Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 6 Bromide Collectibles

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on finding all the bromide collectibles in Chapter 6 of Sakura Wars. You can find the bromides throughout the world or obtain them from Komachi’s shop. *NOTE: You can only obtain one bromide at a time from the shop. To earn the Bromide Master trophy, you will need to collect all bromides! 


Striving for a Miracle Primary Event


#027: Azami Mochizuki, Guardian of the Theater

Can be obtained from Komachi’s Shop during the objective to head to Sumire’s Office.


#005: Quicksilver Kamiyama

This can be found on the ground outside of the Wardrobe after completing A Threat to the Grand Imperial Theater secondary event.


#058: Lancelot of the London Combat Revue

Complete the Luxurious Luster secondary event to receive the bromide.


#S12: Kanna Kirishima – Fall in Love, Maidens

This is located in the Tokyo Central Station near a park bench by the entrance to the Grand Imperial Hotel during the objective to promote the show outside.


#S27: Gemini Sunrise – So Long, My Love

This is located in Mikasa Memorial Park next to some flowers behind Azami during the objective to promote the show outside.


#S46: The Imperial Combat Revue’s Flower Division

This is located on the ground at the end of the hallway past the Dressing Room.


#053: Xiaolong Yang, the Burning Chef

This bromide can be obtained after completing the secondary event called Azami Delivers!


#004: Captain, Tokyo Needs You!

After you promote the show outside, enter the Grand Imperial Theater to find the bromide on the ground near the entrance. The bromide is located directly across from the grand staircase.


A Break Before the Show Primary Event


#028: A Special Day – Azami

Obtained after your date with Azami just before the show.


#020: A Special Day – Hatsuho

Obtained after your date with her just before the show.


#036: A Special Day – Anastasia

Obtained after your date with her just before the show.


#044: A Special Day – Claris

Obtained after your date with her just before the show.


#012: A Special Day – Sakura

Obtained after your date with her just before the show.


#060: Margarethe of the Berlin Combat Revue

Speak to Komachi at her shop during the objective to go back to your room to rest.


#S24: Lobelia Carlini – Fall in Love, Maidens

This bromide is located in the Bath on the shelving unit in the back left by the sink and mirror.


#S19: Glycine Bleumer (Revue)

This bromide is located along the fence to the left of the Grand Imperial Theater entrance on the outside. It is to the left of the newspaper cart surrounded by a group of people standing around.


#S38: Shinjiro Taiga, Captain of New York’s Star Division

This bromide can be found in Ginza Yokocho down the alley leading to the fortune teller. It is on the left side by a white sign.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 5 Bromide Collectibles

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on finding all the bromide collectibles in Chapter 5 of Sakura Wars. You can find the bromides throughout the world or obtain them from Komachi’s shop. *NOTE: You can only obtain one bromide at a time from the shop. To earn the Bromide Master trophy, you will need to collect all bromides! 


The Wounded Primary Event


#003: The Flower Division Captain Takes a Break

This is located in the hallway outside of the Wardrobe after completing A Ninja’s Task secondary event.


#S41: Two Friends, Two Fans of the Star Division

This is located next to a pipe in an indent in the wall to the left of Itsuki during the objective to find Hatsuho.


#S10: Kohran Li – Fall in Love, Maidens

This is located on the ground next to two green trash cans near the ticketing terminals on the right side of Central Station during the objective to find Hatsuho.


#S29: Sagitta Weinberg (Cheiron Archer) – So Long, My Love

This is located on a food stand on the right side of the map next to a man wearing a suit and a hat during the objective to find Hatsuho.


Faith Primary Event


#S06: Maria Tachibana – Fall in Love, Maidens

This is located on a stand in the center of the Music Room.


#S20: Glycine Bleumer – Fall in Love, Maidens

This is located in the Atrium near the doorway leading to the Lobby on the corner post of the railing.


#S14: Orihime Soletta – Fall in Love, Maidens

This is located in the Control Room near the monitor in the back on the left side.


#056: Yui Huang of the Shanghai Combat Revue

This can be obtained by speaking with Komachi at her shop. Select the option to talk to her.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 5 Secondary Events

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the secondary events in Sakura Wars. These events are located on the map where indicated by a blue “!”.


I’m No Miracle Worker

Obtained: Speak with Komachi in Sakura’s bedroom

Speak with her then select “I’ll do my best.” to increase her trust.


The Wounded Primary Event


Harden Your Heart

Obtained: Speak with Sakura in her bedroom.

Speak with her then select “Her disappointed mother.” to increase her trust.


