Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – Motivation Sought

by Chappie in

This is a guide for the Motivation Sought side quest in Astria Ascending.


Obtained: Speak with Shery at the Awisi Woods in Chapter II

Rewards: Potion+ x3, 500 Lums


Talk to Serinet in front of the Harmonia Tower

Make your way to the Tower Entrance and speak with Serinet. This will lead to a battle facing three Soldiers of Harmonia with just Alek.


Talk to Serinet again

Speak with Serinet after defeating the three soldiers.


Go back to Shery in Awisi Woods

Head back to Awisi Woods Area 2 and speak with Shery.


Find the object hidden by Shery

Shery will give you a clue (ykseh tdraw otd natra eheh tni) as a hint to where she hid the object. If you write it backwards then the clue is: On the heart and toward the sky. To find the object, head to F295 – Arcadium in Harmonia Tower and go to Yuno’s Balcony. Above the doorway, you’ll see a glow. Interact with it to receive a Finely Crafted Box.


Go back to talk to Shery in Awisis Woods

Return to Shery and speak with her to complete the quest.



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – Ancient Secret

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Ancient Secret side quest in Astria Ascending.


Obtained: Speak with Egyl at the Harmony Orchards in Chapter II

Rewards: Potion+ x3, 500 Lums


Talk to Nabu at the Harmonia Tower

Head to Floor 000 in Harmonia Tower to find Nabu and speak with her.


Go back to talk to Egyl in the Harmony Orchard

Take the train back to Harmony Orchard then speak with Egyl there.


Bring the ancient writings to Senna in Uptown.

Make your way to Uptown (east of Central Plaza) to find Senna and speak with her there.


Find the treasure at the Pisces Temple

The treasure can be found in the same room as the Anun Prayer Room fast travel point. There is a chest to the right hidden behind a tree. If you open it you’ll receive the Ancient Artifact.


Bring the artifact to Nabu at the Harmonia Tower

Head to Floor 000 of the Harmonia Tower and speak with Nabu there.


Go back to talk to Egyl in the Harmony Orchard

Return to Harmony Orchard and speak with Egyl to complete the quest.



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – Crystals of Chaos

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Crystals of Chaos side quest in Astria Ascending.


Obtained: Speak with Magter at the Arktan Valley in Chapter I

Rewards: Ether+ x3, Botein x1, 500 Lums


Defeat 3 Tufas

The Tufas can be found in the Peyska Spring Sewers.


Go back to talk to Magter in Arktan Valley

Return to Magter and speak with him to get the next objective.


Find and Defeat the special Noises at Grand Canyon

From the Broken Bridge fast travel point in the Grand Canyon, head east to come across a red glowing orb. Interact with it to trigger a fight against 2 Tanifana. These creatures are weak to air, resist water and nullify dark. Defeat them!


Talk to Pelham in Harmonia

Speak with Pelham at the Weapon Shop in the Marketplace.


Go back to Magter in Arktan Valley

Return to Magter and speak with him to complete the quest.



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – A Demanding Professor

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the A Demanding Professor side quest in Astria Ascending.


Obtained: Speak with Rumeh at Peyska Spring in Chapter II

Rewards: Ether+ x3, 500 Lums


Talk to Nobi at the Harmonia Tower

Make your way to Floor 000 in Harmonia Tower to find Nobi then speak to her.


Talk to Miyanda in the Swamps

In chapter II, the game will bring you to Vetira as part of the story. The Swamps are west of the town and Miyanda can be found in the second area of the Swamps. Speak with her to trigger a cutscene.


Defeat the Isnashi in the Swamps

Go east dropping down the platforms to find Miyanda and a glowing red orb. Approach the orb and interact with it to start the fight against the Isnashi. It weak to fire moves, so using Dagmar and Kress will make the fight a bit easier, but keep an eye out for the Isnashi’s silence attack.


Talk to Miyanda in the Swamps

After defeating the Isnashi, speak to Miyanda to receive the book.


