Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Dusk Forest Treasure Chests

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on what loot the treasure chests contain and where they can be found in the Dusk Forest in Atelier Sophie 2! **Please note that this guide might be incomplete due to a technical issue we had on our end… the flash drive ate our images!! Sorry!!**


Azura’s Pier

Aschenp Coal


Fairy Haunt

Devil Pumpkin



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Near-Forest Landmarks

by MrsChappie in


Below are the locations of the landmarks at Near-Forest in Atelier Sophie 2!



Sheltering Tree


Noctilucent Path


Rainfall Fountain


Bustling Lane

Forest Hut


Misty Garden

Beast’s Dwelling



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Windswept Plains Landmarks

by MrsChappie in


Below are the locations of the landmarks at Windswept Plains in Atelier Sophie 2!


Newborn Verdure

Cosmic Pit


Heavenly Pond

**This area is only accessible via the Eternal Sand Dunes – Forbidden Monument.**


Breezy Field

Red Star Pit


Flashing Stones

This area is accessible after getting the Dream Vessel (Storm) as part of the main story shortly after discovering Surva’s Heart.



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter VIII Part III: Light and Shadow Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter VIII – Part III: Light and Shadow in Triangle Strategy. This path is the result of refusing House Telliore’s proposal in Chapter VIII – Part I. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Norzelian Mountains: Base (Side Story)

When you gain control of the game in Part III, select the Norzelian Mountains to see the fallout with Silvio.


Falkes Streets (Main Story)

The next stop is to see how Falkes fares in their battle against Aesfrost.


Whiteholm Castle (Side Event)

Travel to Whiteholm Castle to observe as Avlora gives her report to Gustadolph.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

Head to Wolffort to progress the story via cutscene.


Norzelia River: Bank (Main Story)

Make your way to the Norzelia River to see how our favorite band of bandits are fairing. The chapter ends after the cutscene.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter IX – Part I: Dwindling Light in Triangle Strategy!



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter VIII Part II: Parting Ways Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter VIII – Part II: Parting Ways in Triangle Strategy. This path is the result of refusing House Telliore’s proposal in Chapter VIII Part I. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Wolffort Harbor (Side Story)

When you gain control of the game, select Wolffort Harbor to see what the bandits from Chapter 1 are up to.


Whiteholm Castel (Side Story)

The next stop is Whiteholm Castle to see what plans Gustadolph is cooking up.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

Head to the castle to continue on with the main story.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Investigation)

Return to the castle to start an investigation at the Wolffort Main Gates. Explore the area then end the exploration then you’re ready.


Conviction Choice 1 (Benedict)

  • Their fear is understandable. Even so, I imagine they will retreat if they find themselves fighting a losing battle.
  • The Telliore demesne is closer to Aesfrost than our own. It stands to reason that their fear would be greater as well.
  • House Telliore’s are yet clean, unlike our own. It makes me wonder if Lord Silvio is the greater ruler between us…


Conviction Choice 2 (Wolffort Solider)

  • We may need all the help we can get, but asking Hyzante for aid might result in a war not unlike that of thirty years ago… (Utility)
  • The alliance has been shattered and House Telliore has turned against us. It seems almost foolish to rely on the good will of others now… (Liberty)
  • We share a common enemy with Hyzante. To that end, I summarise the Holy State is waiting to see if we would make a formidable ally. (Morality)



  • Invigorating Spice x3 – next to a tree behind Anna
  • 500 Money – on the ground to the right of Hughette
  • Iron x3 – near a tree to the right or Roland
  • Ranged Icestone – on the ground across from the townsperson
  • 1100 Money – left side of the main gate next to a tree



  • Letter from Kin
    • On the stone path between Erador and Hughette



  • Wolffort Solider
  • Benedict
  • Anna
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Erador
  • Hughette
  • Roland
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Geela
  • Frederica
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Townsperson


Falkes Streets (Side Story)

Before taking it to House Telliore, check in with House Falkes to see how they fare.


Wolffort Streets (Main Story – House Telliore’s Treachery)

Make sure you’re fully stocked at the Encampment then head to the Wolffort Streets to show House Telliore the meaning of the word fear. In order to win the battle, you just have to defeat Rufus. After you emerge victoriously, a cutscene occurs leading to the end of Part II.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter VIII – Part III: Light and Shadow in Triangle Strategy!



