Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – Watson Ride Locations

by Chappie in


Once you reach Act 2, fixers will start messaging you about vehicles for sale as you raise your street cred. You’ll have to make contact with the fixer in a region to be able to start buying cars from them. This should happen automatically when you travel to a new place. Purchasing them all is required to unlock the Autojock trophy. Please note that some vehicles can be obtained through side jobs, but those don’t count towards the trophy. Below are the vehicles located in Watson!


Galena G2450

Regina will message V about a car she bought off a paranoid guy who never went outside. It can be found on the second level of the parking garage in Little China directly east of V’s apartment. Purchase it for $13,000.


Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu” 

This vehicle can be found east of V’s apartment in a parking lot. Purchase it for $76,000.


Quartz EC-T2 R660 (Archer Quartz)

Regina will message V about a polished to shine car she obtained from a guy who used to own a garage back in the day. It can be found outside of a factory south of Offshore St fast travel point in Northside for $29,000.


Shion MZ2

Regina will message V about a sports car who’s previous owner had a lead-foot. It can be purchased in Little China on the third level of a parking lot north of V’s apartment for $75,000.


Thorton Colby C240T

Regina will message V about a nice car that used to belong to a car jacker from Memphis. It can be purchased at Northside just southwest of the Docks fast travel point for $39,000.



Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – Tarot Graffiti Locations

by Chappie in

During the Fool on the Hill side job that you can acquire in Act 2, you’ll be tasked with finding 20 Tarot Graffiti in the city. Below are the locations of each Cyberpunk 2077 Tarot Graffiti. If you find all the Tarot Graffiti, you’ll be rewarded with The Wandering Fool trophy! Please note that you must scan each Tarot Graffiti in order for it to count!


This Tarot Graffiti can be found east of the Senate & Market fast travel point in Heywood – The Glen on the outside wall of a building.


This Tarot Graffiti can be found southeast of the Longshore South fast travel point in Santo Domingo – Arroyo.


This Tarot Graffiti can be found at the San Amaro St fast travel point in Santo Domingo – Rancho Coronado on the side of a building.


This Tarot Graffiti can be found at Westbrook – North Oak in the Columbarium. It is located on the side of a structure.

The Chariot

This Tarot Graffiti can be found just north of the Afterlife fast travel point in Watson – Little China just outside of Tom’s Diner.

The Emperor

This Tarot Graffiti can be found just north of California & Cartwright fast travel point in Watson – Arasaka Waterfront on the entrance to Konpeki Plaza.

The Empress

This Tarot Graffiti can be found on a wall at the base of the stairs leading down just outside the entrance to Afterlife in Watson – Little China.

The Fool

This Tarot Graffiti can be found at your apartment building in Watson – Little China. When looking at your apartment door from outside the apartment, it is located on the right side.

The Hanged Man

This Tarot Graffiti can be found north of the Oil Fields fast travel point in the northern Badlands on a water tower.

The Hermit

This Tarot Graffiti can be found on the side of the chapel next to the Chapel fast travel point in Pacifica – Coastview.

The Hierophant

This Tarot Graffiti can be found in Westbrook – Japantown at the Japantown West fast travel point. Head down the stairs next to the fast travel point to find this artwork on the wall underneath them in a nook.

The High Priestess

This Tarot Graffiti can be found on an upper level in a building north of the Skyline East fast travel point in Heywood – Vista Del Rey.

The Lovers

This Tarot Graffiti can be found on the back of an outdoor movie screen in Westbrook – North Oak at the Drive-In Theater fast travel point. The code to enter the door is 0000, which can be found on the computer.

The Magician

This Tarot Graffiti can be found in Watson – Kabuki just south of the Sutter St fast travel point. It is located on a support beam across from Lizzie’s Bar.

The Moon

This Tarot Graffiti can be found on the side of a fence at Arasaka Estate fast travel point in Westbrook – North Oak.

The Star

This Tarot Graffiti can be found at the Solar Arrays fast travel point in the southern part of the Badlands on the side of a wall.

The Sun

This Tarot Graffiti can be found just south of your apartment in Watson – Little China near a tunnel through a building.

The Tower

This Tarot Graffiti can be found northwest of the Arasaka Tower fast travel point in City Center – Corpo Plaza.

The World

This Tarot Graffiti can be found just south of the Bradbury & Buran fast travel point in Watson – Little China. It is located on a rooftop.

Wheel of Fortune

This Tarot Graffiti can be found at the Sunset Motel on the far right of the map.

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – Watson Side Jobs

by Chappie in


Below are the side jobs that can be found at Watson in Cyberpunk 2077! Please note that the side jobs are listed in alphabetical order for ease of searching.


A Cool Metal Fire

Obtained: During the Chippin’ In side job

Objective: Speak with Rogue about Smasher

This job will automatically complete during the Chippin’ In side job.


A Like Supreme

Obtained: Automatically after finishing the Second Conflict side job in Act III

Objective: Wait for Nancy’s Call

Wait a day for Nancy to call then head to the Red Dirt in Santo Domingo – Arroyo at night. Enter the building and speak with Nancy. When your done, head to the bathroom and take the pills. Head back out to the main room to speak with Kerry to kick off the concert. When the show is over, speak with Kerry and Johnny to complete the job.


