Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter III Part II A Land of Sand and Sun Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough on Chapter III – Part II: A Land of Sand and Sun in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Holy State of Hyzante (Main Story)

This chapter starts off with a cutscene that takes place in various parts of Hyzante that ends with a Conviction Choice.


Convection Choice 1 (Hierophant)

  • I think it a significant stepping stone toward peace between the three nations. (Morality)
  • I think it a valuable endeavor that will fairly profit everyone. (Utility)
  • I fear the intentions of the three nations are not aligned. I sense a storm is brewing on the horizon. (Liberty)


Whiteholm Castle (Side Story)

Back at the world map, head back over to Whiteholm Castle for a side story with Frani and Cordelia.


Central Hyzante (Main Story)

Following the side story, select Central Hyzante to start your tour of the Ministry of Medicine via cutscene. When it concludes, you’ll be free to explore the city. When you’re done, end the exploration to progress the story.


Conviction Choice 2 (Frederica)

  • The sins they stone for are not their own. One cannot help but wonder why they must continue to pay for them… (Liberty)
  • This has less to do with the Goddess’s Teachings that it does producing salt. It makes me wonder why other citizens do not labor at the Source… (Utility)
  • I find it difficult to understand why, in this nation that touts equality, the Roselle must suffer such discrimination… (Morality)


Conviction Choice 3 (Exharme)

  • But we cannot ignore wealth’s importance in the equation. How had the Holy State achieved such balance? (Liberty)
  • It seems idealistic to thing a nation can be built on faith alone. If the people are left dissatisfied, will their faith now waver? (Utility)
  • But what is it that brings the people such happiness? I thought the answer different for everyone? (Morality)



  • Exharme Marcial
    • Speak with the Hyzantinan Solider near the center of city at the top of the stairs
  • Sorsley’s Responsibilities
    • Speak with Sorsley at the top right section of the city
  • The Saintly Seveen of Hyzante
    • Speak with Exharme near the Ministry of Medicine



  • Ice Amulet – on the first best on the left side of the room in the Ministry of Medicine
  • Icestone – on the third bed on the right side of the room
  • 600 Money – in front of the plant in the center of the back fountain
  • HP Recovery Pellet – left of the Ministry of Medicine



  • Ministry of Medicine
    • Hyzantian Solider – exit of the Ministry of Medicine
    • Ministry Offical – near the right set of beds
    • Anna
    • Ministry Official – near the left set of beds
    • Benedict
    • Ministry Official – back left section of the room
    • Hyzantian Solider- back left section of the room
    • Ministry Official – back right section of the room
    • Hyzantian Solider- back right section of the room
  •  City
    • Fredrica
    • Hyzantian Solider -rop of the steps left of the Ministry of Medicine
    • Hyzantian Solider – in front of the Ministry of Medicine
    • Hughette
    • Hyzantian Citizen – just past Hughette
    • Itenerant Merchant – can buy things from them
    • Hyzantian Solider – bottom part of the city
    • Erador
    • Hyzantian Citizen – to the right of Erador
    • Roland
    • Ministry Official – to the right of Roland
    • Hyzantian Citizen – to the right of Geela
    • Geela
    • Hyzantinan Solider – center of town at the top of the stairs
    • Hyzantian Solider – north part of town near the city exit
    • Sorsley’s Guard Captain – top right part of the city next to Sorsley
    • Sorsley
    • Hyzantian Solider x4 – blocking a path in front of Sorlsey


Central Hyzante (Main Story – Apprehending the Rebels)

From the world map, return to the Central Hyzante to investigate the source of the commotion leading to a fight with 9 enemy units. Defeat them then if your conviction is high enough, Corentin will join your forces.


Ironstone (Side Story)

When you get sent back to the world map, head to Ironstone in Aesfrost to tie in with the duke.


Central Hyzante (Main Story)

After the side story, return to Hyzante for one last cutscene leading to the completion of the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter IV – A New Dawn in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter III Part II A Land of Snow and Ice Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough on Chapter III – Part II: A Land of Snow and Ice in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Duchy of Aesfrost (Main Story)

This chapter starts off with a cutscene taking place in Aesfrost. You’ll be kicked back to the world map when it’s done.


Whiteholm Castle (Side Story)

Back at the world map, head back over to Whiteholm Castle for a side story with Frani and Cordelia.


Central Aesfrost (Main Story)

After the side story, head to Central Aesfrost for a meeting with the duke who will also give you a Conviction Choice. When it finishes, select Central Aesfrost again to get the details of the pending situation from Sycras. You’ll then be free to explore the city and Archives. When your finished, end the exploration.


Convcition Choice 1 (Gustadolph)

  • I believe it important alliance that may bring harmony to our three nations. (Morality)
  • It is a lucrative enterprise that stands to benefit all nations equally. (Utility)
  • I cannot shake the gear that our visions do not align and thus this fragile alliance my not hold. (Liberty)


Conviction Choice 2 (Frederica)

  • The advantages that ironmongering affords the duchy are quite evident. (Morality)
  • For all of the freedom you enjoy, I could not help by notice the poverty of the people… (Liberty)
  • I admire your commitment to education. Is it true that any and all may make us of the Archives? (Utility)


Conviction Choice 3 (Researcher)

  • Research leads to wisdom that lasts for generations. All of it is worthwhile. (Liberty)
  • Knowledge should not be a vehicle for fame or fortune. All should be free to study what they please. (Morality)
  • I ask you in response: what joy is there in study that doesn’t not benefit the nation? (Utility)



  • The Might of Aesfrost
    • Speak to the Aesfrosi Soldier near the back door in the Archive.