Sumire’s Strength

Obtained: Speak with Sumire in the Manager’s Office

Speak with her then select whichever choice you’d like since the options don’t matter.


A Ninja’s Task

Obtained: Walk down the hallway outside the Wardrobe

Speak with Azami then select “…going to win him over!” to increase her trust.


Code Change

Obtained: Sumire will message Kamiyama to verify the new access code for the elevator

After receiving the message, head to the elevator to check the code.


Full Body Search

Obtained: After Code Change secondary event, head to the Control Room to trigger an event with Anastasia

Select the option “No way!”. Examine everything you can before time runs out (face, neck tie, back, butt x3, control panel). Then examine her bracelet, chest x2, hair, mouth and pocket. Examine her close up features then select “I like your silver hair.” when prompted. Lastly select “Yes, I do.” to increase her trust.


Save Me, Kamiyama!

Obtained: Speak with Claris at Komachi’s Shop during the Find Hatsuho objective

Speak with her and then select whatever choice you wish. The choices do not matter.


Still Coming to the Tournament?

Obtained: Speak with Arthur at the Grand Imperial Hotel

Speak with him then select “Of course we’re still in!” to increase his trust.


Yattansai’s Thoughts

Obtained: Speak with Yattansai at the Rooftop Amusement Park

Speak with him then select whatever option you wish since the choices don’t matter.


Ready to Fight

Obtained: Speak with Lancelot in Mikasa Memorial Park

Speak with her then select “Rock-paper-scissors?”.


Helping Out at Shenlong

Obtained: Speak with Xiaolong and Yui at Shenlong

Speak with them then run around the restaurant to get the people’s orders before the time runs out! The orders are as follows:

  • Four fried rice!
  • Five jiaozi!
  • One sweet and sour pork!


I’m Feeling Generous

Obtained: Speak with Elise at Kabuki-Za

Speak with her then select “It’s “Edokko,” the soul of Tokyo.” to increase her trust.


Margarethe the Connoisseur

Obtained: Speak with Margarethe at Cafe Gilles du Lait

Speak with her then select medium intensity. *Selecting maximum intensity will result in negative trust!*


Faith Primary Event


A Pragmatic Suggestion

Obtained: Speak with Anastasia in the Music Room

Speak with her and select either “Good thinking…” or “We’re not doing that.”.


An Embarrassing Notebook

Obtained: Interact with the shining item on a table in the Dining Hall

Once you interact with the item, you’ll discover Claris’ notebook. Head to the Archives and speak with her then select “Now I know how you really feel.” to increase her trust.


Kaoru’s Creative Streak

Obtained: Speak with Sumire in the Manager’s Office

Speak with her and select whatever option you wish since the choices do not matter.


Japanese Baths

Obtained: Enter the Bath

Select the option “Nope. I’m leaving.” The other choices will decrease her trust.


Everything’s Gonna Be Fine

Obtained: Speak with Reiji in the Underground Hangar

Speak with him and select whatever option you wish since the choices don’t matter.


One Step Closer to Winnin’

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho in her room

Speak with Hatsuho then select whatever option you wish since the choices don’t matter.


Ninja Training with Azami

Obtained: Speak with Azami in her room to trigger a trust event

Speak with her then examine tatami mat, manju in teapot on table, dresser x2, log x2, bow on dress x2, face x4, ceiling on right side near wooden structure and wall hanging x3. The answers to the quiz are as follows:

  • Five.
  • Ninja jamming mint jam in a jar.

For the third question, you will have to find Azumi. Select various objects around the room until Kamiyama comments on making Azami reveal herself. Inspect the manju on the table then the light fixture on the ceiling to locate Azami. When Azami moves in, pat her head then select all her features. When prompted, chose the options “You have kind eyes” and “Of course”. During the analog lips, do medium intensity.



Sakura Wars – Chapter 5 Guide

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on maximizing the trust for each character through the conversation choices in Chapter 5. Maximizing trust is important to trigger trust-based events. The green conversation choices below will increase your trust with said character. Alternatively, the red conversation choices below will decrease your trust with said character.


Komachi (secondary event – Sakura’s bedroom)

  • I’ve never done that.
  • I’ll do my best.
  • I can’t promise anything.


The Wounded Primary Event


Anastasia (secondary event – her room)

  • Her adversary.
  • An unforgiving master.
  • Her disappointed mother.


Sumire (secondary event – Manager’s Office)

  • The options do not matter. Select whatever you wish.


Azami (secondary event – hallway in front of Wardrobe)

  • …such a waste!
  • …really thoughtful of you.
  • …going to win him over!


