Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 3 Bromide Collectibles

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on finding all the bromide collectibles in Chapter 3 of Sakura Wars. You can find the bromides throughout the world or obtain them from Komachi’s shop. *NOTE: You can only obtain one bromide at a time from the shop. To earn the Bromide Master trophy, you will need to collect all bromides! 


To the Combat Revue World Games Primary Event


#002: Seijuro Kamiyama, the Flower Division’s Leader

This is located on the floor in the Archives after witnessing the event with Claris and Margarethe.


#S39: The Three Theater Girls of the Wind Division

This is located in the Dining Hall next to a plant on the left side of the room near the window during the objective to go greet Yui.


#S13: Orihime Soletta (Combat)

This is located on a sidewalk to the right of the bookshop near a light pole next to a lady in a patterned kimono.


#S05: Maria Tachibana (Combat)

This is located in the Dressing Room during the head to the Hangar objective next to a trashcan near a window.


#014: Sakura, a Flower Blooms Beneath the Blue Sky

This is obtained automatically by completing the first Battle Bot on Reiji’s terminal as part of the story.


What it Takes to Win Primary Event


#S42: Petitmint (Peppermint), the Elusive Star

This can be obtained after Anastasia’s secondary event called Count the Stars next to the park bench to the right of the exit to the 1st Floor.


#S40: Mell and Ci

This can be found on the ground near the stage curtain in the Prop Storeroom.


#S44: Geminine, the Masked Warrior

This can be found on the second level of the Lobby. Take the right side of stairs up to the second floor then head to the middle couch to find the bromide on the ground in front of it.


Komachi’s Shop


#035: Anastasia’s Little Secret

Can be obtained during the objective to go greet Yui for the To the Combat Revue World Games primary event.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 3 Secondary Events

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the secondary events in Sakura Wars. These events are located on the map where indicated by a blue “!”.


To the Combat Revue World Games Primary Event


Bromide Buzz

Obtained: Speak with Itsuki in the Lobby

Speak with her to trigger a cutscene.


Buying Teacakes

Obtained: Speak with Kaoru in the Accounting Room

Speak with her then head to Hiromi’s Shop and purchase the sweets. Return to Kaoru and speak with her to hand them over.


Crimson Maiden atop a Golden Grave

Obtained: Speak with Hakushu in the Dining Hall

Speak with her then select “Omurice?”.



Obtained: Speak with Reiji in the Underground Hanger

Speak with him then select “Think it’s stronger than the Mugen?” to gain his trust.


In Anastasia’s Room

Obtained: Speak with Anastasia in her room

When you speak with her, select the option “So you like stars, huh?” to earn trust.


Japanese Confectionery Quiz

Obtained: Speak with Hiromi

When you speak with her, she will quiz you. Select “They’re wrapped differently, right?”.


Kabuki Excitement!

Obtained: Speak with Anastasia outside of the theater in Kabuki-Za after completing the In Anastasia’s Room secondary event

Speak with her then select the option “”Men can’t let anyone see them cry!” to earn trust.


She’s a Spy

Obtained: Speak with Azami in the Atrium

Speak with her then select medium intensity to increase her trust.


The Climax

Obtained: Speak with Claris in the Archives

Witness the event with Claris and Margarethe then head to Claris’ room to check in on her. Examine the bookshelf behind her three times then examine her hair. Select the option “Blonde hair is beautiful” then examine her eyes and select the option “I like green eyes.”. When Claris hunches over the table, just wait. You can examine the books on the bookshelf if you’d like but NOTHING else!! After she turns around and starts talking to you again, examine the bookshelf, her hairpin/headband, her mouth (twice) and her chest (a few times). When she pins you down, examine her eyes and mouth. The next selection doesn’t matter then examine her mouth again. Again, the next selection does not matter. Examine her mouth and do medium intensity.


The Shrine

Obtained: Enter the Courtyard

Enter the Courtyard to trigger an event with Hatsuho and Xiaolong. Select the option ” You need to show some respect!” to earn her trust.


Twirl, Peanut!

Obtained: Interact with the Peanut pad on the first floor of the Lobby

Interact with the pad then select your intensity!! (We went to the extreme!)


New Product Development

Obtained: Speak with Komachi after completing the Buying Teacakes secondary event

Speak with Komachi at her shop then head to the Accounting Room and speak with Kaoru twice. Select the option “Sumire and a fountain pen.” When your finished speaking with Kaoru, return to Komachi and speak with her.


We Won’t Go Easy on You

Obtained: Speak with Yui in the Dressing Room during the objective to head to the Hangar

Speak with her to trigger a cutscene. The choice does not matter!


A Risky Find

Obtained: Enter the Wardrobe during the objective to head to the Hangar

Select the mirror to hide behind it! All the other choices decrease Yui’s trust.


Help me Rehearse

Obtained: Speak with Sakura on stage during the objective to head to the Hangar

Speak with her then select medium intensity!


What it Takes to Win Primary Event


Count the Stars

Obtained: Enter the Courtyard

Speak with Anastasia in the Courtyard and do maximum intensity!


