Echo Generation

Echo Generation – Part 8 Walkthrough: Train Area, Worm Boss

by MrsChappie in


Below is our Part 8 walkthrough of Echo Generation!


In Maple Town, head to the treehouse and purchase Green Oil Paint for $25. Now that you’ve found the missing kid in the principal’s basement, the police will be gone so continue heading east to reach a campsite. Speak with the painter to obtain the Static Shock move. Speak with the kid sitting on the crate south of the tents to find that she is looking for a Toy Train. To find it, head to the train tracks east of the tents and climb up onto the train car to locate the Toy Train. Return to the girl to hand it over. In exchange, she’ll give you the Lid Throw move.


Head down the train tracks. In the next area under the overpass, look on the left side for a telephone pole that has a box in it. Interact with it to receive a Fuse. Continue north down the train tracks. On the right side, interact with a blue cooler to trigger a fight. The enemy has 44 HP. When you get its HP to 0, the momma will show up. She has 80 HP and you’ll have to fight her plus the baby. Look inside the cooler again to find Butter Tarts.


Continue down the tracks. On the left side, look for the house. Examine the generator next to the house and use the Fuse to fix it. Take the Propane Tank next to the generator. Since you can’t get inside the house quite yet, head to the infestation. Approach the rat-like creatures to trigger a fight. After you defeat them, head into the nest. In the dead center, place the Propane Tank. Head up the nearby ladder to the tall water tower. Make sure BLOPO-11 is in your party then press A on the magnifying glass and use the laser on the Propane Tank. Survey the area again then climb on down. Head east to the large dirt mound and interact with it. Scream HELLO to trigger a boss fight with a giant worm that has 250 HP! Defeat it! Before you leave, check the worm’s mouth to find the Cartwheel move!


Make your way back to where you defeated the Worm boss and go down the hole. Once inside the house, head upstairs. Open the cabinet along the northern wall and take the Abandoned Gate Key from inside. Also, grab the Maximum Hack move from the cabinet. To the left of the cabinet, take the Bear Statue. To the right of the statue, you can find a bed to sleep in to restore your HP! Next, grab the Cables from the table!


Now that you’ve healed, head downstairs and interact with the fireplace to trigger a fight with a creature that has 80 HP. Defeat it to receive Strawberry Flavoring. You’ll then be able to leave the house by unlocking the door directly across from the refrigerator.


Instead of using the Abandoned Gate Key on the gate next to the house, return to the painter near the train tracks and speak with her. Hand over the Green Oil Paint you previously purchased at the treehouse. Speak with her again to receive the Alien Painting!


Travel back to Maple Town and enter the treehouse. Place the Bear Statue in the northwest corner then speak with the girl nearby to receive the Star Fall move. Next, enter Mr. Magnus’ Garage. Interact with the cardboard box in front of his workbench to exchange the Cables for a Screwdriver! Speak with Magnus to learn that he needs a quantum-level CPU and coordinates for the portal to target. Interact with the computer on the far right to hand over the Rogue Ship Coordinates, which you received from the Alien VIP Lounge. You’ll just need to get the quantum-level CPU which is somewhere in the FST.


Now that you have the Screwdriver. Head next door to the principal’s house and open the doll cabinet on the right side. Use the Screwdriver to release the Pretty Doll.


Now would be a good time to go to Tea Tunes in Downtown. Make the Strawberry Bubble Tea and hand it to the lady at the table to increase your Max SP to 4!


Return to Maple Town and head the the crossroads on Maple Road. Speak with the doll collector to hand over the Pretty Doll to receive the Radioactive move!


I know this one is kind of out of the way, but we figured the Screwdriver might release the comic stuck in the rock at the Wendageddon boss site. It does not but if you make the trek all the way back there, speak with the knight and ask him to move the rock for you. He will if you give him credit for killing the Wendageddon. Do so to receive the Hockey Smash move!


Now that you’ve completed everything that you can do for now, return to the gate by the abandoned house along the train tracks to continue forward.


Click here for the next walkthrough on the FST!



Echo Generation

Echo Generation – Part 7 Walkthrough: Secret Cabin, Alien Boss

by MrsChappie in


Below is our Part 7 walkthrough of Echo Generation!