  • 600 money – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
  • Poison Recovery Pellet x2 – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
  • HP Recovery Pellet – in the house to the right of Frederica
  • Timber – On the ground near the entrance to the Archives
  • HP Recovery Pellet – on top of the Archives roof
  • Magic Ring – on the ground along the right section of the Archive



  • Recruitment Notice – on the wall next to a touch across from the bridge north of Sycras
  • Marvels of Norzelia, Vol. I – on the third shelf along the northern part of the Archive
  • Children’s Textbook: Salt in Norzelia – on the last shelf along the north part of Archive
  • Salt and Mean – on the back right wall bookcase of the Archive
  • Condemn the Corrupt Consorlium! – buy from the Sundry Shop at the Encampment



  • City
    • Sycras
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
    • Aesfrosti Merchant – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
    • Erador – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – right of Sycras
    • Aesfrosti Soldier – near the bridge over lava along the southern part of the city
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – next to the above soldier
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – in the house to the right of Frederica
    • Frederica
    • Rudolph
    • Aesfrosti Soldier – up the path to the left of Rudolph
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – in the house at the top of the path to the left of Rudolph
    • Itinerant Merchant – can buy things from him
    • Hughette
    • Anna
    • Aesfrosti Solider – north of the city next to a gate
    • Aesfrosti Solider – north of the city at the entrance to the Archives
    • Aesfrosti Solider – north of the city by the entrance
    • Aesfrosti Solider – north of the city by the entrance
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – north of the city to the left of the entrance
  • Archives
    • Aesfrosti Solider -near the exit to the Archives
    • Roland
    • Glenbrook Miner – left section of the Archives past Roland hidden behind a bookcase
    • Glenbrook Noble – left section of the Archives wearing a blue dress
    • Aesfrosti Soldier – next to the back door in the Archive
    • Researchers – right section of the Archive
    • Benedict
    • Geela
    • Researcher – center of the room (Conviction Choice)
    • Researcger – center of the room to the right of the table


Central Aesfrost (Main Story)

From the world map, select Central Aefrost to begin the operation. You’ll be facing about 12 units and are only allowed to deploy 7 of your units (plus 1 extra in Rudolph). Defeat the enemy to trigger a cutscene. If your conviction aligns with Rudolph’s, he’ll join your forces and the cutscene will end.


Ironstone (Side Story)

Once on the world map, select Ironstone to see a scene with the archduke.


Central Aesfrost (Main Story)

After the side story, return to Central Aesfrost for another cutscene ending with the completion of the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter IV – A New Dawn in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter III Part I Whither the River Flows Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough on Chapter III – Part I: Whiter the River Flows in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Whiteholm Bridge (Main Story)

This chapter starts off with a cutscene at Whiteholm Bridge. After the cutscene on the bridge, you’ll be back on the world map. One thing to note is that if you go to the Encampment and speak with the Tavern Owner, you’ll find you can now partake in Mental Mock Battles where you can level up your units. You’ll also have access to the Sundry Shop where you can spend the Kudos you’ve earned for skills, upgrades or notes. When you’re ready to continue with the story, leave the Encampment and choose Whiteholm Castle. This will kick off a cutscene explaining the Scales of Conviction and is where Serenoa’s conviction comes into play as it is now up to you to persuade the others of which path to take. Below have listed the conversations for each of the companions and what their starting favored destination is. While the choices we chose are marked below, ultimately how you built your Serenoa’s conviction determines the effectiveness of how persuasive he is. At around this point in the game, our conviction choices were balanced for all three of the big philosophies. We also had some extra conviction from talking with everyone, picking up everything we found and winning all battles including the two in the Encampment. When you have finished talking to the group, interact with the Scales of Conviction to start the voting. After your destination has been decided, Part I of Chapter 3 concludes.


Whiteholm Bridge (Main Story – Voting)

Choosing to go to Hyzante now will allow you to recruit a Frost Mage during Part II. If you elected to Aesfrost, then you’ll have the opportunity to recruit a Hunter. Please note that them actually joining you is tied to Serenoa’s convictions.


Travel to the Grand Duchy of Aesfrost


  • I wish to visit the Holy State of Hyzante
    • I just have a feeling.
    • The salt from the Source has made them prosperous. I would be interested in seeing how that wealth manifests itself. 
    • I would be fascinated to see a society where everyone is truly equal.
      • The Holy State of Hyzante info



  • I wish to visit the Holy State of Hyzante
    •  I wish to see how their equality works in practice. For now, it is only words to me.
    •  I would like to visit the Source There is nothing else like it in the world.
    • It is said the skill of their mages is unequaled. Wouldn’t you like to test your skill against such warriors?
      • The Ice Mage info



  • I wish to visit the Holy State of Hyzante
    • The sand and sun must make people of a different sort than here. It would be interesting to meet them.
    • I’ve long wanted to visit the Source. It is the cornerstone of all life in Norzelia, after all. 
    • Stories of the miracles performed in the Ministry of Medicine have piqued my interest. Such knowledge could help our soldiers and common folk alike.
      • The Ministry of Medicine info


Travel to the Holy State of Hyzante


  • I wish to visit the Grand Duchy of Aesfrost
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • I’ve heard much of the grandeur of Aesfrst’s city. A lord should take an interest in how life is lived in other nations.
      • I would like to visit Frederica’s homeland. Both to sate my own curiosity and for the sake of our marriage.
      • Their country is built on unfettered trade. Being lord of a mercantile hub, that idea holds great interest to me.
        • The Grand Ductch of Aesfrost info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Aesfrost’s achievements in ironwork are second to none. Have you no interest in seeing such marvels?
      • Truth be told, I find Aesfrost’s chilling winds more appealing than the stifling sands of Hyzante.
      • Knowledge is the foundation of power. We could learn much by wandering the Archives for a spell.
        • The Archives info



