
Trails of Cold Steel IV – Lake Elm Wetlands Treasure Chests

by Chappie in


Below are the treasure chests that can be found at Lake Elm Wetlands in Trails of Cold Steel IV.


Lake Elm Wetlands 2

  • Cozy Socks
  • Repair Stone / Rise Stone / Brave Stone / Resurrect Stone
  • Zeram Powder
  • Crescent Mirror R


Lake Elm Wetlands 1

  • Suzaku
  • Brave Soul
  • 150 of each Sepith
  • Tearal SR




Trails of Cold Steel IV – Ursula Road Treasure Chests

by Chappie in


Below are the treasure chests that can be found at Ursula Road in Trails of Cold Steel IV.


Ursula Road 1

  • Sleep II
  • La Forte R
  • Teara Balm / EP Charge II / Celestial Balm


Ursula Road 2

  • Starberry x5 / Acerbic Tomato x5 / Honey Syrup x5
  • Defense 3
  • Holy Breath R
  • Power Potion / Shield Potion / Mind Potion


Ursula Road 3

  • Athelas R
  • Coarse Rock Salt x5 / Assorted Grains x5 / Healthy Liquor x5
  • Sword Breaker II
  • U-Material x5




Trails of Cold Steel IV – Pom! Pom! Party! Opponents

by Chappie in


In Trails of Cold Steel IV, there is a trophy called Pom! Pom! Pro! To unlock this trophy, you will need to win against all opponents in Pom! Pom! Party! Below are how you can obtain the opponents.


  • Jona – Obtained on 8/15 when Pom! Pom! Party! is unlocked as part of the story
  • Machias – On 8/19 speak with him in the Reference Room in the lower level of the Merkabah
  • Juna – On 8/20 speak with her on the Merkabah behind the counter
  • Kurt – On 8/22 speak with him on the deck of the Merkabah
  • Elie – On 8/24 speak with Juna twice in the Medical Office of the Merkabah
  • Ash – On 8/26 speak with him on the lower level of the Merkabah
  • Princess Klaudia – On 8/26 speak with her in the Pantagruel VIP Room
  • Emma – On 8/27 speak with her in Courageous II 2F – M.P. Sector
  • Tita – On 8/27 speak with her twice in Courage II 2F – M.P. Sector
  • Gaius – On 8/29 speak with him in Courageous II 3F – Training Sector
  • Altina – On 8/30 speak with her in the Courageous II 2F Cafeteria
  • Prince Olivert – On 8/31 speak with him at MWL Ferris Wheel in Mishelam
  • Renne – On 8/31 speak with her in MWL Entrance Plaza near the Castle of Mirrors at Mishelam
  • Musse – On 9/1 speak with her in the Courageous II 2F Cafeteria
  • Tio – On 9/1 speak with her at Old Special Support Section in Central Square of Crossbell after completing the Missing Person Report quest




Trails of Cold Steel IV – Geofront X Treasure Chests

by Chappie in


Below are the treasure chests that can be found at Geofront X in Trails of Cold Steel IV.


Geofront X Sector 1

  • Faint II
  • Curia Balm x5 / S-Tablet x5
  • Adamantine Shield R
  • Spirit Incense


Geofront X Sector 2

  • 50 of each Sepith
  • U-Material x5
  • Blue Ascension R




Trails of Cold Steel IV – 8/15 Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the collectibles that can be obtained on 8/15 during Act 1: The Trials of Class VII in Trails of Cold Steel IV.