Beat on the Brat

Obtained: Speak with Coach Fred on or after the Ripperdoc Main Job

Objective: Defeat the Training Robot

Talk with Coach Fred and agree to fight his training robot. Defeat it in a quick boxing match then speak with Coach Fred again. He will mention V being a sharp fighter and starts talking about setting you up with some fights. If you defeat all four of the opponents around the city, you will qualify to fight in the final round. They will be unlocked as you progress through the story of the game.


Beat on the Brat: Kabuki

Obtained: Automatically after picking up Beat on the Brat

Objective: Defeat the twins

Travel to the rooftops in northeastern Kabuki and speak with the twins. This will be a 1 vs 2 fight where you fight both of them at the same time so make sure you have leveled up a bit when you decide to take them on. Since there are two of them, you have the option to increase the bet on the fight to 2,000 eddies.


Big in Japan

Obtained: Speak with Dennis in Afterlife

Objective: Find and deliver the package

Head to the Afterlife bar in Little China then find and speak with Dennis who is standing across from Rogue. Agree to do the job then head to the slums on the east side of Kabuki just south of the Charter St fast travel point.

Search the building closest to the water to find a rectangular container with “No Future” graffitied on it. Grab the package that falls out then put him down since you’ll first need to take care of some enemies. After the coast is clear, make your way to the car Dennis sent. When you reach the car, put the package in the trunk and hop in. Drive for the objective near the Megabuilding H10 fast travel point in Northside to drop off the package. Speak with Dennis to complete the job.


Blistering Love

Obtained: Watson – Automatically after completing the Chippin’ In side job in Act III

Objective: Call Rogue and ask her out

Call up Rogue and ask her out for Johnny. After she agrees, swing by the Afterlife in the evening to pick her up. Please note that if you pick her up in Johnny’s car, you’ll get some special dialog. Hit the road and follow the objective to the drive-in theater. When you arrive, you’ll be tasked with looking for a way inside (if you came here for the tarot graffiti already, then you should be able to head on in). Use the code 0000 to enter the drive-in. Rogue will then task you with getting the movie running. Enter the projection booth and examine the projector to get it working. Johnny will then take over for his date. Talk with Rogue while the movie is playing to catch up. When it’s over, speak to Johnny to complete the gig and trigger the Bushido and Chill trophy.


Boat Drinks

Obtained: Kerry will call you sometime after finishing the Off the Leash side job

Objective: Meet Kerry at the marina at 7:00 pm

Follow the objective to the Corporation St fast travel point in City Center – Downtown to wait for Kerry. When it’s time, head onto the boat and speak with Kerry then sit next to him to enjoy the ride. Afterwards, have fun destroying the boat then swim to shore and speak with Kerry! This is your chance to romance him if your V is a guy!


Both Sides, Now

Obtained: After Act 1, Judy will call you.

Objective: Go to Judy’s apartment

Head to the objective west of Charter St fast travel point in Watson – Kabuki and enter the bathroom in the apartment to find Judy. Speak with her then carry Evelyn to the bed. Wait for Judy to finish the call then speak with her again. Afterwards, leave the bedroom and close the door to fast forward time. On the roof talk to Judy then leave the building to give her space and complete the job.


Burning Desire

Obtained: Approach the side job location southeast of Goldsmith St

Objective: Find out what’s wrong with the distressed man

Approach the man yelling and agree to help him. Head towards the street, call your car then hop in. Drive the man to a ripperdoc in the north by following the objective. When you arrive, the man will hop out and tell you to wait for his call. You don’t actually have to wait there specifically. You can continue on with exploring the area and/or doing side jobs, etc. About 3 hours later in game time, Flaming Crotch Man will give you a call which will complete the job.


Chippin’ In

Obtained: Automatically at the start of Act III after completing Tapeworm

Objective: Watson – Go to the Afterlife

Travel to the Afterlife then head inside. Speak with Johnny and choose to take Misty’s pills. The first order of business is to order a couple of drinks. When prompted, ask Claire if she’s heard of the name Cassius Ryder where you’ll get to choose a tattoo. Pick either option (V’s gonna love the second one according to Johnny). This will lead to Johnny having a wild night ending with a conversation with Rogue.  You’ll then have to wait a day for Rogue to get in touch with you (and will also have Johnny’s Aviators).


When Rogue calls, head to Afterlife and speak with her in person. You’ll then follow Rogue to her car where she’ll give you Johnny’s Jacket. Afterwards, hop in. After waiting for the area to clear out, Rogue and V will begin the mission. Follow Rogue until she mentions sneaking to the dataterm. The easiest way for me was to sneak along the right side of the area towards the dataterm. This will require some investment in Body and Technical Ability. When you get into the building, interact with the data terminal and check it out to find where your targets are hiding. Then travel into the next room, taking the door on the far right side. There will be one enemy in this room you will need to take out. From here, sneak across the trainyard to reach the ship. Once on the ship, make your way towards the front of it being mindful of the enemies. Take them out then approach Grayson to take back Johnny’s gun. Rogue will then press him for Smasher’s location. At the end, you’ll be give a choice to let Grayson live. If you choose to spare his life, he’ll reward you with a keycard. Rogue will run off and Johnny will show up. Lower the container using a near control panel then head down to the container and open it up to claim your prize, which is Johnny’s Porsche! Head out to the objective in the oil fields and speak with Johnny. Select “The Guy who Saved My Life” if you want the special ending. Once you’re done talking with Johnny, the job will complete.


