The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Forest Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 1 artifact, 1 training manual and 1 workbench that can be found during The Forest chapter in The Last of Us Part II.



This workbench can be found in La Rosa’s Auto Body Shop.


Training Manual – Weapons

This manual can be found in La Rosa’s Auto Body Shop in the office.


Artifact – Failed Truce

This artifact can be found in La Rosa’s Auto Body Shop on a table in the break room.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Coast!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – Hostile Territory Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 12 artifacts, 1 coin, 1 safe, 1 training manual, 1 upgrade, 1 weapon and 1 workbench that can be found during the Hostile Territory chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Training Manual – Unstoppable / Artifact – Scar’s Suicide Note

These items can be found in the building across from Tang Fabrics & Imports. There will be a broken window in this building that you can climb through. Both items are in the kitchen.


Coin – North Dakota

After exiting Tang Fabrics & Imports, climb up the car and RV to reach an apartment. Once inside, open the drawer straight ahead to find the coin.



The safe can be found in Jasmine Bakery. To get inside, break the window then head behind the counter to find the safe. The safe code is 68-96-89, which can be found on the Jasmine Bakery Safe artifact.


Artifact – Jasmine Bakery Safe

To reach this area, use the stairs leading up in the Ruby Dragon, defeat the two Clickers in there then jump across to King Street Relics. The artifact will be on a cardboard box.


Artifact – Plea to Seraphite Prophet 

From the above artifact, take the stairs up to find the artifact next to a corpse.


Artifact – Strange Relic

This artifact is on a table in the room with the hole in the floor near where the Jasmine Bakery Safe artifact was.


Weapon – Double Barrel Shotgun

After you drop down the hole in the floor, grab the gun from behind the counter.


Artifact – Seraphite Prayer to Prophet – Respect/Steed/Pairing/Prosperity/Peace & Prayer for Victory

After you leave Chinatown, look for the truck surrounded by white flowers to find all 6 of the above artifacts. 4 are attached to the sides of the truck, 1 on the ground to the left of the truck and 1 inside the truck.


Artifact – WLF Soldier Meets Prophet Letter

Head to the right of the truck surrounded by prayers and white flowers to find a salon. The artifact can be found near the cash register.


Upgrade – Short Gun Holster

This upgrade can be found on a table in the back room of the salon.


Artifact – Letter from Seraphite Father to Son

This collectible is located in a ruined skyscraper. You will need to climb under some rubble and push a container out of the way to exit into a room with “Fresnel” written on the reception desk. The artifact will be located in the next room on a table.



This workbench can be found in the same room as the above artifact.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Forest!!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Forward Base Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 1 artifact, 3 coins and 1 workbench that can be found during The Forward Base chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Coin – California

When the chapter starts, head up the small flight of stairs on the right side to find the coin near the rail.


Coin – New Mexico

This coin is located on a green crate next to the porter potties after checking in.



The workbench can be found in the first big white tent to the left of the path after checking in.


Coin – South Carolina

After entering the apartment building where Isaac is, take a left to find 3 picnic tables. The coin can be found on the far left table.


Artifact – WLF Interrogator Letter

This artifact can be found in the same room as the above collectible on a wooden table.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in Hostile Territory!!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – On Foot Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 1 artifact, 4 coins, 1 safe, 1 training manual, 1 weapon and 1 workbench that can be found during the On Foot chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Coin – Kentucky

At the very beginning of the chapter, you’ll enter a warehouse. Take an immediate right to find the coin on a table.


Coin – Massachusetts

This coin can be found in the Garden Center on the farthest cash register near isle 16.



After using a cable to enter the Boat Repair Shop, you can find this workbench to the left of the blue stairs leading up.


Coin – Ohio

When you pick up the ladder as part of the story, place it on the wall directly near you then climb up it. The coin will be on a table.


Training Manual – Stealth

This manual can be found inside the boat hanging from the ceiling of the Boat Repair Shop.


Coin – Indiana

This coin can be found in the rusty construction trailer near Manny after you guys exit the Boat Repair Shop. To enter the trailer, you’ll need to break a window. The coin is located on a desk.


Artifact – WLF Gun Cache Note

This artifact is located in the above rusty construction trailer next to a coffee maker.



The safe is located in the building across from the rusty construction trailer. To reach the safe, you will need to enter the crack in the wall. The safe combo is 17-38-07, which can be found on a lottery ticket on the bulletin board in the trailer.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Forward Base!!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Stadium Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 4 coins that can be found during The Stadium chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Coin – Alaska

After meeting up with Manny and Mel, you’ll exit your room into the stadium. Take a left to find the coin on the ground next to a pile of wood.


