on 4/12.


Rank 2

Obtained as part of the story on 4/20.


Rank 3

Obtained as part of the story on 5/5.


Rank 4

Obtained as part of the story after defeating Madarame’s Palace.


Rank 5

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 6/11.


Rank 6

Obtained automatically after defeating Kaneshiro’s Palace.


Rank 7

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 8/23.


Rank 8

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 8/31.


Rank 9

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 10/11.


Rank 10

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 12/24.



Persona 5 Royal – Moon Confidant Guide

by Chappie in



  • Rank 1: Mishima’s Support
  • Rank 3: Mishima’s Enthusiasm
  • Rank 5: Mishima’s Desperation
  • Rank 7: Phanboy
  • Rank 10: Salvation Wish


Rank 1

Obtained as part of the story on 5/6.


Rank 2

You will meet up with Mishima during the daytime on 5/8.


Choice 1

  • I don’t understand. (+0)
  • …Phan-Site? (+0)


Choice 2

  • You’ve done good, kid. (+3)
  • That sounds pretty tough. (+0)
  • Is this really necessary? (+0)


Choice 3

  • Uh, strategic… what? (+0)
  • Sounds cool. (+3)
  • You’re really hyped for this. (+2)


Choice 4

  • Nice hustle, image manager. (+2)
  • Calm down. (+2)
  • All-nighters can mess you up. (+2)


Rank 3

Choice 1

  • I’ve never heard that before. (+0)
  • Great idea. (+3)
  • I’m already taken. (+2)


Choice 2

  • I’m worried about this… (+0)
  • We’re part of… the Phandom? (+2)
  • Let’s tell them the truth. (+2)


Choice 3

  • It’s not your fault. (+2)
  • Don’t overwork yourself. (+0)
  • I can’t trust anyone anymore… (+0)


Choice 4

  • Of course. (+2)
  • Really? (+2)
  •  You’ll get it right next time. (+2)


Rank 4

Choice 1

  • Steak sounds good. (+3)
  • Some nice organic veggies. (+0)
  • I love desserts. (+2)


Choice 2

  • You’re amazing. (+2)
  • That sounds like a scam. (+0)
  • Stop this at once. (+0)


Choice 3

  • You’re right. (+0)
  • Of course it would. (+0)
  • Maybe we can keep it… (+0)


Choice 4

  • Yup. (+2)
  • That’s one way to view it. (+0)
  • You’ll get better ideas. (+2)


Rank 5

Choice 1

  • Why was it so expensive? (+2)
  • It looks almost real. (+0)
  • Is it for me? (+3)


Choice 2

  • That’s a good idea. (+2)
  • Are you sure that’s necessary? (+0)
  • Don’t do anything stupid. (+0)


Choice 3

  • All right. (+2)
  • I expect great things. (+0)
  • …Did something happen? (+0)


Rank 6

Choice 1

  • Just tell me already. (+2)
  • I’m not interested. (+0)
  • You sure are fired up… (+2)


Choice 2

  • Calm yourself. (+0)
  • Rumors are wrong all the time… (+2)
  • It’s none of our business. (+0)


Choice 3

  • Why? (+0)
  • I didn’t ask for that. (+0)


Choice 4

  • Is that right…? (+0)
  • Absolutely. Nice job. (+2)


Rank 7

Choice 1

  • And what exactly will we win? (+2)
  • You’re so reliable. (+3)
  • Chill out, dude. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Sounds pretty twisted. (+2)
  • By changing their hearts? (+0)
  • You really need to chill. (+2)


Choice 3

  • Fun…? (+0)
  • This isn’t like you. (+0)
  • You’re worrying me. (+0)


Choice 4

  • We very well might. (+0)
  • Are you feeling guilty? (+0)


Choice 5

  • Let’s go. (+0)
  • This is the only way… (+0)


*NOTE: After the above choice, the team will be transported to Mementos to face Shadow Mishima. You will not battle.


Choice 6

  • You’re riding our coattails. (+0)
  • Would that really satisfy you? (+0)


Choice 7

  • Do it yourself. (+0)
  • We’re leaving. (+0)
  • There’s no need. (+0)

*NOTE: You will have to talk to Mishima after complete the above Mementos request.