Dream On

Obtained: Charter Hill – After completing the I Fought the Law side job, you’ll eventually receive a call from Jefferson

Objective: Go to the Peralezes’ apartment

Use the intercom to enter the apartment then take the elevator up to the penthouse. Speak with the Peralezes. When you’ve exhausted all dialog options, speak with Elizabeth for a tour. On the tour you’ll pass the conference room and enter a hallway. In the hallway scan the patched up bullet holes in the wall on the left and the bloodstain on the floor. Follow the bloodstains through the double doors closest to them. Inspect more directly in front of you on the floor and near the door to the right. Enter through that door to find 2 more bloodstains on the floor. Scan the wall near the far bloodstain to find a concealed door. You’ll need to open it using a Body Value of 7.


After speaking with Elizabeth, scan the wall behind the counter to find strange tech. Follow the cables by taking the ladder up then opening the hatch in the ceiling. Climb up it to reach the roof then follow the cables along the edge to a transmitter. After Johnny speaks with you, scan the area on the ground level to find another transmitter in the distance by a skyscraper.


Return to Elizabeth and speak with her then leave the apartment to check out the van. As you get close, the van will drive away and you’ll need to chase it. Follow the van until it stops in Watson – Northside north of the All Foods Plant fast travel point. If you enter nonstealthy the enemies will obviously attack you. You’ll need to defeat them all before you can connect to the van’s Access Point.


When you unjack, call Elizabeth then head to the ramen shop in Westbrook – Japantown near the Cherry Blossom Market fast travel point and speak with her. Afterwards, head to Reconciliation Park to speak with Jefferson. As you approach Jefferson, you’ll receive a call from an unknown stranger. When you speak with Jefferson, it’s up to you whether or not you tell him the truth or just go along with what Elizabeth told him.


Epistrophy: Northside

Obtained: Automatically after accepting the job from Delamain

Objective: Find the Delamain cab

Travel to the east part of Watson – Northside near the Longshore North fast travel point to start your search. Head across the street (southwest) toward the objective to enter a search area. Enter the storage unit lot to your left. You will find the rogue cab here. As you approach it, it will drive off. Give chase to the car until it stops. Del will call you and the job will complete.


Every Breath You Take

Obtained: After you complete the Off the Leash side job, you’ll receive a call from Blue Moon

Objective: Go to the meeting spot and wait for Blue Moon

Travel to the meeting spot at the Kabuki Market then sit on the indicated bench. Speak with Blue Moon then search the area when she calls and follow her around Kabuki. The stalker is a girl named Griselda Martinez and she is wearing a green tank top and skirt. Eventually Griselda will approach Blue Moon. If your quick, you can get behind her and knock her out. Loot her afterwards to find some evidence then speak with Blue Moon to determine her fate. This will complete the job.


Fool on the Hill

Obtained: After Act 2 find a Tarot Graffiti in the city to acquire the side job

Objective: Find all the Tarot Graffiti in the city (20 total)

After you find a Tarot Graffiti, head to Misty and speak with her then talk to Viktor. For a detailed guide on where to find each Tarot Graffiti, click here! When you find one, you must scan it in order for it to count towards the side job! After finding all of the Tarot Graffiti, head to back Misty’s shop in Watson – Little China to speak with her. This will complete the job.


Full Disclosure

Obtained: You’ll get a message from Sandra Dorsett offering V a job in Act II

Objective: Find the databank

After getting the job offer from Sandra, travel to the location in Kabuki and enter the building. You’ll find the databank on a metal crate next to a chair in red light. Exit the building then give Sandra a call telling her that you found the databank. Before you hand over the databank you have the option to crack it. Doing so and being upfront about it will give you a better ending. Make your way to her apartment in Little China and take the elevator up to the 5th floor. Knock on her door and head into the room. Hand over the data disk. If you decided to crack it first, admit it when she asks and then congratulate her. If you have an Intelligence value of 7 then you will get access to a special prompt. Trying to blackmail her will cause her to turn hostile. Deal with her either way to complete the job.


Happy Together

Obtained: Pass by the room with police banging on the door at V’s apartment complex

Objective: Talk to Barry

Speak to the officers across from Barry’s apartment and agree to speak with him. Knock on Barry’s door and choose the option “I’m going to take that as a yes”. After some hours pass in game time, check up on Barry again to get him to answer. Choose any of the options as they all lead to Barry inviting you in. Take a seat on the table across from him and speak with Barry again. Make sure you select all the blue options first then choose “Everyone has their limits” if you want to see the full job play out. If you chose to do all the blue options, exit Barry’s room and make your way to Westbrook – North Oak in the Columbarium and look for Andrew’s Niche of Barry’s fallen friend. Return to the cops and speak with them then follow them to Barry’s room. Watch the events that unfold to complete the job.