Go back to talk to Rumeh in Peyska Spring

Head back to Peyska Spring and speak with Rumeh to complete the quest.



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – J-Ster Apprentice Opponents

by Chappie in


Below you’ll find the list of all apprentice level J-Ster Opponents in Astria Ascending and where they can be found. Please note that J-Ster is not unlocked until chapter II.




Location: Marketplace

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: One



Location: Guild

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: All


Residential Area


Location: Residential Area

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One



Location: Residential Area

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One


Zeft Heights


Location: Near the train station

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One



Location: In the second area

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One



Location: In the second area

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One


Arktan Valley


Location: In the second area

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: All


Peyska Spring


Location: In the second area

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One




Location: East side of town

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: All



Location: East side of town

Rules: Hidden

Trade Rules: All



Location: Between the Build and Weapon Shop

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: All



Location: West side of town

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One



Location: Chapter 3 – Item Shop

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: All




Location: Near guild

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: One



Location: Item Shop

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: One



Location: Outside

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: One




Location: In the Item Shop

Rules: Hidden

Trade Rules: One




Location: Outside

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: One



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – Chapter II The Vetira Incident Walkthrough

by Chappie in


This guide is a walkthrough of Chapter II The Vetira Incident in Astria Ascending.


Disturbance in Vetira


Floor 165 – Council Room

This chapter starts off with a tutorial on the J-Ster where Ulan will be challenged by Arpajo. Play the match, but don’t be too bummed if you lose since Arpajo is a grandmaster at the game. When you’re done, head west to reach the elevator and take it to F295 – Arcadium.


Floor 295 – Arcadium

Head east to reach the Arcadium and speak with Yuno for a cutscene.



Before heading to Vetira there are a couple of beginner level J-Ster opponents you can challenge throughout various areas listed below. In case you didn’t read the tutorial, if you lose a match you can lose 1 to all 5 of the tokens used in the match.

  • Floor 165 – Council Room
    • Armig
    • Harmonia Guard
  • Floor 295 – Arcadium
    • Filmig
  • Central Plaza
    • Dayle
  • United Town – Uptown
    • Loe
  • Marketplace – Guild
    • Thora
  • Residential Area
    • Forden
  • Awisi Woods
    • Zalika
    • Ohon
  • Zeft Heights
    • Ulfhrafn
  • Arktan Valley
    • Yenny
    • Quinn
    • Chagan
  • Peyska Spring
    • Vaipoe
    • Samoanna


Side Quests

These are the side quests you should have access to at this point in the game. Some of them can be completed while most of them require you to push farther into the story.



If you visit the Guild in the Marketplace, you’ll be able to pick up Hunt 001 – Every Night and slay the monster.


Floor 165 – Council Room

When you’re ready, ride Fedorah at the Haevelion Port east of the Council Room to travel to Vetira.


Explore Vetira

Head west to trigger a cutscene.


Find Pisces Temple in the Swamps

Exit Vetira on the west side to reach the swamps. Keep working your way through the Swamps to reach the temple. In the second area of the Swamp, you can find a chest with an Evalach shield for Ulan and another with 3 Stat Orbs. The third area contains a chest with a Meryan Robe and area 4 has a chest with a Koeia and another with a Circlet. When you reach the temple, a cutscene triggers.


Investigate Anun’s Statue

Approach the statue to trigger another dialog event leading to a boss battle with Anun, The Pisces Astrae. You’ll want to make sure someone has the Confuse Guard Ring (preferably Eko who should also know Clear) as Anun uses a move called Rolling Mine that confuses the whole party. This makes the fight tougher as you party with attack each other or even heal Anun. He also uses Omni-water which can also deal water damage to the active part. The boss is also weak to Lightning element attacks and susceptible to being poisoned.  When the boss goes down, a cutscene triggers and you’ll gain the ability to summon Piscus in battle.