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter VIII Part I: The Weather Vane Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter VIII – Part I: The Weather Vane in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.



When you gain control of the game, you’ll be on the world map. Check out the encampment for new items and character stories.


Hierophant’s Palace (Side Story)

Select the Hierphant’s Palace to see what Hyzante thinks about the current situation.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

After the side story, make your way to Castle Wolffort to view a cutscene. When it concludes you’ll be sent back to the world map. Return to the castle to get the details on the upcoming vote. You can then speak with the Concierge to travel to the city streets for exploration. After you’ve checked in on the villagers and explored the town. Return to the caste to commence the voting.


Conviction Choice 1 (Wolffort Townsperson)

  • I fear there is aught you can do. The issue is between the two of them and must be resolved as such. (Utility)
  • Children are the ones who suffer most when parents fight. I think your efforts are best spent helping them reconcile. (Morality
  • There is naught to be gained by forcing themselves to stay together. Separating and starting new lives is for the best. (Liberty)


Conviction Choice 2 (Saltmonger)

  • House Telliore is wealthy and well connected. I doubt they would be easily crushed by the duchy. (Utility)
  • For better or worse, Lord Silvio is unchanging. I could stand to learn something from his ever-composed example. (Morality)
  • If worst comes to worst, your family is always welcome in Wolffort. But Lord Silvio leads one of the high houses and would do whatever it took to protect his demesne. (Liberty)



  • House Telliore’s Might
    • Speak with the Wolffort Solider near the entrance to the castle
  • House Wolffort’s Weakness
    • Speak to the Wolffort Solider at the back right side of the town
  • Lord Silvio’s Loyalty
    • Speak with the Wolffort Townsperson in the middle house on the right side of town



  • Large HP Recovery Pellet x2 – from a pot in a house with a shield in the front it to the back left of the town
  • Quality Fiber – on a pot near where the stalls were set up in the middle of town
  • Enchanting Spices x2 – house to the right of the market



  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Child- in the house next to the townsperson with a Conviction Choice
  • Cat – in the house with a shield in the front of it at the back left side of the town
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Child
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Townsperson – in the middle house on the right side of town
  • Saltmonger
  • Wolffort Townsperson


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Voting)

Back in the castle, speak with everyone to get their opinions then try to convince those who disagree with you to switch sides. Below are the questions each one will ask Serenoa, but it will come down to your convictions as to which choices succeed. It should be easy to convince Benedict to go with whatever option you choose. After the voting completes a quit cutscene triggers leading to the end of part I.


Accept Silvio’s proposal and make for Telliore


  • It would be best for us to refuse Lord Silvio’s proposal
    • Claiming victory in our last battle was no easy feat, and our soldiers have suffered for it. Must we consider taking the filed aga so soon?
    • There are people out there who will stop at nothing to see you dead. I think it unwise to leave the demesne at this time.
    • Lord Silvio is a man loyal only to himself, and one of unfavorable repute with his people. I advise you not to put too much faith in him.
      • Lord Silvio’s Loyalty info



  • It would be best for us to refuse Lord Silvio’s proposal
    • We do not know why Aesfrost invaded Glenbrook. I think it best we be cautious and not rush headlong into an alliance.
    • We would leave ourselves vulnerable by venturing outside our demesne.
    • We needn’t rely on others just yet. If we were to be attacked, we could make our stand at Castle Wolffor.
      • House Wolffort’s Weakness info



  • It would be best for us to refuse Lord Silvio’s proposal
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Aesfrost is no doubt watching our every move. Leaving our demesne may alert them to an alliance and put us in even more danger.
      • Time is of the essence right now. General Avlora is likely desperate to reclaim her honor with a rematch sooner than later.
      • A heavy bounty weighs upon Roland’s head. We do not know who we can or cannot trust now.
        • A Bounty on the Prince info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Lord Silvio left the safety of his own defense to come here, something I doubt he would do if he learned an attack from the duchy.
      • If he was truly worried for Roland’s Safety, I think he would suggest fortifying ourselves in Castle Wolffort rather than venturing to Telliore.
      • Lord Silvio did not leave Telliore even when the capital was taken, which makes me wonder why he would leave his safe haven now…
        • Lord Silvio’s Loyalty info