Anastasia’s Acting Class

Obtained: Speak with Anastasia in the Music Room after completing the Count the Stars secondary event

Speak with her and select medium intensity. For the second analog lips select small intensity.


Sumire and Operation Twin Capitals

Obtained: Speak with Sumire in the Manager’s Office

Speak with her then select “That’s a relief.” to increase trust.


What Am I Supposed to Do?

Obtained: Speak with Sakura on the stage

Speak with her then select “We have to win this!” to increase trust.


Power it Up

Obtained: Speak with Reiji in the Underground Hangar

Speak with him then select medium intensity. Next select maximum intensity. Lastly select low intensity (not 0 just a little like 10%).


Crushing Dreams

Obtained: Speak with Claris in the Archives

Speak with her and select “Nothing’s changed, right?”.


Visit Hatsuho’s Room

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho in her room

Speak with her and select “An altar and Mount Fuji?” to increase her trust.


Gonna Knock His Lights Out!

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho in her room after completing Visit Hatsuho’s Room secondary event

Speak with her and select “Hell yeah! Let’s go get him!” to increase her trust.


No Snack Runs

Obtained: Speak with Azami in her room

Speak with her then select “You’re lying.” to increase her trust.


Bathing Invitation

Obtained: Enter the Bath

Enter the Bath and select “No. I need to leave. Now.” If you go in, you’ll decrease your trust with her.



Sakura Wars – Chapter 3 Guide

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on maximizing the trust for each character through the conversation choices in Chapter 3. Maximizing trust is important to trigger trust-based events. The green conversation choices below will increase your trust with said character. Alternatively, the red conversation choices below will decrease your trust with said character.


Group (Control Room)

  • Hope we don’t face them until the finals.
  • Let’s give it our best shot.
  • Their captain’s pretty cute.


  • Our Mugen-class spiricle striker!
  • The Flower Division’s…team synergy!
  • Me, our mighty leader!


Xiaolong (outside of restaurant)

  • You may be right…
  • That’s harsh.
  • Thanks.


Lancelot (Grand Imperial Hotel)

  • You would have lost anyway.
  • This isn’t the time or place.
  • The hotel would kick you out.


Arthur (Grand Imperial Hotel)

  • I should be asking you.
  • No, I’m fine.
  • Ow… I need a doctor, stat!


Xiaolong (Parlor)

  • We might as well just retire now, huh?
  • We’re the ones protecting Tokyo now!
  • Then I owe you some fried rice!


Claris (Archives – trust event)

  • Blonde hair is beautiful.
  • I like black hair best.
  • Gotta have a shaved head.


  • Blue eyes are the best.
  • I like green eyes.
  • Iridescent eyes would be cool


*Analog lips – medium intensity!


Anastasia (her room – secondary event)

  • Your room’s so sparse.
  • So you like stars, huh?
  • Mind if I take a load off?


Azami (Atrium – secondary event)

  • *Analog lips – medium intensity!


Hakushu (Dining Hall – secondary event)

  • Omurice?
  • A hamburger steak?
  • A pig roast!


Hatsuho and Xiaolong (Courtyard)

  • You’re right, it’s worthless.
  • You need to show some respect!
  • We could get some decent cash for it!


Reiji (Underground Hanger)

  • Think it’s stronger than the Mugen?
  • Take good care of it, okay?
  • Better give it a few downgrades.


Kaoru (in the Accounting Room after speaking with Komachi for the New Product Development secondary event)

  • Sumire and a fountain pen.
  • You and a fountain pen.
  • You and Sumire.


Anastasia (outside of the theater in Kabuki-Za after completing the In Anastasia’s Room secondary event)

  • It’s happened before.
  • Of course.
  • Men can’t let anyone see them cry!


Sakura and Yui (Dressing Room)

  • “Enbu,” a dance performance.
  • “Ranbu,” the wild dance.
  • “Kombu,” the king of flavor!


Sakura (on stage during the objective to head to the Hangar – trust event)

  • Analog lips – medium intensity!


Hatsuho (Cafe Gilles du Lait during the objective to meet Hatsuho at the cafe)

  • Like a sister?
  • Your best friend?
  • Your role model?


Group (Control Room)

  • You’ll have to go through all the choices from the 1st set.


  • Battling your allies isn’t easy.
  • We have good reason to fight.
  • We can just raise the white flag.


Anastasia (Courtyard – secondary event)

  • Maximum intensity!


Anastasia (Music Room – secondary event)

  • Medium intensity


  • Small intensity


Sumire (Manager’s Office – secondary event)

  • That’s a relief.
  • That’s a shame.
  • That’s a likely story.


Sakura (Stage – secondary event)

  • You have to decide that for yourself.
  • We have to win this!
  • I guess we’ll have to drop out…


Reiji (Underground Hangar – secondary event)

  • Medium intensity
  • Maximum intensity
  • Low intensity (not 0 % but a small portion like 10%)


Claris (Archives – secondary event)

  • Nothing’s changed, right?
  • Survival of the fittest.
  • …I dont’ know what it means.


Hatsuho (her room – secondary event)

  • A lantern in your room?
  • An altar and Mount Fuji?
  • You have… two pillows?