  • I wish to visit the Grand Duchy of Aesfrost
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • I want to see more of your homeland. As your betrothed, I feel the curiosity is only natural.
      • Truth be told, I prefer the cold to the stifling heat. Such has ever been the case.
      • The people of Hyzante may not be as welcoming as you believe… (Frederica doesn’t seem to like it too much if you choose this one)
        • The Holy State of Hyzante info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • I intend to see relation between our two nations depend, as much for our own marriage as for the future of our mining venture.
      • I was hoping you could show me your home. If you are willing.
      • I want to see a society built by the ambitious. A society free from stifling pomp and circumstance.
        • The Grand Duchy of Aesfrost info



  • I wish to visit the Grand Duchy of Aesfrost
    • I wish to know more about my betrothed, What better way to do that than to visit her home?
    • Although Aesfrost may be cold, I find the chill much more preferable to the head.
    • A story I heard of a particularly skilled smuggler caught my attention. They even sent the military after him… I wonder what he could have been peddling.
      • The Captured Smuggler info



Anna (will go where you want, just tell her which place you want to visit the most)

  • I wish to go to the Grand Duchy of Aesfrost
    • It is Frederica’s home, and where my future brother-in-law resides as archduke. It’s only natural to want to deepen our relationship.
    • Doubtless they will prove to be vital in ensuring the success of the mining endeavor.
    • I heard a story of a smuggler pursued by Aesfrost’s Military. I would like to go hear more of the story, and what his crimes were to deserve such a grave response.
      • The Captured Smuggler info
  • I wish to visit the Holy State of Hyzante
    • I hear everyone is treated as equals. I would see the truth of that claim.
    • I can scarce imagine so much sand. I would like to see it with my own eyes.
    • I wish to see what miracles are performed as the Ministry and learn what kind of magic and medicine enables them.
      • The Ministry of Medicine info


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter III – Part II: A Land of Snow and Ice in Triangle Strategy.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter III – Part II: A Land of Sand and Sun in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter II To Arms, Brave Warriors Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough on Chapter II – To Arms, Brave Warriors in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Wolffort (Main Story)

This chapter starts out with a cutscene involving Minster Lyla from Hyzante in Castle Wolffort. You’ll gain control of Serenoa inside the city walls and be tasked with locating Lord Dragan. During this time you’ll want to talk to everyone in town and pick up any shiny items you see on the ground. If you talk to enough people or collect enough items, you’ll level up Serenoa’s convictions. Below is a list of people, items and Conviction Choices that can be found while exploring inside Castle Wolffort. When your ready to end the exploration, press the + button on your controller.


Conviction Choice 1 (Child)

  • Take care not to hurt yourself. Your father wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you. (Morality)
  • Ah, one of my favorite games. Barrels were always my favorite places to hide. (Liberty)
  • It takes a clever mind to hide. Perhaps you can use that cleverness to help your father when you’re older. (Utility)


Conviction Choice 2 (Frederica)

  • To know a town, you must take time to relish her company. That’s what Erador told me, in perhaps more colorful words. (Liberty)
  • It is the port at the center of commerce. A town built on taxes, but not at the expense of fair trade. (Utility)
  • Wolffort is nestled safely behind the castle walls. It is a town at peace, and sets an example for the rest of the kingdom. (Morality)



  • HP Recovery Pellet – Bucket past the stairs near Benedict
  • HP Recovery Pellet – On a woodcutting stump near the house to the left of Anna
  • 300 Money – On the ground next to two sacks in the house right of Geela and Frederica
  • Hp Recovery Pellet – Outside the house of the above item on the ground in front of stacked crates
  • HP Recovery Pellet – In the house next to the Saltmonger



  • Marvels of Norzelia, Bol. 8
    • Located on a desk in the building to the right of Anna



  • Wolffort Solider – near Castle Entrace
  • Benedict
  • Wolffort Townsperson – in a house
  • Wolffort Townsperson – lady in green dress
  • Child – in a house
  • Anna
  • Wolffort Solider – in the middle of town near the house with a red/white shield
  • Child – with Conviction Choice near the middle of town
  • Wolffort Townsperson – in the middle of town wearing a blue dress
  • Geela
  • Frederica
  • Wolffort Merchant – Bottom part of town near Dragan
  • Dragan
  • Wolffort Townsperson – House at the bottom part of the city to left of Dragan
  • Erador
  • Saltmonger


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Banquet)

After exploring the city, a cutscene will trigger. When it concludes you’ll be taken back to the world map.


Whiteholm Castle (Side Story)

Select Whiteholm Castle to catch a glimpse at what the royal family is up to.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Banquet)

Select Castle Wolffort to catch the end of the banquet where Dragan will present you with a Conviction Choice. When the cutscene ends, you’ll once again be brought to the world map. Choose Castle Wolffort to witness the rise of Lord Serenoa Wolffort!


Conviction Choice 3 (Dragan)

  • It is the first step towards true harmony among our three nations. I welcome it. (Morality)
  • It will benefit all nations involved. I see nothing wrong with that. (Utility)
  • It is impossible to understand each nations’ motivations. I can’t say whether this bodes well… (Liberty)


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

This area starts out with a cutscene sending you back to the world map once it completes. Select Whiteholm Castle to start the celebrations with the three different factions. Once it completes, Roland and Hughette will join your forces then you’ll be able to explore the gardens to gather information, speak with other guests and collect items scattered around the area. End the exploration when you are done exploring.


