
Eastward – The Eternal Tower Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Eternal Tower Chapter 7 quest in Eastward.


Enter the Eternal Tower

Head down to the dock and interact with the door on the building there to trigger a dialog event. When you gain control of John, head for the Eternal Tower north of the Train Graveyard to trigger a dialog event. When you gain control of John, head through the door to reach the Eternal Tower. If you return to the Iron Carbine in the Train Graveyard, you’ll get a dialog event with William and Daniel leading to an upgrade for Sonic Punk.


Head north through the tower and take the elevator up using Sam’s ability. In the next room, you’ll have to quickly make it to the other side of the room before time runs out. You’ll want to use the remote explosives to blow the creates up faster. When you get to the other side of the room, shoot the bubble with Sam’s fully charged attack. Head through the next room and turn on the switch. Return to the entrance and use the newly activated elevator to head up to Eternal Tower Platform #2.

Head northeast to the next area then use Sam’s attack on the bubble on the left side of the room to reveal a chest containing 100 salt. Take the platforms to the east side of the area. In the next area, separate Sam and John. Send Sam through the tunnel to stand on the floor switch. Head east with John and move the column under the raised crane to enable Sam to pass through. Step on the moving platform and follow the path to the next area. Head west across the moving platform then destroy the boxes. Hit a remote bomb to the spin lever then take the moving platform to the south to reach the gate. Blow the remote bomb to lower the gate and proceed to the next area. Quickly make your way across the platforms, picking up timers as you go, to make it to the end of the area before time runs out. In the middle, hit the target with a remote bomb to lower the gate around the beacon. Shoot the beacon to lower the gate then hit the bubble at the end with Sam’s fully charged attack.

In the next area, activate the switch then return to the elevator. Follow the path northwest to the next area. Shoot the rail with Sam’s ability to cause the platform to appear. Step on the platform then defeat the enemies that attack. Again, shoot the rail (this time to the west) with Sam’s ability to cause the platform to move. Step on it then continue west into the next area. Head south and defeat the enemies in that room. When you’re able, continue following the path to the moving platform and take it across to the west. Send a remote bomb on the platform and wait for it to reach the wooden crates blocking the northern path then detonate it. Head north to the newly opened path to find a chest at the end containing an advanced gear part. Return to the platform then head west to the next area.


Once in this area, take the platform straight ahead to the tunnel entrance. Separate Sam and John by sending Sam through the tunnel. Follow the path forward, dodging the projectile balls. When you get to the end, shoot the rail using Sam’s ability to bring the platform to you. Blow up the crates in the way with John’s bombs. Defeat the enemies that spawn then use Sam’s fully charged attack on the bubble to find a chest containing 100 salt. Head south and into the room at the bottom to find a closet containing a key. Shoot the beacon in the middle of the area then hit the rail to summon the platform. Step on the platform and head back to the locked door at the beginning of the area. Use the key to unlock the door. This next room is a timed room. Separate John and Sam. Use Sam’s ability to shoot the rail, summoning the platform. Have John stand on the platform and send Sam through the tunnel next to it. Hit the rail on the other side to bring John down. Use John to break the crates to find a time extension. You’ll then need to alternate between Sam and John to stand on the floor switches to unlock the way forward. When you reach the other side, take the platform across the room then send Sam through the tunnel. When you get to the end of the path, use her fully charged ability to destroy the bubble. Afterwards, head to the next area and activate the switch. Return to the elevator and take it up to Eternal Tower Platform #3. Beware! There is a mini-boss in the next room!

After defeating the mini-boss, follow the path east to reach the next area. Head to the platform in the northern part of the area and ride it south. You’ll need to use a bomb to destroy the crates on the left allowing you to shoot the beacon with Sam. This will lower the gate allowing you to reach the next area. Follow the path to reach the next area where you’ll find a chest with 3 lettuce. Take the platform north where you’ll have to fight a couple of waves of enemies to head to the next area.


This next area is a timed room. You’ll want to put John on the platform then head through the southern tunnel with Sam. Hit the rail with Sam’s power to bring John to you and use your flamethrower to burn the boxes out of Sam’s way. Head north with her using John to burn the second set of boxes out to her way. Head to the lever with John to be locked in with two enemies. Defeat them then hit the lever. This will allow you to hit the bubble with a charged-up attack from Sam. Head to the next room and press the switch then return to the elevator.


From the elevator room, follow the path west to the next area. If you head through the southern area, you’ll reach a room leading to a Heart Orb. Return to the previous room and take the platform west then follow the path south to reach the next area. When you reach the pillar, push the pillar off of the floor switch and place Sam there. Move the pillar onto the floor switch near the gate then head to the west side of the area and lob a remote bomb next to the spin lever. Head back to Sam’s switch and put John there. Switch back to John, blow the bomb then change back to Sam and head through the gate. Shoot the beacon with her ability to open the way to the next area. Work your way through the area using the platforms to reach a room that seals you in. Defeat the enemies then head north to reach the next area. This area is a timed room. You’ll just need to reach the bubble using the platform and shoot it with Sam’s charged attack. Head to the next area and press the switch there then return to the elevator and take it up to Eternal Tower Platform #4.