Anastasia (trust event – Control Room)

  • Black hair’s the best!
  • I like your silver hair.
  • As long as it suits you, any color.


  • I’m not sure…
  • Yes, I do.
  • What are you trying to pull?


Claris (secondary event – Komachi’s Shop)

  • The options do not matter. Select whatever you wish.


Arthur (secondary event – Grand Imperial Hotel)

  • It’ll be tough without Hatsuho…
  • Of course we’re still in!
  • Could you go easy on us, considering?


Yattansai (secondary event – Rooftop Amusement Park)

  • The options do not matter. Select whatever you wish.


Lancelot (secondary event – Mikasa Memorial Park)

  • Rock-paper-scissors?
  • Hide-and-seek?
  • Sumo?


Xiaolong and Yui (secondary event – Shenlong)

  • Two fried rice!
  • Four fried rice!


  • Four Jiaozi!
  • Three Jiaozi!
  • Five Jiaozi!


  • One sweet and sour pork!
  • One mapo tofu!
  • One omurice!


Elise (secondary event- Kabuki-Za)

  • It’s “ladykiller”.
  • It’s “Edokko,” the soul of Tokyo.
  • It’s “Seijuro Kamiyama.”


Margarethe (secondary event – Cafe Gilles du Lait)

  • Maximum intensity
  • Medium intensity
  • Low intensity


Hatsuho (primary event – Bus Stop)

*Drink the potion on the counter in Hiromi’s shop to spot numerous Hatsuhos. Speak with them until Hiromi appears to get the detox potion then ask Hiromi to get Hatsuho for you. When speaking with Hatsuho, select the following options:

  • …I was worried.
  • …I wouldn’t worry over that.


  • Take care of Sakura for me.
  • You take on a lot, too, Hatsuho.
  • Must be nice to be so detached.


Sakura (primary event – option to spy on her in the bath)

  • Low intensity


Sakura (primary event – in barrel)

  • Maybe there was no other option.
  • Sacrifices like that win wars.
  • Maybe their captain failed them.


Sakura (primary event- near large tree after you found the sacred sword)

  • I promised to duel you, right?
  • I promised to marry you!
  • Sorry, I’m drawing a blank.


  • Our promises now are most important.
  • I’m sorry. That came out wrong.


  • I’d never do that!
  • You’re not being fair!
  • Sometimes we don’t have a choice.


Hatsuho (primary event – in front of Grand Imperial Theater)

  • I could’ve taken down Yaksha.
  • You’re the captain now!
  • Sure you didn’t get your butts kicked?


Hakushu (primary event – Dining Hall)

  • He taught you swordplay?
  • He forged swords for you?
  • You two were lovers!?


  • Hard to say when she’s so closed off.
  • She’s a vital member of the team.
  • One day… I want us to be together.


Claris (primary event – at park)

  • I don’t want to burden you.
  • You’re mistaken.
  • If you really don’t mind…


Azami (primary event – Kamiyama’s bedroom)

  • Ngh… Five more minutes…
  • Azami? What’s going on?
  • Who disturbs my slumber?


Sakura (primary event – cat fight at Sakura’s family home)

  • Tekkan! Over here!
  • Stop it, both of you!
  • I’m out of here!


  • I was worried about you, Sakura.
  • I was chasing Hatsuho.
  • I never really left.


  • That did get pretty messy.
  • You and Hatsuho really are close.
  • I wish I could have joined in.


Hatsuho (primary event – Grand Imperial Theater)

  • No idea.
  • She’ll do the right thing.
  • She’s a lost cause.


  • Don’t worry. She gets it.
  • I wouldn’t know.


Faith Primary Event


Anastasia (secondary event – Music Room)

  • Good thinking…
  • We’re not doing that.
  • I could take them all on my own.


Claris (secondary event – Archives)

  • No, I respect your privacy.
  • Sorry, I had to check what it was…
  • Now I know how you really feel.


Sumire (secondary event – Manager’s Office)

  • The options do not matter. Select whatever you wish.


Anastasia (secondary event – Bath)

  • Nope. I’m leaving.
  • (…I can’t stop myself!)


Reiji (secondary event – Underground Hangar)

  • The options do not matter. Select whatever you wish.


Hatsuho (primary event – Courtyard)

  • It’s weird.
  • I like it.
  • Call me Seiji!


Hatsuho (secondary event – her room)

  • The options do not matter. Select whatever you wish.


Azami (trust event – her room)

  • Five.
  • Three.
  • Seven.


