Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Underground Casino School Story

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you’ll receive the Underground Casino school story after getting your Focus to level 5. We achieved this when we got the Seiryo High Robotics Club school story to 50% completion. Once you unlock the story, you’ll receive a text from Amasawa wanting you to meet her at the Mystery Research Club (MRC). Head on over there to trigger a cutscene. Exhaust all the dialog options then make your way to the objective in Chinatown to find Hayakawa. After the cutscene, head to the objective nearby outside of Sweet Heaven and speak to the 2 men to learn a bit more about the casino.  Next, open your phone and search Buzz Researcher using the new keyword of casino. Select the post of eel then follow the objective into the guys restroom. Press R3 then use the Noise Amp to listen in on the guy guarding the door in the restroom.


Follow the objective to Ebisu Pawn on W. Bayside St. and speak with the Ebisu Pawn Broker. Select the password of “Bon au chic” to receive the Casino Membership Card then pay a fee of 50,000 Y. Exit the pawn shop and head back to the restroom in Chinatown to show the guy your membership card.


Once in the casino, examine the person in a black suit sitting at a table in the back corner. Speak with them to enter a cutscene. When given the option, select “Gamble for the truth”. Purchase chips from the staff then speak with the person in question to begin a match of Poker. If you loose, you’ll be given another chance. Before speaking with her again, press R3 to examine her.


Next, head to the MRC to speak with Amasawa. Select “Smell” when prompted. To find camouflage, make your way to Welcome Pharmacy on Isezaki Rd. and purchase the Perfume for 3,800 Y. Travel back to the casino and speak with Hayakawa to begin round 2! You must win in order for Hayakawa to reveal the truth. After the cutscene, the casino school story will complete!



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Skateboards

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you can obtain different skateboards! Not only can you use them on the streets to get around but also during the The Ijincho Hounds school story! In addition, you’ll need to obtain all the skateboards for the Skate or Die trophy!


Blue Tribal

This skateboard is obtained automatically as part of the story!


Skull Bass

You can purchase this skateboard from Deco Rush for 50,000 Y.


Red Horse

You can purchase this skateboard from The Bee (Darts Shop) for 50,000 Y.


Yellow Lizard

This skateboard can be purchased from the Skateboard Prize Exchange for 20,000 points.


White Horse

This skateboard can be purchased from the Skateboard Prize Exchange for 50,000 points.


Purple Drop

This skateboard can be purchased from the Skateboard Prize Exchange for 100,000 points.


Black Drop

This skateboard can be purchased from the Heaven’s Door Casino hidden in Chinatown for 36,500 chips. You’ll come here during the Underground Casino school story.


Green Lizard

This skateboard can be purchased from Ebisu Pawn Kamurocho for 50,000 Y.



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – The Ijincho Hounds School Story

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you’ll come across The Ijincho Hounds school story. You’re first task will be to head to the Seiryo High Courtyard. Make your way to the objective and look at the graffiti on the wall. Next, head to the Mystery Research Club (MRC) room to find out more about the Ijincho Hounds and receive the Photo of Shikishima Spraying Graffiti and Blue King Stencil Art. After you exhaust all the dialog options, follow the objective to Hamakita Park to spot more graffiti. During the cutscene that ensues, you’ll receive the Skate Park Usage Rights for evidence. You’ll also take part in the tutorial!


After the cutscene, you’ll be kicked out of the club and will then need to fight the punks. Chiyoda will then approach you with an offer. When the cutscene ends, make your way to the east side of Hamakita Park and speak with Chiyoda. Select to “Beat Ninomiya’s score” in the Park Mission then begin the minigame! Afterwards, complete the 2 new Park Missions then wait some time and speak with Chiyoda to head on out. You’ll then be able to go up against Mitsui. Defeat him then speak with Chiyoda to complete all the available Park Missions and Race Battles. You’ll then have to wait for some time to pass then speak with Chiyoda again to complete the next Park Mission. Afterwards, you’ll receive Shikishima’s Revenge as evidence and unlock more Park Missions. Complete them then wait for some more time to pass until you receive a message from Chiyoda.