Coin – Maine

This coin can be found in the stadium as your heading down to the field in the section where there are people doing laundry. The coin is located on one of the benches in this area on the right side of the stairs.


Coin – New Jersey

After petting the dog, follow the group through a tunnel to find a mural of a wolf. The coin is located on the ground underneath this mural.


Coin – Vermont

This coin can be found a storage cabinet in the corner of the garage.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in On Foot!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – Coins

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the coins that can be found throughout The Last of Us Part II.


Tracking Lessons


As part of the story, you will need to move a dumpster to reach the roof of the bathroom. The coin will be located on the handle of this dumpster.


The Stadium


After meeting up with Manny and Mel, you’ll exit your room into the stadium. Take a left to find the coin on the ground next to a pile of wood.



This coin can be found in the stadium as your heading down to the field in the section where there are people doing laundry. The coin is located on one of the benches in this area on the right side of the stairs.


New Jersey

After petting the dog, follow the group through a tunnel to find a mural of a wolf. The coin is located on the ground underneath this mural.



This coin can be found a storage cabinet in the corner of the garage.


On Foot


At the very beginning of the chapter, you’ll enter a warehouse. Take an immediate right to find the coin on a table.



This coin can be found in the Garden Center on the farthest cash register near isle 16.



When you pick up the ladder as part of the story in the Boat Repair Shop, place it on the wall directly near you then climb up it. The coin will be on a table.



This coin can be found in the rusty construction trailer near Manny after you guys exit the Boat Repair Shop. To enter the trailer, you’ll need to break a window. The coin is located on a desk.


The Forward Base


When the chapter starts, head up the small flight of stairs on the right side to find the coin near the rail.


New Mexico

This coin is located on a green crate next to the porter potties after checking in.


South Carolina

After entering the apartment building where Isaac is, take a left to find 3 picnic tables. The coin can be found on the far left table.


Hostile Territory

North Dakota

After exiting Tang Fabrics & Imports, climb up the car and RV to reach an apartment. Once inside, open the drawer straight ahead to find the coin.


The Coast


After exiting the shipping container yard, climb up the fallen road/rubble to find a corpse. The coin will be on the ground next to this corpse.


West Virginia

After getting the crossbow, head up a flight of stairs and turn right down a hallway. At the end of the hallway, turn right to find the coin at the end on luggage with a teddy bear next to it.



After you force open a door on the top level of the ship, climb up the ladder then turn around and jump across the hole to find the coin on the ground on the other side of the tower.



This coin can be found in the water of the dolphin fountain, which is in front of the Seattle Waterfront Aquarium.


The Shortcut


This coin can be found in Franklin’s Barber Shop behind the cash register.



This can can be found on the overhang containing the Ramen Roll sign, which can be reached via a window in Westport Optix.


The Descent


This coin can be found at the very bottom of the pool on the drain.



As you descend down the hotel, there will be a section where you have to walk past two support beams then jump down to the floor below. This will be right after encountering a Shambler. If you get to the really long beam, you went too far. After jumping down, turn around and jump across the gap through another doorway. The coin will be located a shelf to the right.



After exiting the elevator shaft on the 4th floor, turn left to find a vending machine. Smash the glass to get the coin to come out into the coin dispenser.


Rhode Island

This coin can be found in the courtyard with all the couches and the bar. It is behind the bar on the back side.



After getting let through the gate to the hospital, take a right behind the ambulance to find a building. Head through the broken window and follow the hallway to the end to find the coin next to some debris.


Ground Zero


The coin is located behind the counter of a coffee shop, which can be reached before heading to ground zero in the hospital.



When you enter the flooded garage, take an immediate left to find a guard house. The coin can be found inside this room after you smash the windows.


The Marina


At the start of the chapter, turn around and head up the stairs. Follow the railing left to find the coin on the ground.



This can be found at Lenora St. Station. Head to the right of the ramp to find the coin under a tarp hanging off the side of the station.


The Island


After climbing up the first ladder at the beginning of the chapter, the coin with be in the back of an open truck on the left of the highway.


North Carolina

After seeing Haven in the distance, follow Yara along the path to reach a waterfall flowing into the ocean. The coin can be found to the left of a car near the ledge.



This coin is located on the second level of a wooden building across from the lumber mill. To reach it, look for a ladder on the outside of  the building. The coin will be on the other side of the room.


The Escape


As part of the story, you will use a window to drop into a flooded basement of a convenience store. When you emerge from this building, take a left to find a shopping cart. The coin will be on the ground behind the cart.