Obtained: Automatically in Act 2

Objective: Call Mama Welles

Call up Mama Welles. If you sent Jackie to Viktor during The Heist main quest, you’ll make your way back to your apartment and loot the contents of the package to receive the keys to a bike. If you sent Jackie to his family during The Heist main quest, tell Mama Welles that you’ll be at the service. Next, follow the objective to meet Mama Welles at El Coyote Cojo in Heywood – The Glen. After you speak with her, head to Jackie’s garage. On the way, you’ll see Misty sitting down against a building. Speak with her and agree to sit down. Continue speaking with her then open the garage. Scan each object in the room then wait for Misty to tell you about them. Inspect the door then search the desk to find the key. Use the key to open Jackie’s room then speak with Misty again. Afterwards, scan the objects in Jackie’s room. Decide which object you’d like to take then grab it. Speak with Misty one more time then head back to El Coyote Cojo. Take a seat and watch the event unfold. When it’s your turn, stand up and tell them about when you first met. Choose the options you’d like for your speech then place the object on the table. Drink to Jackie then speak with Mama Welles and tell her that Misty is important. Grab the key then speak with Padre, Valentinos, Viktor and the bartender. When you’ve talked to everyone, leave the bar to complete the job.


Human Nature

Obtained: Automatically obtained when you reach Act 2

Objective: Fetch your vehicle from the parking garage

Travel to the parking garage just east of your apartment to locate your car. Get inside to trigger a cutscene then exit your car. Check the message from the Delamain on your phone. Next you’ll need to wait for your car to be repaired. When it’s done, you’ll receive a text and the job will complete.


I Don’t Wanna Hear It

Obtained: Kerry will call you sometime after finishing Rebel! Rebel! side job

Objective: Meet Kerry at Riot around 7 pm

Meet with Kerry to speak with him briefly. To get concert tickets, you can speak with a scalper outside of the club and purchase one for $21,000. Alternatively, you can scan the fans to the left of the building in the alley to steal two tickets. Once you enter the building, you’ll need to head backstage. Speak with the bouncer blocking the door leading backstage. If your Body Value is 20, you can just convince him to let you go. Follow Kerry through a door to speak with the girls. If you’re nice, you can take a picture with the girls to complete the job.


Killing in the Name

Obtained: From the Bartmoss Collective messages

Objective: Investigate the site from the Bartmoss Collective message

Head to V’s apartment and use her PC to access the Bartmoss Collective site under the Net tab. Select the post titled “Reward for any info on Swedenborg!” then exit the PC. Call Bes Isis to leave a voicemail.


After meeting Nancy (Bes Isis) during the Chippin’ In side job in Act III, call Nancy to take on the job then head for the location in Santo Domingo – Rancho Coronado near the Almunecar & Jerez fast travel point. Head into the the search area. Scan the box on the right building then climb up the fire escape on the right side. On the second to from the top row, scan the wall to find a router then jump over to it to jack in. Hack the point to receive a mysterious message then speak to Johnny. Follow the new coordinates out to the Badlands near the Solar Arrays fast travel point. Head for the trailer and climb on the top to find another router. Hack into it then speak to Johnny. Head to the new coordinates by the Protein Farm fast travel point then use the yellow ladders to climb up to the top of the structure where you’ll find another router in the middle of the sign. Hack it to receive another message with more coordinates in Pacifica near the West Wind Apartments. Head there and speak with Johnny. Head to the search area to find a Leonora fortuneteller bot. Pay an eddie to hear your fortune then scan the router on the side of it. Hack it then read the message and speak with Johnny.  You can then either leave the bot alone or alter it. Make your decision then call Nancy to complete the job.


Kold Mirage

Obtained: You’ll receive a message about this side job.

Objective: See where the coordinates lead

Follow the objective to the south of Medeski Fuel Station fast travel point in The Badlands to find a freezer. Open the freezer then speak with Johnny. Close the freezer then reopen it again. Scan the freezer then take the cyberdeck. Close the freezer once more then go to the Afterlife in Watson – Little China and speak with Nix. Agree to have him work on it then set the deck on Nix’s desk. Nix will plug in then something will go wrong and you’ll need to look for a way to save him. Quickly jack in the the computer to the left of Nix and solve the puzzle using the bottom row. Afterwards, speak with Nix to complete the job.


Off the Leash

Obtained: Kerry will call you sometime after finishing the I Don’t Wanna Hear It side job

Objective: Go to the given address

Head to the objective near the Dark Matter fast travel point in the southern part of Westbrook – Japantown. Enter the building and speak with the bouncer then enter the elevator and take it to the lounge. Watch the show from the balcony then head down the stairs on the right side of the room to reach Kerry and speak with him. Participate briefly in the interview then follow Kerry. Once you arrive on the balcony, speak with Kerry to complete the job.


Paid in Full

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story

Objective: Pay off your debt to Viktor

This gig is pretty straight forward. You will need to earn $21,000 eddies to pay back your debt to Viktor.


Psycho Killer

Obtained: Automatically during Act 1, you’ll receive a call from Regina.

Objective: Find all the cyberpsychos

First you need to locate all the cyberpsychos in the game and neutralize them. A complete listing of all the Cyberpsycho Sighting side jobs can be found here! Once you defeat all the cyberpsychos, wait for an update from Regina. She will text you 24 hours later in game telling you to meet up with her in person. Head on over to Watson – Kabuki and speak with Regina to complete the job.