  • Ninja jamming mint jar in a jam.
  • Ninja jarring mint jam in a jam.
  • Ninja jamming mint jam in a jar.


  • You have kind eyes.
  • You have pretty eyes.
  • You have a steely gaze.


  • I don’t know…
  • Of course.
  • As long as no ninja training is involved.


Group (primary event – after you choose your team)

  • Analog lips – maximum intensity!!


Combat (primary event – talking with Sakura after first battle with Lancelot)

  • Analog lips – maximum intensity!


Sakura (primary event – Courtyard after final battle)

  • Prepared…? I’m not sure I get it.
  • That determination suits you.
  • You think you can beat her?


  • It’s one promise I’ll never break.
  • Even if I didn’t remember it…
  • I think I deserve a reward.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 4 Bromide Collectibles

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on finding all the bromide collectibles in Chapter 4 of Sakura Wars. You can find the bromides throughout the world or obtain them from Komachi’s shop. *NOTE: You can only obtain one bromide at a time from the shop. To earn the Bromide Master trophy, you will need to collect all bromides! 


Boosting Morale: A Day in Tokyo Primary Event


#S22: Coquelicot – Fall in Love, Maidens

This is located in the Manager’s Office on the coffee table in front of the couch.


#S49: The Triumphant Imperial Combat Revue

This is located on the floor diagonally from the Archives.


#S33: Diana Caprice – So Long, My Love

The bromide is located on the first table on the left side of the room on the lower level of the Grand Imperial Hotel.


The Shadow of Doubt Creeps Closer Primary Event


#S08: Iris – Fall in Love, Maidens

This bromide is located in the Dressing Room near the door to the left of the light switch during the ask around about Azami’s location objective.


#S31: Rikaritta (Rosarita) Aries – So Long, My Love

This bromide is located in a bin in the center of the Underground Hangar during the ask around about Azami’s location objective.


#S26: Hanabi Kitaoji – Fall in Love, Maidens

This bromide is located on a seat in the first row of the last section in the southeastern side of the theater.


In Pursuit of Azami Mochizuki Primary Event


#S16: Reni MilchstraBe – Fall in Love, Maidens

This bromide is located on the left side of the theater by the wall of sake casks in Kabuki-Za.


#S35: Subaru Kujo – So Long, My Love

This is located in the back corner of Cafe Gilles du Lait next to an empty table.


#S45: Sakura Shinguji, The Flower on the Battlefield

This is located in a flower bed in front of a mannequin display in the window of the building that leads to the Rooftop Amusement Park.


Komachi’s Shop


#018: Hatsuho’s Cleaning Frenzy

Can be obtained during the objective to check on the Flower Division for the Boosting Morale: A Day in Tokyo primary event.


#019: Hungry Hatsuho

Can be obtained during the objective to ask around about Azami’s location for The Shadow of Doubt Creeps Closer primary event.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 4 Guide

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on maximizing the trust for each character through the conversation choices in Chapter 4. Maximizing trust is important to trigger trust-based events. The green conversation choices below will increase your trust with said character. Alternatively, the red conversation choices below will decrease your trust with said character.


Next Up, the London Combat Revue Primary Event


Sakura (Dining Hall)

  • You’re excited for battle.
  • Are you getting sick?


Hatsuho (Dining Hall)

  • We need to bring our A game!
  • Don’t think too hard about it.


Anastasia (Dining Hall)

  • They’ll be formidable opponents.
  • Not a problem.


Claris (Dining Hall)

  • The Mugen’s just as good.
  • So they’re filthy rich…


Hakushu (Dining Hall)

  • She’s got a ways to go.
  • She’s really good.
  • You sound so worried about her.


Boosting Morale: A Day in Tokyo Primary Event


Claris (secondary event – Archives – after speaking with her for the primary event objective)

  • I covered your eyes.
  • I shouted in your ear.
  • I went for a grope…


Komachi (secondary event – during the meet Xialong in front of the Imperial Theater objective)

  • Flower Division manju.
  • Mugen manju.
  • Kamiyama manju.


Hiromi (secondary event – during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective)

  • I’m not a fan of azuki…
  • Sure, sounds delicious!
  • Ooh, jiggly goodness!


Claris (secondary event – bookstore – during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective)

  • Medium intensity!


Arthur (secondary event – Grand Imperial Hotel – during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective)

  • We have no weaknesses.
  • We’ll fight with all we’ve got!
  • Better watch your backs at night.


Margarethe (secondary event – Tokyo Central Station – during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective)

  • I made a promise to Xiaolong.
  • We have something to protect.
  • Hey, 2% isn’t 0%!