Exit the Wendageddon boss area and follow the path east. If you climb up the lookout tower, your character will get a good view of the clearing and the radio will only give off static. Instead, continue east and speak with Dumont. Next, interact with the back of the truck to siphon gas. You’ll receive a Gas Canister. Climb up the ladder on the side of the cabin and fix the antenna. Afterwards, climb on down and fuel the generator on the side of the cabin with the Gas Canister. You’ll then want to head inside the cabin. Examine the northwestern corner on the counter to receive a Filing Cabinet Key. On the desk with the computers, you can find the Splitting Wood move. With the cabin fully explored, interact with the computer to reboot it then head outside and speak with Dumont.


Next, climb up the tower and flip the light switch which is in the western corner of the lookout tower. Afterwards, speak with Dumont then interact with the signal transmitter to send the signal. Speak with Dumont again then climb down the ladder and make your way to the spaceship. On the west side, climb up the log to reach the ship and interact with it. Choose to bang on it. When you get no response, bang on it again. A boss fight will then ensue with the alien. It has 150 HP. Defeat the alien then board the ship.


Once inside, place the Superhero Cutout on the left side. Interact with the console in the middle to learn that they want the racoon as a pet. Next, speak with the racoon in the tube. Speak with the alien who wants the racoon as a pet to tell him to go outside. You’ll then be able to flip the switch on the console and release the racoon. Lastly, speak with the alien on the right side. You’ll tell him to take a break but he won’t be able to unless his supervisor tells him to. Return to the alien on the far left side and tell him to take a break. Return to the alien on the far right side and tell him to take a break again.


With the ship evacuated, enter the portal on the far right side by walking into it. It’ll have radiation so chew some Gumballs (which you can purchase at Video Busters in Downtown) to protect yourself. Once inside the VIP Lounge, speak with the female alien near the entrance. On the western side, loot the Confetti Explosion move from the armrest of the lounge. Speak with the aliens in the room including the squid guy hanging out in the top right corner. Also speak with the other earthling in there. Turn on the hologram in the top central part of the room. This will cause a giant “disco ball” to be shown. Next, place the Alien Cutout (which you can get for free at Video Busters in Downtown) in the southern part of the room in front of the Captain. With the boombox, play the Turn up the Magic cassette (which you get in the Principal’s basement). With the mood set, all the aliens will start dancing. Speak with the Captain again. You won’t be able to speak with him directly so stand behind the Alien Cutout to talk with him. You’ll receive the Rogue Ship Coordinates (which you can give to Magnus later)! To leave the lounge, interact with the panel behind the female alien. It’ll turn off the radiation so you can leave.


Exit the spaceship and speak with the racoon outside. Next, speak with Mr. Dumont by the campfire. Travel east a bit afterwards to run into a transformed alien. It’ll have 200 HP. Defeat it then make your way to the west by the lookout tower to find another one. It will also have 200 HP. Defeat it!


Leave the area and head to Dumont’s trailer. Open the filing cabinet inside to receive the Hacking move.


Click here for the next walkthrough on the train area and worm boss!



Echo Generation

Echo Generation – Part 6 Walkthrough: Woods, Wendageddon Boss

by MrsChappie in


Below is our Part 6 walkthrough of Echo Generation!


After leaving the cemetery, follow the path north to find a knight sitting on a bench next to a bridge. Speak with him to learn that here is a boss ahead. Instead of going across the bridge, take the path to the west. When the path branches, continue straight west instead of heading down. At the end of the path there will be $5 on the ground! Backtrack a bit and take the path down the slope to the southwest.


At the bottom there will be a strange tombstone with symbols. These symbols can be found in the static of the TVs. The code is third column third row, second column second row and first column first row. When you input the correct code, The Writer will appear. As a reward for solving the puzzle, he’ll give you S’mores Flavoring. (You can use this at Tea Tunes in Downtown to make S’more Bubble Tea. Give the tea to the lady at the table to receive an increase of 2 SP!)


Next, head south of The Writer and hug the bottom of the screen while traveling east to find a Lily at the end of the path. You can give this Lily to Grandma Patel in Downtown for a Cookie. Return to The Writer and head north to the next area. Follow the path west. Along the path you’ll find a bunch of Mushrooms on the ground. Before heading under the tree, keep following the path to the west to find a Juice Box and Sandwich on the ground. Return to the tree and pass through it, keep collecting Mushrooms as you see them.


As you keep following the path west, you’ll come across a froggy house. Speak with the frog then agree to take the quiz.

  • Are Frogs the best animal in the world? – Yes
  • Is Bob a cool name? – Yes
  • Can Bob jump over hundreds of meters in the air? – No

If you pass the quiz, you’ll receive the Star Loop Blues cassette!


Keep heading west along the path, the squirrel on the rock will want Nuts, but we don’t have any so continue on. Eventually, you’ll come across an old bicycle. Inspect it to receive the Old Bike. Make your way west then unlock the gate leading to the playground to create a shortcut.


Since you picked up the Old Bike, head to Magnus’ Garage. Interact with the red gas canister to exchange the Old Bike for the Empty Gas Canister. Then head to the bookshop Downtown and purchase the Porto Book for $100 in the travel section. If you have not already done so. When you get it, head to your mom to hand it over. In exchange, you’ll receive an Old Picture.


Return to the shortcut and follow the path east. Continue all the way until you spot the knight on the bench then proceed across the bridge. Straight ahead you’ll encounter a boss fight with the Wendageddon that has 200 HP! Please note that this boss can also heal itself for 15 HP at a time! It’s extremely helpful to have a Cookie on you! If you interact with the pile on the left side behind the knight, you’ll find a comic trapped between some rocks. Unfortunately, you don’t have anything to help you get it out so just remember it for later.


Click here for the next walkthrough on the Secret Cabin!



Echo Generation

Echo Generation – Part 5 Walkthrough: Pet Cemetery, Pet Catcher Boss

by MrsChappie in


Below is our Part 5 walkthrough of Echo Generation!


Continue east and head to the Junkyard. Examine the fence on the western side then use the Wire Cutter to proceed. In the next area, head up the stairs and interact with the skeleton trio. Choose to take over their spot to pick a fight. Defeat them then interact with the skeleton they were guarding to receive the Dig move. Interact with the skeleton again then attempt to leave after it wants one of your limbs. It’ll call you back for some more dialog.


Next, head west just past the tree behind the dead cat lady to find $1.00 on the ground. Speak with the cat lady for some dialog then go down the stairs and continue west into the pet cemetery. Defeat the Pet Catcher boss who has 140 HP to receive Pepper Flavoring!


Head up the stairs and speak with the woman wearing a veil. Agree to get rid of the cats to trigger a fight with the 5 cat skeletons. Each has 30 HP! When you defeat them, speak with the veiled woman again to receive a Candle. Bring the Candle to the grave next to the dead cat lady and place it on the grave. Afterwards, speak with the dead cat lady and agree to help her move on. This will trigger a fight. She has 100 HP! When you defeat her, loot the ground where she was standing to receive the Magic Potion move!


Next, head through the archway on the west side and continue as far south as you can go then proceed east a short way to find a Haunted Bone. Try to continue north to trigger a fight with a giant creature that has 150 HP.


Return to town and give the dog the bone. Doggo will then become your companion! While you’re doing some miscellaneous tasks, return to Downtown via the bus stop and enter Tea Tunes. Go behind the counter and use the machine to make Pepper Bubble Tea. Bring the tea to the lady at the table and you’ll get your Max SP increased by 2! While you’re here, head to the Video Busters and purchase the Robot Action Figure for $50 if you have not already done so.


Return to Maple Town and head east to Maple Road. Stop in at Mr. Dumont’s trailer to hand over the BC-22 Volt Repair Book. You’ll be given access to the trailer so go ahead and enter it. Examine the filing cabinet to find out that you’ll need the Filing Cabinet Key. Speak with Dumont to actually hand over the BC-22 Volt Repair Book. Speak with him again to hand over the Vacuum Tube. He’ll then give you access to his Secret Cabin in the woods.


Go past Mr. Dumont’s trailer and speak with the doll collector on the corner. Hand over the Robot Action Figure to receive the Rainbow Horn move. Continue forward going through the Pet Cemetery to reach the next area.


Click here for the next walkthrough on the Woods!



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – Divine Intervention Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find the Divine Intervention documents at the below locations.


1. Holy Pages I

  • Isla Santuario – On an altar between two chests at Oluwa Cave in Quito

2. Holy Pages II

  • Madrugada – On a long blue board covered with candles in the Lunatico Caves at Lozania near Dos Monjas Mogote

3. Holy Pages III

  • ???

4. Holy Pages IV

  • El Este – On a wooden spool along the first left path in the cave at McKay Global Drill Site D in La Joya

5. Holy Pages V

  • ???