The area on the 4th floor is a timed room. Send Sam through the tunnel and hit the northeastern rail with her ability to cause the platform to move. Quickly grab the time extension and walk onto the platform as it reaches the western side of the middle area. Once the platform stops, use John to hit the spin switch to lower the gate blocking the bubble. Switch to Sam and hit the rail south of you then get off as you reach the bubble and blast it. Head to the next area and open the chest to receive 3 pumpkins. Work your way to the next area where you’ll be greeted by a vending machine and save point. When you step on the platform, it will move and you’ll have to deal with enemies while destroying bubbles covering beacons to keep moving forward. When you reach the end, you’ll have to shoot 4 bubbles with Sam’s charged-up ability while fighting off waves of enemies. Destroying the last one will trigger a dialog event.


When you regain control of John, save and stock up on items then head into the tower when you’re ready. Grab the chest containing the Heart Orb then head forward to trigger a dialog event leading to a boss fight. For this battle, the boss will drop icicles onto the field. You’ll need to destroy them while hitting the boss with Sam’s ability. After hitting him 3 times, he will be stunned in the middle of the platform for you to damage. Do this 3-4 times to bring him down. After the 1st time, he will start summoning electric icicles that will electrocute you. When he’s defeated, a dialog event will trigger. When it concludes, keep heading north to trigger another dialog event.


Click here for the Charon quest guide!




Eastward – Chapter 7 Heart Orbs

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on where to find the Heart Orbs in Chapter 7 of Eastward.



This Heart Orb can be found in the 1st area of the Grave behind a cracked wall just before transitioning to the next area. You’ll need to use a bomb to break the wall allowing you to reach it. This will be during the quest Blast from the Past.


Eternal Tower Platform #3

This Heart Orb can be found south of the first western area from the Elevator. You’ll need to ride the 1st platform down then shoot the rail of the second platform to move it down also. Head back up on your platform then shoot the second rail to move the other platform. Climb on as it passes by then use it to reach the chest with the Heart Orb.


Eternal Tower

The chest containing this Heart Orb can be found at the entrance to the real Eternal Tower after ending the illusion.




Eastward – Blast from the Past Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Blast from the Past Chapter 7 quest in Eastward.


Find Thomas

Head down near the dock and work your way east until you find Thomas’ house which will trigger a dialog event. Along the way, you should find chests containing an advanced gear part, gear part and 3 octopi.


Take the Boat to Ester City

Before returning to the boat, follow the path from Thomas’ house southwest to reach some water-covered rocks. Shoot the nearby beacon with Sam’s ability then keep shooting the new ones that pop up. Eventually, this will lead you to a cavern. Work your way through the cavern by shooting the diamonds in the correct order. This can be found by interacting with a console near the puzzles. When you reach the bottom, you’ll be trapped in a room while fighting a couple of waves of enemies. After defeating them, you’ll be able to upgrade all of Sam’s abilities. When you’re ready, return to the dock to head back to the city.


Deliver the Letters for Thomas

Make your way to Wisdom Street then enter the Ester Hotel and go to the 3rd floor. Interact with room 302 to deliver the letter to Ivan. Next head to the Red Rock Repair (east of William and Daniel) to deliver the 2nd letter to Guy. Finally, head to the Abandoned Tracks by taking the stairs on the southwestern part of Wisdom Street. Follow the northwestern path to reach the Train Graveyard to deliver the final letter to Frank.


Find Thomas at the Docks

Return to Dock #5 and enter the Cap’n’s building for a dialog event.


Head to the Eternal Tower

Return to the Train Graveyard then head north to reach the tower for a dialog event.


Track Down Isabel’s Messages

Head to the locations below to find the messages left by Isabel.

  • Wisdom Street – Near the Goose Van
  • Wisdom Street – Ivan’s room at the Ester Hotel
  • Dock #5 – House north of the entrance
  • Pleasure Bay – The area outside of Dogbee Grocery to the left


Return to Time Island

Head to the Abandoned Trainyard to trigger a dialog event.


Find the Flame of Time

Head down the stairs and follow the past east to reach the Grave. Keep heading east to reach the next area. Before actually moving to the next area, blow up the wall directly north of the map transition to find a chest with a Heart Orb. Head south to reach the Island of Time then follow the path to reach the Grave. Along the way, you should come across chests with 150 salt, an advanced gear part, and 3 octopi.  Work your way through the right side of the room and locate the spin lever. Drop a remote bomb there then head to the gated-off area. Blow the bomb then head through and place Sam and John each on a platform. You’ll then be able to grab a key from the cabinet. Lob a bomb over to spin lever then head for the locked door and open it. Head through the door then work your way east. This will bring you to giant bubbles. Hit them with a fully charged attack from Sam to dispel them then take the Flame of Time.


Click here for The Eternal Tower quest guide!