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – Tracking Lessons Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 3 artifacts and 1 coin that can be found during Tracking Lessons chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Artifact – Owen’s Drawing of Abby / Artifact – Thank You Card from Mel

These will both automatically be in your inventory at the start of this chapter.


Artifact – Zoo Holiday Brochure

This can be found near the start of the chapter under a large gazebo after finding Abby’s dad’s footprints.


Coin – Virginia

As part of the story, you will need to move a dumpster to reach the roof of the bathroom. The coin will be located on the handle of this dumpster.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Stadium!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – Infiltration Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 1 journal entry that can be found during Infiltration chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Journal Entry

After falling through the vent and getting attacked by a dog, head into the break room to find a duffel bag near the fridge. Interact with it to inspect a necklace, which will trigger a journal entry.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in Tracking Lesson!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Flooded City Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 6 artifacts, 1 journal entry, 1 safe, 2 trading cards and 2 workbenches that can be found during The Flooded City chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Journal Entry

At the beginning of the chapter when you need to raise the gate using the chain, don’t pull the chain quite yet. Instead, head upstairs on the left side of the room and interact with the windows to get the journal entry.


Artifact – Stash Note

This artifact can be found in the corner of the same room as the above journal entry near a corpse.



The safe can be found in the locked cage to the right of where you parked the boat. To reach this room, head up the stairs on the left side of the room then pull the cart out of the way to reveal a hole. Crawl under the debris then jump through the open window. Hop down to get inside the cage. The safe code is 70-12-64, which can be found on the Stash Note artifact.


Trading Card – Seff-L’ho’phad

This card is located in a drawer in the room behind where you parked the boat.



After you restart the boat when it dies, head forward a short way to find the Seattle Sleep Warehouse. Take the path on the left in front of the warehouse to find a manufacturing store with blue barrels in the front. Enter the building to find the workbench.


Artifact – Shambler Note

This artifact can be found in the Carthy Hotel next to a corpse.


Artifact – Sniper’s Note

When you reach the group of enemies fighting each other, take an immediate left to find a train car that is falling off the tracks. Park the boat at the end of the train car then climb through the car to reach a rope and a locked train car. Throw the rope through the opening in the roof then climb up the rope to reach the roof. Once on the roof, drop down into the locked train car to find the artifact on a red chair.


Artifact – Encampment Note

This artifact can be hanging on a wall in the lantern lit room with all the enemies, which is on the second level of a building. You will reach this building as part of the story. It is just past a broken train bridge.


Artifact – Arcade Flyer

This artifact can be found in W&B Arcade on a booth.



This bench can be found on the second level of W&B Arcade.


Trading Card – Khazakh Bright

After fighting the Bloater in the arcade, open up the gated window in that room to find the prize zone! The card will be located on a shelf underneath a register.


Artifact – Arcade Note

After fighting the Bloater in the arcade, you’ll be able to head into a section of W&B Arcade that has a whole bunch of computers set up like an internet cafe. The artifact will be located on the wall in this area.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in Infiltration!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – Road to the Aquarium Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 3 artifacts, 1 journal entry, 4 trading cards and 2 workbenches that can be found during the Road to the Aquarium chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Trading Card – Esquire

This card can be found near a sound board at the beginning of the chapter just before interacting with the giant red curtain.


Trading Card – Tormentra

This card can be found in the shipping and packing building called WPL. To reach the room containing the collectible, you will need to climb under a fallen filing cabinet blocking the doorway.



This workbench can be found in the same room as the above trading card.


Artifact – Garage Note

After Ellie and Jessie see the ferris wheel and go for a quick swim, head to the parking garage on the left side. Kill the Infected inside then work your way through the garage to reach the upper level. The artifact can be found next to a corpse.


Trading Card – Tanager

This card can be found in Kingston Bookstore, which you will go to as part of the story. Once inside, drop down to the lower level then crawl under some rubble to find the card on a bookshelf.


Journal Entry

This entry can be found in the kid’s section of the above bookstore.


Artifact – Bookstore Note

This can be found right next to the above collectible on a table.


Artifact – Textile Note

This artifact can be found in Rachel’s Fabrics/Textiles on the wall next to the windows. To reach this store on the second level of the building, you will need to use the blue containers to climb up the scaffolding.



After diving under rubble blocking the path forward as part of the story, you’ll exit the river and come to a ruined building. Jesse will mention that they should head up to the bridge to get their bearings. Make your way to the second floor and look for the room with the Norkirk sign on the wall to find the workbench.


Trading Card – Tatuaje

When you reach the pipes that you need to lift in a ruined building to progress with the story, ignore them and head to the left side to find the card on a small shelf.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Flooded City!!