Choice 1

  • I don’t wanna change his heart. (+0)
  • Let’s cancel the request. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Stop worrying about fame. (+0)
  • You still care about fame? (+0)


Choice 3

  • I’m sure there is. (+2)
  • I hope so. (+0)
  • Maybe the Phan-Site? (+3)


Choice 4

  • Kind of worrying… (+2)
  • Be careful. (+0)
  • It’s your time to shine. (+2)


Rank 8

Choice 1

  • I’m not leaving. (+3)
  • You should run too. (+2)
  • What are you going to do? (+0)


Choice 2

  • You’re just gonna take that? (+2)
  • Believe in yourself. (+2)
  • They’re the real losers. (+2)


Choice 3

  • Totally. (+2)
  • You were super cool. (+3)
  • Wait, that was all an act? (+3)


Choice 4

  • You’ll be fine. (+2)
  • Calm down. (+0)
  • You’ve got this, man. (+2)


Rank 9

Choice 1

  • Yup, dead as a door nail. (+0)
  • You showed some real courage. (+3)
  • I’m glad you’re still alive. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Something like that. (+0)
  • Exactly. (+0)


Choice 3

  • Don’t use our real names. (+0)
  • This came out of nowhere. (+0)
  • I can’t wait to watch it. (+0)


Choice 4

  • Meh. (+0)
  • What about a parfait instead? (+0)
  • I’m feeling steak, actually. (+0)


Choice 5

  • The sparkle in your eyes. (+2)
  • … (+0)
  • Your hair? (+0)


Rank 10

The choices don’t matter since this is the last rank!



Persona 5 Royal – Death Confidant Guide

by Chappie in



  • Rank 1: Rejuvenation
  • Rank 3: Sterilization
  • Rank 5: Immunization
  • Rank 7: Discount
  • Rank 10: Resuscitation


Rank 1

Speak to Tae Takemi in her clinic after April 17th and choose the “Got any “special” medicine?” option to get things started.


Choice 1

  • Fine by me. (+1)
  • Please go easy on me. (+3)
  • So many pretty lights… (+1)


Rank 2 (Requires Bold Guts)

Choice 1

  • I have a bad heart. (+2)
  • We’re on a date. (+0)
  • I know my rights. (+0)


Choice 2

  • I agree. (+2)
  • Harassment? (+0)
  • The Plague? (+0)


Choice 3

  • I’m totally fine. (+2)
  • I feel lightheaded. (+0)
  • I think I have superpowers. (+2)


Rank 3

Choice 1

  • What was that about? (+0)
  • Was that an emergency? (+0)


Choice 2

  • A medical error? (+0)
  • What do you mean? (+0)


Choice 3

  • I don’t mind. (+2)
  • Is it true? (+0)
  • I need the medicine. (+2)


Choice 4

  • Of course not. (+2)
  • I don’t think I did… (+0)
  • Have you? (+0)


Rank 4

Choice 1

  • You’ll be okay. (+0)
  • Dr. Takemi will help. (+2)


Choice 2

  • You seem happy. (+3)
  • You’re so kind. (+2)
  • Why free? (+2)


Choice 3

  • I’ll reflect on my mistakes. (+2)
  • But she ended up okay. (+0)
  • Punish me more. (+0)


Rank 5

Choice 1

  • They trust you. (+0)
  • Was it really your fault? (+0)


Choice 2

  • I had no idea. (+0)
  • It’s not too late. (+0)


Choice 3

  • That’s good. (+3)
  • When will it be done? (+2)
  • …”Probably”? (+0)


Choice 4

  • About Miwa-chan? (+2)
  • About Oyamada? (+0)
  • About Crawford-Ende’s? (+0)


Rank 6

Choice 1

  • Well, someone’s popular. (+0)
  • You seem annoyed. (+0)
  • Did something happen today? (+0)


Choice 2

  • Having fun? (+0)
  • You ARE a genius. (+0)


Choice 3

  • You’re a masochist. (+0)
  • It suits you. (+3)
  • You’re not honest. (+2)


Choice 4

  • You can count on me. (+2)
  • I think I’m at my limit…(+0)
  • Anything for you. (+2)


Rank 7

Choice 1

  • This is harassment. (+2)
  • She’s a great doctor. (+2)
  • Please be quiet. (+2)


Choice 2

  • Don’t lose hope. (+0)
  • Let’s ask for details. (+0)
  • ….. (+0)


Choice 3

  • Just rest for today. (+2)
  • Anything I can do? (+2)
  • Let’s retaliate. (+0)