Conviction Choice 4 (Rolands)

  • Have more faith in yourself, my friend. You, too, shoulder the future of the kingdom, after all. (Morality)
  • This is no time for self-pity. A prince’s subjects mustn’t hear him taking that way. (Utility)
  • …Come. Preparing for the tourney will take your mind off your worries. (Liberty)


Conviction Choice 5 (Geela)

  • It may be but a tourney, but defeat will bring shame upon us. I intend to do whatever I must to win. (Utility)
  • Our house fights with honor. There shall be no tricks, but we will offer our opponents no quarter. (Morality)
  • You handled yourself admirable when the bandits attacked. I expect your magic will be key to our victory. (Liberty)


Conviction Choice 6 (Benedict)

  • It’s a chance for our three nations to gather and celebrate. Although the battles may be bloodless, victory is sweet all the same. (Liberty)
  • In times of peace there are precious few chances to display martial prowess. I mean to remind people of House Wolffort’s legacy. (Utility)
  • It may appear to be mere entertainment, but reputations are at stake. If we show weakness, then it will be noted by all in attendance. (Morality)



  • The Grand Duchy of Aesfrost
    • Speak with Stout Hawkshield across from the Aesfrosti Soldier
  • The Archives
    • Speak with the Glenbrook Noble wearing a green dress sitting at a table at the southwestern part of the garden
  • The Holy State of Hyzante
    • Speak with Clarus  near Sorsley
  • The Ministry of Medicine
    • Speak with Sorsley near the king
  • The Captured Smuggler
    • Speak with the Aesfrosti Solider located at the southwestern part of the garden past the pair of noblewomen
  • The Ice Mage
    • Speak with the Glenbrook Solider near the northwestern gate wearing armor



  • Sleep Recovery Pellet x2 – under the table near Frederica and Geela
  • 150 Money – in the bushes behind Roland and Hughette



  • Glenbrook Soldier – wearing yellow robes near the northwestern gate
  • Glenbrook Soldier – wearing armor near the northwestern gate
  • Erador
  • Anna
  • Patriatte
  • Minister’s Aide
  • Landroi
  • Glenbrook Soldiers – northern part of the garden past Patriatte and the Minister’s Aide
  • Glenbrook Solider – northern part of the garden past the two soldiers talking
  • Glenbrook Noble – southwestern part of the garden wearing a purple dress
  • Glebbrook Noble – southwestern part of the garden wearing a green dress
  • Stout Hawkshield
  • Aesfrosti Soldier – past the noblewomen in the southwestern part of the garden
  • Thalas
  • Erika
  • Avlora
  • Bewitching Dancer
  • Silvio
  • Dragan
  • Maxwell
  • Regna
  • Lyla
  • Exharme
  • Sorsley
  • Cordelia
  • Frani
  • Clarus
  • Frederica
  • Geela
  • Glenbrook Noble – wearing a blue dress near Geela and Frederica
  • Benedict
  • Hughette
  • Roland
  • Cat – behind  the giant tree near Roland and Hughette


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story – The Tourney)

After the exploration ends, you’ll be sent back to the world map. Select Whiteholm Castle to kick off the tourney with a cutscene where you’ll be selected to fight against Minster Exharme and Sorsley. Defeat them in battle to trigger a length cutscene. The chapter concludes when it ends.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter III – Part I: Whiter the River Flows in Triangle Strategy.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter I A Young Hawk Soars Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough on Chapter I – A Young Hawk Soars in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Wolfford Harbor (Main Story – Beset by Brigands)

When you gain control of the game, you’ll be on the map screen. Select Wolffort Harbor as your destination to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, you’ll be back on the world map. Again, select Wolffort Harbor to start a fight with a band of brigands where you’ll get your first Conviction Choice. Below are the choices with what we think which conviction they are. After making your choice, the battle gets underway. One thing to note is if you’re not opposed to doing a little bit of cheesing, you can save Trish for last and surround her with Serenoa, Benedict and the Blonde, Blue-Eyed man on the dock. This will box her in preventing her from moving around. You can then position Frederica just within range of Trish’s attack and Geela near her to cast Cure Wounds with. This forces Trish to keep attacking Frederica while you heal her with Geela effectively allowing for you to farm exp for Geela. You can also use Benedict’s Raging Beast on himself, Serenoa or Blonde to farm exp for Benedict while ending the turns of Blonde, Serenoa and Fredrica without doing any actions. A unit levels up when they reach 100 exp and the amount of exp they get on a specific map goes down the more they level there. Example: Geela was gaining 4 exp per cast of Cure Wounds from level 3 to 4. Once level four was reached, it dropped to 2 exp per cast of Cure Wounds. Once you defeat the brigands, another cutscene triggers leading to a second Conviction Choice (see below). After that, both Frederica and Geela join your forces.


Conviction Choice 1

  • Who are you, exactly? A band of common brigands, from the looks of it. (Utility)
  • You needn’t know who. Surrender now and we can resolve this peacefully. (Morality)
  • You two bear a striking resemblance. Might you be father and daughter? (Liberty)


Conviction Choice 2

  • If it is not too forward of me to say so, I find it most beautiful. (Liberty)
  • I find your courage more noteworthy than your appearance. You held your own out there on the battlefield. (Utility)
  • I think it nothing to be surprised about. We have Roselle living in our very demesne. (Morality)


Whiteholm Castle (Side Story)

After the fierce battle with Travis and his merry band of brigands, select Whiteholm Castle from the world map to view a side story on upcoming story events.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

When you return to the world map, select Castle Wolffort to continue on with the story. Here Anna and Erador will join Serenoa’s forces and discuss the upcoming events from a Wolffort perspective. When this cutscene completes you’ll be sent back to the world map. Select Castle Wolffort again for a cutscene with Serenoa, Frederica and Symon (Serenoa’s father).  When it concludes, Chapter 1 will come to a close.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter II – To Arms, Brave Warriors in Triangle Strategy.