Hatsuho (speak with her again in her room – secondary event)

  • Hit me instead.
  • You shouldn’t fight out of anger.
  • Hell yeah! Let’s go get him!


Azami (in her room – secondary event)

  • You’re lying.
  • Hehe. Right, right.
  • What a silly rule.


Claris (Bath – secondary event)

  • No. I need to leave. Now.
  • I can’t stop myself!


Group (before tournament fight in waiting area)

  • Let’s pack it up!
  • Let’s have a clean fight!
  • Let’s send ’em packing!


Group (after selecting team members for tournament fight)

  • Maximum intensity!


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Bromide Collectibles Master List

by Chappie in


Below is a master list of all the bromide collectibles in Sakura Wars! For the ones that can be obtained from Komachi’s Shop, we included what chapter they first appear in at the shop. You can only obtain one bromide at a time from the shop. For the ones earned through the Battle Bot, you will need to complete the criteria in the simulator to unlock these bromides. To earn the Bromide Master trophy, you will need to collect all bromides!


  • #001: Seijuro Kamiyama, the Dashing New Captain – Chapter 2
  • #002: Seijuro Kamiyama, the Flower Division’s Leader – Chapter 3
  • #003: The Flower Division Captain Takes a Break – Chapter 5
  • #004: Captain, Tokyo Needs You! – Chapter 6
  • #005: Quicksilver Kamiyama – Chapter 6
  • #006: It’s a Raid, Captain Kamiyama! – Chapter 7
  • #007: A Captain Isn’t Made in a Day – Battle Bot
  • #008: The Man, The Machine – Battle Bot
  • #009: Sakura, Looking Back – Chapter 1 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #010: The World’s Newest Superstar, Sakura Amamiya – Chapter 1 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #011: Sakura’s Daily Routine: Train, Train, Train! – Chapter 2 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #012: A Special Day – Sakura – Chapter 6
  • #013: A New Powerhouse: The Prototype Obu – Battle Bot
  • #014: Sakura, a Flower Blooms Beneath the Blue Sky – Chapter 3
  • #015: Sakura Amamiya of the Flower Division – Battle Bot
  • #016: Miracle Bells – Sakura – Battle Bot
  • #017: Hatsuho Shinonome, the Human Hurricane! – Chapter 1 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #018: Hatsuho’s Cleaning Frenzy – Chapter 4 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #019: Hungry Hatsuho – Chapter 4 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #020: A Special Day – Hatsuho – Chapter 6
  • #021: Hatsuho, the Valkyrie – Battle Bot
  • #022: Hatsuho Strikes Down Evil – Battle Bot
  • #023: Smile, Tokyo! – Battle Bot
  • #024: Miracle Bells – Hatsuho – Battle Bot
  • #025: Manju Maniac – Chapter 2 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #026: The Spinning Ferris Wheel – Chapter 2 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #027: Azami Mochizuki, Guardian of the Theater – Chapter 6 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #028: A Special Day – Azami – Chapter 6
  • #029: Miracle Bells – Azami – Battle Bot
  • #030: Azami, Ninja of the Mochizuki Clan! – Battle Bot
  • #031: Azami Strikes Like Lightening – Battle Bot
  • #032: Azami Mochizuki, Ready for Battle! – Battle Bot
  • #033: The Alluring Actress, Anastasia Palma – Chapter 2 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #034: Anastasia, the Kabuki Enthusiast – Chapter 2 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #035: Anastasia’s Little Secret – Chapter 3 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #036: A Special Day – Anastasia – Chapter 6
  • #037: Anastasia, the Fighter with Finesse – Battle Bot
  • #038: Anastasia, the Shooting Star – Battle Bot
  • #039: Anastasia Prepares for a Raid – Battle Bot
  • #040: Miracle Bells – Anastasia – Battle Bot
  • #041: The Electrifying Gaze of Clarissa Snowflake – Chapter 1 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #042: Claris Strolls Through the Theater – Chapter 7 – Komachi’s Shop
  • #043: Claris, the Avid Reader – Chapter 8: Komachi’s Shop
  • #044: A Special Day – Claris – Chapter 6
  • #045: Claris’s Resolve – Battle Bot
  • #046: The Delicate Libromancer, Claris – Battle Bot
  • #047: Claris Prepares for a Raid – Battle Bot
  • #048: Miracle Bells – Claris – Battle Bot
  • #049: Sumire Kanzaki, Head of the Grand Imperial Theater – Battle Bot
  • #050: Kaoru Rindo, Sumire’s Right-Hand Woman – Battle Bot
  • #051: Komachi Oba, Osaka-Born Merchant – Battle Bot
  • #052: Reiji Shiba, the Master Mechanic – Battle Bot
  • #053: Xiaolong Yang, the Burning Chef – Chapter 6
  • #054: Xiaolong Yang, Shanghai’s Mighty Captain – Battle Bot
  • #055: Yui Huang, Shenlong’s Waitress – Battle Bot
  • #056: Yui Huang of the Shanghai Combat Revue – Chapter 5
  • #057: Arthur, Captain of the London Combat Revue – Battle Bot
  • #058: Lancelot of the London Combat Revue – Chapter 6
  • #059: Elise, Captain of the Berlin Combat Revue – Battle Bot
  • #060: Margarethe of the Berlin Combat Revue – Chapter 6
  • #061: Itsuki Saijo, the Imperial Theater’s Biggest Fan – Battle Bot
  • #062: Hiromi Hongo of Mikazuki Confectionery – Battle Bot