Choice 4

  • It was inevitable. (+0)
  • We all do sometimes. (+3)
  • I’m glad you did. (+2)


Rank 8 (Requires Overflowing Charm)

Choice 1

  • What about Miwa-chan? (+0)
  • You okay with this? (+0)


Choice 2

  • Don’t give up. (+0)
  • Anything you can do? (+0)
  • I’m your ally. (+2)


Choice 3

  • You gonna run away? (+0)
  • And your patients? (+0)


Choice 4

  • What’s his full name? (+0)
  • Tell me about him. (+0)


Choice 5

  • I won’t do anything. (+0)
  • It’s for my research. (+0)


*NOTE: After the above choices, you will receive a Mementos Request called Bad Medicine. You will need to complete this request before you can reach Rank 8.


Choice 1

  • Miwa-chan is alive. (+0)
  • Oyamada lied to you. (+0)


Choice 2

  • You should hurry. (+2)
  • Let’s get to work, Doctor. (+3)
  • It’s not over yet. (+3)


Choice 3

  • It’s for Miwa-chan. (+3)
  • It’s for my exams. (+2)
  • It’s for you. (+3)


Choice 4

  • I’ll be cheering you on. (+2)
  • Don’t burn yourself out. (+0)
  • Anything else I can do? (+2)


Rank 9

Choice 1

  • Don’t worry about it. (+0)
  • It was for my exams. (+0)
  • It was rough. (+3)


Choice 2

  • That’s troubling. (+0)
  • And your patients? (+0)


Choice 3

*NOTE: This is the romance choice.

  • I wanted to see you. (+0) (Romance)
  • It was for my exams (+0) (Friend Zone)


Choice 4 (Friend Zone)

  • You’re welcome. (+0)
  • It was a breeze. (+0)
  • I’m glad we saw it through. (+2)


Choice 4 (Romance)

  • I love you. (+0) (Romance)
  • What do you think? (+0) (Friend Zone)


Choice 5 (Romance)

  • It isn’t a joke. (+3) (Romance)
  • That sounds good. (+0) (Friend Zone)


Choice 6 (Romance)

  • It’s true love. (+0)
  • So did you. (+2)
  • I’ve always loved you. (+0)


Rank 10

These choices don’t matter since this is the last rank!




Persona 5 Royal – Councillor Confidant Guide

by Chappie in



  • Rank 2: Detox X
  • Rank 3: Flow
  • Rank 5: Mindfulness
  • Rank 7: Flow Boost
  • Rank 9: Detox DX
  • Rank 10: Wakefulness


Rank 1

Obtained automatically as part of the story on 5/14.


Rank 2

Choice 1:

  • Didn’t have much choice (+0)
  • We made a deal (+2)
  • I’m a little nervous (+2)


Choice 2

  • It’s in the past (+0)
  • I’m doing okay now (+0)
  • So much for my privacy (+0)


Choice 3

  • But it sounds right (+3)
  • Yep (+2)
  • Kinda creeping me out here (+0)


Choice 4

  • So… what? (+0)
  • I’ll need more details (+0)
  • Uh… (+0)


Choice 5

  • Well, okay (+2)
  • Better make it worth it (+0)
  • Why me, though? (+0)


Rank 3

Choice 1

  • So they have fun, huh? (+2)
  • You worry too much. (+0)
  • Thanks to you, probably. (+2)


Choice 2

  • Of course. (+2)
  • Yeah, for our deal. (+2)
  • I forgot. (+0)


Choice 3

  • When someone betrays me. (+0)
  • When I lie. (+0)
  • When I get punched. (+0)


Choice 4

  • That one seems necessary. (+2)
  • We’d be better off without it. (+0)
  • It’s a seed for new loves. (+2)


Choice 5

  • Did that help? (+2)
  • Don’t worry about it. (+2)


Choice 6

  • Good work over there. (+2)
  • So you’re actually working? (+2)
  • Getting your research on now? (+2)


Rank 4

Choice 1

  • Where’s this coming from? (+0)
  • What are you talking about? (+0)


Choice 2

  • I know, right…? (+3)
  • It’s not the worst. (+0)
  • Talk about a reward. (+2)


Choice 3

  • That’d be great. (+2)
  • Is that possible? (+0)
  • Is that what you’re researching? (+3)


Choice 4

  • …. (+0)
  • Are you okay? (+0)