Sacrum Profanum

Obtained: Speak with the monk at the Docks

Objective: Save the monk

Head northwest along the road towards the objective to find a large building with shipping containers stacked on the side of it. Head through the shipping containers to enter the area where the monk is being held. Since the monk asked us not to kill anyone, try to take out the 4 enemies along the way nonlethally. One is outside and the other 3 are inside the building. The best way to take out the enemies on the inside nonlethally is to climb up the shipping containers on the outside of the building. This will give you access to a metal walkway on the left inside the warehouse. Use ladder at the end of the walkway to sneak up on the enemies. After knocking out the enemies, speak with the monk to complete the job.


Second Conflict

Obtained: Automatically after finishing the Holdin’ On side job in Act III

Objective: Enter the Totentanz

Travel to the Totentanz near the Pershing St fast travel point at Watson – Northside then enter the building. Head to the second floor and wait near the bouncer for the elevator to arrive. Take it to the 3rd floor and follow the hallway to reach the club. Speak to the goons near the entrance then follow Patricia to Brick. If you saved Brick earlier, he’ll help you out and you are free to follow Nancy. Hop in her car to strike up a deal then call Kerry. Travel to Denny’s house near the Arasaka Estate fast travel point in North Oak. Use the intercom then follow the vehicle tracks around back to the pool. Speak with Denny and Henry. You’ll have to pick the person you want to come to the concert. Make your choice to complete the quest. Make sure to grab the unique bat from the cement pool before you leave.


Send in the Clowns

Obtained: Ozob will send you a message in Act II

Objective: Call Ozob Bozo

Call up Ozob and agree to be his driver then travel to the Cherry Blossom Market fast travel point in Westbrook – Japantown and let out a honk (hold L3). After Ozob gets into the passenger seat, drive him to the objective in Watson – Little China near the Bradbury & Burn fast travel point. Wait for Ozob to get his “takeout”. When you hear the signal get out of the car and defeat the enemies. Speak with Ozob to complete the job.


Shoot to Thrill

Obtained: During Act 2, Wilson will call you about a shooting completion at his shooting range

Objective: Compete in the gun competition

For the competition, you’ll need a pistol with a high firing rate. This will allow you to hit a target multiple times to gain additional points. When your ready, travel to Wilson’s shooting range in Watson – China Town near V’s apartment and speak with him to start the competition. Head into to the ring to start Wilson’s rundown of the rules then equip your pistol and fire away. You’ll need a score of 41 or more to win the competition. If you win, speak with Wilson to collect your reward, which is a purple Lexington pistol. Please note that you do not need to win to complete the gig.



Obtained: After visiting Nix in the Afterlife, Nix will message you about a job in Act II.

Objective: Talk to Nix

Travel to Afterlife to find Nix in a computer room past the bar. Speak with him and agree to do the job then give R3n0 a call. She will send you coordinates to a skywalk near the Lele Park fast travel point in Westbrook – Charter Hill. Approach her by the bar and speak with her to get some options. If your Intelligence Value is 9, you can knock her out and hack the laptop to receive the coordinates of the book’s location. Otherwise you’ll need to pay the $7,300 eddies for them. If you’re a corpo, you can select the corpo option to negotiate the price down to $1,800 eddies. Follow the objective a short ways away to find the goods in a suitcase next to a vending machine. With the Book of Spells in hand, you can choose to decrypt it before handing it over to Nix. Return to Afterlife and speak with Nix to hand over the book. If you have an Intelligence value of 9, you can get more money out of it. This will complete the side job.


Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution

Obtained: After completing the Ex-Factor side job and waiting awhile, Judy will text you.

Objective: Wait for Judy’s call

After Judy calls you, head over to her apartment and wait until evening. Use the intercom then enter the apartment and sit on the stool in the kitchen to speak with the group. When you need to test out Tom, punch him then continue discussing the plan. Agree to help with the plan then speak with Judy. Afterwards, crash on the couch then eat the breakfast on the counter in the kitchen and leave the building to complete the job.


The Gift

Obtained: Automatically from T-Bug after completing the Rescue main job

Objective: Retrieve the ping quickhack from the Netrunner

Travel to Kabuki Market in Watson – Kabuki then make your way to the Netrunner on the second level. Speak with Yoko and tell her that T-Bug sent you then select the PING Quickhack. Equip it then analyze the surveillance camera in the back of the shop and choose PING to reveal the access point. Jack In to it and complete the breach mini-game to finish the job.


The Gig

Obtained: Automatically from Wakako after completing the Rescue main job

Objective: Speak with Wakako

You’ll have to wait until the Watson lockdown has ended before you can speak to Wakako. Once you speak with her, you’ll need to collect your reward from a ripper near the Pershing St fast travel point to complete the job.


The Gun

Obtained: Speak with Wilson at the 2nd Amendment weapons shop in Watson Little China near V’s apartment

Objective: Collect your gun from Wilson

Speak with Wilson in his shop and grab the Dying Night pistol free of charge. Picking it up will show the tutorial for Upgrading Iconic Items.


