Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Ballads on the Breeze 4

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Ballads on the Breeze 4 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Baked Waffle

For guidance on how to unlock the Baked Waffle recipe, click here! Synthesize a Baked Waffle then deliver it to Kati to complete the quest!



  • 2700 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Needed: Assistant Alchemist 3

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Needed: Assistant Alchemist 3 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion after reaching Rank B.


Deliver 1 Stretchy Band with quality over 120

For guidance on how to unlock the Stretchy Band recipe, click here! When synthesizing the Stretchy Band, make sure to use high quality ingredients and fill in all the rows you can to craft the Stretchy Band with quality over 120! After you’ve crafted one that works, deliver it to Kati to complete the quest.



  • Golden Thread (quality 145) x2
  • 2700 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Ballads on the Breeze 3

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Ballads on the Breeze 3 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion after reaching Rank B.


Defeat 2 Ice Flower Spirit

The Ice Flower Spirit can be found in Snowy Corridor and Dusk Forest when it’s snowing. Defeat 2 of them then return to Kati to complete the quest.



  • Silver Crown (quality 110) x2



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – I Want to Run a Store 5

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the I Want to Run a Store 5 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion after reaching Rank B.


Deliver 1 Baked Waffle that has a Fluffy effect

For guidance on how to unlock the Baked Waffle recipe, click here! When synthesizing the Baked Waffle, make sure to max out the last line (fire/red) to get the Fluffy effect. Once you’ve crafted the Baked Waffle with a Fluffy effect, return to Kati and hand it over to complete the quest.



  • White Flower (quality 99) x3



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – “Eat ‘Til You’re Beat” Tour 3

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the “Eat ‘Til You’re Beat” Tour 3 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion after reaching Rank B.


Deliver 1 Honey Syrup with Poison Cure effect

For guidance on how to unlock the Honey Syrup recipe, click here! When synthesizing the Honey Syrup, you’ll need to get the second line (blue/ice) over the fifth notch but not maxed out. This will give you the Poison Cure effect! Once you’ve crafted the correct item, deliver it to Kati to complete the quest.



  • 2400 Cole



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter X Part I: Beneath a Frigid Sky Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter X – Part I: Beneath a Frigid Sky in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.



When you start the chapter, stop by the Encampment to check for new items and character stories.


Twinsgate (Main Story – Persuasion)

Select the Twinsgate as your destination to view a quick cutscene then speak with the Concierge to head outside.


Conviction Choice 1 (Svarog’s Guard)

  • I would ask you instead: why is Lord Svarog engaged in such dealings? (Liberty)
  • We made the journey to protect both our house and people. That is all. (Morality)
  • …That is the business of my house alone, and shall not be divulged without adequate reason. (Utility)


Conviction Choice 2 (Svarog’s Footsoldier)

  • Ser Maxwell hides all he can from his enemies, his age included. As a warrior, he would be loath to let others use anything against him.
  • …Enviable, isn’t it? Ser Maxwell takes greater care of his appearance than one might think.
  • Ser Maxwell is younger than you might think, and sensitive about it as well. You would be wise not to treat him as an old man.



  • Dragan, Beloved Son
    • Speak with the Svarog’s Footsoldier guarding the main gate
  • Disunity in the Duchy
    • Speak with the Svarog’s Footsoldier guarding the main gate



  • Fiber
    • On a shelf inside the room with the Scales of Conviction
  • Enchanting Spice x3
    • On a shelf inside the room with the Scales of Conviction
  • Ranged HP Recovery Pellet x2
    • On the cliffs to the left of the main gate
  • Quality Timber
    • Next to a tree on the front left side of the main gate



  • Marvels of Norzelia, Vol. 7
    • On a bookshelf inside the room with the Scales of Conviction



  • Svarog’s Guard
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier


Twinsgate (Main Story – Voting)

Speak with allies to persuade them with which way you’d like them to go. When you’re ready, interact with the Scales of Conviction to proceed with the voting. Please note that if you’re going with Seranoa’s ending, you’ll want to reveal Roland’s identity to Svarog. Once the voting is complete, a cutscene triggers leading to the end of Part I.


Keep Roland’s identity a secret and enter negotiations with Svarog.


  • I believe we should reveal Roland’s identity.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Lord Svarog is suspicious of us. We will have to be forthright with him if we are to gain his trust.
      • Restoring House Wolffort takes precedence over the prince’s secret. Please remember why Roland donned the mask in the first place.
      • ???
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • If he is your uncle, then he is mine as well. I am sure we can come to an understanding.
      • He is a man bold enough to vie for power against Gustadolph. I do not believe he is in the habit of casually revealing secrets.
        • Svarog Aesfrost info



  • I believe we should reveal Roland’s identity.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • We must take a risk to prove our determination if we are to earn Lord Svarog’s trust.
      • We want justice for Lord Dragan, as does Lord Svarog. Showing him that Roland lives may convince him that we had no part to play in his son’s murder.
        • Dragan, Beloved Son info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • He is a man who also wishes to overthrow Gustadolph, and those with common enemies make potential allies.
      • He is Frederica’s uncle. As such, I should like to trust him.
      • He is someone who holds boundless ambition that requires a cause around which to rally – a cause I believe we can provide.
        • Disunity in the Duchy info



  • I believe we should reveal Roland’s identity.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Doing so might earn Lord Svarog’s trust, and win him to our cause. Is the enemy of our enemy not our friend?
      • We have no other choice if we wish to convince Lord Svarog that we had naught to do with his son’s death.
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Federica seemed to think him trustworthy when she lived in Aesfrost, so I believe he can keep a secret.
      • He’s an ambitious man with no love for the archduke, and a father consumed by grief, desperate to avenge his son.
        • Disunity in the Duchy info


Reveal Roland’s identity to earn Svarog’s trust before negotiations.


  • We must keep Roland’s identity a secret.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Lord Svarog is in league with House Ende. He may very well peddle your identity to them.
      • Lord Svarog is Frederica’s uncle. If we could reason with him, I’m sure he will understand.
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Roland, do you truly understand why you had to feign your own death?
      • The more people privy to a secret, the more holes there are in the sieve. You should not allow your gambit to be exposed so haphazardly.
      • Can Lord Svarog truly be trusted? We do not have enough information to be certain.
        • Svarog Aesfrost info



  • We must keep Roland’s identity a secret.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • I am sure there is a way to convince Lord Svarog without revealing the secret. If we are earnest in our intentions, I am sure he will understand.
      • It would be unwise to show our hand first. Let us first see how he approaches us.
      • If we reveal Roland’s identity, we will become embroiled in the duchy’s power struggle. I do not wish to add to our problems.
        • Disunity in the Duchy info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Who we are dealing with does not matter. The less people that are privy to a valuable secret, the better.
      • We are talking about a pillar of the nation that invaded our kingdom. Of course we should be cautious.
      • Lord Svarog’s influence rivals that of the archduke. There is a chance that he will use Roland in a bid for absolute power.
        • Svarog Aesfrost info



  • We must keep Roland’s identity a secret.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • We succeeded in feigning the prince’s death. We would be fools to put his life in danger yet again.
      • There is no guarantee that Svarog will assist us, even if we are forthright. Is there not possibility that he will merely use that knowledge to blackmail us?
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • It matters not. Once the duchy learns of our secret, it is sure to spread.
      • Though he may be Frederica’s uncle, he is also a minister of an enemy nation. It would be unwise to place any trust in him.
      • He is ambitious and rebellious, two qualities that lead him to use any and all in his path.
        • Svarog Aesfrost info




  • We must keep Roland’s identity a secret.
    • We need but speak with Lord Svarog in order to allay his concerns.
    • Roland’s fate is bound to that of House Wolffort. Protecting him protects us, as well.
    • Revealing his identity risks making him a pawn in a power struggle. I trust you can imagine what an Aesfrosti power struggle entails.
      • Disunity in the Duchy info
  • I believe we should reveal Roland’s identity.
    • We need Lord Svarog on our side if we are to restore Wolffort. I believe securing his cooperation to be worth the risk.
    • We have nothing else with which to bargain. Revealing his identity may well be our best move.
    • Lord Svarog remains suspicious of the archduke. He might aid us if we can prove that we did not murder his son.
      • Dragan, Beloved Son info


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter X – Part II: A Treacherous Soul in Triangle Strategy!