Choice 5

  • That’s a grand plan. (+2)
  • You’re so kind. (+2)


Choice 6

  • That sounds fun. (+3)
  • I’m not the “free labor” type. (+0)
  • Nope. (+0)


Choice 7

  • I feel completely fine. (+2)
  • It’s part of our deal, so… (+2)
  • I’m struggling, to be honest. (+0)


Rank 5

Choice 1

  • This looks great! (+3)
  • How old do you think I am? (+0)
  • I could just take cash… (+0)


Choice 2

  • The one-cookie container. (+0)
  • The ten-cookie container. (+0)
  • It was a tie. (+0)


Choice 3

  • I never considered that. (+0)
  • They’re getting played. (+2)
  • You know, you’re right. (+3)


Choice 4

  • My senses lied to me! (+2)
  • Hey, as long as it tastes good. (+2)
  • It’s a little scary. (+0)


Choice 5

  • Not “truth” exactly… (+0)
  • I guess so. (+2)
  • I don’t know… (+0)


Choice 6

  • I really don’t mind. (+2)
  • Come on, man. (+0)
  • It was thought-provoking. (+2)


Rank 6

Choice 1

  • You wanted to talk? (+0)
  • Another cup? (+2)
  • We’ve got curry too. (+2)


Choice 2

  • I can do that. (+3)
  • It’s a deal. (+2)
  • I’m not up for this… (+0)


Choice 3

  • Isn’t that enough? (+0)
  • You need more than that? (+0)


Choice 4

  • So what CAN we do? (+0)
  • It’s a hard question… (+0)
  • So give up. (+2)


Choice 5

  • All hearts share some things. (+0)
  • What if they’re connected? (+0)


Choice 6

  • Calm down. (+0)
  • Where’s this coming from? (+0)
  • Cognitive psience? (+0)


Choice 7

  • Calm down. (+2)
  • What’s going on? (+2)
  • Heavy breathing? Pervert. (+0)


Rank 7

Choice 1

  • You really are dedicated. (+3)
  • Are they even relevant? (+3)
  • Are you a fan? (+3)


Choice 2

  • No idea. (+3)
  • As in, removing them? (+3)
  • How about you, Maruki? (+3)


Choice 3

  • The change of heart…? (+3)
  • …. (+3)


Choice 4

  • I have no clue. (+3)
  • Sounds pretty far-fetched. (+3)
  • It’s intriguing. (+3)


Rank 8

Choice 1

  • I’m good on cookies, thanks. (+2)
  • What do you mean? (+3)
  • Thanks, but I should get going. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Ooh, really? (+3)
  • Can you afford that? (+2)
  • Sorry, I prefer sushi. (+2)


Choice 3

  • Thanks for the food! (+3)
  • Self-control much? (+0)
  • This is quite the spread. (+2)


Choice 4

  • I’m his pupil. (+2)
  • It’s complicated… (+0)
  • We’ve made a deal. (+3)


Choice 5

  • Congratulations. (+3)
  • Way to go. (+3)


Choice 6

  • I sure do. (+3)
  • Let’s celebrate. (+3)
  • I don’t care who pays. (+0)


Choice 7

  • She a girlfriend of yours? (+0)
  • Who’s Rumi? (+0)
  • Should I leave you two to talk? (+0)


Choice 8

  • He’s a good friend. (+2)
  • Learn some independence. (+0)
  • You’ll get the tab next time. (+0)


Rank 9

Choice 1

  • Yeah. (+0)
  • Kind of. (+0)


Choice 2

  • Kind of sad… (+3)
  • Is our deal over? (+2)
  • Well…take care of yourself. (+2)


Rank 10

The choices don’t matter since this is the last rank!


Persona 5 Royal

Persona 5 Royal – May Class Questions and Answers

by Chappie in


May 7th

Question: What’s the literal translation of the phrase “femme fatale”?

Answer:  Fatal Woman


May 10th

Question: What time period was Yoshitsune active in?

Answer: The Heian Period


May 11th

Question: What historical figure inspired the idiom of “favoring the magistrate”?

Answer: Minamoto no Yoshitsune


Question: Yoshitsune had a brother. What was his name?

Answer: Minamoto no Yoritomo

Answer 2: Yoritomo won

Answer 3: The weak


May 12th

Question: Which brain function is responsible for the phenomenon of seeing an illusion in this figure?

Answer: Cognition


Question: Which of the following maps can you paint without any adjacent areas being the same color?