These Boots are Made for Walking (Nomad)

Obtained: Watson – Automatically after your car is repaired in Act II

Objective: Go to the indicated location

Follow the objective to arrive at a landfill in the eastern Badlands south of the Medeski Fuel Station fast travel point. Scan the car then pop the hood to examine the engine, radiator and oil pan. When you get done, Lana will show up yelling at you. Speak with her to get a few options. You can tell her you’re keeping the car, allow her to keep it or offer to buy the car for 100 eddies. If you choose to keep the car, hop in the driver’s seat and speak with Johnny to complete the gig.


Tune Up

Obtained: During the Human Nature side job

Objective: Go to Delamain HQ

Travel to Delamain HQ in Heywood – Vista Del Rey then enter the building. Speak to the receptionist to complete the job.


Venus in Furs

Obtained: During the main story, you’ll need to retrieve a Militech bot for Dexter. If Meredith shows up at the end of the quest, she’ll send you a message after some time passes. Respond “Shame. Wanted to get a closer look at your ink.” to trigger the side job.

Objective: Go to the first floor of the No-Tell Motel

Travel to the No-Tell Motel in the southeastern part of Watson. Enter the building and head through the gate on the first floor to find Room 6. Head through this door to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, retrieve Sir John Phallustiff from the bed.



Obtained: During Act III, after getting a message from a mysterious client.

Objective: Meet with the mysterious client at No-Tell Motel

Head to the No-Tell Motel near the Kabuki: Central fast travel point at Watson – Kabuki then enter the building. Make your way to the third floor and enter room 210 to meet the Mysterious Woman. Sit down to speak with the client. Agree to take her job then travel to Riot located in southern Little China near the Riot fast travel point at night. Speak to the bouncer by the door to see if he’s seen the target. If you choose to threaten him, he’ll lock you out of the club. Head up to the 2nd level and speak with the bartender. If your Body value is 20 or you pay him $2,000, you can make him tell you where Liam is. From the bartender, head to the other side of the room. To open this door, press the button to the right of the door. Take a right to reach an elevator and ride it down to the 1st floor. Head over the PC and use the camera to snoop on Liam. When you’re done, steal the data and call Lizzy to send it to her. This will complete the job.


After some time passes, Lizzy will call you and reopen this job. Head to the No-Tell Motel near the Kabuki: Central fast travel point in Watson – Kabuki then enter the building. Head to the hotel room you previously met her in then carry the body to the dumpster down the hall to complete the job.


War Pigs

Obtained: You’ll receive a call from Frank during Act 2.

Objective: Go to the indicated location

Head to the objective near Kennedy North fast travel station in Watson – Kabuki. Speak with Johnny when you arrive then move the dumpster under the XXX sign. Open the briefcase underneath it then confront Frank behind you. Choose whatever option you’d like as he’ll attack you no matter what. Defeat him to receive the Apparition, which is a Tech Pistol that is Epic/Iconic.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – King’s Peak Constellations

by Chappie in


Mandatory Constellation

During the Family Emergency main quest, you’ll need to complete this constellation to proceed up the mountain.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. Head to the northwest to find a cave. Inside there are 2 platforms. Put enough weight on the platforms to release the orb.


2. Grab the orb given to you and carry it to the circular platform to the northeast of the puzzle. Drop it down the ramp then press the pedestal. Carry the orb you got above up the stairs to the building opposite of the other circular platform. Stand on this platform then  drop it down the ramp just like before to release the orb.


3. On the southeastern side of the puzzle, jump into the water on the right side of the structure and dive under the water to enter the room with an orb. Once inside, put enough weight on the platforms to open the door. We placed the clone on one platform and stood on the other then pulled the orb to us.


4. The orb is located in the water to the left of the last structure towards the path leading northeast.


Punishment of Atlas Constellation

This constellation can be found just north of the Punishment of Atlas fast travel point.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. This orb can be found already on the puzzle it is just in the wrong slot!


2. Head west of the constellation puzzle to find a building with an orb behind a gate. Jump into the little hole near the orb then swim to a pedestal underwater behind large rocks and press it. Return to the orb and grab it.


3. Head inside the building to the east of the puzzle. Head up to the right side of the second level and pull the metal cube towards you so that it drops down into the hole. Jump to the lower level then head to the left side of the structure to pull the cube onto the platform. Activate the pedestal next to you then dive into the water on the right side. When you emerge on the other side, pull the metal cube towards you then dive back under the water to the other side. Stand next to the platform then pull the cube onto it and activate the pedestal next to you. Grab the orb that release between the entrances to this building.


4. Head to the building south of the puzzle then climb up the pillar closest to you. Look west to find a ledge lit by a brazier with a giant metal cube on it. Pull down the cube and place it on the platform to open the gate blocking the orb. Head up to the orb and grab it!


Northeastern Constellation

This constellation can be found in the far northeastern corner of King’s Peak.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. Break the corruption on the archway to the east of the puzzle to reveal an orb.


2. Break the corruption at the base of a tree to the south of the puzzle to reveal an orb.


3., 4. & 5. Head inside the cave south of the puzzle and smash the breakable wall to the left of the circular platform to reveal an orb. Stand on the circular platform in the cave and throw the orb into the space where the barrier was on the right side. Next, shoot the target behind the grate to cause another orb to fall. Activate the pedestal on the right to release all 3 orbs.




Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Ambrosia Locations

by Chappie in


In Immortals Fenyx Rising, you’ll need to collect Ambrosia to increase your maximum health. You can find the Ambrosia at the below locations in War’s Den.


This Ambrosia can be found slightly southeast of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point behind the tall column.


This Ambrosia can be found in a building on the small island to the east of War’s Den. To reach it, head to the east side of the island to find some bubbles in the water. Dive down and follow the path under the island to surface in the room with the Ambrosia.


This Ambrosia can be found in the very north of War’s Den along the border with The Forgelands. It is located on the top of a cliff overlooking the night chest.


This Ambrosia can be found northeast of the God of War fast travel point in a locked building. Head to the roof of the building then remove the giant cube to find a hole that you can drop down to get into the building.


This Ambrosia can be found on a small ledge in the ravine northwest of the God of War fast travel point.


This Ambrosia can be found south of the Protector Drakon Isemnios fast travel point on the side of a cliff near a bridge.


This Ambrosia can be found southwest of the God of War fast travel point on the hand of a giant statue.


This Ambrosia can be found on the giant statue’s fist northwest of Giant’s Fall fast travel point.


This Ambrosia can be found in the far western part of War’s Den on a cliff overlooking a vault.


This Ambrosia can be found on a cliff overlooking the ocean just southeast of the Sanctuary of Erebos vault.


This Ambrosia can be found on the northwestern side of Ajax’s Fort on top of the stone wall.


This Ambrosia can be found in the northern part of Ajax’s Fort near the top of a building in a broken room.


This Ambrosia can be found southwest of Ajax’s Fort on a cliff overlooking the wall.


This Ambrosia can be found on a small island south of War’s Den.


This Ambrosia can be found on the side of a cliff overlooking the ocean east of Ajax’s Fort locked in a building.

To open the building, head down to the waterline and place weights on the 2 platforms. Next, jump into the water between the platforms and dive through the entrance underneath the cliff. Follow the path then climb up the walls to reach the Ambrosia at the top.




Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Chests

by Chappie in


Below are the chests that can be found at War’s Den in Immortals Fenyx Rising!


This chest can be found northeast of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point.

To access it underneath the giant statue, you’ll need to first raise the gate. To do this, you’ll need to activate both pedestals in all 4 burrows. We started at the one on the left (east side). Pull the lever then sprint over the laser beams into the next room then activate the pedestal on the left. This will cage you in with lasers. Sprint through the lasers and into the room that was previously blocked with a barrier to activate that pedestal. For the next burrow that is slightly back farther to the left, pull the lever and run through the lasers to enter the room. Activate the pedestal in front of you then run through the lasers to activate that one as well. Head on over to the next building. Again pull the lever in front then either run through or jump over the lasers. Once inside activate the pedestal then use the cube to block some of the lasers so you can activate the pedestal in the next room. Head to the next building in line to again pull the lever and make it through the lasers. Once inside activate the pedestal then leave a clone of yourself on the platform. Grab the cube and put it in front of the lasers to reach the pedestal in the next room. Activate it then head back to the chest to see that the gate has been lifted. Pull the lever to see what order you need to step on the platforms. The order is 31425. Head inside the next room to open the chest.


This chest can be found in the far northwestern corner of War’s Den in the corner of a ruined building.


This chest can be found west of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point in a ravine. The chest is located inside a cave in the side of the ravine hidden by red mist. Be careful to avoid the mist by climbing on the walls.


This chest can be found on the roof of the large building to the northwest of Giant’s Fall fast travel point.


This chest can be found west of the Vault of Ares in the far western part of War’s Den next to a small lyre.

To unlock the lyre thus unlocking the chest, you’ll need to use Apollo’s Arrow to light the braziers in the correct order as shown on the wall.


This chest can be found southeast of the Vault of Ares in the far western part of War’s Den.

To unlock the pedestals in front of the entrance, you’ll need to use Apollo’s Arrow to light the brazier on the back of each neck of the giant statues in the water. The last brazier can be found behind a large pot on the ledge of the cliff on the east behind the giant’s hand that is holding a boat. Once all braziers have been lit, activate the pedestals to remove the barrier. Head inside to open the chest.


This chest can be found in the northern outskirts wall of Ajax’s Fort in a broken section of wall.


These 3 chests can be found surrounding the throne in the large building in the southern part of Ajax’s Fort.


This chest can be found inside a building on the southwestern side of Ajax’s Fort.

To unlock it, head to the top of the structure to the left of the circular platform to find another circular platform. Stand on it then grab the cube that was previously behind the barrier.  Jump back down and face the entrance. Climb up to the top left side then pull the cube towards you which will cause it to fall. Jump down then smash the breakable wall to the left of the entrance and retrieve the cube. Stand on the circular platform in the center of the room and throw a cube threw where each barrier was to raise the gate in the middle. Head up the stairs to open the chest.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Constellation Myth Challenge

by Chappie in


Northern Constellation

This constellation can be found in the northern part of War’s Den near the border with The Forgelands.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. For the first orb, head to the second level of cave north of the puzzle. Head into the cave on the far left. Place a duplicate of yourself on the lightweight platform then climb up ontop of the barrier to find a breakable wall. Use your axe to smash the wall then pull the metal cube towards you to make it fall through the hole in the floor. Grab the cube then stand on the circular platform and throw it onto the platform that was behind the barrier to release the orb.