Voice of Cards The Forsaken Maiden

Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden – Game Parlor Card Game

by MrsChappie in


As you play the card game in the Game Parlor in the Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden, you’ll earn rewards! For a listing of these rewards, please continue reading below!



The first set of rules in the card game at the Game Parlor is Simple. Once you win a round of cards using this rule, you’ll earn the Rookie Player trophy and Marine Dice.


Add Skills

The second set of rules in the card game at the Game Parlor is Add Skills. Once you win a round of cards using this rule, you’ll earn the Seasoned Player trophy and Charm of Safe Passage Pattern card appearance.


Add Events

The third set of rules in the card game at the Game Parlor is Add Events. Once you win a round of cards using this rule, you’ll earn the Passionate Player trophy and the Mosaic Table.


Include All

The fourth and final set of rules in the card game at the Game Parlor is Include All. Once you win a round of cards using this rule, you’ll earn the Master Player trophy and the Laty’s Treasure Chest Board.



Voice of Cards The Forsaken Maiden

Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden – Chapter 1 The Tale of the Azure Maiden Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


A walkthrough on Chapter 1 – The Tale of the Azure Maiden in the Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden.


World Map

For the story objective, you’ll need to travel to the southwestern part of the map and dock there to discover the South Isle. If you’d like this would be a great opportunity to explore as much as you can on the World Map.



When exploring the World Map, you’ll randomly stumble across events. Below are some of the events that you can encounter!


Fishing with Laty

  • Teach Laty to fish?
    • Yes!
  • Rod begins to bend
    • Now! Pull
      • Rod comes up empty


Object blown from whale’s spout – For this one, pay attention to the card that jumps up from the bottom of the screen. If it looks like an item, catch it! If it looks like a monster, hit it with your sword.

  • Catch it in your arms
    • Quality Salve
    • Delectable Fish – Recover 5 HP
  • Hit it with your sword
    • 100G
  • Dodge it


Laty’s Note – A ghost ship west of South Isles

We obtained this event on the below card which was right above the smaller, most western entrance to the South Isle.

The place this event is referring to is shown below. Enter the South Isle directly south of where you obtained this event and continue south to find a shipwreck card. Interact with the card to receive a Lightningstay Ring then select to continue exploring the shipwreck. You’ll then battle 3 enemies that each have 36 HP! Defeat them to receive the Ring of Compassion.


Voyage Log – A ship, treasure, and monsters is drawn in a location surrounded by cliffs in the western sea.

We obtained this event on the below card.

The place this event is referring to shown below. It is located on the western side of the map. Interact with the shipwreck card to receive 1,000G then open the treasure hold door to begin a fight with 2 enemies that both have 24 HP. Defeat them to receive the Knight’s Armor!



When exploring the World Map, you’ll come across shipwrecks. Make sure to stop on these cards as they contain treasure!


Waterstay Ring – South of Omega Village


1000G – Southwestern corner of area


500G – Directly west of the Secret Grotto


South Isle

South Isle has 2 docking locations in the southwestern part of the map. Dock at the smaller most western one first to discover the below!



Lightningstay Ring – Directly south of where you dock on the beach cards


When you’re ready, head back to the World Map then dock at the larger island slightly east of your current location. A scene will trigger officially starting Chapter 1! You’ll then be free to explore the South Isle.



While exploring the South Isle, you’ll randomly stumble across the below events.


Roll the dice gamble for a prize

If you select to roll the dice, you must roll the number required to receive it for free. If you don’t then you’ll have to purchase it for the inflated price.


Parcel on the roadside with wonderful aroma

We obtained this event directly east of Coveton along the mountain range.

Agree to deliver the parcel to Coveton. When you arrive to Coveton, speak with the Well-Dressed Villager next to the Inn. You can either hand it over (She’s extremely happy but does not heed your warning about it attracting monsters.) or choose not to deliver it (You’ll “accidently” drop it to protect her. She understands it wasn’t on purpose.). Either way, she’ll give you 1500G. If you speak with her again, she’ll thank you for saving her life and that breaking the bottle was the right choice!



500G – Northeastern corner of South Isle


When you’re done exploring, head south of where you docked to find a bridge with Coveton on the other side. Stand on the bridge to trigger a scene followed immediately by a battle. Defeat the enemy that has 40 HP. Please note that it is weak to lightning! After you defeat it, continue to town.



As you enter the town, a scene will trigger. Exhaust the dialog options then you’ll be free to explore the town to find the below. To progress the story, you’ll need to speak with the Boy Folding Paper on the far southwestern side of town to learn that he saw the maiden at the Maiden’s Shrine.



Speak with the following citizens to obtain their flipside stories:

  • Papercrafting Villager near the Armorer – Man in Blue’s flipside story
  • Elder Seer – Elderly Woman’s flipside story.
  • Displeased Villager just south of the Accessory Shop – Woman in Blue’s flipside story
  • Boy Folding Paper on the far southwestern corner of town – Simple Boy’s flipside story
  • Fisherman near the ship – Muscle Man’s flipside story.



Speak with the Well-Dressed Villager next to the inn to either deliver the parcel (see above World Map Event) or not from the above event. If you hand it over, she’s extremely happy but does not heed your warning about it attracting monsters. If you choose not to deliver it, you’ll “accidently” drop it to protect her. She understands it wasn’t on purpose. Either way, she’ll give you 1500G. If you speak with her again, she’ll thank you for saving her life and that breaking the bottle was the right choice!