Answer: Both


May 13th

Question: Name the book that defined “malefactor” as the chief factor in the progress of the human race.

Answer: The Devil’s Dictionary


Question: What character archetype refers to a mysterious and seductive woman, typically with ulterior motives?

Answer: Femme Fatale


May 16th

Question: What do we call the phenomenon where believing in a treatment’s power is enough to improve your condition?

Answer: The placebo effect


May 19th

Question: Which famous ukiyo-e artist of the Edo period is said to have moved residence over 100 times?

Answer:  Hokusai Katsushika


May 21st

Question: The golden ration is 1:1.618, but do you know the silver ration?

Answer: 1:1.414


May 23rd

Question: The root words of synesthesia are “syn” and “aisthesis”. What do they mean?

Answer 1: Together

Answer 2: Senses

Answer 3: Senses coming together


May 26th

Question: Do you know which author Leblanc borrowed from?

Answer: Arthur Conan Doyle


May 31st

Question: Do you know which peg-legged, parrot toting historical figure’s appearance became visual shorthand for pirates?

Answer: John Silver


Persona 5 Royal

Persona 5 Royal – Mementos Requests Guide

by Chappie in


The below is a guide on all the Mementos requests in Persona 5 Royal! As you progress through the game, you’ll come across different requests for Mementos. To complete these requests, you will need to head to the hideout to enter Mementos then proceed through the floors until you find your target(s). Once you defeat your target(s), the requests will complete!


A Mother’s Aggression

Obtained: After achieving rank 8 for the Tower Confidant

Target: Hanae Oda

Travel to Adyeshach: Area 11 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Be forewarned that this enemy can be a difficult one as she likes to put you to sleep and can deal massive amounts of physical damage to the whole team. She is highly susceptible to burn, so defeat her using fire attacks to complete the request.


A Small Cry for Help

Obtained: As part of the story when Futaba sends you an IM on 1/13

Target: Kuniko Kagami

Travel to Da’at: Area 3 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Defeat her using Bless abilities to complete the request.


A Teacher Maid to Suffer

Obtained: Get the Temperance Confidant to Rank 8

Target: The Takase Couple

Travel to Chemdah: Area 7 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Target Ms. Takase first since she heals. Use fire attacks to defeat her then use Psy attacks against Mr. Takase. Defeat them both to complete the request.


An Idol and a Unicorn

Obtained: Automatically through an IM with Ryuji on 1/28

Target: Anji Fuwa

To find out the target’s name, travel to Akihabara and listen in on the conversation between the idol and older looking gentleman near the Machine Parts Shop. After the idol leaves, speak with Anji Fuwa to receive the target’s full name. When you’re ready head to Mementos and travel to Da’at: Area 13. Search the area for the red “!” then engage him in battle. When he’s low on health, a dialog event will trigger. Select the following options

  • What about your family?
  • You don’t talk to your kid?
  • You can still go back.

After you choose the above responses, the request will complete.


An Elderly’s Meaning of Life

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 6/5

Target: Heiji Ono

After receiving the request, head to Kichijoji at night. Fast travel to the Shopping District then take a right into the alleyway. About halfway down, there will be a man with a red hat and an apron talking to a guy wearing a plaid vest. Speak with them to get the target’s name. Travel to Aiyatsbus: Area 3 then search for the red “!” to find Shadow Ono. Defeat him using Nuke attacks to complete the request.


Bad Medicine

Obtained: Just before reaching Rank 8 with the Death Confidant

Target: Shoichi Oyamada

Travel to Chemdah: Area 2 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Defeat Shadow Oyamada to complete the request.


Beware the Clingy Ex-boyfriend!

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 5/7

Target: Natsuhiko Nakanohara

Head to Qimranut: Area 1 and search for the target marked by the red “!” point. Once you find him, a battle ensues. Watch out for his sledgehammer attack that deals a lot of damage to whoever it targets and can cause the dizzy effect. Use electric attacks like Zio on him to deal some massive damage as it is his weakness. Once Shadow Nakanohara is defeated, a cutscene will trigger completing the request.


Calling for Justice for Cats

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 8/5

Target: Kazuo Tsuboi

Work part-time at the Central Street convenience store twice to gather information on the cat abuser from Nanami. Travel to Kaitul: Area 1 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Defeat him to complete the request.