  • #S01: Sakura Shinguji (Combat) – Chapter 1
  • #S02: Sakura Shinguji – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 8
  • #S03: Sumire Kanzki (Combat) – Chapter 1
  • #S04: Sumire Kanzaki – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 8
  • #S05: Maria Tachibana (Combat) – Chapter 3
  • #S06: Maria Tachibana – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 5
  • #S07: Iris (Combat) – Chapter 2
  • #S08: Iris – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 4
  • #S09: Kohran Li (Combat) – Chapter 2
  • #S10: Kohran Li – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 5
  • #S11: Kanna Kirishima (Combat) – Chapter 2
  • #S12: Kanna Kirishima – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 6
  • #S13: Orihime Soletta (Combat) – Chapter 3
  • #S14: Orihime Soletta – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 5
  • #S15: Reni MilchstraBe (Combat) – Chapter 2
  • #S16: Reni MilchstraBe – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 4
  • #S17: Erica Fontaine (Revue) – Chapter 1
  • #S18: Erica Fontaine – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 7
  • #S19: Glycine Bleumer (Revue) – Chapter 6
  • #S20: Glycine Bleumer – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 5
  • #S21: Coquelicot (Revue) – Chapter 2
  • #S22: Coquelicot – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 4
  • #S23: Lobelia Carlini (Revue) – Chapter 2
  • #S24: Lobelia Carlini – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 6
  • #S25: Hanabi Kitaoji (Revue) – Chapter 2
  • #S26: Hanabi Kitaoji – Fall in Love, Maidens – Chapter 4
  • #S27: Gemini Sunrise – So Long, My Love – Chapter 6
  • #S28: Gemini Sunrise – So Long, My Love – Chapter 1
  • #S29: Sagitta Weinberg (Cheiron Archer) – So Long, My Love – Chapter 5
  • #S30: Sagitta Weinberg (Cheiron Archer) – So Long, My Love – Chapter 1
  • #S31: Rikaritta (Rosarita) Aries – So Long, My Love – Chapter 4
  • #S32: Rikaritta (Rosarita) Aries – So Long, My Love – Chapter 2
  • #S33: Diana Caprice – So Long, My Love – Chapter 4
  • #S34: Diana Caprice – So Long, My Love – Chapter 2
  • #S35: Subaru Kujo – So Long, My Love – Chapter 4
  • #S36: Subaru Kujo – So Long, My Love – Chapter 2
  • #S37: Ichiro Ogami, Captain of the Flower Division – Chapter 7
  • #S38: Shinjiro Taiga, Captain of New York’s Star Division – Chapter 6
  • #S39: The Three Theater Girls of the Wind Division – Chapter 3
  • #S40: Mell and Ci – Chapter 3
  •  #S41: Two Friends, Two Fans of the Star Division – Chapter 5
  • #S42: Petitmint (Peppermint), the Elusive Star – Chapter 3
  • #S43: Erica Fontaine, the Walking Disaster – Chapter 2
  • #S44: Geminine, the Masked Warrior – Chapter 3
  • #S45: Sakura Shinguji, The Flower on the Battlefield – Chapter 4
  • #S46: The Imperial Combat Revue’s Flower Division – Chapter 6
  • #S47: Chattes Noires Dance Team – Chapter 8
  • #S48: Five Starlets on Stage – Chapter 7
  • #S49: The Triumphant Imperial Combat Revue – Chapter 4
  • #S50: The Triumphant Paris Combat Revue – Chapter 2
  • #S51: The Triumphant New York Combat Revue – Chapter 1


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 2 Bromide Collectibles

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on finding all the bromide collectibles in Chapter 2 of Sakura Wars. You can find the bromides throughout the world or obtain them from Komachi’s shop. *NOTE: You can only obtain one bromide at a time from the shop. To earn the Bromide Master trophy, you will need to collect all bromides! 


New Allies, New Duties Primary Event


#S07: Iris (Combat)

This can be found in the Control Room next to the first chair on the right side of the conference table.


#S21: Coquelicot (Revue)

This can be found in the Account Room behind the long desk.


#S32: Rikaritta (Rosarita) Aries – So Long, My Love

This can be found on the second floor of the Lobby next to a plant by the top of the stairs.


The Flower Division at Night Primary Event


#S09: Kohran Li (Combat)

This can be found on a table in the Parlor.


#S36: Subaru Kujo – So Long, My Love

This can be found in the Courtyard next to a light pole near the doorway to the 1st Floor Hallway.


#S50: The Triumphant Paris Combat Revue

This can be found in the Proproom next to a cardboard box.


#001: Seijuro Kamiyama, the Dashing New Captain

This can be found right outside of Sakura’s door in the hallway immediately after exiting her room from the Like Sakura Shinguji trust event.


Hopes and Dreams


#S11: Kanna Kirishima (Combat)

This can be found between the clothing rack and the wall on the right side of the room when you first enter during the check on Claris objective.


