The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Resort Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 2 artifacts, 1 journal entry, 1 trading card, 1 weapon and 1 workbench in The Resort chapter of The Last of Us Part II.


Weapon – Silenced Submachine Gun

This is obtained automatically as part of the story.


Journal Entry 

Inspect the Rattler symbol on the van underneath the stoplights in an intersection to the right of the Market.


Artifact- Santa Barbara Slave Note

After seeing prisoners being led past a corn field, take a left to find the artifact on a barrel next to a corpse.



This is located in the shed with a circular saw to the right of where the Infected was chained up.


Trading Card – Sparkthug

This card can be found on a table to the right when you enter the building that is marked with a “4” above the entrance.


Artifact – Rattler’s Letter Home

During the story, you will need to climb up a curved staircase. At the top of the stairs, turn right to find the artifact on a nightstand.




The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – Pushing Inland Collectibles

by Chappie in


A guide on the 3 artifacts, 1 journal entry, 1 trading card and 1 workbench in the Pushing Inland chapter of The Last of Us Part 2.


Artifact – Abby’s Note

This artifact can be found at the start of the chapter next to the stove in the boat.


Artifact – Mansion Note

After climbing over the fence, follow the path right to find a large house with a U-MOVE trailer in the front of it. The artifact can be found in the garage on a workbench.


Trading Card – CBB-73

As you progress through the level, you will have to use a car to climb up onto a roof with a Clicker on it. The card can be found inside this house on a desk in an upstairs bedroom with a sea theme.


Artifact – Runaway Warning

This can be found downstairs in the kitchen of the above house on the island.



This can be found in the same room as the above artifact.


Journal Entry

This entry is obtained automatically as part of the story.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Resort!!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – 2425 Constance Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 1 artifact found in the 2425 Constance chapter of The Last of Us Part 2.



From the Constance street sign at the start of the chapter, head right down the road to reach a green house on the left across from a RV with a skull painted on the back. The artifact can be found on the toilet in the bathroom.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in Pushing Inland!!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Escape Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 1 coin and 1 workbench in The Escape chapter of The Last of Us Part II.


Coin – Arkansas 

As part of the story, you will use a window to drop into a flooded basement of a convenience store. When you emerge from this building, take a left to find a shopping cart. The coin will be on the ground behind the cart.



At the radio station, Lev will lower a ladder for you to climb up. Once you reach the top, climb through the open room on the right to enter the room contain the workbench.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in 2425 Constance!!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Island Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 4 artifacts, 3 coins and 1 workbench that can be found in The Island in The Last of Us Part II.


Coin – Idaho

After climbing up the first ladder at the beginning of the chapter, the coin with be in the back of an open truck on the left of the highway.


Artifact – WLF Scout Journal

After climbing up the first ladder at the beginning of the chapter, the artifact will be next to a corpse on the right.


Coin – North Carolina

After seeing Haven in the distance, follow Yara along the path to reach a waterfall flowing into the ocean. The coin can be found to the left of a car near the ledge.


Artifact – Venison Distribution List

This artifact can be found in the first wooden building you come across on a table.


Coin – Montana

This coin is located on the second level of a wooden building across from the lumber mill. To reach it, look for a ladder on the outside of  the building. The coin will be on the other side of the room.


Artifact – Young Seraphite’s Journal

After spotting Issac in his boat as part of the story, you will pass by a lookout tower then arrive at 2 wooden lodges across from each other. Enter the one on the left to find the artifact on a bed.



This bench can be found further in the above lodge.


Artifact – Mournful Prayer Note

Enter the wooden lodge across from the above lodge to find the artifact on a wall to the right of the shrine.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Escape!!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Marina Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 1 artifact and 2 coins that can be found in The Marina in The Last of Us Part II.


Coin – Kansas

At the start of the chapter, turn around and head up the stairs. Follow the railing left to find the coin on the ground.


Coin – Louisiana

This can be found at Lenora St. Station. Head to the right of the ramp to find the coin under a tarp hanging off the side of the station.


Artifact – Marina Note

After lifting a heavy grate, proceed into the sewer and follow the path forward to arrive at a marina. The artifact will be located in the kitchen on the counter near a cash register.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Island!!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – Ground Zero Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 5 artifacts, 2 coins and 1 workbench that can be found in Ground Zero in The Last of Us Part II.


Coin – Washington

The coin is located behind the counter of a coffee shop, which can be reached before heading to ground zero in the hospital.


Artifact – Annex Letter

This can be found in the Oncology Center. Head through the door marked as the Atrium to find a hallway. Crawl under the filing cabinets blocking a doorway to find the artifact next to a corpse.


Artifact – Soldier’s Letter

From the previous artifact, head down the stairs then drop down to the floor below. This artifact can be found in the brown satchel next to a skeleton.


Artifact – Chapel Note

From the previous artifact, follow the path left and enter the chapel to find the artifact on the alter.


Artifact – Patient’s Note

After entering the quarantine zone and heading down the tunnel, smash the window to room 24 to find the artifact on a hospital bed.


Artifact – Doctor’s Note

This artifact can be found in the surgery center, which you can reach by squeezing through a cracked door. The artifact is on a counter at the very end of the hallway. You’ll need to head through an open doorway on the left to reach the room.



The workbench is located in the room with the generator.


Coin – Hawaii

When you enter the flooded garage, take an immediate left to find a guard house. The coin can be found inside this room after you smash the windows.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Marina!!




The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Descent Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 3 artifacts, 5 coins, 1 safe, and 1 weapon that can be found during The Descent chapter in The Last of Us Part II.


Coin – Illinois

This coin can be found at the very bottom of the pool on the drain.


Artifact – Gym Safe Combo

This artifact can be found on a bulletin board in the kitchen of Orchards Juice Bar, which is just past the gym.



The safe is located in the green door across from the gym. The safe code is 12-18-79, which can be found on the free WIFI sign on the wall in the gym.


Artifact – FEDRA Orders

This artifact is obtained automatically as part of the story.


Artifact – FEDRA Final Note

After climbing down the fire hose as part of the story, head through a broken section of wall on the right to find the artifact next to a corpse.


Weapon – Flamethrower

After getting attacked by the Infected growing in the wall, follow the path around and jump down to a lower level. Enter through the doorway and turn right following along the windows then jump across the gap in the floor to the room across the way. You will be attacked by a Clicker. Defeat it then keep heading forward through the room. Take a right at the dead end towards a dark hallway. Take a right and squeeze through a cracked door to enter a bathroom. From there, cross over a narrow metal beam and duck through a small opening in the wall. The weapon will be on a corpse to the left in this room.


Coin – Oregon

As you descend down the hotel, there will be a section where you have to walk past two support beams then jump down to the floor below. This will be right after encountering a Shambler. If you get to the really long beam, you went too far. After jumping down, turn around and jump across the gap through another doorway. The coin will be located a shelf to the right.


Coin – Wisconsin

After exiting the elevator shaft on the 4th floor, turn left to find a vending machine. Smash the glass to get the coin to come out into the coin dispenser.


Coin – Rhode Island

This coin can be found in the courtyard with all the couches and the bar. It is behind the bar on the back side.


Coin – Missouri

After getting let through the gate to the hospital, take a right behind the ambulance to find a building. Head through the broken window and follow the hallway to the end to find the coin next to some debris.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in Ground Zero!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Shortcut Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 6 artifacts, 2 coins, 1 safe, and 2 workbenches that can be found during The Shortcut chapter in The Last of Us Part II.



Artifact – Amputation Supplies

This will automatically be in your inventory at the start of the chapter.


Coin – Nevada

This coin can be found in Franklin’s Barber Shop behind the cash register.


Artifact – Survivor Plea

After crossing the river, you’ll head into a broken building where Abby says let’s head upstairs. The artifact can be found on the floor in a room upstairs.


Artifact – Neighbor Exchange

After Abby sees the tall building with the sky bridges again, you will need to jump from the road to a balcony of an apartment. The artifact can be found inside this apartment on the counter.



The safe can be found in the bedroom of the above apartment. The safe code is 30-23-04, which can be found using the Neighbor Exchange artifact.



This can be found in Interbay.


Artifact – Scavenging List

This can be found in Interbay next to a corpse.


Coin – Colorado

This can can be found on the overhang containing the Ramen Roll sign, which can be reached via a window in Westport Optix.


Artifact – Seraphite Truce

Once you come across the first sky bridge, which is a wooden bridge, you keep heading up. Lev will jump across 3 exposed frame bars and Abby will need to use the door to the left to get around. The artifact can be found in this room on a desk.



This workbench can be found in the room to the right of the shrine.


Artifact – Seraphite Orders

After exiting the elevator with Lev, continue following the path forward to find the artifact on a wall to the right of the door frame.



Click here for the next guide on collectibles in The Descent!



The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II – The Coast Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the 3 artifacts, 4 coins, 1 safe, 1 training manual, 1 upgrade, 1 weapon and 1 workbench that can be found during The Coast chapter in The Last of Us Part II.



At the start of this chapter, you’ll jump over a fence and enter the first building on the other side. The workbench will be in this room.


Upgrade – Long Gun Holster

This can be found in the same building as the above workbench in the office.


Coin – Alabama

After exiting the shipping container yard, climb up the fallen road/rubble to find a corpse. The coin will be on the ground next to this corpse.


Artifact – Infirmary Note

After entering through a hole in the WTA ship, head through the doorway and take a right down the hallway. Take another right into the first room with cots. The artifact can be found on the cot next to a corpse.


Weapon – Crossbow

This weapon is obtained automatically as part of the story.


Artifact – Mutiny Note

After you get the crossbow as part of the main story, head down to the end of the room. You can find this artifact under the WTA sign on a cot.


Coin – West Virginia

After getting the crossbow, head up a flight of stairs and turn right down a hallway. At the end of the hallway, turn right to find the coin at the end on luggage with a teddy bear next to it.



The safe can be found in the helm of the ship, which is at the very top of the ship. The safe code is 90-77-01, which can be obtained from reading the Mutiny Note artifact.


Training Manual – Crafting

This manual can be found in the above safe.


Artifact – Ferry Log

This artifact can be found on the top level of the ship behind a closed door that you have to force open.


Coin – Utah

After you force open a door on the top level of the ship, climb up the ladder then turn around and jump across the hole to find the coin on the ground on the other side of the tower.


Coin – Mississippi 

This coin can be found in the water of the dolphin fountain, which is in front of the Seattle Waterfront Aquarium.



Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in The Shortcut!!