Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Needed: Assistant Alchemist 2 Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Needed: Assistant Alchemist 2 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Pure Water with quality over 100

Synthesize a Pure Water that has a quality over 100. For guidance on how to unlock the Pure Water recipe, click here!



  • Drinking Water (quality 95) x4
  • 1750 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – A Clumsy Scholar’s Dream 5 Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for A Clumsy Scholar’s Dream 5 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Sedimentary Soil

Sedimentary Soil can be collected from dirt piles in the Near-Forest when the sun is out. The Gorgon Head in the Flower Bank Ruins also drops this item. After you’ve collected 1, return to Kati to report the quest.



  • Wiege Wheat Flour (quality 92) x2
  • 1500 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Flowers to Brighten the Shop Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Flowers to Brighten the Shop quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 3 Green Flowers

Green Flowers can be harvested from the Roytale – Commercial District and Windswept Plains. They look like a bunch of green flowers! Once you’ve collected 3, return to Kati to report the quest.



  • 275 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – The White Gem of the Night Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The White Gem of the Night quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 4 Siren’s Tear

Siren’s Tears can be gathered from shells in Flower Bank Ruins – Everlull Stage. Once you’ve acquired 4, return to Kati to report and complete the quest.



  • 765 Cole



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter VI Remember Me Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter VI: Remember Me in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

This chapter picks up where the last one left off via cutscene. When it ends, you’ll be given time for exploration near the drawbridge. After you’re done looking for items and talking with your forces, end the exploration and be kicked back to the world map.


Conviction Choice 1 (Geela)

  • Regardless of his motivations, he attacked us under the guides of an ally. Such an act is unforgivable. (Morality)
  • We cannot know the reasons for his actions, but you needn’t suffer his wrath on our account. Return to Aesfrost, and we shall make do somehow. (Liberty)
  • Hyzante will not stand idly by while the joint mining venture flounders What could Aesfrost hope to gain by making two enemies? (Utility)


Conviction Choice 2 (Hughette)

  • Could Roland not flee on your hawk? That may be his best chance for survival. (Liberty)
  • Circumstances aren’t as dire as they seem. We only need survive tonight. and then we can seek out allies to rally around Roland. (Utility)
  • Such a dour outlook does not suit a Kingsguard. Keep heart – we fight for the royal family together. (Morality)



  • Recovery HP Pellet – near Anna on the bridge
  • 800 Money – under the bridge via the ladder near Geela
  • Fiber – under the bridge via the ladder near Geela
  • Large HP Recover Pellet – on top of the draw bridge via the right ladder
  • 400 Money – on top of the draw bridge via the left ladder



  • Erador
  • Roland
  • Geela
  • Frederica
  • Benedict
  • Hughette
  • Anna


Falkes Streets (Side Story)

Select Falkes Streets to witness an additional cutscene with House Falkes.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story – Escape from Whiteholm Castle)

After the side story, return to Whiteholm Castle for a cutscene leading to a battle on the bridge. For this fight, you’ll want to defeat all of the enemies around the drawbridge while keeping Roland alive. After meeting the requirements, a cutscene triggers leading to the end of the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter VII – Part I: A Soul Upon the Scales in Triangle Strategy!



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter V Encroaching Darkness Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter V: Encroaching Darkness in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Start of the Chapter

As the chapter starts, a cutscene triggers. When it concludes, you’ll be back on the world map.


Telliore Streets (Side Story)

Select Telliore Streets from the world map to witness a scene with House Telliore.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

Select Whiteholm Castle to proceed with the main story where you’ll be allowed to explore the Castle Gardens. When you’re finished, end the exploration to continue on.


Conviction Choice 1 (Erador)

  • We cannot expect them to fight. My only concern is that their money does not fall into the hands of our enemies. (Utility)
  • Let us consider their duties to the crown fulfilled, and leave it at that. (Morality)
  • For the moment we all share a common goal – survival. We can have our revenge if we survive. (Liberty)


Conviction Choice 2 (Roland)

  • We know not what the enemy wants. Let us remain adaptable to whatever awaits us. (Liberty)
  • As lord of a high house, I swear to you I shall protect the king, come what may. (Morality)
  • Pray, hold. You are of royal blood, which makes you a target as well. (Utility)



  • Glenbrook’s Three High Houses
    • Speak to the wounded Glenbrook Solider near Hughette



  • Stone – on a bench to the left of the giant tree
  • 300 Money – behind the giant tree
  • Poison Recovery Pellet x2 – in the fountain behind the secret entrance
  • Firestone x2 – in a push down the path behind Frederica
  • Large HP Recovery Pellet – in the center of the fountain between Benedict and Roland
  • 600 Money – in the fountain where the water is shooting out between Benedict and Roland



  • Geela
  • Erador
  • Hughette
  • Glenbrook Solider
  • Anna
  • Frederica / Glenbrook Solider
  • Benedict
  • Roland


Encampment (Character Stories)

Before starting the battle, you may have some Character Stories waiting for you at the encampment. This is where additional characters will join Serenoa’s forces. Ours were for Hossabara (horseback healer) and Narve (mage). You can also check out the Sundry Shop in the Encampment to purchase some additional Notes and Information.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story – Storming the Whiteholm Castle Gate)

Return to the castle to trigger a cutscene leading to a battle. Unlike the other battles, the victory condition for this one is that Prince Roland needs to make it to the castle entrance. If he falls, you’ll automatically lose. Enemy reinforcements also appear as the fight goes on. Once you defeat the enemy, a cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter VI – Remember Me in Triangle Strategy!