#S34: Diana Caprice – So Long, My Love

This can be found behind the couch on the right side of the Lobby’s lower level in the small sitting area.


#S23: Lobelia Carlini (Revue)

This can be found on the 2nd Floor near the end of the hallway containing the girls’ bedrooms on the right side diagonally from Azami’s Room. It is located between two unmarked doors.


An Unexpected Task


#S43: Erica Fontaine, the Walking Disaster

This can be found to the right of Hiromi’s Shop next to a purple banner during the objective to gather info on Ginza in the Imperial Theater.


#S15: Reni MilchstraBe (Combat)

This can be found on a metal container near the bed in the Underground Hanger during the ask how the script is going objective.


#S25: Hanabi Kitaoji (Revue)

This can be found on the ground next to the edge of the roped off VIP Entrance between the Accounting Room and the Dining Hall during the ask how the script is going objective.


Komachi’s Shop


#011: Sakura’s Daily Routine: Train, Train, Train!

Can be obtained during the objective to meet Reiji in the Hangar for New Allies, New Duties primary event.


#025: Manju Maniac

Can be obtained during the objective to help Sakura become Anastasia’s apprentice for The Flower Division at Night primary event.


#026: The Spinning Ferris Wheel

Can be obtained during the objective to buy a magazine for Reiji for the Hopes and Dreams primary event.


#033: The Alluring Actress, Anastasia Palma

Can be obtained during the objective to buy a magazine for Reiji for the Hopes and Dreams primary event.


#034: Anastasia, the Kabuki Enthusiast

Can be obtained during the objective to gather info on Ginza in the Imperial Theater for An Unexpected Task primary event.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 2 Secondary Events

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the secondary events in Sakura Wars. These events are located on the map where indicated by a blue “!”.


New Allies, New Duties Primary Event


Find the Lost Child

Obtained: Speak with the Worried Mother in the Lobby

*NOTE: This event is timed!

Agree to help the mother then search for the child who can be found up the stairs to the left. She is talking to Hatsuho. Approach them to trigger a cutscene.


Merchandise to Celebrate Anastasia’s Arrival

Obtained: Speak with Komachi

Speak with Komachi and choose any of the options for a trust increase. If you do not select any option, then trust will decrease.


The Triumphant New York Combat

Obtained: Speak with Itsuki in the Lobby

Speak with her to trigger a cutscene.


We’re Gonna Stomp These Demons

Obtained: Hatsuho (Courtyard)

Speak with Hatsuho and choose the option “Of course” for a trust increase.


Wiping Down in the Dressing Room

Obtained: Inspect the 13 Tenants (poster) on the wall in the Dressing Room

Do not fill the bar to maximum intensity! If you do, you will lose trust.


The Flower Division at Night Primary Event


Claris’s Book Recommendations

Obtained: Speak with Claris in the Archives

Speak with Claris and allow her to suggest three books for you to read. She will recommend Stars of the Imperial Theater, Fifty Years of Ginza and Secrets of Choreography. Search the bookshelves for the above books. Once you collect all of them, speak with Claris to gain increased trust.


For the Imperial Theater

Obtained: Speak with Itsuki in the Lobby

Speak with her then select the option “That would be great!” to earn trust.


Hatsuho and Azami

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho and Azami in the Courtyard

Speak with them to trigger a cutscene then select the option “Miss Mochizuki?” to earn trust!


Cleanliness First

Obtained: Speak with Komachi in her shop in the Lobby

Speak with her to trigger a cutscene then select the option “Here comes Tokyo’s top shopkeep!” to earn trust.


A Superstar’s Aspiration

Obtained: Speak with Anastasia in the music room after speaking with her and Sakura on stage

Speak with her and select the option “Spoken like a true star!” to gain trust.


Azami’s Task

Obtained: Speak with Azami in the Courtyard after speaking with Anastasia and Sakura on stage

Speak with her and select the option “Isn’t it scary all alone at night?” to gain trust.


No Peepin’, Ya Hear Me?

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho near the Bath after speaking with Anastasia and Sakura on stage

Speak with her and select the option “I just want to look around.” to gain trust.


Like Sakura Shinguji

Obtained: Speak with Sakura in her room after speaking with her and Anastasia on stage

Interact with both posters and the sewing machine then speak with Sakura and select the option “Was she really that strong?”. Next select the her ribbon and choose the option “It looks great on you.”  Lastly, you’ll need to do a maximum intensity with the analog lips to gain yet some more trust!


Hopes and Dreams Primary Event


Itsuki’s Pumped!

Obtained: Speak with Itsuki in the Lobby after speaking with everyone in the Music Room

Speak with her then select “Yeah, that’s right.” to increase her trust.


The Triumphant Paris Combat Revue

Obtained: Speak with Itsuki after the Itsuki’s Pumped secondary event

Show her some of the bromides from the Paris Combat Revue that you have.


Inventory Overload

Obtained: Speak with Komachi during the objective to buy a magazine for Reiji

Speak with Komachi then select “Let’s have them signed!” to increase her trust.