From the Armorer, you can purchase the following wares:

  • Militia’s Spear – 200G
  • Ascetic’s Glaive – 800G
  • Knight’s Halberd – 8000G
  • Simple Breastplate – 200G
  • Steel Breastplate – 800G
  • Knight’s Chainmail – 8000G


From the Item Shop, you can purchase the following wares:

  • Salve – 20G
  • Quality Salve – 100G
  • Supreme Salve – 500G
  • Omnisalve – 160G
  • Antidote – 40G
  • Curative – 40G
  • Defroster – 40G
  • Unsealer – 60G
  • Dispeller – 60G
  • Pepper-Upper – 60G
  • Serum – 60G
  • Inspirlixir – 800G
  • Invigorant – 180G
  • Protectorant – 180G
  • Soothstone – 1000G
  • Corrosive – 200G
  • Bellwether – 100G
  • Smoke Bomb – 100G


From the Accessory Shop, you can purchase the following wares:

  • Ring of Protection – 300G
  • Poisonstay Ring – 900G
  • Numbstay Ring – 900G
  • Freezestay Ring – 900G
  • Bindstay Ring – 900G
  • Cursestay Ring – 900G
  • Ring of Life – 3000G


Game Parlor

For a list of the rewards received from playing the card game at the Game Parlor, click here!


Once you’re done exploring the town and have spoken with all the villagers, head to the Maiden’s Shrine on the northeastern side of Coveton then enter the shrine. Approach the conversing couple to be presented with another choice. When asked which do you think is cuter, you’ll have to choose between the following:

  • The One on the Right
    • Phila wins. Hyd gives a “humph” in response.
  • The One on the Left
    • Phila loses and pouts at Hyd who give a “humph” in response.
  • The One Holding the Shells…
    • Phila is bashful and Hyd gives a “humph” in response. Laty looks off into the distance her lips pursed as if whitling. Lac is annoyed at you.

Shortly after, you’ll be presented with another choice of how to get them to lend you the relic.

  • With Words
  • With Actions

You can select either option, as they both lead to her wanting you to find the pirate’s treasure hidden within Crystal Cave. After Phila and Hyd join your party, leave town and head southeast to find Crystal Cave.


Crystal Cave

Enter the cave in search of the hidden treasure. As you explore the Crystal Cave: Entrance, you can find the below.



Omnisalve – Near the entrance on the western side

Inspirilixir – In the northeastern part

500G – East of the entrance


Make your way to the far northwestern corner of the cave to find a Giant Boulder and select to push it with all your might. This will open up a new area to explore! After your done exploring, make your way to the very north of the map and enter the Crystal Cave: Depths. Again, make your way to the far north of this area to find a chest. Interact with it to trigger a fight with an enemy that has 90 HP and resists Ice. After defeating the enemy, keep pressing north a short way to trigger a cutscene.



Once you gain control in Coveton, head to the Accessory Shop. During the dialog option, ask her if she’ll be doing the Maiden’s Ritual. When the scene ends, exit the town and head north to the dock to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, make your way to the Spirit Spire outside of Omega Village on Omega Isle.


Spirit Spire

Head up to the altar on the second floor to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head down to the first floor via the stairs on the west side and make your way south to the exit.


Spirit Realm

In the Spirit Realm’s World Map, make your way south to trigger a fight with 2 shadows that have 50 HP each. Defeat them then enter the town.



Speak with the Troubled Man directly east of the entrance to Anxietown. He’ll want to know what gift will help him win the favor of a certain woman. You’ll be presented with the below options but will have to choose the flowers.

  • Flowers
    • He screams in pain and collapses. Blood-red petals are stuffed in his mouth.
  • An Accessory
    • A good idea but he doesn’t have the money to buy one.
  • Words of Love, of Course
    • The man immediately presses Hyd for advice and Hyd gets flustered.


Next, travel to the southwestern corner of the area to find a Troubled Woman.

She’ll lament that she can’t find the right words to a love letter to win a certain man’s favor. You’ll be presented with the below options but will again have to choose the flower option!

  • They’re Warm, Like Sunlight
    • Laty approves of your choice of words.
  • They’re Unbreakable, Like Boulders
    • Woman frowns… not quite what she had in mind.
  • They’re Pure, Like Flowers
    • Woman vomits out flowers.


Afterwards, head to the far southeastern corner of the area to find the Boy Searching for Something.

He’ll need ideas on where his runaway cat might hide in the village. Just like the other 2 people, you have the below options but will be forced to choose the flower option.

  • On a Roof
    • Boys tells you his cat is afraid of heights.
  • Near a Flower Bed
    • Boy bursts into tears, but instead of tears it’s flower seeds.
  • I Doubt It’s Still in the Village
    • You begin to tell the boy this but Laty pulls on your sleeve to stop you.


After speaking with the 3 individuals, you’ll gather that they all fear flowers. Travel to the center of Anxietown where the flower beds are to trigger a scene.

When you’re ready, approach the center of the heartscar to trigger a fight with an enemy that has 120 HP and resists Ice. Defeat it then you’ll have to choose how to heal her heart. Select the Azure Maiden’s Relic! After the cutscene, make your way to the northwestern corner and select to enter the Spirit Realm.


Spirit Realm

Unable to explore anything else, return to the Spirit Spire.


Spirit Spire

Once in the spire, make your way to the second floor and interact with the altar. After you return to the normal world and the cutscene concludes, speak with Phila and Hyd. Afterwards, exit the spire and travel to Coveton.



When you arrive in Coveton, head on over to the Inn to rest up. Once you’re ready to leave town, do so then head directly south.


Seabed Temple

Explore the temple to find the below chest.



Numbstay Ring – Southeastern corner


When you’re done exploring, head directly south to find a door. To unlock it you’ll need to have Phila touch the 2 stelas on the left side of the map that have a crystal on them. It’s the one closest to the door and the one directly north of it.

After the door opens, make your way back to it then continue forward to reach another door. To open this one, you’ll need Phila to touch the stela on the west side of the area that has a temple on it and the one directly across it to the east.