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter IV A New Dawn Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter IV: A New Dawn in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

This chapter starts off with a lengthy cutscene. When it ends, you’ll be on the world map.


Rosellan Village (Main Story)

Travel to the Rosellean Village from the world map for another cutscene. You’ll now be free to explore the village looking for the Conviction Choices, Information, Items, Notes and People listed below. When you are done, conclude the exploration to trigger a cutscene.


Conviction Choice 1 (Elder)

  • I would have done the same. We have a duty to help those in need. (Morality)
  • I pray the day soon comes when you no longer require protection and are free to live your lives unfettered. (Liberty)
  • And I intend to honor that. Let us work together and make this land a prosperous one for your people. (Utility)


Conviction Choice 2 (Child)

  • You’ll be able to venture further afield when you’re older. And when that day comes, I’ll show you both around the demesne myself. (Liberty)
  • Ah, but there’s plenty of fun to be had here! I’m sure your mother would be pleased if you took up hunting or fishing. (Utility)
  • That’s because you’re precious to her. You’d do well to heed her words. (Morality)



  • The Roselle in the Wolffort Demesne
    • Speak with the elder around the southern part of the village with a conviction choice.
  • Serenoa’s Duty
    • Speak with the Rosellan outside of the house that Jerrom can be found in.



  • 300 Money – near hanging plan in the house with Jerrom
  • HP Recovery Pellet – in a well
  • HP Recovery Pellet – behind a building at the top of the village



  • Marvels of Norzelia, Vol.10
    • Located on a bookshelf in the building Jerrom is in



  • Rosellan
  • Elder
  • Anna
  • Jerrom
  • Erador
  • Geela
  • Rosellan – outside the house Jerrom is in
  • Rosellan – up the path from the above person
  • Child
  • Rosellan
  • Cat
  • Child
  • Rosellan – behind the most upper left building
  • Rosellan – to the left of the most upper left building


Rosellan Village (Main Story)

After the somewhat lengthy cutscene, you’ll be brought back to the world map. Select the Rosellan Village to continue on with the main story via cutscene. When it compete, you’ll be sent back to the world map.


Grand Norzelian Mines (Main Story)

Travel to the Grand Norzelian Mines for another cutscene. When it concludes you will receive The Power of Salt note and be able to explore the mines. When you have finished talking with everyone and collected all of the items, end the exploration to be sent back to the world map.


Conviction Choice 3 (Benedict)

  • Seeing as it is a joint accord, I would resolve the matter peaceably with Hyzante and Aesfrost’s involvement. (Utility)
  • I would hear the problems firsthand from the miners themselves. Issuing orders blindly from above leads to chaos. (Liberty)
  • I would order an investigation into the cause, and find the party or parties responsible. There must be no cause for bad blood between our nations. (Morality)



  • Svarog Aesfrost
    • Speak to the Aesfrosti Miner near Frederica



  • Large HP Recovery Pellet – on the ground near Roland
  • 450 Money – on the ground near an Aesfrosti Soldier
  • Stone – near Anna by a rock pillar
  • Vanguard Scarf – on the ground above Erador



  • Mining Schedule
    • On the ground near Anna



  • Glenbrook Subject
  • Geela
  • Glenbrook Solider
  • Aesfrosti Miner
  • Frederica
  • Roland
  • Glenbrook Miner
  • Glenbrook Miner – near Benedict
  • Benedict
  • Aesfrosti Miner
  • Erador
  • Glenbrook Miner
  • Anna
  • Dragan
  • Hughette
  • Aesfrosti Solider


Grand Norzelian Mines (Main Story – Defending Dragan)

Return to the mines to start a cutscene leading to a battle. Defeat the enemies to trigger a cutscene leading to the end of the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter V – Encroaching Darkness in Triangle Strategy!



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Messenger of a Wild Storm Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Messenger of a Wild Storm quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Defeat 3 Adler

Adler can be found in the Flower Bank Ruins. Defeat 3 of them then report back to Kati to complete the quest.



  • 760 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Needed: Assistant Alchemist 1 Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Needed: Assistant Alchemist 1 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver Zettel x1 with quality over 70

Synthesize a Zettel with a quality over 70! For guidance on how to unlock the Zettel recipe, click here!



  • Red Neutralizer (quality 55) x2
  • 1400 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – A Clumsy Scholar’s Dream 4 Quest

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for A Clumsy Scholar’s Dream 4 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Defeat 1 Admiral Puni

The Level 35 Admiral Puni can be found on the eastern side of the Windswept Plains – Breezy Field.

It is surrounded by Green Puni and Blue Puni. Defeat it then report back to Kati to complete the quest.



  • Blue Puniballs (quality 57) x1
  • 1400 Cole