Hatsuho’s Bath Cleaning

Obtained: Speak with Kaoru in the Accounting Room and agree to help

*NOTE: This is a timed event.

After talking with Kaoru, quickly head to Komachi’s Shop in the Lobby to pick up the cleaning supplies then rush them to Hatsuho in the Bath via the elevator on the 1st Floor. Once you arrive in the Bath, select the option “I’d better ask first.” to complete the event.


Ginza Info: Rooftop Amusement Park

Obtained: Speak with Itsuki on the 2nd Floor of the Lobby

Speak with Itsuki to learn about the Rooftop Amusement Park where you might be able to promote the theater.


Ginza Info: Cafe Gilles du Lait

Obtained: Speak with Hiromi at the Sweet’s Shop near the Bus Stop

Speak with Hiromi to learn about the cafe where you might be able to promote the theater.



Sakura Wars – Chapter 2 Guide

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on maximizing the trust for each character through the conversation choices in Chapter 2. Maximizing trust is important to trigger trust-based events. The green conversation choices below will increase your trust with said character. Alternatively, the red conversation choices below will decrease your trust with said character.


Group (during victory party)

  • Let’s kill some demons! (Hatsuho)
  • Let’s put on a show! (Sakura)
  • Let’s sell the theater!


Anastasia (during victory party)

  • Nope, you’ve got the wrong guy.
  • I’m Seijuro Kamiyama. It’s a pleasure.
  • Forget that, how about a date?


Reiji (during victory party)

  • More like a pain in my ass.
  • Glad we’ll be teaming up again!
  • Hands off the girls here!


Sumire (Manager’s Office after being Peanut)

  • Why an elephant?
  • I gotta admire the technology.
  • My trumpeting’s a little rusty…


Hatsuho (Courtyard – secondary event)

  • It won’t be that easy…
  • Of course!
  • Don’t forget about Peanut!


Komachi (Lobby – secondary event)

  • How about a poster?
  • How about red-and white manju?
  • A bronze statue, obviously!


Azami (sneak attack on Kamiyama)

  • It’s a crime to kill!
  • I’m your captain!
  • Here, have a snack.


Hatsuho and Azami (Courtyard – secondary event)

  • Azzie?
  • Miss Mochizuki?
  • Master Mochizuki?


Itsuki (Lobby – secondary event)

  • I’d rather you didn’t.
  • That would be great!
  • Ask for an article about me!


Komachi (her shop in the Lobby – secondary event)

  • The whole shop is shining…
  • Here comes Tokyo’s top shopkeep!
  • Even you look stunning here.


Sakura and Anastasia (on Stage)

  • Name your price.
  • I want you to do this for me. (Sakura)
  • I’ll teacher her myself!
  • Don’t select any choices! (Anastasia)


Anastasia (Music Room after speaking with her and Sakura on stage – secondary event)

  • That’s a lot of pressure.
  • Spoken like a true star!
  • Go for it!


Azami (Courtyard after speaking with Sakura and Anastasia on stage – secondary event)

  • Isn’t is scary all alone at night?
  • What are these “missions”?
  • That outfit isn’t stealthy at all!


Hatsuho (Bath after speaking with Sakura and Anastasia on stage – secondary event)

  • Of course I’m leering!
  • I just want to look around.
  • I came here to join you.


Sakura (in her room after speaking with her and Anastasia on stage – trust event)

  • You’re a different person.
  • I’m sure you will be.
  • Was she really that strong.


  • You look just like her!
  • It looks great on you.
  • …I want to pull it.


*Analog lips – maximum intensity!


Group (in Music Room)

  • Auditions will decide that!
  • Yes, of course.
  • How about Sumire?


Sakura (in Music Room after speaking with group)

  • How does the story go again?
  • It seems a little childish…


Hatsuho & Azami (individually) (in Music Room after speaking with group)

  • Choices don’t matter.


Claris (in Music Room after speaking with group)

  • Get inspiration from a book you like.
  • Books won’t help.


Anastasia (in Music Room after speaking with group)

  • I’ll ask someone who might know.
  • “The Mother of All Lies”?


Group (in Music Room after speaking with everyone individually)

  • Let’s think about the set. (Hatsuho)
  • Let’s decide on a script first. (Claris & Sakura)
  • The lead actress is key. (Sakura)


  • Now I’m not so sure myself…
  • You’ve got this, Claris.
  • Then we’ll just punish you.


Itsuki (Lobby after speaking with the group in Music Room – secondary event)

  • Huh? No one by that name here.
  • Yeah, that’s right.
  • A nasty show panda?


Komachi (Lobby after speaking with the group in the Music Room – secondary event)

  • Let’s sell them dirt cheap!
  • Let’s have them signed!
  • Let’s weaponize them!


Hiromi and Azami (after speaking with Hiromi in the book store at the Bus Stop, head on over to the confectionery shop she mentions which is right next door)

  • Guess it’s not my business…
  • Fill me in, Hiromi!
  • I’ll have to punish you!


Reiji (Underground Hanger when give him requested magazine)

  • Cat Paradise Meownthly
  • New Steam Monthly
  • Manju from Mikazuki


Sakura, Hatsuho and Anastasia (on stage)

  • Is there a reason you can’t?
  • There’s no better teacher than you!
  • All right, I’ll teach them myself!


