Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy – Chapter 1: A Risky Gamble Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on the collectibles found in Chapter 1: A Risky Gamble of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. You can examine the Guardian Collectibles in the rooms of each team member after finding them to add the item to the Galactic Compendium.


The Milano

Team Costumes

Located on the floor in Rocket’s room on the Milano.


The Quarantine Zone

Nano-Resin Incident Report

Found on a yellow create to the left of the starting point in the Quarantine Zone on a raised ledge.


Rocket – Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

After sliding down a long slope, Rocket will talk about one way being a dead end. Head over that way to find a room you can drop into containing the chest with the outfit.


Pride and Fall

After sliding down the long slope, head through the door to the Nova Crops then take a left to find it on the ground at the end of the path.


QZ Disposal

Right after Rocket activates the scoreboard, look to the right before jumping over the fallen debris to find it on the ground.


Ravager Comm Bracelet

After the cutscene with Peter falling through the floor, head to the next area (Rocket will say something about him and Groot jumping out at Peter) to find some gray goop. Shoot it to reveal the bracelet underneath.


Failed to Send Message

After fighting the goo, climb up to the upper level to find this one on the ground across from gray goo near a railing.



After crossing a Groot bridge into the eye socket of the Kree robot, it will be on the floor of the cage in the center of the room.


Groot – Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

After reuniting with Groot, turn right and crawl through the hole in the pink goo to reach a chest containing the outfit.


Spinal Control Unit

After fighting the Monisocule (enemies you punch a lot) you’ll come to an area where you’ll jump on some giant grey bricks. At the top, turn around to find some goo you can shoot revealing the collectible.


A Miracle!

After climbing the pillar with help from Gamora and Drax, this collectible can be found on some stacked metal heading towards the next area.


Click here for the next guide on the collectibles in Chapter 2!



Echo Generation

Echo Generation – Part 10 Walkthrough: Maple Town, Space, Abomination Boss

by MrsChappie in


Below is our Part 10 walkthrough of Echo Generation!


With the last boss defeated, return to Maple Town. Take the bus to Downtown then hand over the Cactus to Grandma Patel to receive a Cookie. Enter the bookshop and take the Dinosaur Statue.


When you’re done, return to Maple Town and enter the treehouse. Place the Dinosaur Statue in the northwest corner near the tree. Speak with the girl to receive the Tail Chase move as a reward.


Next, approach the trio in front of Magnus’ Garage. They’ll attack you so defeat them. One has 80 HP, the second has 160 HP and the third has 200 HP. After you defeat the IFB, enter Magnus’ Garage and install the Quantum CPU into the machine then speak with Magnus. THIS IS THE POINT OF NO RETURN! When you are ready, head to the computer to turn on the portal. Approach the portal then enter it.


Once inside the spaceship, head to the left and speak with the captain to meet your father! When you’re able to explore the ship, head to the right and interact with the panel underneath the depiction of a person. Turn on the lights then speak with the 4 aliens in the tubes. Return to your dad when you’re done then head to the spot where you turned on the lights at the back of the ship. Activate the manual ejection protocol. Speak with each of the 4 aliens again then return to your dad and speak with him. Head to the back of the ship and inspect the briefcase on the crates to open it. You’ll receive the Bullet Hell move and Flurry of Blades move!


Next, return to your dad and speak with him. You’ll then have to go to the very back of the ship again and interact with the access hatch to go to the roof. Here you’ll have to defeat Bliiirrr the Giant Squid aka the Abomination boss! It has 350 HP!


After you defeat it, climb down the hatch and speak with your dad. Agree to go back home then speak with everyone you can in Maple Town! You’ll talk to your parents by the spaceship, the grandmas next door, and everyone in and outside of the treehouse. When you’re done at the party, leave to trigger a cutscene with Lily. Afterwards, the credits will roll! Congratulations, you beat the game!!



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – Maximas Matanzas: Yaran World Tour Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find the Maximas Matanzas: Yaran World Tour documents at the below locations.


1. Tour Notes I

  • ???

2. Tour Notes II

  • Valle De Oro – Located on a table next to a grey couch under a thatched roof in Camp Maximas at Balaceras

3. Tour Notes III

  • Valle De Oro – Located on a desk surrounded by 2 flags in the FND Recruitment Offices at Cruz Del Salvador

4. Tour Notes IV

  • Valle De Oro – Located on a bookshelf before the waterfall leading to the DJ’s turntable at !Danza! Cave in Cruz Del Salvador during the And the Beat Goes On… treasure hunt

5. Tour Notes V

  • Esperanza – On a green couch on a roof of a building just above the “RR” of Barrio Antiguo in Old Pueblo

6. Tour Notes VI

  • Madrugada – Located on a bookshelf in the room next to the locked room on the third floor of Espinosa University in Aguas Lindas



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – Hypocrisy and Hippocrates Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find the Hypocrisy and Hippocrates documents at the below locations.


1. Doctor’s Correspondence I

  • Madrugada – Located on a metal table in the greenhouse at Espinosa University in Aguas Lindas

2. Doctor’s Correspondence II

  • Valle De Oro – Located on a table in the Laboratorio (2nd floor) at True Yaran Academy in Noventarmas

3. Doctor’s Correspondence III

  • Valle De Oro – Located next to a door on a building outside of Segunda to the northeast at Cruz Del Salvador

4. Doctor’s Correspondence IV

  • Valle De Oro – Located on a green couch on the first floor of Orquidea Villa in Barrial



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – The Last Patriota Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find The Last Patriota documents at the below locations.


1. Family Record I

  • ???

2. Family Record II

  • Valle De Oro – Found in a cage above the water near an alligator statue at Castillo National Zoo in Balaceras

3. Family Record III

  • Madrugada – Found on a table in a room at the southwestern part of Gabriel Castillo Public School in Lozania

4. Family Record IV

  • ???



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – The Lion’s Pride Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find The Lion’s Pride documents at the below locations.


1. Regime Relics I

  • ???

2. Regime Relics II

  • Madrugada – On a fold-up table in the small building near the entrance to Gabriel Castillo Public School in Lozania

3. Regime Relics III

  • Valle De Oro – Located on a bookshelf next to a generator in the manager’s office filled with paintings of Castillo at Gran Finca Power Station in Noventarmas

4. Regime Relics IV

  • ???



Echo Generation

Echo Generation – Part 9 Walkthrough: FST, FST Mech Boss

by MrsChappie in


Below is our Part 9 walkthrough of Echo Generation!


When you’re ready, use the Abandoned Gate Key on the gate next to the house where all the warning signs are (Private, No Trespassing, No Entry, etc.) and proceed through to reach an open field with a tractor. Before reaching the tractor, look in the field between the starting area and the tractor for a flower. You can give this flower to Grandma Patel in Downtown for a Cookie!


When you’re ready, approach the tractor and examine it then let Lily sit in the tractor. Transformers roll out… cue the boss fight with the tractor that has 200 HP. Defeat it to receive the Dream Machine cassette tape!


Press forward and defeat the 4 creatures in front of the drain pipes to level up some. Next, put BLOPO-11 into your party (if its not in it already!) and examine the left drain pipe. Agree to use BLOPO-11’s Laser Zap on the bars to gain access to FST.


Once inside, head west through the water and turn to the south. Follow that path east to find an Apple at the end. The enemy on the other side of the water with the shield has 215 HP. After you defeat it, interact with its body to move it. After you transition under the walkway, interact with it again to use the radio. The soldiers that instantly kill you will leave! Loot the orangish crate near the metal bridge to receive a Proton Grenade.


Next, head up the stairs on the left side and slip into the northern door. Examine the terminal that is compiling and touch it. Head to the far right side of this room and take the Lobster Poutine. Exit this room and continue down the walkway. You won’t be able to access the door slightly to the south of the previous one until you have an FST Access Card. Instead, keep heading south on the walkway to spot a worker and speak with them. The worker will leave to fix the computer you messed up and you’ll be able to take their FST Access Card from the slot on the left side. While you’re here, use the claw controls (red lever on console) to drop a crate in the starting area below. Head downstairs to retrieve the Pew Pew move from the crate. Afterwards, return to the body and use the radio again to call the soldiers back to their stations.


Continue up the stairs avoiding the soldier as he will instant kill you and enter through the door slightly southwest of the stairs. In the next area, it’ll be pouring rain. The machines here have 225 HP. You only have to beat 1 for an achievement. If you avoid the second one’s red lasers, it won’t detect you! Instead of heading into Building 9 via the entrance between the machines on the northern wall, head through the far western door.


Once inside the next room, you’ll spot a large machine in the middle. On the southwest side of the room, you’ll spot a rabbit with horns in a cage. Speak with it to promise to release it. This is the Jackalope companion! Head to the large robot in the middle of the room and activate the mech. Psych… nothing will happen! Head up the stairs and loot the Flash Grenade from the box on the landing next to the spotlight. Continue up the stairs and enter the next room.


You’ll be back outside for this area. Climb on down the stairs and skirt the eastern edge to avoid the enemy and grab the C4 from the back of the opened truck. Interact with the panel next to the door to unlock the FST Gate. Engage in a fight with the guard that has 100 HP. As a reward for defeating him, you’ll receive the Dash Slash move! Afterwards, interact with the door panel again to open the gate. This will open a shortcut to the area between the Junkyard and Cornfields. Head out to heal if you need to or make your way back to the Jackalope. Speak with it again then place the C4. Stand behind the crates to the south where indicated by the “A” and activate it. Return to the cage and press “A” to examine it then speak with the Jackalope on the crate behind you. Noupy will then join your party!


Head to the next area to the east and enter Building 9. You can explore the lobby if you wish. When you’re ready to proceed, step across the red line to begin a fight with the machine that has 250 HP. Upon defeating it, you’ll receive the Nexus Fever cassette tape, which is the last tape needed for the Mixtape achievement!


