Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Tianyou Zhao Bonding Events

by NightlyGamingBinge in


Level 1


  • I’ve got your back either way. +20 Kindness
  • You’re not the type. +20 Passion
  • I try not to judge off looks. +20 Intellect


Level 2


  • You should see me when I strip down. +20 Charisma
  • You’d know if they were a yakuza. +20 Style
  • People are more than meets the eye. +20 Intellect


Level 3


  • Anybody’d be better by comparison. +20 Kindness
  • I dunno about that. +20 Passion
  • What-ifs don’t mean much. +20 Intellect


Level 4


  • I don’t wanna kick a man while he’s down. +20 Kindness
  • Time to put the final nail in the coffin. +20 Passion
  • We shouldn’t underestimate him. +20 Intellect


Level 5

For this bonding event, you’ll need to defeat Mabuchi and his minions.



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Certified Underdogs

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Complete enough of the tests at Ounabara Vocational School, then approach the objective on Daikokuten St. (day)

After the cutscene, a battle will trigger. Defeat the 2 enemies.

Reward: Tranquil Tenugui and Ikari applies to Ichiban Confections



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Fauxno Michio

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Speak with Michio at the objective in Chinatown (day)

After the long cutscene, a battle will trigger with the Ono Michio imposters. Defeat them all.

Reward: Def Boom Box, Hironaka can be hired at Ichiban Confections and unlocked Ono Michio as a Poundmate



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – The Michio Minefield

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 9 – Approach the objective in Chinatown (day)

During the cutscene, you’ll have the following choices:


  • Press the Button
  • Don’t Press the Button +10 Intellect


If you select “Don’t Press the Button”, you’ll get +10 Intellect and the story will continue. If you select “Press the Button”, nothing will happen. You’ll then have the options:


  • Mash the Button +10 Confidence
  • Not Now +10 Intellect


If you select “Mash the Button”, you’ll get +10 Confidence and if you select “Not Now”, you’ll get +10 Intellect. After you make your selection, the cutscene will continue and you’ll then need to select to cooperate with Hironaka. Active Search Mode will activate and you’ll need to collect the 7 real ones. You can differentiate the real ones from the fake ones quite easily. The real ones are wearing long sleeve shirts.

Reward: Ono Michio Figure



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Warmest Wishes

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 9 – Approach Megumi on N Isezaki Road (day)

After the brief cutscene, speak with Megumi. When the cutscene concludes, leave the area then return to trigger the objective. Speak with Megumi again then head to the objective on Central St. and defeat the thugs. Afterwards, make sure you have 1,000,000 yen on you then take a taxi to the hospital (last option on list). When you regain control, head to the objective on Hyakkei St. near Akaushimaru (Isezaki Road).

Reward: Unlock Megumi as a Poundmate



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Forget Me Not

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 9 – Approach the objective on Carriage Highway (day)

During the cutscene, agree to head out with Kaede. You’ll get to select from the following options:


  • Go to a Bar
  • Go to an Arcade
  • Go to a Host Club


The only correct option is “Go to an Arcade”! Select that then win her a puppy from the UFO Catcher. Eventually, you’ll engage in a battle with some thugs. Defeat them then ride out the last cutscene.



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Eri Kamataki Bonding Events

by MrsChappie in


Eri is unlike the other party members as she does not level her bonding via fighting or eating. Eri’s bond can only be increased by playing the business management mini game for Ichiban Confectionary aka Ichiban Holdings. As you meet Nick’s conditions, her bond will increase to the next level.


Level 1


  • He had a handsome face like mine? +20 Style
  • He had big, poofy hair like this? +20 Charisma
  • He had an amazing personality? +20 Kindness


Level 2

Eri will automatically go to the next bonding rank after you reach Nick’s condition to make it in the top 50.


Level 3

Eri will automatically go to the next bonding rank after you reach Nick’s condition to make it in the top 20.


Level 4

Eri will automatically go to the next bonding rank after you reach Nick’s condition to make it in the top 10.


Level 5

Eri will automatically go to the next bonding rank after you reach Nick’s condition to make it to the first spot!



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Like a Dragon – Joon-gi Han Bonding Events

by MrsChappie in


Level 1


  • You’re worth too much experience! +20 Charisma
  • Slimes… that run away… +20 Confidence
  • Shoulda gone with “Maverick”. +20 Style


Level 2


  • Thanks for the heads-up. +20 Kindness
  • What are friends for? +20 Passion
  • I’ll be on the lookout +20 Intellect


Level 3


  • How did you imitate him? +20 Charisma
  • You guys ever share any dirty jokes? +20 Confidence
  • Did he dress as sharp as you? +20 Style


Level 4


  • Welp, drinks on me, then. +20 Kindness
  • It’s not over yet! +20 Passion
  • You sure look calm. +20 Intellect


Level 5

For this bonding event, you’ll have to defeat the Jingweon Mafia survivors.



Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Ringleader Roundup: Tiger Takeover

by MrsChappie in


Obtained: Chapter 10 – After completing the Ringleader Roundup: Bear Blues substory, leave the area then return.

Approach Ringmaster Yasuda to trigger a brief cutscene then speak with him when your ready to fight the tiger! After the cutscene, defeat Charlotte!

Reward: Medal of Honor