Elise (secondary event – Kabuki-Za – during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective)

  • It’s a moongazing festival.
  • We picnic under cherry blossoms.
  • It’s our codeword for battle.


Anastasia (secondary event – Kabuki-Za – during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective)

  • Why don’t we stage it?
  • It must be amazing.
  • You’ve got a revenge quest yourself?


Sakura and Lancelot (secondary event – Mikasa Memorial Park – during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective)

  • Lancelot’s still stronger.
  • Sakura’s no pushover!
  • You’re both excellent fighters.


Xiaolong (primary event – Ginza Odori – thief investigation)

  • The thief escaped with a hat.
  • The thief escaped with a rope.
  • The newspaper is the key.


  • A gaudy outfit.
  • A plain kimono.
  • I didn’t ask.


  • A wig.
  • A hat.
  • I didn’t ask.


  • They wore sandals.
  • They wore leather shoes.
  • I didn’t ask.


  • They were short.
  • They were tall.
  • I didn’t ask.


*The culprit is the old lady with gray hair on the far right wearing a plain kimono with sandals.


Hatsuho (trust event – her room – during the go back to your room to rest objective)

  • I’d give you a proper sendoff.
  • I’d never let you go!
  • It wouldn’t change a thing.


  • Maximum intensity


  • Just Hatsuho.
  • A young lady.
  • A warrior.


The Shadow of Doubt Creeps Closer Primary Event


Kaoru (secondary event – Accounting Room – during the ask around about Azami’s location objective)

  • I guarantee you that’s porn.
  • That’s a book on steam power.
  • …So, you like magazines, Kaoru?


Claris (secondary event – Archives – during the ask around about Azami’s location objective)

  • I guess you’re at that age…
  • It’s quite a unique style.
  • I am thy fallen angel–


Hatsuho (secondary event – Courtyard – during the ask around about Azami’s location objective)

  • Sure.
  • Oh, I already told everyone.


Azami (primary event – Manager’s Office)

  • I won’t pry.
  • Captain’s orders!
  • I’ll fight you for it!


Sumire (primary event – Manager’s Office)

  • There’s no proof.
  • I can tell.
  • I guess I’m not…


In Pursuit of Azami Mochizuki Primary Event


Lancelot (secondary event – Grand Imperial Hotel – during the find Azami objective)

  • She’s Sakura’s apprentice.
  • She’s Sakura’s mentor.
  • She’s really into omurice.

Azami (primary event – after speaking with her master)

  • It does sound a bit far-fetched.
  • No, I believe you.
  • He should join the theater.


Azami (primary event)

  • Nobody can use ninjutsu.
  • What’s wrong with that?
  • Yeah, you really screwed up.


  • You don’t need a reason.
  • I’m not that confident.
  • I’m just that awesome.


  • It’s thanks to everyone else.
  • It’s always been my dream.
  • I’m not a real captain!


  • You’re already a real ninja.
  • You gotta boost ninja awareness.
  • Actually, Yattansai isn’t…


  • *Analog lips – large intensity!!


  • It’ll take getting used to…
  • Sure, I don’t mind.
  • Call me big brother.


Azami (primary event – just before boss battle)

  • I’m actually not a captain.
  • I believe in you, too.
  • I’m “not too bright”…?


Group (primary event – Control Room)

  • Maximum intensity!!


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 4 Secondary Events

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the secondary events in Sakura Wars. These events are located on the map where indicated by a blue “!”.


Boosting Morale: A Day in Tokyo


Take Care of Sakura

Obtained: Speak with Hakushu in the Dining Hall

Speak with her and select “You sound so worried about her.” to increase her trust.


Totally Oblivious

Obtained: Speak with Claris in the Archives after speaking with her for the primary event objective

Speak with her and select “I shouted in your ear” to increase her trust.


The Opportunity of a Lifetime!

Obtained: Speak with Komachi at her shop during the meet Xiaolong in front of the Imperial Theater objective

Speak with her then continue with the primary event (head outside and speak with Xiaolong) to open up travel. Head to Hiromi’s Sweet Shop and speak with her to come up with a new product idea. Head back to Komachi and select “Mugen manju” to increase her trust.


Jiggly Mizu Yokan Jelly

Obtained: Speak with Hiromi during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective

Speak with her and select “Ooh, jiggly goodness!” to increase her trust.


Find the Book

Obtained: Speak with Claris in the bookshop during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective

Speak with her then select medium intensity.


