Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – Helmets Guide

by Chappie in


Below you’ll find the list of all 88 helmets in Astria Ascending and where to find them. This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as we progress through the game.


  1. Wooden Cap
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 120 Lums
  2. Small Cap
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 230 Lums
  3. Silk Cap
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 300 Lums
  4. Soldier Cap
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 490 Lums
  5. Leather Cap
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 680 Lums
  6. Headband
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 970 Lums
  7. Thief Cap
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 1250 Lums
  8. Peyskan Cap
    • Loot from a chest in the Room of Stability at Taurus Temple
  9. Meryan Helmet
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 2300 Lums
  10. ???
  11. ???
  12. ???
  13. ???
  14. Bronze Helmet
  15. Stellar Cap
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 8000 Lums
  16. Silver Helmet
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 9100 Lums
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
  21. Metal Helm
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 200 Lums
  22. Helm
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 350 Lums
  23. Officer Helm
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 600 Lums
  24. Arktan Helm
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 1000 Lums
  25. Meryan Helm
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 1500 Lums
  26. Iron Helm
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 2200 Lums
  27. Bronze Helm
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 2900 Lums
  28. Great Helm
    • Loot from a chest at the Sagittarius Temple in the Room of Honesty
  29. Astral Helm
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 4700 Lums
  30. Silver Helm
  31. Grand Helm
    • Complete the Hardscales J-ster Arena Challenge at Leo Temple
  32. Stellar Helm
    • Loot a chest on the lower levels of Harmony Tower during Chapter XVI
  33. ???
  34. ???
  35. Celestial Helm
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 12000 Lums
  36. Nebulean Helm
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 13250 Lums
  37. ???
  38. ???
  39. ???
  40. ???
  41. Diadem
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 120 Lums
  42. Magic Crown
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 230 Lums
  43. Circlet
    • Loot from a chest at The Swamps in Area 4
  44. Ancient Crown
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for  490 Lums
  45. Spirit Diadem
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 680 Lums
  46. Peyskan Diadem
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 970 Lums
  47. Eerie Crown
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 1250 Lums
  48. Awisian Crown
    • Loot from a chest at Scorpio Temple in Room of Passion
  49. Enchantress Crown
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 2300 Lums
  50. Silver Crown
  51. ???
  52. Stellar Diadem
    • Loot from a chest on the lower levels of Harmony Tower during Chapter XVI
  53. ???
  54. Stellar Crown
    • Complete the Mirror J-ster Arena Challenge at the Leo Temple
  55. Cerulean Diadem
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 8000 Lums
  56. Celestial Crown
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 9100 Lums
  57. ???
  58. ???
  59. ???
  60. ???
  61. Magic Hat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 200 Lums
  62. Wizard Hat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 350 Lums
  63. Mage Hat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 600 Lums
  64. Runic Hat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 1000 Lums
  65. Big Hat
    • Loot from a chest in the Room of Loyalty at the Virgo Temple
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 1500 Lums
  66. Enchanted Hat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 2200 Lums
  67. Cerulean Hat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 2900 Lums
  68. Meryan Hat
    • Loot from a chest at Sagittarius Temple in the Room of Honesty
  69. Zeftian Hat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 4700 Lums
  70. ???
  71. ???
  72. ???
  73. ???
  74. Master Hat
  75. Stellar Hat
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 12000 Lums
  76. Celestial Hat
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 13250 Lums
  77. ???
  78. ???
  79. ???
  80. ???
  81. ???
  82. ???
  83. ???
  84. ???
  85. ???
  86. ???
  87. ???
  88. ???



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – Armor Guide

by Chappie in


Below you’ll find the list of all 80 pieces of armor in Astria Ascending and where to find them. This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as we progress through the game.