After the door opens, make your way back to it then continue forward and enter the Lower Seabed Temple. In this room head to the east side to find a door which will unlock the door to the west. Head through the door and explore the area to find the below chest.



700G – Southwestern corner


To open the eastern door, you’ll need to have Phila touch the stelas shown below that both have isle written on them.

Head through the eastern door and interact with the Azure Spirit’s Stela to get a hint for how to proceed.

To progress forward, have Phila touch the stelas in the following order: Sun, Moon, Lighthouse. Afterwards, a fight with 4 enemies will ensue. Defeat them then head to the middle of the area to find a door. Enter through the door then head to the altar. Before interacting with the altar, loot the below treasure.



Ring of Protection – North of the altar


When you’re ready to continue, interact with the altar to trigger a cutscene. Respond how you’d like to Phila. After the ritual and the shocking discovery, the chapter will conclude!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 2 in the Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden!



Voice of Cards The Forsaken Maiden

Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden – Characters Collection

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on the Characters Collection cards obtainable in the Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden. For the Character Fanatic trophy, you’ll need to collect all the character cards!


Page 1

  1. Young Navigator – Obtained automatically as part of the story during the Prologue
  2. Laty – Obtained automatically as part of the story during the Prologue
  3. Lac – Obtained automatically as part of the story during the Prologue
  4. Laty (Raiment of Woe) – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 4
  5. Greith – Obtained automatically as part of the story during the Prologue
  6. Laty’s Mother – Obtained automatically as part of the story during the intermission before Chapter 3 –  Tale of the Onyx Maiden
  7. Phila – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 1
  8. Hyd – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 1
  9. L’via – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 2
  10. Gladio – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 2


Page 2

  1. Queni – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 3 – The Tale of the Onyx Maiden
  2. Blight – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 3 – The Tale of the Onyx Maiden
  3. Lanca – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 3 – The Tale of the Ivory Maiden
  4. Crym – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 3 – The Tale of the Ivory Maiden
  5. Masked Soldier – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 3 – The Tale of the Ivory Maiden
  6. Man in Blue – Speak with Papercrafting Villager near the Armorer in Coveton
  7. Woman in Blue – Speak with the Displeased Villager just south of the Accessory Shop in Coveton
  8. Man in Red – Speak with the Training Man near Inn in Heroes’ Dominion
  9. Woman in Red – Speak with The Gossip near the entrance in Heroes’ Dominion
  10. Warrior in Red – Speak with the Malcontent Man near the entrance in Heroes’ Dominion


Page 3

  1. Mayor of Fenmoss – Obtained automatically as part of the story during Chapter 3 – The Tale of the Onyx Maiden
  2. Man in Black – Speak with the Black-Clad Man near the entrance of Fenmoss
  3. Woman in Black – Speak with the Black-Clad Woman near the Item Shop in Fenmoss
  4. Soldier in White – Speak with the Gatekeeper on the left side of the entrance of Alabaster City
  5. Knight in White – Speak with the City Watch on the southeastern side of Alabaster City
  6. Boy in White – Speak with the Bored-Looking Youth in northern part of Alabaster City
  7. Girl in White – Speak with the Innocent Girl between the Inn and Accessory Shop in Alabaster City
  8. Simple Boy – Speak with the Boy Folding Paper in the southwestern corner of Coveton
  9. Plain Girl – Speak with the Imaginative Girl east of the Accessory Shop in Omega Village
  10. Woman – Speak with the Tidy Woman near Maiden’s Shrine in Omega Village


Page 4

  1. Man – Speak with the Flower-Obsessed Boy next to the Accessory Shop in Omega Village
  2. Mature Woman – Speak with the Kind Woman east of the Maiden’s Shrine in Heroes’ Dominion
  3. Aged Man – Speak with the Enlightened Elder just southeast of your home in Omega Village
  4. Muscle Man – Speak with the Fisherman near the ship in Coveton
  5. Elderly Woman – Speak with the Elder Seer near the entrance in Coveton
  6. Suspicious Man – Speak with the Suspicious Man in the northwestern corner of Fenmoss
  7. Blacksmith – Speak with the Armorer in Omega Village
  8. Item Shop Owner – Speak with the Item Shop in Omega Village
  9. Accessory Shop Owner – Speak with the Accessory Shop in Omega Village
  10. Innkeeper – Speak with the Innkeeper in Coveton


Page 5

  1. Game Parlor Reception – Speak with the Game Parlor in Coveton



Voice of Cards The Forsaken Maiden

Voice of Cards: Forsaken Maiden – Master of Monsters Trophy

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on the Monsters Collection cards obtainable in the Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden. For the Master of Monsters trophy, you’ll need to collect all the enemy cards!


Page 1

  1. Sea Hare – Obtained automatically during the Prologue
  2. Sea Slug – In the water near Omega Village
  3. Sea Angel – In the water around Omega Village
  4. Furball – Near Omega Village in the grass
  5. Waterball – In the water near Omega Village
  6. Blue Fungo – South Isle
  7. Red Fungo – Near Omega Village in the grass
  8. Killer Frog – In the water around Omega Village
  9. Wolf – Mystic Forest
  10. Stormwolf – Mystic Forest


Page 2

  1. Wasp – In the water around Omega Village
  2. Wind Wasp – Mystic Forest
  3. Sea Worm – Seabed Temple
  4. Abyss Worm – In the dark water west of Omega Village
  5. Death Crawler – Fiends’ Nest in Wicked Wetlands
  6. Shell Crab – In the dark water west of Omega Village
  7. Land Crab – East Isle
  8. Skull – South Isle
  9. Skull Soldier – Wicked Wetlands
  10. Skull Pirate – In the dark water west of Omega Village