Daughter’s Just a Meal Ticket

Obtained: After achieving Rank 7 for the Hermit Confidant

Target: The Magario Couple

Travel to Adyeshach: Area 3 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Be forewarned that these enemies will continually try to put your team to sleep. Defeat them to complete the request.


Debunking the Psychic

Obtained: During Rank 8 for the Fortune Confidant

Target: Yuichi Fukurai

Travel to Kaitul: Area 3 and search the area to locate the red “!”.  Defeat him using ice attacks to complete the request.


Ending the Boyfriend’s Abuse

Obtained: Following the quest line to unlock the Fortune Confidant

Target: Yuya Uchimura

Travel to Chemdah: Area 3 and search the area for the red “!” to find Shadow Uchimura. Defeat him to complete the request.


Fake-Man Show

Obtained: Automatically from an IM on 1/27

Target: Izuo Amasaki

To find the target’s name, listen in on the two students talking in front of Mike Trust Bank at the Promenade in Kichijoji Shopping District then head east past the Information Desk and take an immediate left down the alley. Head to the end of the alley then listen in on the conversation of the two people talking to get the second part of the target’s name. This will trigger a chat session with the rest of the group. When you’re ready head to Mementos and travel to Da’at: Area 15. Search the area for the red “!” then defeat him to complete the request.


Fighting for Truth in Journalism

Obtained: During Rank 8 for the Devil Confidant

Target: Shinpei Honjo

Travel to Kaitul: Area 9 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Defeat him to complete the request.


If Cats Disappeared from the City

Obtained: Automatically from progressing through the story

Target: Ryoko Aino

After receiving the request, travel to Leblanc in Yongen-Jaya then work your way towards Sojiro’s house. At the end of the block leading to his house, you will see a mother speaking with her daughter. Listen in on their conversation to trigger an event then head  back towards Leblanc. Keep working your way northeast towards the train station to find an old man listening to a radio on a park bench. Speak with him to get the name of the target then head into Mementos. Once there, travel to Aiyatsbus: Area 6 and search for the red “!” to locate Shadow Aino. During battle use wind attacks to knock her down. Speak with her and choose the following options:

  • Calm Down!
  • Are there a lot of snowballs?
  • They’re unhappy like this.
  • Snowball is gone…

Selecting all the correct responses will end the battle and complete the request. You can also just reduce her HP to 0 to complete the request.


Lady-Killer’s Ballad

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 12/10

Target: Hikaru Arihara

Travel to Sheriruth: Area 8 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Defeat him to complete the request.


Man of Many Faces and Debts

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 11/10

Target: Fumio Akitsu

Travel to Akzeriyyuth: Area 3 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Defeat him to complete the request.


O My Young Sister, I Cry For You

Obtained: Automatically from Mishima on 1/14

Target: Nao Minamoto

Travel to Da’at: Area 7 and search the area to locate the red “!”. This enemy resists fire and deals massive physical damage. He also repels electric and bless. Defeat him to complete the request.


One Who Bullies Bullies

Obtained: Automatically after completing the Bark and Bite of a Bully request

Target: Yoshimori Sakoda

After getting the request, head to the street in front of the academy and look for two students (Sakoda and Takanashi) talking across from some vending machines. They will give you the name of the next target. Travel to Aiyatsbus: Area 5 then search for the red “!” to find Shadow Sakoda. Defeat the shadow to complete the request.


Part-Time Job, Full-Time Heal

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 6/12

Target: Nozomi Odo

Travel to Chemdah: Area 1 to find Shadow Odo. Defeat him to complete the request.


Phantom Thieves VS Burglary Ring

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 6/18

Target: Kazuya Makigami

Travel to Chemdah: Area 4 and search for the red “!” to find Shadow Makigami. During the fight, Makigami will summon adds. If you defeat Makigami, the battle will finish and you will complete the request.


Sadism Is Just a Sign of Love

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 6/6

Target: Hikari Shimizu

Travel to Aiyatsbus: Area 7 to find Shadow Shimizu standing in the middle of the platform. Defeat her using fire attacks to complete the request.


Shady Deal in the Shadows

Obtained: During Rank 8 of the Hanged Man Confidant

Target: Akimitsu Tsuda

Travel to Kaitul: Area 4 and search the area to locate the red “!”.  Defeat him to complete the request.