  • Imperial Chronicle – Issue 4
    • Purchase at Tally’ General Store on West Street for 100 mira
  • Three & Nine – Chapter 4
    • Speak with Flotte in Vingt-Sept Cafe on Central Square
  • A Coco Panda’s Tale – Part 1
    • Purchase at Southwark General Store on Central Square for 500 mira


Cards (Vantage Masters)

  • Bard
    • Win against Shanshan in Long Lao Tavern & Inn on East Street


  • Puffer (Harbor Street)



  • Ozelle Miso Noodles
    • Purchase for 900 mira from Ozelle at a shop in the Harbor District
  • Midnight Cola
    • Purchase for 1,100 mira at Garante Jazz Bar in the Entertainment District


Geofront X Sector 1

Battle (Monsters)

  • Saccharine Tomartian
  • Rozu
  • Tri-Copter
  • Torso Mk. III
  • Great Greenew
  • Empress Greenew


Treasure Chests

  • Faint II
  • Curia Balm x5 / S-Tablet x5
  • Adamantine Shield R
  • Spirit Incense


Geofront X Sector 2

Battle (Monsters)

  • Genesic Clown


Treasure Chests

  • 50 of each Sepith
  • U-Material x5
  • Blue Ascension R



Character Profile

  • Sully Atraid
    • Home Alone – Speak to Sully on the 3rd floor of the Villa-Raisins Apartments on West Street
  • Grace Lynn
    • For or Against? – Complete the NML Survey side quest



  • NML Survey
    • Obtained: Speak with Reporter Grace in CNS Temp. Office on West Street
    • Objective: Ask citizens the question
      • Entertainment District
        • Speak with Ramanda, Eris and Barker Pym who are all walking around with red “!” above their heads.
      • Harbor District
        • Speak with Bishop who is running around and Ozelle who is standing near a wall taking in the scenery.
      • East Street
        • Speak with Anne and Ronald who are wondering around
      • Central Square
        • Speak with Lenalee and Pruna who are standing next to a balloon stand and Ralph who is walking around.
    • Reward: 4,000 mira


Ursula Road 1

Battle (Monsters)

  • Harpoon Hornet
  • Bracken Monkey
  • Coco Panda
  • Forest Snail



  • Cobalt Crab


Pom! Pom! Party! Opponent

  • Jona
    • Obtained as part of the story when Pom! Pom! Party! is unlocked


Treasure Chests

  • Sleep II
  • La Forte R
  • Teara Balm / EP Charge II / Celestial Balm


Ursula Road 2

Battle (Monsters)

  • Terribrous


  • Puffer


Landscape Photo

  • The photo spot is located near the beach by the Ursula Road 3 map transition.


Treasure Chests

  • Starberry x5 / Acerbic Tomato x5 / Honey Syrup x5
  • Defense 3
  • Holy Breath R
  • Power Potion / Shield Potion / Mind Potion


Stella Shrine

Battle (Monsters)

  • Armored Veil
  • MKE Maus
  • Misfortune-teller
  • Star Lambda
  • Nebras Domina


Treasure Chests

  • Megalith Fall R
  • 50 of each Sepith
  • Brave Seed
  • Shield 3


Trail Chest

  • ???/Musse/Emma/??? – Monster Level 133


Ursula Road 3

Battle (Monsters)

  • Nauseating Tomartian
  • Goldflier
  • Spineedler
  • Fire Beetle
  • Gordi Ossa
  • Man o’ War
  • Bennu Nucleus



  • Forest Gill



  • Ursula Road Monster
    • Obtained: Begin the battle with the giant enemy
    • Objective: Defeat the enemy
      • Kill Bennu Necleus
    • Reward: 4,000 mira


Treasure Chests

  • Athelas R
  • Coarse Rock Salt x5 / Assorted Grains x5 / Healthy Liquor x5
  • Sword Breaker II
  • U-Material x5


St. Ursula Medical College


  • XL Hashed Rice
    • Purchase from Le Lectier Inn for 1,100 mira



Cards (Vantage Masters)

  • Uptide x3
    • Win against Mishy who is at MWL Entrance Plaza


Character Profile

  • Beryl
    • All-Seeing Eye – Obtained automatically as part of the story



  • Colbalt Crab (Wharf)


Landscape Photo

  • Take the photo in the middle of the MWL Entrance Plaza courtyard near the Mishy face made of flowers.