The Knight’s Code of Combat

Obtained: Speak with Arthur in the Grand Imperial Hotel during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective

Speak with him then select “We’ll fight with all we’ve got!” to increase trust.


2 Percent Chance of Victory

Obtained: Speak with Margarethe Tokyo Central Station during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective

Speak with her then select “We have something to protect”.


Cherry Blossom Viewing!

Obtained: Speak with Elise at Kabuki-Za during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective

Speak with her then select “It’s our codeword for battle”.


Kabuki is Amazing!

Obtained: Speak with Anastasia at Kabuki-Za during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective

Speak with her and select the option “It must be amazing.” to increase her trust.


Let’s Finish This!

Obtained: Speak with Sakura and Lancelot at Mikasa Memorial Park during the find leads at Ginza Odori objective

Speak with them then select “Sakura’s no pushover!” to increase her trust.


Hatsuho’s Problem

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho in her room during the go back to your room to rest objective

Speak with her then interact with the diary, daruma (red oval), shrine, picture of Mt. Fuji, her chest and her face. Next, examine her face then select “I’d never let you go.”. Interact with everything possible to exhaust her dialog options. During the analog lips, do maximum intensity!! For the last dialog choice, select “A young lady.” to increase her trust.


The Shadow of Doubt Creeps Closer


Reiji’s Request

Obtained: Speak with Kaoru in the Accounting Room during the ask around about Azami’s location objective

Speak with Kaoru and select “I guarantee you that’s porn.” to increase her trust.


The Secret Notebook

Obtained: Interact with the shelving unit in the Prop Storeroom during the ask around about Azami’s location objective

Interact with the shelving unit to find a notebook. Return the notebook to Claris who is in the Archives. Speak with her then select the option “It’s got a unique style.” to increase her trust.


Let’s Keep it Between Us

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho in the Courtyard during the ask around about Azami’s location objective

Speak with her then select “Sure.” to increase her trust.


Pumped About Bromides

Obtained: Speak with Itsuki in the Lobby during the ask around about Azami’s location objective

Speak with her to trigger a cutscene.


I’ll Match Anastasia’s Talent!

Obtained: Speak with Sakura in the Bath

Head into the bath then select the option to leave.


In Pursuit of Azami Mochizuki Primary Event


Oh, Sir Arthur!

Obtained: Speak with the Arthur Fangirl at during the objective to find Azami

Speak with the Arthur Fangirl then begin your search of the area and collect everything you possibly can within the amount of time given. There are only 4 clues for you to find. Once you find them, return to the girl and speak with her. Wait for the time to run out then Arthur will spawn.


A Curious Character

Obtained: Speak with Lancelot in the Grand Imperial Hotel during the objective to find Azami

Speak with her then select “She’s Sakura’s mentor.” to increase her trust.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 3 Bromide Collectibles

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on finding all the bromide collectibles in Chapter 3 of Sakura Wars. You can find the bromides throughout the world or obtain them from Komachi’s shop. *NOTE: You can only obtain one bromide at a time from the shop. To earn the Bromide Master trophy, you will need to collect all bromides! 


To the Combat Revue World Games Primary Event


#002: Seijuro Kamiyama, the Flower Division’s Leader

This is located on the floor in the Archives after witnessing the event with Claris and Margarethe.


#S39: The Three Theater Girls of the Wind Division

This is located in the Dining Hall next to a plant on the left side of the room near the window during the objective to go greet Yui.


#S13: Orihime Soletta (Combat)

This is located on a sidewalk to the right of the bookshop near a light pole next to a lady in a patterned kimono.


#S05: Maria Tachibana (Combat)

This is located in the Dressing Room during the head to the Hangar objective next to a trashcan near a window.


#014: Sakura, a Flower Blooms Beneath the Blue Sky

This is obtained automatically by completing the first Battle Bot on Reiji’s terminal as part of the story.


What it Takes to Win Primary Event


#S42: Petitmint (Peppermint), the Elusive Star

This can be obtained after Anastasia’s secondary event called Count the Stars next to the park bench to the right of the exit to the 1st Floor.


#S40: Mell and Ci

This can be found on the ground near the stage curtain in the Prop Storeroom.


#S44: Geminine, the Masked Warrior

This can be found on the second level of the Lobby. Take the right side of stairs up to the second floor then head to the middle couch to find the bromide on the ground in front of it.


Komachi’s Shop


#035: Anastasia’s Little Secret

Can be obtained during the objective to go greet Yui for the To the Combat Revue World Games primary event.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars – Chapter 3 Secondary Events

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the secondary events in Sakura Wars. These events are located on the map where indicated by a blue “!”.