Head on over to the park to talk with him then defeat the gang. Afterwards, select “Message to Chiyoda.” When the long cutscene is over, the school story will conclude.



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Biker Gang: Made In Heaven School Story

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you’ll obtain the Biker Gang: Made In Heaven school story when your Guts are level 2. Your first task will be to speak with Amasawa at the MRC to get the low down on the story. Afterwards, make your way to Hamakita Park to receive a Cocta Scooter and the Biker Jumpsuit. After the long cutscene, you’ll have a tutorial race. Win to continue the cutscene.


Enter the garage and head out for a practice ride. Next, start a death race to progress. Winning will trigger a cutscene where you’ll receive Seyama’s Business Card. After the cutscene completes, head to the Motorcycle Garage then head out for a practice ride against Bakuon Rairyu then start the death race. After you win, begin another death race. When you win this one, a cutscene will trigger followed by a tailing. After you complete the tailing, speak with the girl near the swings. Make your way back to the garage and challenge Boomer to a death race. Afterwards, sit through a long cutscene to be rewarded with a new bike called the Speed Bow Motorcycle.


Next, begin another death race against the Raging Angel Rabuho. Win to trigger a cutscene with Hanasaki. Exhaust all the dialog options then make your way back to the garage for your death race against Mohawk Girl/Coconut. Enter the garage and start the next death race against Seiryoin. In the cutscene that follows, you’ll receive the Promise to Disband Made in Heaven evidence. Now it’s finally time to beat Rina in a death race. When you’re ready, head into the garage and start the death race. After you win, select the option “Promise to Disband Made in Heaven” evidence to show her. You’ll receive the new bike called the Lambda 250 Moped! You’ll be at 50% completion of the story and won’t be able to progress until you make more progress in the story. We were able to continue in Chapter 9.


When you’re able, head to the garage at night and begin the death races against the Ghost crew. First up will be Mikitaka. Defeat him then reenter the garage to begin the race against Kaino. Defeat him as well then make your way to the objective on W Bayside St. After you “look” a cutscene will trigger. You’ll then need to return to the garage and begin the race against Gudo. When you win, reenter the garage one more time to begin the race against the Ghost.  Defeat him then a long cutscene will trigger revealing who the Ghost really is. The cutscene will lead to a fight against the Ghost. Defeat him once again to receive the Drift Army Motorcycle.


When you’re ready, enter the garage to begin the death race against Oyamada. Defeat him then exhaust all of the dialog options in the following cutscene. Next, head into the garage and begin the race against Kim. When you win, reenter the garage and begin the race against Asama. After you win, reenter the garage for the final race! You’ll need to win again to trigger a quick cutscene then defeat Suou in battle. When this cutscene concludes, the case will close!



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Todoroki Boxing Gym School Story

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, the Todoroki Boxing Gym school story will unlock after you reach Focus Lv. 2, which occurs during the Seiryo High Robotics Club school story. After you speak with Amasawa in the Mystery Research Club (MRC) room, make your way to the Todoroki Boxing Gym on Sakura River St. When the cutscene concludes, speak with Todoroki then taunt him. A tutorial battle will then ensue! When you don’t die and time runs out, the battle will conclude. Speak with Todoroki when you’re ready to battle Iwashita. After you win, your Focus and Guts will increase!


Speak with Todoroki when you’re ready to battle Kenya. When boxing with him, just don’t die. You don’t have to knock him out 100% of the way just do what you can until the time runs out. During Round 3, he’ll do some pretty nasty punches. You’ll know that they are coming when he gets a white aura around him. Make sure to dodge these! After time runs out, a cutscene will trigger. When it concludes, exhaust all the dialog options with Todoroki then spar with the other 2 members in the gym that are available. Kenya will then leave and you’ll need to tail him. Once you’ve reached the open area near Survive Bar, you’ll need to help Kenya defeat the street thugs to earn more Guts points.


Return to Todoroki Boxing Gym to receive a Boxing for Beginners (Ages 15 and Under). Amasawa will call you with more information regarding the Payback Boxer. After she hangs up, head inside the gym and speak with Todoroki to spar against the 2 opponents you have yet to defeat. Afterwards, you’ll need to talk with Todoroki when you’re ready for the showdown with Onidake. Defeat him!


Next, speak with Onidake outside of the gym to get drinks with him. Exhaust all dialog options then return to the gym for a scene with Mikimoto. Speak with Todoroki then spar with Shingo Ninomiya. Exit the building to receive a call from Amasawa. Head on over to the MRC then make your way back to the gym to ask Todoroki about Genbukai. Since he’s not forthcoming, spar with the 3 new contenders. This will cause a cutscene with Sakuma whom you will then need to defeat in the showdown. When you do, exit the gym and head to Bar Rodriguez in the Bar District to grab drinks with Sakuma. Exhaust all the dialog options. You’ll now be at 50% completion of this story! Before you can continue any further, you must progress in the story. We were able to continue in Chapter 9.


When you’re able, begin a practice match against one of the two players you haven’t fought yet to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, spar against the other opponent to trigger another cutscene. When it concludes, make your way over to Smile Burger (Food Truck) near MIRAI Batting Center. Once you approach the food truck, a cutscene will trigger then speak with Oshikiri.


Return to the gym then speak with Todoroki to begin the showdown. Defeat Wakita then speak with Todoroki to begin sparring with the next opponent. After you win, exit the gym and exhaust all the dialog options. Next, reenter the gym to trigger a cutscene then begin the showdown against Mikimoto. Win then make your way to Bar Rodriguez in the Bar District to speak with Todoroki. After you exhaust all the dialog options, make your way back to the gym.


As you approach the gym, you’ll receive a call from Amasawa. When it concludes, enter the gym and begin a sparring match with Kazuki Himekawa. Once you win, begin a showdown with Yum Woon Sen. Next, make your way to the MRC to hear what Amasawa has to say. Exhaust all the dialog options then return to the gym for yet another showdown. Defeat Chizuru the Lancer. After you win, you’ll have to leave the gym then reenter it to trigger a cutscene where you’ll learn who your last opponent is before going up against Kenya. Speak with Todoroki when you’re ready to begin the showdown.


After you defeat him, leave the gym to receive a call from Amasawa. She’ll want you to meet her at the MRC again so head on over to the school. When you’re ready, speak with Amasawa to kick off your plans. You’ll need to equip a disguise so go ahead and do that! After the cutscene, return to the gym to face off against Kenya. You’ll have 3 battles with him back to back so be sure to win each one. I found his middle form to be the most difficult to deal with and had to go the full 5 rounds with him in order to win. Once you completely defeat him, a cutscene will bring you outside where you’ll have to defeat the gang. When you do, a cutscene will trigger followed by another fight. Once again, defeat the opponents to complete the school story.



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Seiryo High Robotics Club School Story

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you’ll receive the Seiryo High Robotics Club school story during the Seiryo High Mystery Research Club school story after you find out who the Dancing Bunny is during the Seiryo High Dancing Club school story! Upon speaking with Amasawa, you’ll receive the Theif-Bot’s Bolt for evidence and be tasked with popping into the Robotics Club. Make your way to the Robotics Club on 4F to receive a warm welcome. 😉 Afterwards, speak with all 4 members then win the minigame! Next, make your way to Amasawa in the Mystery Research Club (MRC) room to report on your infiltration. Return to the Robotics Club for a tutorial on the robots. If you ever need materials to upgrade your robots, click here for a guide on where you can find them! Also, as an FYI, the easiest way to win the battles is to get one of your blocks in the enemy’s base. It is an instant win! Do do this, lay your blocks down in a linear path to your opponent’s base to get there as fast as possible since you can only place the blocks along your existing ones.


After customizing your robot, exit the room to trigger a cutscene with the Young Teacher. Exhaust all the dialog options then return to the Robotics Club room and speak with Okitegawa to begin the match. Once you win, your Teamwork level will increase! Head to the MRC room for a cutscene then make your way to the roof to find Itokura reading a book. Speak with her then select “Why not join the Robotics Club?”.


When you’re able, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match. After you win, a cutscene will trigger and your Teamwork will increase. Join the Robotics Club in the Cafeteria on 1F and exhaust all the dialog options. Next, head back up to the Robotics Club room for a cutscene. Once it completes, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match against Jonan Technical School Robotics Club. Win it to receive an increase in both Teamwork and Focus.


To continue with this school story, return to the Robotics Club room. When prompted, select the option “Why not have an idea meeting?”. During the meeting, select all the members to get their opinions. Your Teamwork will increase then speak with Okitegawa to customize your robots and begin the match. After you win and the cutscene concludes, you’re Focus will increase to Lv. 2.


Head to the MRC room where you’ll receive the Photo of the Thief-Bot evidence. Make your way back to the Robotics Club room and speak with Sakura. Next, travel to the cafeteria and interact with Itokura to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head back to the Robotics Club room and speak with Okitegawa to begin a match. During the cutscene that follows, select “Defend the Robotics Club” and your Focus will increase.


When you’re ready, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match. After you win, you’ll be at 50% completion! To progress further with this story, you must push on with the main story. In Chapter 6 during the objective to kill some time, you’ll finally be able to continue with this school story. Head on up to the Robotics Club room to trigger a cutscene. Next, make your way to the MRC room and exhaust all the dialog options with Amasawa. You’ll then need to trek all the way back to the club room. Enter for a brief scene then speak with Okitegawa to customize your robots and then begin the match. After you win, a cutscene will trigger during which you’ll go out for ramen.


When it concludes, enter the club room to be greeted by another cutscene. Afterwards, speak with Okitegawa to begin another match. After you win and the cutscene concludes, head back into the club room and begin another match by speaking with Okitegawa again. When you defeat them and a cutscene concludes, exit the room then reenter for another cutscene. Make your way back to the Robotics Club room for yet another cutscene. Next, you’ll be tasked with speaking to Itokura. She can be found in the MRC (we had to push forward in the story a little for her to appear here). When you enter the MRC, a cutscene will trigger. Select whichever option you’d like then return to the Robotics Club to follow up.


When you’re ready, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match. After you win, head back in the club room. While speaking with Okitegawa, we selected “Are you really connected to those thugs?” then say “You need to talk to everyone.” Next, head back to the Robotics Club to check on things. Speak with Okitegawa to find out that new parts have been unlocked. Customize your robots if you’d like then begin the match against the Koyama Academy Robotics Club. Win it to receive a key from Okitegawa. Use it to open the cabinet then head to the Cafeteria and speak with Kurumazaki. Exhaust all the dialog options then head to the hideout on E Tsurukame Hwy. Examine the half open gate and unlock the door. When you emerge from the building, you’ll be greeted by some punks. Defeat them then return to the Robotics Club room for a cutscene.


Next, speak with Okitegawa to begin the match Ishii and his Merry Friends. Defeat them. For the next battle, you must switch the body of your main unit to Jack in the Bot. Begin the match and defeat them. Congratulations on being crowned the champions!! After the cutscene, make your way to the MRC to learn more about the Professor and complete this school story!



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Seiryo High Dance Club School Story

by Chappie in


You’ll automatically obtain the Seiryo High Dance school story after making progress on the Seiryo High Mystery Club school story. Amasawa will want you to continue the Dance Club investigation. Head to the Dance Club Room in the basement then play the dancing mini-game! Play the mini-game again then ask Nishizono about the sugar baby. Play the mini-game one more time to trigger a cutscene.


When you’re ready, speak with Nishizono and select “Head to the dance meet”. After a brief cutscene, begin the mini-game. Win it then a cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, you’ll receive a tutorial on outfits, which you can buy at Hustle Boutique. Before you proceed, you’ll need to purchase one. You’re options are the Dance Outfit (Formal) for 28,000 Y or Dance Outfit (Hip Hop) for 36,000 Y.


After you’ve gotten one, return to the Dance Club Room to trigger a cutscene. After you give her a pep talk, return to the Dance Club Room to trigger another cutscene during which you’ll receive the Dance Textbook (Locking). This will lead to you learning EX Solo: Locking. Speak with Nishizono and select “Dance Practice” to begin the mini-game. Select the song “Long Drill on the Beach” along with your new outfit. Afterwards, Nishizono will talk with you about Maika Takanashi and you’ll receive a photo of her as evidence. Furthermore, she’ll tell you that Maika might be found on Isezaki Road. Head to the objective on Isezaki Rd. then begin the Target Search. Look inside the restaurant on the left to find a girl wearing a pink coat talking on the phone. Inspect her then head outside and talk to Amasawa behind the light pole. Afterwards, you’ll begin tailing Maika! When the tailing completes, you’ll fight Kasai and his minions. Kick their butts then a cutscene will ensue. Exhaust all the dialog options.


When you’re ready, speak with Amasawa. When speaking with Itokura, ask her if that’s a mystery novel that she’s reading to persuade her to return to school. Travel to the Mystery Club Room to trigger a cutscene. Exhaust all the dialog options. You’ll receive the Requester for Assault on Yurie Norizuki evidence.


When you’re ready, make your way to the Dance Club Room to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, speak with Nishizono and select “Dance practice” to begin the minigame. After you successfully complete it, yet another cutscene will trigger. Return once more to the Dance Club Room. Next, head near the Faculty Room on 2F to find Komekado staring out the window in the hallway. Speak with him to receive the Dance Textbook (Popping). You’ll also learn a new EX Solo: Popping.


Afterwards, return to the Dance Club Room to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, speak with Nishizono and select “Dance practice” to begin the minigame. After you successfully complete it, a cutscene will trigger. When you’re ready to begin the Finals for Regionals, speak with Nishizono again. After you win, a cutscene will of course trigger. You’ll also receive a message from Amasawa who wants you to stop by the MRC clubroom. Head on over there to learn that Nishizono’s chatter account is called DancingBunny! Upon this discovery, you’ll have completed 50% of this school story! Before you can progress further, you’ll need to have an Appeal Lv. 3 or more.


When you’re ready, head to the Dance Club Room to find a guy creeping outside. Approaching the guy will trigger a cutscene and you’ll receive a Staminan Light! After the cutscene, speak with Nishizono to begin dance practice for Esmeralda. Reenter the Dance Club Room for a brief cutscene then begin the dance practice again. When you’re finished, do one more dance practice. Now you’re ready for the dance meet! After you win, enter the Dance Club Room for a cutscene. Once it’s over, you’ll have to have Appeal Lv. 5 or more to continue and must have progressed in the story to Chapter 8.


When you’re able, speak with Nishizono and begin dance practice for “Girls”. Afterwards, head to the MRC to trigger a cutscene. Once you’re ready to head out, speak with Amasawa then equip a disguise. Exhaust all the dialog options with DancingBunny. Afterwards, make your way back to the Dance Club Room then begin dance practice for “Girls” again. Of course a cutscene will trigger when you’ve finished the minigame. This time you’ll be tasked with meeting Norizuki on the western side of Hamakita Park. Head on over there to speak with her then return to the club room. After the cutscene, speak with Norizuki to begin dance practice.


Afterwards, speak with her once again to head to the dance meet. When you’re able, investigate the guy wearing the backpack near the stage to conclude your investigation. A battle will ensue. Defeat all the enemies then exhaust all the dialog options. Complete the minigame successfully to complete the school story!



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Seiryo High Mystery Research Club School Story

by Chappie in


You’ll obtain the Seiryo High Mystery Research Club school story automatically as part of the story. Head to the basement of Seiryo High School then speak with Amasawa. You’ll talk about urban legend, the Professor and Thugs. She’ll download an app on your phone called School Diary. She’ll also want you to investigate the Professor. In order to continue with this story, you must progress with the following school stories to learn more about the Professor:

After you complete all of the above school stories, speak with Amasawa in the MRC to go over the cases. Please note that you must speak with her during the day. When examining each of the activities select the following evidence to show:

  • Dance Club
    • Kotoko Itokura
    • Kaoru Komekado
  • Biker Gang
    • Letter from the Disciplinary Committee Suggestion Box
    • Dan Murasaki
  • Robotics Club
    • Tetsuro Kurumazaki
    • Professor’s Order Notes
  • Boxing Gym
    • Kenya Oshikiri
    • Fixed Match Evidence
  • Skaters
    • No options to select!
  • Photography Club
    • No options to select!
  • eSports Club
    • No options to select!
  • Casino
    • No options to select!
  • Girls’ Bar
    • “That brat…”

After the cutscene, head to Poppo (Jinnai Station Exterier). As you approach, a cutscene will trigger. Speak with Amasawa afterwards then break out the Detective Dog! Follow behind him until you reach the corner. Another cutscene will trigger followed by a fight. Defeat the abductors to continue with the cutscene. When prompted, select the following options:

  • “They’d get caught and punished.”
  • Kotoko Itokura
  • We could ask all my Seiryo contacts.

After the long cutscene concludes, make your way to the objective on E Tsurukame Hwy. As you approach the building, a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight. Defeat all the enemies to trigger a cutscene. Head nearby to the objective in Hyakkei Alley. As you approach the girls, a cutscene will trigger. Head to the objective marker on the building to begin scaling it. Make your way to the window. Once inside, a cutscene will play out. As evidence show her the photo from the hospital. A long cutscene will play out during which you’ll have to fight Koga and his crew. Defeat them all to complete the school story. You’ll receive Paint Seekers (an accessory that grants Attack +5%/Defense +5%) as a reward.



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Trying the Patience of a Saint

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, approach the side case objective at Seiryo High School 3F during Chapter 4 to trigger a cutscene during which you’ll obtain the side case called Trying the Patience of a Saint. When the cutscene completes, talk to Amasawa in the MRC and agree to help her out. Go through all the dialog options then make your way to the faculty room and speak with Ebisu. Afterwards, a cutscene will trigger. You’ll then need to find the traps set for Ebisu. Press L3 then look on the door to find the chalkboard eraser trap. After the brief cutscene, examine the cushion on the chair. When Ebisu asks, tell him “Not yet” to continue your search for traps. Next, examine the rug under the chair.


When it’s time, chase after Ebisu until a cutscene triggers. Press L3 then examine the chalkboard eraser on the door. Examine the sign showing that it’s the guys bathroom. Specifically look at the side with the corner peeled. Next, speak with Ebisu and tell him that he can proceed into the bathroom. You guys will then end the day by going to look at his flowers. The nasty trio again make their appearance. Defeat the delinquents then defeat Ebisu. He’s difficult with 2 bars of health. He also does this move where he picks you up and throws you down. Be careful of this one as it does a lot of damage! After you defeat him, the trio realize how awesome this teacher is and the case will close.



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Where is the Time Capsule?

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you can obtain the Where is the Time Capsule? side case in Chapter 4 by speaking with the trio in Seiryo High School Courtyard. During your conversation, you’ll receive the Memo of the Code as evidence of where their time capsule is buried. You’ll have to find the “Giant’s Wheel” and “Tree with the most branches”. Follow the objective to the other side of the Courtyard to see a giant ferris wheel off in the distance. Press L3 and examine the ferris wheel then the tree to the left along the wall. A cutscene will occur. Afterwards, return to the trio of graduates. Tell them “Someone else mistakenly took it”. Look at the letter when prompted. For the next dialog option, choose all of the options (order does not matter). You’ll eventually receive the Face Sketch of Goto for evidence.


Next, head to the objective in Chinatown near the taxi and begin Target Search. Examine the girl standing in front of a restaurant then speak with her to trigger a cutscene that will complete the case.