Explore Pisces Temple

Work your way through the temple heading for the final room at the temple to the far west. Around the middle, you’ll run into a Motherfana mini-boss fight where she’ll be accompanied by a handful of Mizufana. Deal with the adds then focus on the boss. When all of the adds have been defeated, she will start storing focus points to summon more. She will also heal the adds and uses water-based attacks. The easiest (albeit slowest) way to defeat her was to summon the Pisces. It absorbs water elemental attacks so you’ll be getting healed by the boss and her minions while focusing on the boss. Once the Motherfana has been taken care of, mop up the rest of the enemies. While you’re exploring, keep an eye for chests containing an Ancient Artifact, Water Ore x3, Cebes weapon for Alassia and Wizard Hat.


At the end of the temple, you’ll have to fight a Noise mimicking Anun. For the 1st phase, it will have the same attacks. The 2nd phase starts after you reduce its health to zero the first time. It will then transform into a school of fish and gain a new move called Fish Rain that hits the active party and has a chance to confuse. When you defeat the boss, exit the temple to trigger a cutscene leading to the end of the chapter.


Click here for the Chapter III The Arktan Valley Incident Walkthrough!!!



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – J-Ster Intermediate Opponents

by Chappie in


Below you’ll find the list of all intermediate level J-Ster Opponents in Astria Ascending and where they can be found. Please note that J-Ster is not unlocked until chapter II.


Floor 295 – Arcadium

Harmonia Guard

Location: Floor 295 near the elevator

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One




Location: Marketplace

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One



Location: Weapon Shop

Rules: Hidden

Trade Rules: One


Awisi Woods


Location: Near the train station

Rules: Open, Random

Trade Rules: One


Peyska Spring


Location: In the second area

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: Flip




Location: Near guild

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: One



Location: Item Shop

Rules: Hidden, Lock

Trade Rules: All



Location: Near Item Shop

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: One




Location: Near Item Shop

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: Flip


Ranta Outskirts


Location: Outside

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One


Leo Temple


Rules: Open, Random

Trade Rules: One




Location: Weapon Shop

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: Flip



Location: House

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: One



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – J-Ster Beginner Opponents

by Chappie in


Below you’ll find the list of all beginner level J-Ster Opponents in Astria Ascending and where they can be found. Please note that J-Ster is not unlocked until chapter II.


Floor 165 – Council Room


Location: Council Room

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: Flip


Harmonia Guard

Location: Floor 165 near the elevator

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One


Floor 295


Location: Arcadium

Rules: Hidden

Trade Rules: One


Central Plaza


Location: Near the train station

Rules: Hidden

Trade Rules: One


United Town – Uptown


Location: Uptown

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One




Location: Guild

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One


Residential Area


Location: House

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One


Awisi Woods


Location: Near the train station

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One



Location: Near the train station

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: Flip


Zeft Heights


Location: In the second area

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One


Arktan Valley


Location: Near the train station

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: All



Location: In the second area

Rules: Open, Lock

Trade Rules: One



Location: In the second area

Rules: Hidden

Trade Rules: One


Peyska Spring


Location: Near the train station

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: All



Location: Near the train station

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: One




Location: In the Weapon Shop

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: All




Location: Outside Weapon Shop

Rules: Open

Trade Rules: All



Location: Inside a house

Rules: Hidden

Trade Rules: One



Astria Ascending

Astria Ascending – J-Ster Level II Tokens

by Chappie in


Below you’ll find the list of all 49 level II J-Ster Tokens in Astria Ascending and how they can be obtained. Please note that defeating opponents and taking their tokens will sometimes result in them getting a new token the next time you face them. This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as we progress through the game.


  1. Salamander
    • Win off of Forden in the house at Residential Area
    • Win off of Vaipoe at Peyska Spring in the first area
  2. Pandiko
    • Win off of Soreda in the Harmonia Residential Area
  3. Carabe
    • Win off of Oonagh in Arsion
  4. Hifana
    • Win off of Harmonia Guard on Floor 165 near the elevator
    • Win off of Quinn at Arktan Valley in the second area
    • Win off of Erna in Ranta
  5. Badakapi
    • Win off of Yenny at Arktan Valley in the first area
    • Win off of Chagan at Arktan Valley in the second area
    • Win off of Wyn in the Item Shop at Vetira during Chapter 3
    • Win off of Livee in Ranta
  6. Badakama
    • Win off of Thora in Marketplace – Guild
    • Win off of Ylfa at Zeft Heights area 2
  7. Irula
    • Win off of Uthyr in Harmonia at the Marketplace
    • Win off of Kendria in the Harmonia Residential Area
    • Win off of Greipr at the Zeft Heights area 1
    • Win off of Feleti at Vetira
    • Win off of Murdah at Leo Temple
  8. Dipodo
    • Win off of Kendria in the Harmonia Residential Area
    • Win off of Greipr at the Zeft Heights area 1
    • Win off of Waiola at Peyska Spring area 2
    • Win off of Promor near the guild in Arsion
  9. Skoll
    • Win off of Uthyr in Harmonia at the Marketplace
    • Win off of Haukr in Ranta
  10. Skarn
    • Win off of Fihtun in Awisi Woods
  11. Fennec
    • Win off of Jaylee at the Marketplace
  12. Nokk
    • Win against Eorl in the Marketplace
    • Win off of Beirnei at Leo Temple
    • Win off of Duka in the Weapon Shop at Windam
  13. Ornate
    • Win off of Danija in Ranta
    • Win off of Svala in Ranta Outskirts
    • Win off of Naasi in the Weapon Shop at Windam
  14. Xenar
    • Win off of Filmig at Floor 295 – Arcadium
    • Win off of Forden in the house at Residential Area
    • Win off of Zalika at the Awisi Woods near the train station
    • Win off of Visola in Windam
  15. Tusk
    • Win off of Filmig at Floor 295 – Arcadium
    • Win off of Ulfhrafn at Zeft Heights in the second area
    • Win off of Vaipoe at Peyska Spring in the first area
    • Win off of Livee in Ranta
  16. Tuskama
    • Win off of Loe in United Town – Uptown
    • Win off of Thora in Marketplace – Guild
    • Win off of Forden in the house at Residential Area
    • Win off of Ulfhrafn at Zeft Heights in the second area
  17. Wraith
    • Win off of Filmig at Floor 295 – Arcadium
    • Win off of Thora in Marketplace – Guild
    • Win off of Erna in Ranta
    • Win off of Nellwy in Ranta’s Item Shop
  18. Gaja
    • Win off of Uthyr in Harmonia at the Marketplace
    • Win off of Soreda in the Harmonia Residential Area
    • Win off of Holte in Arsion
    • Win off of Fihtun in Awisi Woods
  19. Ghoul
    • Win off of Harmonia Guard at Floor 295 – Arcadium
    • Win off of Puaiti at Vetira
  20. Ijira
    • Win off of Modolfr during the Season of Frost J-ster Arena Challenge at the Leo Temple
  21. Asena
    • Win off of Zenevie in the Weapon Shop at Windam
  22. Mokele
    • Win off of Harmonia Guard at Floor 295 – Arcadium
    • Win off of Radnor in Arsion
  23. Veles
    • Win off of Vagn in the Marketplace
    • Win off of Radnor in Arsion
  24. Gentoo
    • Win off of Svala in Ranta Outskirts
    • Win off of Duka in the Weapon Shop at Windam
    • Win off of Quianna in Windam
    • Win off of Wanja in the Item Shop at Windam
  25. Befana
    • Win off of Naasi in the Weapon Shop at Windam
    • Win off of Oswyn at Windam
    • Win off of Wanja in the Item Shop at Windam
  26. Nepa
    • Win off of Dayle in Central Plaza near the train station
    • Win off of Vaipoe at Peyska Spring in the first area
    • Win off of Puaiti at Vetira
    • Win off of Livee in Ranta
  27. Akelios
    • Win off of Dayle in Central Plaza near the train station
    • Win off of Loe in United Town – Uptown
    • Win off of Ohon at the Awisi Woods near the train station
    • Win off of Samoanna at Peyska Spring in the first area
    • Win off of Waiola at Peyska Spring area 2
  28. Saurus
    • Win off of Uthyr in the Marketplace
    • Win off of Zalika at the Awisi Woods near the train station
    • Win off of Yenny at Arktan Valley in the first area
    • Win off of Quinn at Arktan Valley in the second area
  29. Abath
    • Win off of Ashe in Harmonia Marketplace at the Guild
    • Win off of Aonghas in the Arsion Item Shop
  30. Behemoth
    • Win off of Vagn in the Marketplace
    • Win off of Radnor in Arsion
    • Win off of Murdah at Leo Temple
  31. Ajatar
    • Win off of Vagn in the Marketplace
    • Win off of Tenille at Arktan Valley area 2
    • Win off of Puaiti at Vetira
    • Win off of Promor near the guild in Arsion
  32. Oungan
    • Win off of Qua at Vetira
    • Win off of Nellwy in Ranta’s Item Shop
    • Win off of Zelene in a house at Windam
  33. Yeren
    • Win off of Oonagh in Arsion
  34. Akhlut
    • Win off of Haukr in Ranta
  35. Sarpa
    • Win off of Jaylee at the Marketplace
    • Win off of Tamatoa in Peyska Spring
  36. Wolf
    • Win off of Garhban in Ranta
  37. Elarabe
    • Win off of Garhban in Ranta
    • Win against Eorl in the Marketplace
  38. Korifana
    • Win off of Garhban in Ranta
    • Win off of Beirnei at Leo Temple
  39. Caudata
    • Win off of Feleti at Vetira
  40. Isnashi
    • Win off of Inoke at Vetira
  41. Diceros
    • Win off of Frea at Zeft Heights area 2
    • Win off of Feleti at Vetira
    • Win off of Promor near the guild in Arsion
    • Win off of Fihtun in Awisi Woods
  42. Beringei
    • Win off of Kendria in the Harmonia Residential Area
    • Win off of Meherio in Arsion’s Item Shop
    • Win off of Nellwy in Ranta’s Item Shop
    • Win off of Jaylee at the Marketplace
    • Win off of Visola in Windam
  43. Taloc
    • Win off of Tamatoa in Peyska Spring
  44. Baena
    • Win off of Oonagh in Arsion
  45. Polyrabe
    • Win off of Zenevie in the Weapon Shop at Windam
  46. Gneis
    • Win off of Oonagh in Arsion
    • Win off of Modolfr in Ranta Outskirts
  47. Fujo
    • Win off of Hasna in Arsion
    • Win off of Beirnei at Leo Temple
    • Win off of Naasi in the Weapon Shop at Windam
    • Win off of Oswyn at Windam
  48. Shen
    • Win against Eorl in the Marketplace
    • Win off of Graeme in Ranta Outskirts
    • Win off of Svala in Ranta Outskirts
  49. Naga
    • Win off of Graeme in Ranta Outskirts
    • Win off of Svala in Ranta Outskirts



Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment – Where the Kappa Roam

by Chappie in


In Chapter 4 of Lost Judgment when you receive the objective to head to Kamurocho, approach the duo on Sakura River St. and intervene. Defeat the Kappa Statue Assailant then agree to help Kodama locate the 7 missing Kappa statues! Open your phone to the Buzz Researcher and search using the keyword “kappa”.


The first statue can be found next to the real statue on S Sakura River St.


The second statue can be found in the hands of a runner on the street to the east of the homeless camp. He can be found on the same street as Todoroki Boxing Gym! When you talk to him, a chase will ensue. Catch the runner to get him to hand over the Kappa statue!


The third Kappa statue can be found in a trash pile on E Central St.


The fourth Kappa can be found along the river north of Ichiban Confections. You’ll see a guy near the railing trying to reel in the big one! Speak with him to receive the statue.


The fifth Kappa can be found on the soccer field next to Smile Burger (Food Truck).


The sixth Kappa can be found…