To the Combat Revue World Games Primary Event


Bromide Buzz

Obtained: Speak with Itsuki in the Lobby

Speak with her to trigger a cutscene.


Buying Teacakes

Obtained: Speak with Kaoru in the Accounting Room

Speak with her then head to Hiromi’s Shop and purchase the sweets. Return to Kaoru and speak with her to hand them over.


Crimson Maiden atop a Golden Grave

Obtained: Speak with Hakushu in the Dining Hall

Speak with her then select “Omurice?”.



Obtained: Speak with Reiji in the Underground Hanger

Speak with him then select “Think it’s stronger than the Mugen?” to gain his trust.


In Anastasia’s Room

Obtained: Speak with Anastasia in her room

When you speak with her, select the option “So you like stars, huh?” to earn trust.


Japanese Confectionery Quiz

Obtained: Speak with Hiromi

When you speak with her, she will quiz you. Select “They’re wrapped differently, right?”.


Kabuki Excitement!

Obtained: Speak with Anastasia outside of the theater in Kabuki-Za after completing the In Anastasia’s Room secondary event

Speak with her then select the option “”Men can’t let anyone see them cry!” to earn trust.


She’s a Spy

Obtained: Speak with Azami in the Atrium

Speak with her then select medium intensity to increase her trust.


The Climax

Obtained: Speak with Claris in the Archives

Witness the event with Claris and Margarethe then head to Claris’ room to check in on her. Examine the bookshelf behind her three times then examine her hair. Select the option “Blonde hair is beautiful” then examine her eyes and select the option “I like green eyes.”. When Claris hunches over the table, just wait. You can examine the books on the bookshelf if you’d like but NOTHING else!! After she turns around and starts talking to you again, examine the bookshelf, her hairpin/headband, her mouth (twice) and her chest (a few times). When she pins you down, examine her eyes and mouth. The next selection doesn’t matter then examine her mouth again. Again, the next selection does not matter. Examine her mouth and do medium intensity.


The Shrine

Obtained: Enter the Courtyard

Enter the Courtyard to trigger an event with Hatsuho and Xiaolong. Select the option ” You need to show some respect!” to earn her trust.


Twirl, Peanut!

Obtained: Interact with the Peanut pad on the first floor of the Lobby

Interact with the pad then select your intensity!! (We went to the extreme!)


New Product Development

Obtained: Speak with Komachi after completing the Buying Teacakes secondary event

Speak with Komachi at her shop then head to the Accounting Room and speak with Kaoru twice. Select the option “Sumire and a fountain pen.” When your finished speaking with Kaoru, return to Komachi and speak with her.


We Won’t Go Easy on You

Obtained: Speak with Yui in the Dressing Room during the objective to head to the Hangar

Speak with her to trigger a cutscene. The choice does not matter!


A Risky Find

Obtained: Enter the Wardrobe during the objective to head to the Hangar

Select the mirror to hide behind it! All the other choices decrease Yui’s trust.


Help me Rehearse

Obtained: Speak with Sakura on stage during the objective to head to the Hangar

Speak with her then select medium intensity!


What it Takes to Win Primary Event


Count the Stars

Obtained: Enter the Courtyard

Speak with Anastasia in the Courtyard and do maximum intensity!


Anastasia’s Acting Class

Obtained: Speak with Anastasia in the Music Room after completing the Count the Stars secondary event

Speak with her and select medium intensity. For the second analog lips select small intensity.


Sumire and Operation Twin Capitals

Obtained: Speak with Sumire in the Manager’s Office

Speak with her then select “That’s a relief.” to increase trust.


What Am I Supposed to Do?

Obtained: Speak with Sakura on the stage

Speak with her then select “We have to win this!” to increase trust.


Power it Up

Obtained: Speak with Reiji in the Underground Hangar

Speak with him then select medium intensity. Next select maximum intensity. Lastly select low intensity (not 0 just a little like 10%).


Crushing Dreams

Obtained: Speak with Claris in the Archives

Speak with her and select “Nothing’s changed, right?”.


Visit Hatsuho’s Room

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho in her room

Speak with her and select “An altar and Mount Fuji?” to increase her trust.


Gonna Knock His Lights Out!

Obtained: Speak with Hatsuho in her room after completing Visit Hatsuho’s Room secondary event

Speak with her and select “Hell yeah! Let’s go get him!” to increase her trust.


No Snack Runs

Obtained: Speak with Azami in her room

Speak with her then select “You’re lying.” to increase her trust.