Azami (entering her room for the first time while gathering information on Ginza for An Unexpected Task primary event)

  • When you read the slip of paper on the door, the choices don’t matter.


  • I like the tatami mats.
  • I bet there’s a secret door.
  • I didn’t expect the plushies.


Sumire (Manager’s Office after gathering info on Ginza)

  • I learned a lot!
  • Just a little…
  • I might even know it better than you.


Claris (on date with Kamiyama)

  • You’re gonna make me blush…
  • Um… Thanks.
  • Guess all my prep paid off.


  • I’m not much for books.
  • Books on tactics, typically.
  • “Gentleman’s magazines.”


*NOTE: This choice might not happen if you did not do the Ginza Info: Rooftop Amusement Park secondary event.

  • We could… try kissing?
  • We could hold hands.
  • We could get married.


  • I don’t know…
  • That does sound like fun.
  • Let’s go somewhere else.


  • Hey, that hurts…
  • I love you too!
  • I’m flattered, but…


*NOTE: This choice might not happen if you did not do the Ginza Info: Cafe Gilles du Lait secondary event.

  • Maybe it was too mainstream.
  • I guess the date was a success.
  • I don’t think we fit in here…


  • Get help… Call the police!
  • I have to save her!
  • Wh-What do we do, Claris?


Sumire (Manager’s Office after date with Claris)

  • Is she just super hungry?
  • Is she hiding something?
  • Do you think she hates me?


Group (Parlor after talking with Sumire)

  • Leave it to me!
  • What should we do…?


Claris (in her room the next morning)

  • First set of conversation choices don’t matter.


  • We need you to push through it.
  • I don’t want you overdoing it.
  • Maybe a date would help you relax.


Group (Control Room)

  • Witness the power of Mugen! (Reiji, Anastasia and Sakura)
  • Flower Division, move out! (Sakura, Anastasia, Hatsuho and Azami)
  • Who wants a field trip to the beach!?


Group (during combat)

  • You don’t have to fight.
  • Your powers saved me.
  • Remember what Reiji said?


Claris and Oboro (during combat)

  • Claris isn’t like you!


Group (during combat just before boss fight)

  • Your time’s up, Oboro!
  • We stand together, Claris!
  • Time to strike, Sakura!


*Analog lips – maximum intensity!


Group (Parlor after boss fight)

  • You’re our ticket to riches!
  • You’re our star writer!
  • Actually, yeah, it could be better.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 1 Bromide Collectibles

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on finding all the bromide collectibles in Chapter 1 of Sakura Wars. You can find the bromides throughout the world or obtain them from Komachi’s shop. *NOTE: You can only obtain one bromide at a time from the shop. To earn the Bromide Master trophy, you will need to collect all bromides!


The Grand Imperial Theater Primary Event


#S01: Sakura Shinguji (Combat)

This can be found in the hallway near the Manager’s Office on the first floor of the Imperial Theater.


#S17: Erica Fontaine (Revue)

This can be found in the Music Room on the first floor of the Imperial Theater next to the middle chair with a cello leaning against it.


#S28: Gemini Sunrise – So Long, My Love

This can be found in the Archives on the second floor of the Imperial Theater on a bookshelf on the left side of the room.


The Withered Flower Division Primary Event


#S03: Sumire Kanzki (Combat)

This can be found near the second floor stairs next to the wall near the main character’s room.


#S30: Sagitta Weinberg (Cheiron Archer) – So Long, My Love

This can be found next to the plant by the windows to the left of Itsuki in the Dining Hall.


#S51: The Triumphant New York Combat Revue

This can be found on the landing in the Lobby underneath the giant painting.


Komachi’s Shop


#009: Sakura, Looking Back

Can be obtained after reaching the objective to check out the shop during The Grand Imperial Theater primary event.


#017: Hatsuho Shinonome, the Human Hurricane!

Can be obtained after reaching the objective to check out the shop during The Grand Imperial Theater primary event.


#010: The World’s Newest Superstar, Sakura Amamiya

Can be obtained after the objective to get feedback from the audience during The Withered Flower Division primary event.


#041: The Electrifying Gaze of Clarissa Snowflake

Can be obtained after the objective to get feedback from the audience during The Withered Flower Division primary event.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 1 Secondary Events

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the secondary events in Sakura Wars. These events are located on the map where indicated by a blue “!”.


Sumire’s Secretary

Obtained: Speak with Kaoru in the Accounting Room after meeting Komachi

Objective: Learn more about Kaoru

As you approach Kaoru in the Accounting Room, a cutscene will trigger. Select the conversation option “It must be great, working for her.” for a trust increase.


Exploring the Imperial Theater

Obtained: Speak with Kaoru a second time

Objective: Survey all the rooms and facilities of the theater

Below is as list of locations you can explore in the theater. After you explore all of the locations listed, Kaoru should send you a message on the Teletron asking you to return to her.