  •  The Search for Colin
    • Obtained: Speak with Sophia and Harold near the Ferris wheel after meeting up with Juna’s dad
    • Objective: Search for Colin
      • Speak with Matthew at MWL Entrance Plaza.
      • Speak with MWL Staff behind Matthew.
      • Head to Mishelam Center and speak with Gabrion across from Cendrillon.
      • Head to the Information Center on the other side of the Mishelam Center and speak with Receptionist Remina.
      • Head to Lakeside Beach to find Colin on the northern side sitting on a bench.
      • Speak with Colin and select “A Whitestone” (for +2 AP).
    • Reward: 4,000 mira


Lake Elm Wetlands 2

Battle (Monsters)

  • Cryon Bit
  • Mist Flower
  • Rime Butterfly
  • Massibrus
  • Dimension Gravemaker
  • Campanella the Fool
  • Kreuger the Severing Eclipse
  • Major Lechter



  • Forest Gill


Master Quartz

  • Katze
    • Purchase from the Orbment Charging Station++ for 4,800 mira


Treasure Chests

  • Cozy Socks
  • Repair Stone / Rise Stone / Brave Stone / Resurrect Stone
  • Zeram Powder
  • Crescent Mirror R


Bonus AP

  • Get all 3 of the boss’ health to fall below a certain percentage


Click here for the next guide on Thursday 8/17!




Trails of Cold Steel IV – 8/14 Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the collectibles that can be obtained on 8/14 during Act 1: The Trials of Class VII in Trails of Cold Steel IV.


East Crossbell Highway 3

Battle (Monsters)

  • Acerbic Tomartian
  • Ripper Noa
  • Harimander
  • Magic Knight Dynagram



  • Noble Carp


Treasure Chests

  • 50 of each Sepith


East Crossbell Highway 2

Battle (Monsters)

  • Softshellion
  • Neo Fall Eagle
  • Blade Fang



  • Azelfish


Treasure Chests

  • Fresh Egg x5 / Fresh Milk x5 / Mature Cheese x5
  • Mute II
  • Emergency Puppet
  • U-Material x5


East Crossbell Highway 1

Treasure Chests

  • Impassion R
  • Fresh Herb x5 / Crisp Onion x5 / Flaky Potato x5


Click here for the next guide on Tuesday 8/15!




Trails of Cold Steel IV – East Crossbell Highway Treasure Chests

by Chappie in


Below are the treasure chests that can be found at East Crossbell Highway in Trails of Cold Steel IV.


East Crossbell Highway 3

  • 50 of each Sepith


East Crossbell Highway 2

  • Fresh Egg x5 / Fresh Milk x5 / Mature Cheese x5
  • Mute II
  • Emergency Puppet
  • U-Material x5


East Crossbell Highway 1

  • Impassion R
  • Fresh Herb x5 / Crisp Onion x5 / Flaky Potato x5




Trails of Cold Steel IV – 8/13 Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the collectibles that can be obtained on 8/13 during Act 1: The Trials of Class VII in Trails of Cold Steel IV.



Cards (Vantage Masters)

  • Blaze x3
    • Win against Fie at Lux Lunae Inn


Character Profile

  • Emma Millstein
    • Grandmother! – Speak with her in Rose’s Atelier



  • Erebonia 101
    • Obtained: Speak with Auler in the Herbalist’s Home
    • Objective: Answer the questions
      • What new sport has been gaining popularity?
        • Answer: Tennis
      • What is Mishy’s sister’s name?
        • Answer: Mishette
      • Why does the Heimdallr Summer Festival take place in July instead of June?
        • Answer: To commemorate the War of the Lions
      • What name is Ordis also known by? (*NOTE: This question is based on who you brought with you. The answer will always be the last option.) 
        • Answer: The Port City
      • What was Rean like?
        • Answer: Any option works!
    • Reward: 3,500 mira


Saint-Gral – Phase 3

Battle (Monsters)

  • Spike Jellyfish
  • Kijimun
  • Ashen Crusher
  • Ashen Scratcher (Trial Chest)
  • Mega Kraken


Treasure Chests

  • U-Material x5
  • Chrono Burst R
  • Teara Balm / EP Charge II / Celestial Balm
  • Dark Pendulum
  • 50 of each Sepith


Trial Chest

  • Musse/Ash – Monster Level 75