Page 3

  1. Goblin – South Isle
  2. Umbral Goblin – West Isle
  3. Lizard Squire – South Isle
  4. Lizard Warrior – East Isle
  5. Taurus – West Isle
  6. Siren – Seabed Temple
  7. Imp – East Isle
  8. Ghost – The Foundation
  9. Poltergeist – Water around West Isle
  10. Phantom – Wicked Wetlands


Page 4

  1. Gargoyle – The Foundation: B4
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. The Callow – Anxietown, Land of Woe
  5. The Riant – Heart’s Domain
  6. The Gazing – Anxietown, Land of Woe
  7. The Unsettled – Heart’s Domain
  8. The Torpid – Anxietown
  9. The Turbulent – Burdenburg, Land of Woe
  10. The Winged – Burdenburg


Page 5

  1. The Wrathful – Anxietown
  2. The Reptant – Burdenburg
  3. The Glaring – Anxietown, Burdenburg, Land of Woe, Spirit Spire (during Finale)
  4. The Supercilious – Land of Woe, Spirit Spire (during Finale)
  5. The Abject – Burdenburg, Spirit Spire (during Finale)
  6. Isle Eater – Omega Isle (as part of the story during Chapter 4)
  7. Spirit Sovereign – Story (during Finale)
  8. ?



Voice of Cards The Forsaken Maiden

Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden – Prologue Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough on the Prologue in the Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden.


Secret Grotto

Right after the brief introduction of the game, you’ll have to pick your character’s name. The default name is Barren. When you can, head to the card with the glowing outline in the north and step on it to trigger a scene with Laty during which you’ll have to make a choice.

  • Say, It’s Okay
    • Lay’s worried expression melts away, replaced by one of relief.
  • Sign in Exasperation
    • Laty’s shoulders will slump.


World Map

Make your way east. When you approach the glowing card, a scene will trigger with a Mysterious Shadow followed immediately by a fight with a Sea Hare. Defeat it then step on the Omega Village card to head into town.


Omega Village

Once in the village, you’ll be tasked with heading to the Omega Village’s mayor’s house. Before you make your way to the mayor, explore the town to find the below.



Speak with the following people to get new flipside stories:

  • Enlightened Elder on the left side just southeast of your home – Aged Man’s flipside story
  • Flower-Obsessed Boy next to the Accessory Shop – Man’s flipside story
  • Imaginative Girl east of the Accessory Shop – Plain Girl’s flipside story
  • Tidy Woman near the Maiden’s Shrine – Woman’s flipside story.



The Armorer has the following wares:

  • Iron Sword – 200G
  • Mercenary’s Sword – 800G
  • Militia’s Spear – 200G
  • Ascetic’s Glaive – 800G
  • Explorer’s Shortsword – 200G
  • Tracker’s Shortsword – 800G
  • Iron Armor – 200G
  • Simple Breastplate – 200G
  • Traveler’s Apparel – 200G


The Item Shop has the following wares:

  • Salve – 20G
  • Quality Salve – 100G
  • Omnisalve – 160G
  • Antidote – 40G
  • Curative – 40G
  • Defroster – 40G
  • Unsealer – 40G
  • Dispeller – 40G
  • Pepper-Upper – 60G
  • Serum – 60G
  • Inspirlixir – 800G
  • Bomb – 40G
  • Invigorant – 180G
  • Protectorant – 180G
  • Soothstone – 1000G
  • Bellwether – 100G
  • Smoke Bomb – 100G


The Accessory Shop has the following wares:

  • Ring of Protection – 300G
  • Firestay Ring – 700G
  • Waterstay Ring – 700G
  • Lightningstay Ring – 700G
  • Windstay Ring – 700G
  • Lightstay Ring – 700G
  • Darkstay Ring – 700G


When you’re ready to proceed forward, head north to the Elder’s House. Select either option to accept the job then exit the town. As you step on a grassy card, a battle will trigger. Defeat the monsters then you’ll be presented with another choice:

  • Go in close for the kill
  • Throw a weapon at it

Select whichever you’d like as they both result in the shadow running off to the spire near the village. Return to your house in the village if you need to heal before continuing to the spire.


Spirit Spire

When ready, enter Spirit Spire. Head north to find a door. After it opens, continue north a short ways to interact with the Mysterious Shadow. After it runs off, make your way to the southwestern part of the area to find a set of stairs. Take them to the second floor then head to the very north and interact with the Altar. Once the scene ends, make your way out of the Spirit Spire and back to Omega Village.


Omega Village

Head north to the mayor’s house to receive Fruit. After the scene, exit the village and make your way to the Secret Grotto.


Secret Grotto

Head north and interact with Laty. Take a peak at Laty’s Picture Book then speak with Laty. With Laty in your party, exit the grotto and make your way for the Spirit Spire.


Spirit Spire

Enter the spire and make your way to the altar on the second floor. During the scene, you’ll have to choose to give Lac a Salve, Iron Sword or Fruit. Choose the fruit then exhaust all the dialog options. Afterwards, leave the spire and return to Omega Village.


Omega Village

Once in the village, travel to your house to retrieve the Ship’s Wheel. Afterwards, head to the mayor’s house to say goodbye. Leave the town and make your way to the grotto.


Secret Grotto

Once in the Secret Grotto, make your way to the ship on the western side. For naming the Unnamed Ship, you’ll have the below options but Laty’s opinion will be the only one that counts.

  • Think of One Yourself
    • You won’t be able to think of one and will have to ask either Laty or Lac for their opinion.
  • Ask for Laty’s Opinion
    • Names the ship “The Bon Vent”
  • Ask for Lac’s Opinion
    • Lac will suggest “Lac the Great and Powerful” but you’ll ignore him and have to ask Laty for her opinion.

After naming the ship, select to weigh anchor to continue on your journey!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 1 in the Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden!