Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Iris: Silver Area

by Chappie in


Iris: Silver Area has 15 treasure chests in Ys Memories of Celceta.


Treasure Chest: Wind Crest


Treasure Chest: Blue Stone x10


Treasure Chest: Rain Crest


Treasure Chest: Hero’s Ring


Treasure Chests:

  • Healing Tablet
  • Elysium
  • Amethyst
  • Valkyrie Dress +2
  • Healing Tablet


Treasure Chest: Sun Crest


Treasure Chests:

  • Red Stone x10
  • Hero’s Cloak
  • Kaiser Potion



Treasure Chest: Saintly Robes


Treasure Chest: Judgment



Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Iris: Bronze Area

by Chappie in


Iris: Bronze Area has ? treasure chests in Ys Memories of Celceta.


1st Area

Treasure Chest: Shield Ring IV


Treasure Chest: Catholicon x3


Treasure Chest: Purgatorio


Treasure Chest: Roda Leaf


Treasure Chest: Celcetan Panacea


Treasure Chest: Saintly Robes


2nd Area after Breaking 2 Stone Pillars

Treasure Chests:

  • Celcetan Flower
  • Skill Tablet
  • Flash Bracelet
  • Roda Fruit
  • Life Elixir
  • Kaiser Potion
  • Berserker Armor +1
  • Diamond
  • Strange Mass x15
  • Apocalypse




Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Iris: Gold Area

by Chappie in


Iris: Gold Area contains 6 treasure chests in Ys Memories of Celceta.


Treasure Chest: Sun Stone


Treasure Chest: Purple Stone x10


Treasure Chest: Armageddon


Treasure Chest: Black Stone x10



Treasure Chest: Starlight Stone x10


Treasure Chest: Valkyrie Dress +3


Treasure Chest: Ragnarok

This chest is past the locked door leading to the Gold Area boss.



Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Colonia Artifact Laboratory

by Chappie in


Colonia Artifact Library has 11 treasure chests and 5 resource points in Ys Memories of Celceta.


Mineral Deposit



Mineral Deposit



Mineral Deposit

Treasure Chest: Life Elixir



Mineral Deposit



Treasure Chests:

  • Guard Elixir
  • Roda Fruit



Mineral Deposit

Treasure Chest: Hermit’s Scarf



Treasure Chests:

  • 10000 Gold
  • Rune Blade +9
  • Gold Ore x10



Treasure Chest: Sun Stone



Treasure Chests:

  • Catholicon x3
  • Holy Glove +7
  • Bitter Potion



Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Mt. Vesuvio

by Chappie in


Mt. Vesuvio has 10 treasure chests and 16 resource points in Ys Memories Celceta.



3 Plants

Treasure Chests: Power Tablet



6 Mineral Deposits

Treasure Chests:

  • Shield Tablet
  • Courage Belt
  • Guard Elixir



1 Mineral Deposit

Treasure Chest: Diamond



Treasure Chests:

  • Rune Cloak +7
  • Bitter Potion



2 Mineral Deposits

2 Plants

Treasure Chests:

  • Starlight Stone x3
  • Celcetan Panacea



2 Mineral Deposits

Treasure Chest: Green Stone x10




Ys Memories of Celceta

Ys Memories of Celceta – Lake Tolmes

by Chappie in


Lake Tolmes has 16 treasure chests and 1 resource point in Ys Memories of Celceta.



Mineral Deposit

Treasure Chest: Celcetan Panacea



Treasure Chests:

  • Roda Leaf (right bottom level in water)
  • Enigma Tablet (left bottom level under water)
  • Catholicon x3 (left mid level)



Treasure Chests:

  • Amethyst
  • Saint’s Diadem
  • Gold Dragon Charm



Treasure Chest: Rune Cloak +8



Treasure Chests:

  • Spirit Necklace
  • Power Elixir



Treasure Chests:

  • Coal x50
  • Warrior Seal IV
  • Silver Ore x50



Treasure Chest: Bitter Potion



Treasure Chest: Onyx



Treasure Chest: Bitter Potion x3