Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite – Southeastern Region Spartan Core Locations

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on where you can find the Spartan Cores in the southeastern region of Zeta Halo which can be used to upgrade your armor in Halo Infinite.


Spartan Core 1

This core is located in the structure made of hexagons north and slightly west of FOB Lima.


Spartan Core 2

This core is located southeast of FOB November near the road leading to the Beacon.


Spartan Core 3

This core is located northeast of FOB November along the map’s edge behind a cliff.


Spartan Core 4

This core is located at the base of the Great Spine.


Spartan Core 5

This core is located in the power generator room at Riven Gate.


Spartan Core 6

This core is located at the bottom of a giant hole in the mountain north of Riven Gate.


Spartan Core 7

This core is located at the top of the very tall mountain east of Riven Gate.


Spartan Core 8

This core is located at the base of the southern Beacon.


Spartan Core 9

This core is located on the northwestern side of Annex Ridge in a supply container.


Spartan Core 10

This core is located west of FOB Juliet in a Forerunner room at the end of a cave.


Spartan Core 11

This core is located on the upper level of the northern Beacon.


Spartan Core 12

This core is located southeast of the northern Beacon in a hexagonal cave.


Spartan Core 13

This core is located in a crashed ship northwest of FOB Juliet.


Spartan Core 14

This core is located in a cave in the mountain near the Fortune Squad map marker.


Spartan Core 15

This core is located next to the southwestern Beacon.


For a guide on the location of all the Spartan Cores, click here!



Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite – Pelican Down Mission Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on all of the collectibles you can find during the Halo Infinite mission called Pelican Down.


Spartan Audio Log #1

This log is located in a crashed ship in the center of the region not far from where you crash landed.


Spartan Core #1

This core is located in the north central part of the area on a raised section of the broken ship.


Spartan Core #2

This core is located in the building north of the northern Gun Battery.


Spartan Core #3

This core is located in the ridge southwest of the northern Gun Battery.


Propaganda Tower #1

This tower can be found in the ridge southwest of the northern Gun Battery.


Spartan Audio Log #2: Retaliation

This log is located at the top of the ridge southwest of the northern Gun Battery.


Propaganda Tower #2

This tower is located in the mountains north of the western Gun Battery.


Banished Audio Log #1: Escharum’s Testimony

This log is located in a building south of the western Gun Battery on a table.


Mjolnir Armory – Warmaster’s Prize Battle Rifle Coating

This armory is located near the western Gun Battery near a storage container.


Banished Audio Log #2: Escharum’s Testimony

This log is located in a building south of the northern Gun Battery near the giant elevator.


Spartan Audio Log #3: Retaliation

This log is located in a broken section of the ship north of where you started in the area by the downed Pelican.


Propaganda Tower #3

This tower is located in a wooded area at the south central part of the map.


Spartan Audio Log #4: Retaliation

This log is located in a side panel of the broken section of ship on the southeastern part of the area.


Propaganda Tower #4

This tower is located just west of the eastern Gun Battery.


Spartan Core #4

This core is located in a tunnel under the eastern Gun Battery.


Spartan Audio Log #5: Retaliation

This log is located in a downed Pelican slightly north of the eastern Gun Battery.


Banished Audio Log #3: Escharum’s Testimony

This log is located in a building south of the eastern Gun Battery.


Spartan Core #5

This core is located in the southwestern corner of the area near the elevator.



Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite – Spartan Audio Logs: Retaliation

by Chappie in


Below is a list of the Retaliation Spartan Audio Logs and where you can find them in Halo Infinite. Please note that the audio logs unlock in numerical order based on the Database tab in the main menu. If you are missing a log, look at the locations below to find the place you haven’t visited yet.


01 The Mission

This log is located at the top of the ridge southwest of the northern Gun Battery.


02 Those Left Behind

This log is located in a broken section of the ship north of where you started in the area by the downed Pelican.


03 Confrontation

This log is located in a side panel of the broken section of ship on the southeastern part of the area.


04 Reverie’s End

This log is located in a downed Pelican slightly north of the eastern Gun Battery.


05 Encroachment

This log is located at a campsite next to the lake northeast of FOB Kilo.


06 Drawing the Line

This log is located just southeast of FOB Lima at the base of the cliff made of the hexagons.


07 Red Tide

This log is located on an island on the southern side of the lake just south of FOB November.


08 The Retreat

This log is located at the base of the Great Spine which is northeast of the Riven Gate. Approach the Great Spine then look down to the east of the first archway of the spine to find the log on a hexagon next to a corpse.




Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite – Central Region (Pelican Down Mission) Mjolnir Armory Locations

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on where you can find the Mjolnir Armories around the central region of Zeta Halo that unlock cosmetics you can use with the Halo Infinite multiplayer. You’ll come here during the Pelican Down mission.


Warmaster’s Prize Battle Rifle Coating

This armory is located near the western Gun Battery near a storage container.


For a guide on the location of all the Mjolnir Armories, click here!



Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite – Central Region (Pelican Down Mission) Propaganda Tower Locations

by Chappie in


Below are the locations of the Banished Propaganda Towers in the central region where you go during the Pelican Down mission of Halo Infinite.


Propaganda Tower 1

This tower can be found in the ridge southwest of the northern Gun Battery.


Propaganda Tower 2

This tower is located in the mountains north of the western Gun Battery.


Propaganda Tower 3

This tower is located in a wooded area at the south central part of the map.


Propaganda Tower 4

This tower is located just west of the eastern Gun Battery.


For a guide on all the Propaganda Tower locations, click here!



Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite – Central Region (Pelican Down Mission) Spartan Core Locations

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on where you can find the Spartan Cores in the central region of Zeta Halo which can be used to upgrade your armor in Halo Infinite. You’ll come here during the Pelican Down mission.


Spartan Core 1

This core is located in the north central part of the area on a raised section of the broken ship.


Spartan Core 2

This core is located in the building north of the northern Gun Battery.


Spartan Core 3

This core is located in the ridge southwest of the northern Gun Battery.


Spartan Core 4

This core is located in a tunnel under the eastern Gun Battery.


Spartan Core 5

This core is located in the southwestern corner of the area near the elevator.


For a guide on all the Spartan Core locations, click here!



Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite – Excavation Site Mission Collectibles

by Chappie in


Below is a guide on all of the collectibles you can find during the Halo Infinite mission called Excavation Site.


Spartan Audio Log #1

This log is located near a crashed transport truck down the road northwest of the Excavation Site.


Spartan Core #1

This core is located on a ledge overlooking the Excavation Site on the southwestern side.


Spartan Core #2

This core is located on the rafters in a small garage on the southeastern side of the Excavation Site.


Banished Audio Log #1

This log is located in the mining laser opposite of the laser controls.


UNSC Audio Log #1

This log is located in the mining laser at the end of the hallway west of the mining controls.


Mjolnir Armory – Banished Nameplate

This armory can be found on the southwestern side of the Excavation Site behind a metal barricade along a cliff.