Eastward – Daniel Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Daniel Chapter 7 quest in Eastward.


Speak with Floyd

Speak to Floyd for a brief dialog event ending with you receiving the Emotion Chip.


Deliver the Chip to Danier

Head south for a dialog event, then make your way to the southern part of Wisdom Street and deliver the package to Smith for another dialog event.


Deliver the Remaining Letters

Take the letters to their recipients in Mama Jazz and Ester Hotel.


Return to the Cap’n

Head back to the Cap’n on Dock #5


Deliver the Letter to Ivan

Make your way to the Ester Hotel then head up to the 3rd floor. Interact with room 302 for a dialog event.


Click here for the Blast from the Past quest guide! 




Eastward – Looking for Clues Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Looking for Clues Chapter 7 quest in Eastward.


Find Out What’s Going On

Exit the cemetery by heading south to trigger a cutscene.


Deliver the Packages…Again!

Head through the northern door to find a chest containing an advanced gear part then deliver all three of the letters again.


Talk to the Cap’n

Return to the Cap’n to trigger another dialog event.


Click here for the Daniel quest guide!




Baldo The Guardian Owls – Racina

by Chappie in


In Baldo The Guardian Owls, you’ll receive a side quest called The Runes of Power for which you’ll need to collect Runes of Power to trade in for hearts (your health). One of these runes can be found at Racina in the Dry Land.

To solve the puzzle, move the statues in the below order!




Baldo The Guardian Owls – The Gokuro Tower

by Chappie in


In Baldo The Guardian Owls, you’ll come across The Gokuro Tower dungeon after completing the Rodia Town Owl Tower quest.


Head inside and use your horn on the guardian symbol to unlock the fast travel point here. Light the brazier to the right of the symbol to make it easier to see in this room. Next, climb up the set of stairs on the right side of the screen and use your fire to burn the hanging spider sack.

Go back down the stairs and push the statue to the northwestern side of the room to bridge the gap in the walkway. Walk up those stairs and grab the pumpkin at the end of the path. Bring it to the pressure point in the center of the room to drop a ladder.

If you climb up the ladder and head up the stairs, you’ll notice that the way forward is blocked. You’ll need to exit this dungeon entirely and head to the Owl Museum in Rodia. Push the 2 owl statues into the rays of moonlight coming in through the windows to open a second door upstairs.

Go on up the stairs to the second level and enter the door on the left. Throw an Owl Bomb at the bell to cause the stone to lift from blocking the doorway across the way. Return to the dungeon via the entrance near the library and make your way to the newly opened doorway…



Kena Bridge of Spirits

Kena: Bridge of Spirits – Forgotten Forest Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below are the collectibles that can be found at Forgotten Forest in Kena: Bridge of Spirits.



There are 14 Rot in the Forgotten Forest!

1. – 3. These Rot are obtained from defeating the boss at the Sacred Tree.



There are 6 hats in the Forgotten Forest!

1. Taro – This hat can be found in a Cursed Chest that is located next to a cluster of trees east of the Sacred Tree. It is before the path leading to the Lantern Cave.

2. Deer – This hat is obtained by placing owl statues on the 3 pedestals next to the Sacred Tree. All 3 of the owl statues can be found near the Sacred Tree.


Flower Shrines

There are 3 Flower Shrines in the Forgotten Forest!


Spirit Mail

There are 2 Spirit Mail in the Forgotten Forest!


Cursed Chests

There are 2 Cursed Chests in the Forgotten Forest!

1. This chest can be found next to a cluster of trees east of the Sacred Tree. It is before the path leading to the Lantern Cave. Open it to find a Taro hat!



Kena Bridge of Spirits

Kena: Bridge of Spirits – Cursed Chests

by Chappie in


Below are the Cursed Chests found in Kena: Bridge of Spirits.



There are 6 Cursed Chests total in the Village!

1. This Cursed Chest can be found against a structure with a windchime. Interact with it then defeat the 7 enemies that spawn.


Rusu Mountain

There is 1 Cursed Chest in Rusu Mountain!

1. Just before the broken bridge at the top of the mountain. Instead of heading across it, head to the ledge to the right of the bridge to find the chest at the end of the path.


Forgotten Forest

There are 2 Cursed Chests in the Forgotten Forest!

1. This chest can be found next to a cluster of trees east of the Sacred Tree. It is before the path leading to the Lantern Cave. Open it to find a Taro hat!




Kena Bridge of Spirits

Kena: Bridge of Spirits – Spirit Mail

by Chappie in


Below are the Spirit Mail found in Kena: Bridge of Spirits.



There are 3 Spirit Mail total in the Village!

1. This Spirit Mail can be found in a house just past the first barrier you removed with the mask. To enter the house, you’ll need to head to the left side and use the Rot to move a giant barrel to the white circle. Jump on the barrel to enter the house via the room. The Spirit Mail will be located in the golden bag on the table.


Rusu Mountain

There is 1 Spirit Mail in Rusu Mountain!

1. Hidden in a mountain above the waterfalls just past the Ruins warp shrine