2. Head into the next cave on the second level in the side of the cliff to find 2 barriers. Head past the 2 light to the right then swing around the gold box to find a breakable wall. Smash the wall then grab activate the pedestal to release one of the barriers. Grab the cube hidden behind the barrier then climb to the top of the other barrier to find 2 platforms. Bring this cube onto one platform and the other cube can be found above where the breakable wall was. Jump down then grab the orb.


3. Head to the third level up on the cliffside to find another cave on the right. This one contains some lasers inside. Place a copy of yourself on the lightweight platform then head inside towards the orb and take a left. Stand on the circular platform to release the orb then grab it.


4. Head to the third level up on the cliffside to find a cave on the left that contains 2 platforms. Put the giant metal cube on the heavy one and a clone of yourself on the light one. Once both have been activated, the orb will release.


5. The last orb is behind the puzzle to the south behind the wall depicting the placement of the orbs. To unlock it, head to the northeast cave on the first level to find a breakable wall inside. Smash the wall then grab the circle and drop it under the unlocked orb. Head to the second square to the left to see that this one is missing its circle, which you can find directly in front of it. Drop it onto the square to release the orb.


God of War Constellation

This constellation can be found north of the God of War fast travel point.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. The first orb can be found behind the wall with the image on it depicting where to place the orbs. To unlock it. Stare at the columns containing medallions. From left to right start, step on the circles in the following order: 3, 1, 2, 4.


2. & 3. Both orbs can be found in the belt of the giant statues guarding the puzzle.


4. East of the puzzle stand on the circular platform then shoot the 2 targets above the barrier. Once both targets have been hit, the orb will release.


5. Face east of the puzzle to spot a face in the cliff. Head to the right of the face and hug the wall to find a breakable spot in the cliff. Smash the cliff then head inside to retrieve the orb.


Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Lyre Myth Challenges

by Chappie in


Big Lyre

This big lyre can be found east of the God of War fast travel point.

To play the big lyre, you’ll need to first find the 4 small lyres scattered around War’s Den. They will give you the order of the strings to play on the big lyre. At the big lyre, shoot the strings with arrows in the correct order to receive Coins of Charon.


Small Lyres

This lyre can be found northeast of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point next to a chest.

To access it underneath the giant statue, you’ll need to first raise the gate. To do this, you’ll need to activate both pedestals in all 4 burrows. We started at the one on the left (east side). Pull the lever then sprint over the laser beams into the next room then activate the pedestal on the left. This will cage you in with lasers. Sprint through the lasers and into the room that was previously blocked with a barrier to activate that pedestal. For the next burrow that is slightly back farther to the left, pull the lever and run through the lasers to enter the room. Activate the pedestal in front of you then run through the lasers to activate that one as well. Head on over to the next building. Again pull the lever in front then either run through or jump over the lasers. Once inside activate the pedestal then use the cube to block some of the lasers so you can activate the pedestal in the next room. Head to the next building in line to again pull the lever and make it through the lasers. Once inside activate the pedestal then leave a clone of yourself on the platform. Grab the cube and put it in front of the lasers to reach the pedestal in the next room. Activate it then head back to the lyre to see that the gate has been lifted. Pull the lever to see what order you need to step on the platforms. The order is 31425. Head inside the next room to play the lyre. The order of the strings is 213234.


This lyre can be found west of the Vault of Ares in the far western part of War’s Den.

To unlock the lyre, you’ll need to use Apollo’s Arrow to light the braziers in the correct order as shown on the wall. Play the lyre to get the following order of the strings: 311243.


This lyre can be found southeast of the Vault of Ares in the far western part of War’s Den.

To unlock the pedestals in front of the entrance, you’ll need to use Apollo’s Arrow to light the brazier on the back of each neck of the giant statues in the water. The last brazier can be found behind a large pot on the ledge of the cliff on the east behind the giant’s hand that is holding a boat. Once all braziers have been lit, activate the pedestals to remove the barrier. Head inside to play the lyre. The order of the strings is 231424.


This lyre can be found inside a building on the southwestern side of Ajax’s Fort.

To unlock it, head to the top of the structure to the left of the circular platform to find another circular platform. Stand on it then grab the cube that was previously behind the barrier.  Jump back down and face the entrance. Climb up to the top left side then pull the cube towards you which will cause it to fall. Jump down then smash the breakable wall to the left of the entrance and retrieve the cube. Stand on the circular platform in the center of the room and throw a cube threw where each barrier was to raise the gate in the middle. Head up the stairs to play the lyre. The order of the strings is 11423.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Night Chests

by Chappie in


While exploring Immortals Fenyx Rising, you’ll come across night chests. These chests are only able to be accessed at night and are guarded by difficult enemies. Thankfully you are able to change the time in the game to night by holding the options button. Below are the locations of the night chests in War’s Den!


This night chest can be found slightly northeast of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point.

Defeat the enemies then open the chest to receive a Midnight Fragment!


This night chest can be found in the very north of War’s Den.

Defeat the enemies the step on the platforms in the above order starting at the row farthest away from the chest and ending at the row closest to the chest. Once the chest unlocks, open it to find a Midnight Fragment!