Bathing Invitation

Obtained: Enter the Bath

Enter the Bath and select “No. I need to leave. Now.” If you go in, you’ll decrease your trust with her.



Sakura Wars – Chapter 3 Guide

by Chappie in


This guide is focused on maximizing the trust for each character through the conversation choices in Chapter 3. Maximizing trust is important to trigger trust-based events. The green conversation choices below will increase your trust with said character. Alternatively, the red conversation choices below will decrease your trust with said character.


Group (Control Room)

  • Hope we don’t face them until the finals.
  • Let’s give it our best shot.
  • Their captain’s pretty cute.


  • Our Mugen-class spiricle striker!
  • The Flower Division’s…team synergy!
  • Me, our mighty leader!


Xiaolong (outside of restaurant)

  • You may be right…
  • That’s harsh.
  • Thanks.


Lancelot (Grand Imperial Hotel)

  • You would have lost anyway.
  • This isn’t the time or place.
  • The hotel would kick you out.


Arthur (Grand Imperial Hotel)

  • I should be asking you.
  • No, I’m fine.
  • Ow… I need a doctor, stat!


Xiaolong (Parlor)

  • We might as well just retire now, huh?
  • We’re the ones protecting Tokyo now!
  • Then I owe you some fried rice!


Claris (Archives – trust event)

  • Blonde hair is beautiful.
  • I like black hair best.
  • Gotta have a shaved head.


  • Blue eyes are the best.
  • I like green eyes.
  • Iridescent eyes would be cool


*Analog lips – medium intensity!


Anastasia (her room – secondary event)

  • Your room’s so sparse.
  • So you like stars, huh?
  • Mind if I take a load off?


Azami (Atrium – secondary event)

  • *Analog lips – medium intensity!


Hakushu (Dining Hall – secondary event)

  • Omurice?
  • A hamburger steak?
  • A pig roast!


Hatsuho and Xiaolong (Courtyard)

  • You’re right, it’s worthless.
  • You need to show some respect!
  • We could get some decent cash for it!


Reiji (Underground Hanger)

  • Think it’s stronger than the Mugen?
  • Take good care of it, okay?
  • Better give it a few downgrades.


Kaoru (in the Accounting Room after speaking with Komachi for the New Product Development secondary event)

  • Sumire and a fountain pen.
  • You and a fountain pen.
  • You and Sumire.


Anastasia (outside of the theater in Kabuki-Za after completing the In Anastasia’s Room secondary event)

  • It’s happened before.
  • Of course.
  • Men can’t let anyone see them cry!


Sakura and Yui (Dressing Room)

  • “Enbu,” a dance performance.
  • “Ranbu,” the wild dance.
  • “Kombu,” the king of flavor!


Sakura (on stage during the objective to head to the Hangar – trust event)

  • Analog lips – medium intensity!


Hatsuho (Cafe Gilles du Lait during the objective to meet Hatsuho at the cafe)

  • Like a sister?
  • Your best friend?
  • Your role model?


Group (Control Room)

  • You’ll have to go through all the choices from the 1st set.


  • Battling your allies isn’t easy.
  • We have good reason to fight.
  • We can just raise the white flag.


Anastasia (Courtyard – secondary event)

  • Maximum intensity!


Anastasia (Music Room – secondary event)

  • Medium intensity


  • Small intensity


Sumire (Manager’s Office – secondary event)

  • That’s a relief.
  • That’s a shame.
  • That’s a likely story.


Sakura (Stage – secondary event)

  • You have to decide that for yourself.
  • We have to win this!
  • I guess we’ll have to drop out…


Reiji (Underground Hangar – secondary event)

  • Medium intensity
  • Maximum intensity
  • Low intensity (not 0 % but a small portion like 10%)


Claris (Archives – secondary event)

  • Nothing’s changed, right?
  • Survival of the fittest.
  • …I dont’ know what it means.


Hatsuho (her room – secondary event)

  • A lantern in your room?
  • An altar and Mount Fuji?
  • You have… two pillows?


Hatsuho (speak with her again in her room – secondary event)

  • Hit me instead.
  • You shouldn’t fight out of anger.
  • Hell yeah! Let’s go get him!


Azami (in her room – secondary event)

  • You’re lying.
  • Hehe. Right, right.
  • What a silly rule.


Claris (Bath – secondary event)

  • No. I need to leave. Now.
  • I can’t stop myself!


Group (before tournament fight in waiting area)

  • Let’s pack it up!
  • Let’s have a clean fight!
  • Let’s send ’em packing!


Group (after selecting team members for tournament fight)

  • Maximum intensity!