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – Dead Lovers Tell No Tales Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find the Dead Lovers Tell No Tales documents at the below locations.


1. Sword-Crossed Lovers I

  • ???

2. Sword-Crossed Lovers II

  • Valle De Oro – Located on a windowsill in a tower overlooking the southern coast of Tormentoso Bay in Barrial

3. Sword-Crossed Lovers III

  • El Este – Found in a bottle on the side of an alter above a chest in a cave near a horse pickup at the El Duelo Falls in Conuco

4. Sword-Crossed Lovers IV

  • Madrugada – Found in a bottle near a washed-up log on the eastern side of the right bigger island at Ocaso Bay in Aguas Lindas

5. Sword-Crossed Lovers V

  • Esperanza – A message in a bottle on a cannon that rests on top of a square building overlooking Malecon Bay north of Paraiso Coast Square in Old Pueblo

6. Sword-Crossed Lovers VI

  • Valle De Oro – Located in a pirate ship partially sunken at the bottom of Calavera Cave in Barrial during the Sword-Crossed Lovers Treasure Hunt



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – Her Revolution Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find the Her Revolution documents at the below locations.


1. Iselda’s Journey I

  • ???

2. Iselda’s Journey II

  • Valle De Oro – Located in a glass bottle on a headstone in a submerged cemetery south of the Guillermo Castillo Bay in Noventarmas

3. Iselda’s Journey III

  • Madrugada – In a bottle on the beach next to a log on the right big island of Ocaso Bay in Aguas Lindas

4. Iselda’s Journey IV

  • El Este – Found in the case in front of the Legends of 67′ statue at the Museum of the False Revolution in Conuco



Echo Generation

Echo Generation – Part 4 Walkthrough: Maple Town, School Principal Boss

by MrsChappie in


Below is our Part 4 walkthrough of Echo Generation!


Once in the Suburb aka Maple Town, head to your house and rest up then go next door to grab a Cookie from Grandma Mabel. Next, head into the treehouse and hang the Mashup Poster on the wall to the left of the girl that sells things. Speak with the girl in the back corner to receive the Mock move! Afterwards, make your way to Magnus’ Garage and speak with him. Have him fix the BLOPO-11. Also, interact with the Wire Cutter along the back room and trade it for the Quantum Physics Book.


Head next door the the principal’s house and use the Principal’s House Key on the side door. In the kitchen, retrieve the Basement Key hanging on the wall then use it on the basement door. Head into the basement and speak with the missing kid in the cage. In order to break him out, you’ll need to get the key with the principal keeps on him. Go to the right of the basement and enter the door there. Grab the Back Stab move from the table on the right. On the back wall, take the Turn Up the Magic cassette from the table. Put the new cassette into the boombox to the left of the cage. Head back to the room on the east side then return to the main room to find the principal next to the boombox. Attempt to leave to trigger a fight with him. He has 130 HP. Defeat him then inspect the doll in front of the principal to receive the Cage Key.


Use the Cage Key to unlock the door to the cage. Head inside and speak with the kid to receive a Candy. Speak with the kid again so he’ll leave. Proceed up the stairs then leave the house. Speak with the baby in front of Magnus’ Garage to trade the Candy for the Force Field move.


Click here for the Part 5 walkthrough on the Pet Cemetery!



Far Cry 6

Far Car 6 – Blue Notes Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find the Blue Notes documents at the below locations.


1. Improvisations I

  • Valle De Oro – Located on a restaurant table outside of Tierra Pana Jazz Club, which is a short walk east of El Toro Square at Cruz Del Salvador

2. Improvisations II

  • ???

3. Improvisations III

  • ???

4. Improvisations IV

  • El Este – Loot from a table on Lorenzo’s patio at his house house on Patriotas Peak in Sierra Perdida

5. Improvisations V

  • Isla Del Leon – Found in the guardhouse just before the wall surrounding Anton Castillo’s Villa on a chest in a bunk room



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – A Star Is Made, Not Born Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find the A Star Is Made, Not Born documents at the below locations.


1. Rosa’s History I

  • El Este – On the wall behind the bar at Chuchi’s in Conuco

2. Rosa’s History II

  • El Este – On a cinderblock next to a graffiti of a crocodile on a building at Santo Domingo in Sierra Perdida

3. Rosa’s History III

  • Valle De Oro – Located on a receptionist’s desk in the FND Recruitment Offices at Cruz Del Salvador

4. Rosa’s History IV

  • ???