Swindling Old Folk is Pretty Low

Obtained: Automatically from Mishima via IM on 11/25

Target: Yoshihito Wakasa

Travel to Adyeshach: Area 13 to find Shadow Wakasa. Defeat him to complete the request.


The Bark and Bite of a Bully

Obtained: Automatically from Mishima via IM on 5/9

Target: Daisuke Takanashi

Travel to Aiyatsbus: Area 2 and search around for the red “!” to locate Shadow Takanashi. Defeat him to complete the request.


The Head Honcho in Showbiz

Obtained: Automatically the day after clearing Shido’s Palace

Target: Shiro Asakura

Travel to Sheriruth: Area 14 to find Shadow Asakura. Defeat him to complete the request.


The Killer Who Cleans up Trash

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 10/14

Target: Yohei Kiritani

Travel to Akzeriyyuth: Area 12 to locate Shadow Kiritani. Defeat him to complete the request.


The Lovesick Cyberstalking Girl

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 7/10

Target: Yumeko Mogami

Travel to Chemdah: Area 8 to find Shadow Mogami. Defeat her to complete the request.


The Money-grubbing Uncle

Obtained: Automatically after reaching Rank 8 with the Hierophant Confidant

Target: Youji Isshiki

Speak to Futaba outside of Leblanc and agree to enter Mementos with just the two of you to face her uncle. Shadow Isshiki has no weaknesses and is resistant to physical attacks. Use a Persona that is resistant to physical attacks and has some healing. Chip away at Shadow Isshiki’s health until you defeat him to complete the request.


Upstaging the Stage Mother

Obtained: Automatically just before reaching Rank 8 with the Star Confidant

Target: Mitsuyo Togo

Travel to Akzeriyyuth: Area 6 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Shadow Togo will use fire and curse attacks. Defeat her using bless abilities to complete the request.


We Aren’t Just Your Slaves

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 8/3

Target: Shinsuke Kishi

Work twice at the Crossroads Bar in Shinjuku to obtain the target’s name. Travel to Kaitul: Area 8 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Defeat him using bless abilities to complete the request.

Who’s Been Assaulting People?

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 8/4.

Target: Taizo Naguri

Travel to the Underground Mall and work at the Flower Shop to get the target’s name from Hanasaki. Afterwards, travel to Kaitul: Area 5 and search the area to locate the red “!”. Defeat him to complete the request.


Who’s Muscling in Yongen-Jaya?

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 8/29

Target: Yasuo Jochi

Travel to Kaitul: Area 10 to find Shadow Jochi. Defeat him to complete the request.


Winners Don’t Use Cheats

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story on 9/4

Target: Yoshikuni Nejima

Travel to the Arcade on Central Street in Shibuya and talk to the Angry Gamer to get the target’s name. Travel to Akzeriyyuth: Area 5 and search the area to locate the red “!”. For the first encounter all your attacks will miss. You will need to rank up in the Tower Confidant then try again in order to defeat this enemy and complete the request.




Persona 5 Royal – Kamoshida’s Palace Lust Will Seed Locations

by Chappie in


Red Lust Will Seed

From the East Building Annex Safe Room, exit the room and head through the hallway to the right. This will bring you to a square room filled with chairs. Head through this room to enter the chapel-like room with pews. Cross the room to the other side then head towards the wooden board ramp. Use the ramp to climb up to the top of the crates to reach a walkway above. Head through the door at the end of the walkway then take a right following the hall around. Take the first left and head to the end of the hallway to reach a grapple point. Use the grappling hook to reach the other side of the room where the Red Lust Will Seed can be found.


Green Lust Will Seed

From the Central Tower Safe Room, exit the room and head through the door on the left then pass through the doorway diagonally from you leading to the roof. Climb on the stack of crates to the left to reach the upper ledge. From the ledge, climb up on another stack of crates then climb through the vent shaft to reach a small room. Jump out the window onto the ledge and use your grappling hook twice to reach a higher level of the castle. Climb in through the window to find the room containing the Lust Will Seed.


Blue Lust Will Seed

From the Central Tower Safe Room, exit the room and make your way to the elevator in the center of the map. Take the elevator down then head down the stairs and through the hallway at the end to reach the Kamoshida portrait. Pass through the portrait then take a right. At the end of the hallway, take a right into a room and pull the switch straight ahead. Head back through the portrait and take the wooden elevator on the left side. Exit the elevator then follow the path to run into an enemy in a gold armor suit protecting the door leading to the Lust Will Seed.