Reject Silvio’s proposal


  • We should ally with Lord Silvio and head to Telliore
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Our forces need all the help they can get, and I believe House Telliore could provide us some much-needed relief on the battlefield.
      • It would be a boon to soldiers and civilians alike if House Telliore would grant us food and provisions.
      • An alliance between the high houses would lift the people’s spirits, something sorely needed in times like these.
        • Glenbrook’s Three High Houses info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Aesfrost will likely strike at us again before we know it. They are not the type to wallow in defeat.
      • If we refuse Lord Silvio’s offer, there is a chance Aesfrost will bring him to hell instead.
      • There is a chance the duchy has already recruited House Telliore to their cause…
        • Lord Silvio’s Loyalty info



  • We should ally with Lord Silvio and head to Telliore
    • The paths before us now are regrettably few, but new allies will open up new options.
    • We must first and foremost address our supply shortage. House Telliore could help us there.
    • Our forces are dwindling from all the battles we’ve faced. House Wolffort needs allies if we are to survive.
      • House Telliore’s Might info



  • We should ally with Lord Silvio and head to Telliore
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • The greater our forces, the better. We may finally be able to catch our breaths if we have more soldiers on our side.
      • I would be grateful for the support, considering those who would aid us now are few and far between…
      • An alliance between the high houses would raise the soliders’ morale, all the more so knowing Telliore is prepared for battle.
        • Glenbrook’s Three High Houses info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • The repeated battles are taking their toll on the defense. I would ask for House Telliore’s support to ease the suffering of my people.
      • There is no telling when Aesfrost will strike at us again. We must take every measure we can to see we are prepared.
      • Aesfrost has placed a bounty on Roland’s head. The more allies we have, the safer would be.
        • A Bounty on the Prince info




  • We should ally with Lord Silvio and head to Telliore
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • No matter the course, we will need greater numbers to see it through. Joining hands with a fellow high house will expand the paths available to us.
      • The crown city has fallen, making the movements of the high houses more important than ever. Joining forces is the first step in gaining new allies.
      • I would welcome any help we could get in protecting Prince Roland
        • A Bounty on the Prince info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • I do not intend to put my blind trust in Lord Silvio. As we are no, though. It is an offer we cannot refuse.
      • I would do all I could to better our situation, even if just a little bit. To that end, an alliance would be most welcome.
      • I would ally with him only to ensure our survival. I am certain both his houses’s might and their name would serve us well.
        • House Telliore’s Might info
  • It would be best for us to refuse Lord Silvio’s proposal
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • We never know when the Aesfrosti army will strike next. Is it truly safe to leave our demesne at a time like this?
      • House Telliore is not known for their prowess in battle. Would there be any merit in allying ourselves with them?
      • The duchy has placed a heavy bounty upon Roland’s head. Perhaps what Lord Silvio came here for is not an alliance, but…
        • A Bounty on the Prince info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Perhaps the people would respond to a call to arms.
      • I think it best we ready our own forces before recklessly looking to others for help.
      • Even if I were, I doubt House Telliore could be of much help there…
        • House Telliore’s Might info


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter VIII – Part II: Parting Ways in Triangle Strategy!



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Keeping the Town Safe

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Keeping the Town Safe quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Defeat 4 Blue Puni

Blue Puni can be found in the Windswept Plains. Defeat 4 of them then return to Kati to report the quest.



  • 375 Cole
  • Drinking Water (quality 60) x1



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Flower Bank Ruins Treasure Chests

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on what loot the treasure chests contain and where they can be found in the Flower Bank Ruins in Atelier Sophie 2!


Wind and Wave Altar

1000 Cole




Silver Crystal


Aroma Holz


Heart Earrings


Twisting Ruins



1200 Cole


Star Powder


Everlull Stage



Grass Uni


Scrap Armor


False Treat


850 Cole



**The area containing this chest is accessible via the southeastern exit in the Sea King’s Domain.**


Cucumis Fruit

**The area containing this chest is accessible via the southeastern exit in the Sea King’s Domain.**


Sea King’s Domain



Flammable Sand


1500 Cole


White Puniballs