  • Imperial Theater 1st Floor
    • Manager’s Office
    • Music Room
    • Wardrobe
    • Dressing Room
    • Prop Storeroom
    • 1st Floor Seating/Stage
    • Lobby
    • Dining Hall
    • Courtyard
  • Imperial Theater 2nd Floor
    • Parlor
    • Atrium
    • 2nd Floor Seating


Hatsuho’s Shrine Maiden Powers

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho in the Courtyard at the Imperial Theater

Objective: Learn about Hatsuho

As you approach Hatsuho in the Courtyard, a cutscene will trigger. Select the conversation option “A spirit crystal?” for a trust increase.


Childhood Friends

Obtained: Speak with Sakura  in her room at the Imperial Theater

Objective: Reminisce with Sakura

Head to Sakura’s room on Imperial Theater – 2nd floor and interact with her door to trigger a cutscene. Choose the conversation option “It reminds me of the old days.” for the trust increase. Speak to her again and choose “Of course” for another trust increase.


This Place is Dead!

Obtained: Speak with Komachi after the play

Objective: Cheer her up

When you speak with Komachi after the play, a cutscene will trigger. Select the conversation option “I’ll figure something out!” for a trust increase.


Sumire’s Devotion

Obtained: Speak with Kaoru after the play when heading to the General Manager’s Office

Objective: Tie in with her

Speak with Kaoru after meeting Itsuki and choose the option “I have a few regrets but…” for a trust increase.




Sakura Wars – Chapter 1 Guide

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on maximizing the trust for each character through the conversation choices in Chapter 1. Maximizing trust is important to trigger trust-based events. The green conversation choices below will increase your trust with said character. Alternatively, the red conversation choices below will decrease your trust with said character.


Sakura (first meeting in front of theater)

  • What are you doing here?
  • You look gorgeous.
  • How about a date?


Sumire (first conversation in office)

  • I’m not so sure about this.
  • I accept!
  • I can handle a little song and dance.


Sakura (after talking with Sumire)

  • Don’t settle for this, though.
  • I’m glad your dream came true.
  • It’s practically a dream for me, too.


Hatsuho (first meeting)

  • Nice meeting you, kid.
  • Seijuro Kamiyama. The pleasure’s mine.
  • How about a date?


Sakura (when talking in the lobby)

  • It’s nice to have a dream.
  • I know you can do it.
  • Someday you’ll be the star attraction!


Komachi (first meeting)

  • The Wind Division should be fighting.
  • So the Wind Division keeps us going.
  • Wish I could run the shop.


Kaoru (speak with her in Accounting Room after meeting Komachi)

  • It must be great, working for her.
  • That sounds like a hard job…
  • Tell me all her secrets!


Hatsuho (speak with her in the Courtyard)

  • A rare gem?
  • A spirit crystal?
  • A weight stone for pickling?


Sakura (during her secondary event)

  • It smells great.
  • It reminds me of the old days.
  • Can I move in?


  • Of course.
  • I don’t think this is going to work.


Claris (first meeting)

  • I’ll cover her eyes.
  • I’ll try yelling.
  • Can’t… control… my hands!


  • You shouldn’t say that.
  • And that includes you?
  • No better time to restore it.


Sakura, Hatsuho and Claris (after the play)

  • Honestly? That was painful.
  • It was… interesting.
  • Oh, I wasn’t watching.


  • I’d say we need professional help.
  • We’ll pace ourselves and work together!
  • We’ll have to shut down.


  • That could be a waste of time.
  • It’s better than sitting around.
  • You make a better captain than me.


Komachi (after the play)

  • I’ll figure something out!
  • I can’t help you there…


Female Student (Itsuki) (after the play in the Dining Hall near the windows)

  • I’m the new captain.
  • I’m the new ticket collector.
  • I’m the new leading man.


Kaoru (after speaking with Itsuki)

  • I don’t regret a thing.
  • I have a few regrets but…


Sumire (after the play)

  • We’ll do our very best.
  • That sounds… impossible!
  • Would you join the fight?


Sakura (stage after speaking with Sumire)

  • Things’ll look better in the morning.
  • It’s not like you to get so down.
  • Man. You guys BOMBED out there.


Hatsuho (parlor after speaking with Sumire)

  • They said it was terrible.
  • They said it was great.
  • I haven’t asked yet.
  • Don’t select any of the options!!


Claris (Claris’s bedroom after speaking with Sumire)

  • You have a ton of books.
  • It’s like a princess’s room.
  • That bed looks so comfy…


  • Sorry…I’ll come back another time.
  • There’s something I want to discuss…
  • I wanted to see you, Claris.


Kaoru (in hanger)

  • …I’ll find a way.
  • That’s right. It’s not possible.
  • Guess I’ll have to put up the money myself.


Sumire, Sakura, Claris and Hatsuho (in parlor)

  • We don’t have a chance.
  • We’ll win the World Games.
  • Disband the Shanghai team instead.


*Analog lips – maximum intensity!


Sakura (next morning)

  • You’re not angry anymore?
  • Don’t worry about it.
  • What do you want?


  • Focus on the battle, Sakura!
  • Flower Division, move out!
  • Picnic under the cherry blossoms!


Sakura (when Kamiyama joins the battle)

  • Follow me!
  • Sorry I’m late.
  • I should be the one thanking you.


*Analog lips – maximum intensity!