Pass through the metal detector. On the right side, you can stock up on healing items at the vending machine. They offer Juice Boxes for $1.25 each, Mom’s Coffees for $5.50 each and Lobster Poutines for $10 each. Examine the trash can next to the vending machine to find Mom’s Coffee.


Continue to the door at the northern part of this area and interact with the panel on the left of the door to open the Lab Door. Enter through the door. Explore the room as you’d like but make sure you view the conversation the 2 scientists are having in the northwestern corner. To listen to it, stand on the other side of the bookshelf south of them and press the magnifying glass.


When you’re done perusing the bottom level, head up the stairs. On the landing, speak with the woman and hand over the Old Picture. (You can get the Old Picture by purchasing the Porto book for $100 from the bookstore in Downtown then giving it to your mother.) After the cutscene, finish heading up the stairs and enter the room at the top on the left. There is a plant on a desk along the wall, however, you won’t be able to acquire it yet. When you’re done exploring this room, head back down the stairs and enter the Examination Room on the southwestern side. Interact with the device on the north side of this little area to hand over the Alien Painting. (You can get the Alien Painting by speaking with the artist near the train tracks after defeating the giant worm. Hand her the Green Oil Paint which you can purchase from the treehouse in Maple Town for $25.) Press the device again to ride the platform up.


On the middle desk, there is a comic however the guy working on the blaster won’t let you have it. Keep heading north. When the walkway diverts to the east follow it and show the guy the Alien Painting. While he is distracted, examine the object to the right of him and take the Quantum CPU. Speak with him again afterwards then walk towards the walkway along the western wall. The alarms will go off and you’ll earn the Intruder achievement!


Head south and grab the comic off the desk next to the blaster to get the Power Blast move. Next, head down the elevator and make your way to the other side of the room and go up the steps. Enter the room at the top to retrieve the Cactus from the desk. Head down the stairs and leave the room.


Exit the next room as well to return to the area with the 2 machines in front of Building 9. Head through the southwestern door to enter the room with the giant mech. This time when you walk by it will attack you. You won’t be able to continue until you beat it as the alarms sealed the drain pipe entrance. If you need to heal you’ll have to purchase the healing items from the vending machine in the lobby of Building 9. When you go back to the vending machine after attempting the boss, you’ll have the option of kicking the machine. Do so to receive Mom’s Coffee, and Lobster Poutine. After you finally defeat the FST Mech boss, you’ll receive the Laser Eye move.


Click here for the final walkthrough on Maple Town, Space and the Abomination Boss!



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – The Seeds of Love

by Chappie in


For the Seeds of Love Yaran Story in Far Cry 6, you’ll be tasked with delivering seven letters to some of Lorenzo’s bastard children around Yara. This quest will complete once you deliver the final letter.


Children Locations

  • Conception (Corazon Alley)
    • On the roof of a porch spraying graffiti on the wall

  • Flores Farm (north of Valle Prehistorico)
    • Pet the dog then follow it

  • Oceguera Farm (southeast of Savannah Fields)
    • Sniff the flower on the table under the shack then follow the hallucinations

  • Perdomo Farm (northwest of Savannah Fields)
    • Grab the key under the hat below the shack then use it to open the door on the house behind the woman sitting in the chair

  • Barriga (near Cauto De Paso Lagoon)
    • Take out the four enemies near the shack full of painting then head through the door in the back

  • Santo Domingo (west of Patriotas Peak)
    • Listen for the screaming guy near the baseball diamond
  • Todos Santos Cemetery (north of the Robustas Hills Checkpoint)
    • Follow the smoking jars to find the “ghost”



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – The Rally Protests Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find The Rally Protests documents at the below locations.


1. Rally Documents I

  • Madrugada – Located on a metal table next to the car being worked on by Yami at Yami’s Chop Shop in Costa Del Mar

2. Rally Documents II

  • Madrugada – On a crate in a storage building at the FND Tank Training Grounds in Aguas Lindas

3. Rally Documents III

  • ???

4. Rally Documents IV

  • Valle De Oro – Found on the outside wall of a building with a giant billboard on its roof southeast of Orquidea Villa in Barrial

5. Rally Documents V

  • Madrugada – Located on a red table next to some stacked chairs near a red, white and blue building at Lenos Largos in Costa Del Mar



Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – Guerrilla As Fuck Hidden Histories

by Chappie in


In Far Cry 6, you’ll come across Hidden Histories as you explore the world. You can find the Guerrilla As Fuck documents at the below locations.


1. Philly Magic I

  • Madrugada – Found on a metal table near the front door at Philly’s Magic Workshop in Costa Del Mar

2. Philly Magic II

  • Madrugada – Found on a metal cabinet around Philly’s work area at the Montero Farm in Costa Del Mar

3. Philly Magic III

  • Isla Santuario – Found in a bottle on Guau-Guau Island behind the tent just past some rocks in the sand

4. Philly Magic IV

  • Libertad HQ – On a metal cart under a blue crate in Juan’s Office

5. Philly Magic V

  • Madrugada – Found on a wooden crate in a bottle next to a lantern at Susurro Caves in Lozania