  1. Leather Plate
    • Starting Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 100 Lums
  2. Meryan Plate
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 180 Lums
  3. Peyskan Plate
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 290 Lums
  4. Iron Plate
    • Loot from a chest in the 3rd area east of the Room of Loyalty in the Virgo Temple
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 470 Lums
  5. Granite Plate
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 680 Lums
  6. Arktan Plate
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 990 Lums
  7. Zeftian Plate
    • Loot from a chest at Sagittarius Temple in Statue of Helicon
  8. Bronze Plate
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 1800 Lums
  9. Silver Plate
  10. ???
  11. Awisi Plate
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of the Harmony Tower during Chapter XVI
  12. ???
  13. Diamond Plate
    • Complete the Harmony J-ster Arena Challenge at the Leo Temple
  14. Platinum Plate
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 6900 Lums
  15. Titanium Plate
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 8000 Lums
  16. ???
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
  21. Leather Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 250 Lums
  22. Meryan Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 400 Lums
  23. Peyskan Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 700 Lums
  24. Iron Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 1150 Lums
  25. Granite Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 1650 Lums
  26. Arktan Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 2100 Lums
  27. Zeftian Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 2800 Lums
  28. Bronze Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 3600 Lums
  29. Silver Armor
  30. ???
  31. Awisi Armor
    • Loot from a chest on the upper floors of Harmony Tower during Chapter XVI
  32. ???
  33. Diamond Armor
    • Complete the Harmony J-ster Arena Challenge at the Leo Temple
  34. Platinum Armor
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 9200 Lums
  35. Titanium Armor
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 11000 Lums
  36. ???
  37. ???
  38. ???
  39. ???
  40. ???
  41. Hessian Robe
    • Starting Armor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 100 Lums
  42. Meryan Robe
    • Loot from a chest at The Swamps in Area 3
  43. Peyskan Robe
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 290 Lums
  44. Cotton Robe
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 470 Lums
  45. Linen Robe
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 680 Lums
  46. Arktan Robe
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 990 Lums
  47. Zeftian Robe
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 1300 Lums
  48. Bronze Robe
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 1800 Lums
  49. Silver Robe
  50. ???
  51. Awisi Robe
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of Harmony Tower during Chapter XVI
  52. ???
  53. Diamond Robe
  54. Felt Robe
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 6900 Lums
  55. Satin Robe
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 8000 Lums
  56. ???
  57. ???
  58. ???
  59. ???
  60. ???
  61. Hessian Mantle
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 250 Lums
  62. Meryan Mantle
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 400 Lums
  63. Peyskan Mantle
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 700 Lums
  64. Cotton Mantle
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 1150 Lums
  65. Linen Mantle
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 1650 Lums
  66. Arktan Mantle
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 2100 Lums
  67. Zeftian Mantle
    • Loot from a chest at Sagittarius Temple in Room of Honesty
  68. Bronze Mantle 
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 3600 Lums
  69. ???
  70. ???
  71. ???
  72. ???
  73. Diamond Mantle
  74. Felt Mantle
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 9200 Lums
  75. Satin Mantle
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 11000 Lums
  76. ???
  77. ???
  78. ???
  79. ???
  80. ???



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – Weapons Guide

by Chappie in


Below you’ll find the list of 207 weapons in Astria Ascending and where to find them. This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as we progress through the game.


  1. Luna
    • Starting Weapon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 450 Lums
  2. Haumea
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 870 Lums
  3. Vanth
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 1470 Lums
  4. Quaor
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2650 Lums
  5. Sedna
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 3710 Lums
  6. Varda
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 4340 Lums
  7. Dreamune
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 5660 Lums
  8. Huya
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 7650 Lums
  9. ???
  10. Aten
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of Harmony Tower
  11. ???
  12. ???
  13. Gamma
    • Starting Weapon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 450 Lums
  14. Novae
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 900 Lums
  15. Pulsar
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 1510 Lums
  16. Quark
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2650 Lums
  17. Preon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 3450 Lums
  18. Algol
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 4410 Lums
  19. Neutron
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 5750 Lums
  20. Mira
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 8140 Lums
  21. ???
  22. Bursters
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of Harmony Tower
  23. ???
  24. ???
  25. Sterrennacht
    • Starting Weapon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 470 Lums
  26. Buna
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 840 Lums
  27. Vieritate
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 1420 Lums
  28. Adhil
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2060 Lums
  29. Ziria Green
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 2860 Lums
  30. Catenata
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 3960 Lums
  31. Titawin
    • Loot from a chest at the Sagittarius Temple in the Room of Honesty
  32. Nembus
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 6370 Lums
  33. Almach
    • Loot from a chest in the Residential Area post game
  34. Mirach
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of Harmony Tower
  35. ???
  36. ???
  37. Tojil
    • Starting Weapon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 360 Lums
  38. Koeia
    • Loot from a chest at The Swamps in Area 4
  39. Zibal
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 1340 Lums
  40. Keid
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2760 Lums
  41. Beid
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 4160 Lums
  42. Beemim
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 5860 Lums
  43. Azha
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 7310 Lums
  44. Theemin
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 9120 Lums
  45. Ran 
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 13190 Lums
  46. Zaurak
    • Loot from a chest on the upper floors of Harmony Tower
  47. ???
  48. ???
  49. Arietis
    • Starting Weapon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 380 Lums
  50. Mesarthim
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 870 Lums
  51. Botein
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 1470 Lums
  52. Rasalas
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2270 Lums
  53. Bharani
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 3510 Lums
  54. Subra
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 4340 Lums
  55. Adhafera
    • Loot from a chest at the Aries Temple in the Room of Courage
  56. Chertan
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 6960 Lums
  57. ???
  58. Zosma
  59. Algieba 
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 12190 Lums
  60. Denebola
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 14350 Lums
  61. Hamal
    • Loot from a chest post game in Uptown
  62. Regulus
    • Loot from a chest on the uppers floors of Harmony Tower
  63. ???
  64. ???
  65. Funi
    • Starting Weapon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 360 Lums
  66. Dziban
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 710 Lums
  67. Alruba
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 1600 Lums
  68. Tianyi
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2810 Lums
  69. Alrakis
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 3580 Lums
  70. Kuma
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 5100 Lums
  71. Fafnir
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 6620 Lums
  72. Giausar
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 8920 Lums
  73. Thuban
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 10580 Lums
  74. ???
  75. ???
  76. ???
  77. Aesara
    • Starting Weapon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 360 Lums
  78. Bion
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 800 Lums
  79. Cebes
    • Loot from at chest at Pisces Temple in the Anun Prayer Room
  80. Damis
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2760 Lums
  81. Evander
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 1460 Lums
  82. Gorgias
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 5860 Lums
  83. Hierius
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 7310 Lums
  84. Lyco
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 9120 Lums
  85. Myia
    • Loot from a chest post game at Floor 000 – Entrance in Harmonia Tower
  86. ???
  87. ???
  88. ???
  89. Merope
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 660 Lums
  90. Maia
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 1350 Lums
  91. Electra
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 2150 Lums
  92. Hyadum
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 3460 Lums
  93. White Wave
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 4940 Lums
  94. Atlas
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 6840 Lums
    • Complete the Kress’s Reluctance side quest
  95. Amateru
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 10360 Lums
  96. Ain
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 12250 Lums
  97. Alcyone
  98. Elnath
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of Harmony Tower
  99. ???
  100. ???
  101. Mekbuda
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 840 Lums
  102. Leda
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 1440 Lums
  103. Wasat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 2200 Lums
  104. Tyndareus
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2870 Lums
  105. Alzirr
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 5530 Lums
  106. Argonaut
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 6310 Lums
  107. Propus
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 9660 Lums
  108. Elmo
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 12060 Lums
  109. ???
  110. Tejat
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of Harmony Tower
  111. ???
  112. ???
  113. Klaria
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 740 Lums
  114. Gakyid
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 1510 Lums
  115. Meleph
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 2030 Lums
  116. Karkata
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 3300 Lums
  117. Piautos
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 5070 Lums
  118. Tegmine
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 6390 Lums
  119. Acubens
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 7570 Lums
  120. Nahn
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 9310 Lums
  121. Asellus
  122. Arkusha
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of Harmony Tower
  123. ???
  124. ???
  125. Malmok
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 760 Lums
  126. Elgafar
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 1480 Lums
  127. Khambalia
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 2030 Lums
  128. Kang
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2810 Lums
  129. Syrma
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 3970 Lums
  130. Zaniah
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 5320 Lums
  131. Rijl
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 7400 Lums
  132. Nashira
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 10100 Lums
  133. Algedi
  134. Zavijava
    • Loot from a chest post game in Zeft Heights
  135. Minelauva
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 17560 Lums
  136. Dabih
  137. Vindemia
    • Loot from a chest on the upper floors of Harmony Tower
  138. ???
  139. ???
  140. Methuselah
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 740 Lums
  141. Gliese
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 1510 Lums
  142. Polaris
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 2030 Lums
  143. Nubecula
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 3300 Lums
  144. Elakribi
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 5070 Lums
  145. Filamen
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 6390 Lums
  146. Brachium
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 7570 Lums
  147. Exos
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 9310 Lums
  148. Genubi
  149. Zuben
    • Loot from a chest on the upper floors of Harmony Tower
  150. ???
  151. ???
  152. Graffias
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 740 Lums
  153. Jabbah
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 1510 Lums
  154. Appollyon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 2030 Lums
  155. Alniyat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 3300 Lums
    • Complete the Lost Dreams side quest
  156. Acrab
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 5070 Lums
  157. Lesath
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 6390 Lums
  158. Girtab
    • Loot from a chest at Scorpio Temple in Room of Passion
  159. Dschubba
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 9310 Lums
  160. Larawag
    • Purchase from Filmig during Chapter XVI in the Council Room for 11340 Lums
  161. ???
  162. ???
  163. ???
  164. Trifid
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 630 Lums
  165. Lagoon
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 1640 Lums
  166. Sham
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 3060 Lums
  167. Rukbat
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 3950 Lums
  168. Arkab
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 5140 Lums
  169. Polis
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 6390 Lums
  170. Sephdar
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 7830 Lums
  171. Alnasl
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 9900 Lums
  172. Albaldah
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of Harmony Tower
  173. ???
  174. Nunki
  175. ???
  176. Atofope
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 590 Lums
  177. Marohu
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 1380 Lums
  178. Helix
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 2760 Lums
  179. Situla
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 4860 Lums
  180. Bunda
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 5530 Lums
  181. Ancha
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 10490 Lums
  182. Sadachbia
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 8620 Lums
  183. Albali
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 11080 Lums
  184. Hydor
  185. Skat
    • Loot from a chest on the lower floors of Harmony Tower
  186. ???
  187. ???
  188. Vanman
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Harmonia Marketplace for 630 Lums
  189. Parumleo
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Vetira for 1640 Lums
  190. Ebla
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Arsion for 3060 Lums
  191. Revati
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 3950 Lums
  192. Samakah
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 5140 Lums
  193. Haruto
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 6390 Lums
  194. Torcular
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 7830 Lums
  195. Alrescha
    • Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 9900 Lums
  196. Alpherg
  197. Citadelle
    • Loot from a chest on the upper floors of Harmony Tower
  198. ???
  199. ???
  200. ???
  201. ???
  202. ???
  203. ???
  204. ???
  205. ???
  206. ???


Alshain – Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Marketplace for 3710 Lums

Bezek – Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 1470 Lums

Black Axis – Purchase from the Weapon Shop at Ranta for 2650 Lums

Tarazeb – Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Arsion for 4940 Lums

Tseen – Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 6790 Lums

Okab – Purchase from the Weapon Shop in Windam for 8330 Lums



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – Items Guide

by Chappie in


Below you’ll find the list of all 90 items in Astria Ascending and where to find them. Please note that as you progress through the story, new items will be unlocked at the shops! Also, this guide is a work in progress and will be updated as we progress through the game.


  1. ???
  2. Potion
    • Staring Item
  3. Potion+
    • Side Quest Reward
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 300 Lums
  4. Potion X
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1900 Lums
  5. Omni Potion
    • Starting Item
  6. Omni Potion +
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 800 Lums
  7. Omni Potion X
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 5400 Lums
  8. Ether
    • Starting Item
  9. Ether +
  10. Ether X
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 3500 Lums
  11. Omni Ether
    • Starting Item
  12. Omni Ether +
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1500 Lums
  13. Omni Ether X
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 7500 Lums
  14. Elixir
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 15,000 Lums
  15. Omni Elixir
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 50,000 Lums
  16. Life Fragment
    • Starting Item
  17. Life Core
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 2500 Lums
  18. Angel Kiss
    • Purchase at the Item Shop in Vetira for 1200 Lums
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1200 Lums
  19. Angel Wings
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 7600 Lums
  20. Remedy
    • Starting Item
  21. Panacea
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1800 Lums
  22. Omni Panacea
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 8900 Lums
  23. Stat Orb
    • Starting Item
  24. Force Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 120 Lums
  25. Forceor Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 240 Lums
  26. Forceus Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1500 Lums
  27. Forcerima Ore
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 9200 Lums
  28. Fire Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 120 Lums
  29. Firor Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 240 Lums
  30. Firus Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1500 Lums
  31. Firerima Ore
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 9200 Lums
  32. Ice Ore
    • Stolen off of Tufa Noises
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 120 Lums
  33. Iceor Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 240 Lums
  34. Iceus Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1500 Lums
  35. Icerima Ore
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 9200 Lums
  36. Talam Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 120 Lums
  37. Talamore Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 240 Lums
  38. Talamus Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1500 Lums
  39. Talamarima Ore
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 9200 Lums
  40. Aero Ore
    • Stolen off of Samiri Noises
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 120 Lums
  41. Aeror Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 240 Lums
  42. Aerus Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1500 Lums
  43. Aerima Ore
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 9200 Lums
  44. Nix Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 120 Lums
  45. Nixor Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 240 Lums
  46. Nixus Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1500 Lums
  47. Nixurima Ore
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 9200 Lums
  48. Water Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 120 Lums
  49. Wateror Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 240 Lums
  50. Waterus Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1500 Lums
  51. Waterima Ore
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 9200 Lums
  52. Erio Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 120 Lums
  53. Erior Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 240 Lums
  54. Eriorus Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1500 Lums
  55. Eriorima Ore
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 9200 Lums
  56. Umbre Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 120 Lums
  57. Umbror Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 240 Lums
  58. Umbrus Ore
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1500 Lums
  59. Umbrerima Ore
    • Purchase from Stormig who is in the far southeastern corner of Archipelago for 9200 Lums
  60. Force Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1040 Lums
  61. Forceor Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1940 Lums
  62. Forceus Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 5500 Lums
  63. Fire Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1040 Lums
  64. Firor Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1940 Lums
  65. Firus Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 5500 Lums
  66. Ice Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1040 Lums
  67. Iceor Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1940 Lums
  68. Iceus Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 5500 Lums
  69. Talam Crystal 
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1040 Lums
  70. Talamor Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1940 Lums
  71. Talamus Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 5500 Lums
  72. Aero Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1040 Lums
  73. Aeror Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1940 Lums
  74. Aerus Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 5500 Lums
  75. Nix Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1040 Lums
  76. Nixor Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1940 Lums
  77. Nixus Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 5500 Lums
  78. Water Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1040 Lum
  79. Wateror Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1940 Lums
  80. Waterus Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 5500 Lums
  81. Erio Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1040 Lums
  82. Erior Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1940 Lums
  83. Eriorus Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 5500 Lums
  84. Umbre Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Arsion for 1040 Lums
  85. Umbror Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 1940 Lums
  86. Umbrus Crystal
    • Purchase from the Item Shop in Ranta for 5500 Lums
  87. Bronze Stone
    • ?
  88. Silver Stone
  89. Gold Stone
    • Complete the Birth of a Legend side quest
  90. ???



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Big Shame Hunter

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you’ll receive the Big Shame Hunter side case during The Bar with a Bite school story after you get Miu’s friendship level halfway.  When you leave the bar and return, a cutscene will occur with Miu. This cutscene will unlock the continuation of the friendship meter. Reenter the bar and speak with Miu. Continue drinking with her until her friendship reaches the point where it locks again.


When you reenter the bar to max out Miu’s friendship, she’ll tell you more about the stalking. Press R3 and use the Detector on Miu’s bag then her shoes. At the park, chase after the person. When you catch them, a cutscene will trigger and the case will conclude.



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Find our Runaway Game Director

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you can receive the Find our Runaway Game Director side case from the bulletin board at Yokohama 99 in Chapter 4. Meet Takeshi Okizaki on the second level of Wette Kitchen on N Isezaki Road. He’s sitting by the window on his laptop. Speak with him and exhaust all the dialog options.


Make your way to the objective on Sakura River Street then begin the Target Search. Examine the guy in the very back wearing a bluish gray coat. After the brief cutscene, examine the laptop to the left of the imposter to receive Shinonome’s Laptop as evidence.


Open your phone and select Gadgets then Detective Dog. Follow behind the dog until you find Shinonome in a parking lot. Tell him that you’ll “Talk it out with the client.” After the cutscene, you’ll engage in a battle with Kinugawa. Defeat him to cool his jets then just sit back and watch the cutscene. The case will close after it’s done and you’ll receive Extract Recipe: Die Hard!



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Random Fandom

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you’ll receive the Random Fandom side case during The Bar with a Bite school story after you get Ayaha’s friendship half way. When you leave the bar and return, a cutscene will occur with Ayaha and 2 bar patrons. This cutscene will unlock the continuation of the friendship meter. Reenter the bar and speak with Ayaha. Continue drinking with her until her friendship reaches the point where it locks again. When you reenter the bar to max out Ayaha’s friendship, you’ll be told that she isn’t here today. Exit the bar and make your way to Poppo (Jinnai Station Interior), following the objective, to find Ayaha standing along the wall.  Speak with her then chase the boy that took her item! After the long cutscene, the side case will complete and you’ll have reached max friendship with Ayaha!



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – The Bar with a Bite School Story

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, your first task for The Bar with a Bite school story is to speak with Amasawa at the Mystery Research Club (MRC). Exhaust all the dialog options then make your way to the Girl’s Bite in the southeastern part of the map. You’ll have to pay a 2,000 Y cover charge to enter. Once inside you’ll play a minigame where you form a sentence that fits the situation. Do so quickly before time runs out to improve your friendship with the bartender. In order to have a chance to speak with Emily about the Professor, you’ll need to become a regular by getting friendly with the other bartenders. To improve your friendship with each bartender, succeed at the Cocktail Talks and play darts! Special skills like Barfly, Boozehound and Borderline Alcoholic raise your drunkenness limit, which increases how long you can stay in the bar. This is important because once you’re drunk, you’ll be asked to leave and will have to wait until your tolerance level goes down.



Below are the questions you’ll receive during Haruko’s Cocktail Talks!

  • Do you come to girls’ bars often?
    • No so much.
    • This bar is
    • a special exception.
  • Do you live around here Yagami-san?
    • Actually
    • Kamurocho
    • is where I live.
  • I’d like some new clothes, but I don’t know what would look good on me.
    • Don’t worry about looking good.
    • What’s important is
    • what you like.
  • So, how do you like our signature cocktails?
    • I must say,
    • this cocktail is
    • the BEST I’ve had!
  • What stuff do you like to eat, typically?
    • Since I don’t cook much,
    • I just eat instant noodles
    • and rice bowls.

During the cutscene with Haruko to reach max friendship with her, she’ll ask you to distract her father. When talking with him, select the following:

  • “So, you were on a business trip today?”
  • “Her Japanese isn’t so great”
  • “You must really be proud of your daughter”



Below are the questions you’ll receive during Ayaha’s Cocktail Talks!

  • What kinda hot pot do you prefer, Yagami-san?
    • I prefer hot pot
    • with simple ingredients
    • and a light broth
  • We all went to the theme park together!
    • I think you’re lucky
    • to work at a place
    • where everyone gets along.
  • What sort of crowd do you like to hang out with?
    • I’ll go out drinking
    • with my workmates
    • from time to time.
  • I helped out a lost kid in front of the bar.
    • That was kind of you,
    • taking your time
    • to help a lost kid.
  • I made them on my own! Pretty amazing, aren’t I?
    • You are amazing, Ayaha-chan!
    • It takes real skill
    • to craft delicious drinks.
  • Can you hold your liquor, Yagami-san?
    • I’m preeetty sure
    • I can haaandle
    • myyy liquor.
  • Do you work out, Yagami-san?
    • Now that you mention it,
    • I exercise
    • on a regular basis.

When you reenter the bar to max out Ayaha’s friendship, you’ll be told that she isn’t here today. Exit the bar and make your way to Poppo (Jinnai Station Interior), following the objective for the Random Fandom side case, to find Ayaha standing along the wall.  Speak with her then chase the boy that took her item! After the long cutscene, the side case will complete and you’ll have reached max friendship with Ayaha!


Return to the bar for a cutscene with Emily. Select “Of course I do” when she asks you if you like girls.



  • Think you can dance like an otaku?
    • As long as it’s a real dance,
    • I’ll teach it
    • as part of my job.
  • I’d love it if you listened to one of my songs.
    • If it’s a Miu-chan original,
    • I’ll gladly
    • take a listen.
  • Do you see lots of stray kitties around here, too, Yagami-tan?
    • StRaY kitTiEs
    • oFtEn ViSiT
    • mY oFficE
  • What do you do when you’re feeling sorta down?
    • I’ll buy some food I like,
    • eat to my heart’s content,
    • and not feel guilty at all.
  • Whatcha think about my hair?
    • Your twin pigtails
    • look really cute
    • and I like how they’re tied.
  • Can you think of a song that really pumps people up?
    • A song of hopes and dreams?
    • Hope really pumps people up.
    • And dreams make us inspired!
  • Are you friends with Morichi, Yagami-tan?
    • Mori-san gives me
    • All kinds of advice.
    • I’d say he’s a friend.

When you reenter the bar to max out Miu’s friendship, she’ll tell you more about the stalking. Press R3 and use the Detector on Miu’s bag then her shoes. At the park, chase after the person. When you catch them, a cutscene will trigger and and you’ll have reached max friendship with Miu!


Return to the bar to learn that Emily is being stalked. You’ll decide to tail her to make sure she gets home ok. Tail her undetected until you reach the objective at the white van. Afterwards, return to the bar!



  • What sort of work does a detective do?
    • Anything from solving
    • infidelity cases to finding cats.
  • Do you have any nicknames, Takayuki?
    • My buddy
    • always calls me
    • Tak.
  • Miu’s the perfect idol! Don’t you think so, Takayuki?
    • She really is a perfect idol
    • because she cares about
    • her fans.
  • What are the girls’ names around here?
    • Haruko
    • Ayaha
    • Miu
  • What was Ayaha’s favorite character’s catchphrase?
    • Captain
    • Cop
    • Chaaaaange!
  • To come out to the bar, that makes him a damn fine dad.

When you reenter the bar to max out Emily’s friendship, she’ll tell you about the letter she received. Afterwards, defeat the Neo Keihin Gang and Ashihara. During the following cutscene, select “I enjoyed myself.” and you’ll reach max friendship with Emily! The cutscene will continue at the MRC and the school story will conclude.



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Seiryo High Photography Club School Story

by Chappie in


In Lost Judgment, you’ll receive the Seiryo High Photography Club school story when your Guts are level 4. Make your way to the Mystery Research Club (MRC) to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, travel to the Photography Club Room on 3F and speak with Toribe to head out. Snag a picture of the theft completing all the photo objectives. Next, a battle with Fujimaru will ensue. Defeat him then you’ll need to progress in the story to continue on with this school story.


After some time passes, return to the Photography Club Room for a cutscene then speak with Toribe. You’ll now be tasked with getting a photograph of the biker gang. After you snag the picture, defeat the biker gang members to trigger a cutscene. Wait for some time to pass in order to continue with the school story.


When you’re able, head to the Photography Club Room to trigger a cutscene involving a blackmailing case. Speak with Toribe to begin! She’ll want you to take a photograph of the blackmailer’s face as he is receiving the money. Before you can do this, you must sneak through the area. You’ll need to creep around the taxi to reach the red area behind the stairs on the lower level of the parking garage. Toss a coin to cause the guy to look away from the stairs then sneak behind him up the stairs. Once on the second level of the parking garage, approach the red area to complete the sneaking mission. After the brief scene, quickly head behind the large white van to get in the perfect position for the picture. Take the picture, completing the objectives, then defeat the unsavory men. After the long cutscene, this school story will be complete!



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Seiryo High eSports Club School Story

by Chappie in


For the Seiryo High eSports Club school story in Lost Judgment, you’ll stumble upon a group standing in front of the Mystery Research Club (MRC). Speak with them to stop the shakedown then head up to their clubroom on 4F to trigger a cutscene. When you’re ready, begin the tutorial. Speak with Sanbonmatsu then leave the eSports Club Room. Following the cutscene, head to the Cafeteria to speak with Otani. Exhaust all of the dialog options then make your way back to the clubroom. Speak with Toki to play the minigame! You’ll need to do this several times to defeat the following players:

  • Fujiwara
  • Yoshiba
  • Uozumi
  • Sanbonmatsu

For the fight with Sanbonmatsu, it’s a two wave battle. You’ll need to win the first wave but you’ll lose the second wave. You’ll be in search mode and will need to uncover the trick to the cheating. The evidence of foul play is the arcade controller on the chair. After you accuse him, he’ll run away and you’ll need to chase after him. When you catch him, he’ll reveal the truth and the school story will complete.