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter IX Part II: March of the Smugglers Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter IX – Part II: March of the Smugglers in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.



When you start the chapter, stop by the Encampment to check for new items and character stories.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

Head to Whiteholm Castle to check in with Cordelia now that she’s queen.


Wolffort Streets (Main Story)

Head to the streets of Wolffort to see how Serenoa and friends are coping with their decision.


Abandoned Village (Main Story – Investigate)

Select the Abandoned Village to investigate the area. When you’re done, end the exploration to trigger a cutscene.


Conviction Choice 1 (Hughette)

  • Hughette, as his loyal vassal, I ask that you stand by his side. (Morality)
  • It may just be a show of his determination as a warrior. He might be trying to steel himself for the battles that lie ahead. (Liberty)
  • I understand your concern, but excessive displays may only make things worse. Pray, speak to him as you always do. (Utility)


Conviction Choice 2 (Roland)

  • I think the real Ser Maxwell would hold himself with more confidence even in enemy territory. (Utility)
  • We will make sure your true identity is kept a secret, of that you have my word. We can overcome anything together. (Morality)
  • With House Ende’s support, we could strike back at the duchy. You must embody the Dawnspear if we are to succeed. (Liberty)



  • 1200 Money – on the ground to the right of the middle house
  • Immobility Recovery Pellet x2 – on the roof of the house near Erador
  • Fury Recovery Pellet x2 – on the right at the top right of the area diagonally from Erador
  • Poison Recovery Pellet x2 – in a dead-end to the left of Frederica
  • Ranged Windstone – on a rock to the right of Hughette past the house
  • 700 Money – behind the house next to Roland



  • Old Wanted Poster
    • on the side of the house to the right of Hughette



  • Geela
  • Benedict
  • Anna
  • Erador
  • Hughette
  • Roland
  • Cat
  • Frederica


Abandoned Village (Main Story – A Rematch with Bandits)

Select the Abandoned Village to pursue and fight the bandits. Defeat them to trigger a cutscene leading to the end of the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter X – Part I: Beneath a Frigid Sky in Triangle Strategy!



Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter IX Part I: Dwindling Light Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter IX – Part I: Dwindling Light in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.



Start out by checking the Encampment for any Character Stories, new items in the shops or to restock from the previous battle.


Wolffort Caste (Main Story)

When you’re done at the Encampment (or don’t feel like going) select Castle Wolffort to see the houses’ reaction to Cordelia’s accession.


Twinsgate (Side Story)

View the side story at the Twinsgate to see how Dragan’s father is dealing with his loss.


Wolffort Harbor (Side Story)

Observe Anna as she is collecting information for House Wolffort.


The Source (Side Story)

This side story shows how the Rosellans are really treated in Hyzante.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

Back at the castle, Frederica has some concerns for Serenoa.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Persuasion)

Back at the castle, Sorsley’s request has the group in need to make a decision. Speak with the Concierge to head out and explore the city streets. When you’re done gathering information and collection items, return to the council chamber to get the voting process started.


Conviction Choice 1 (Hyzantian Solider)

  • I did not think it possible to amass such riches under Hyzante’s system of equality. I do hope Minister Sorsley is not giving more than he can afford… (Utility)
  • Thanks to him, we can rebuild our town. Please tell him that we will not forget his generosity. (Morality)
  • Before that, there is something I would know. What do you think of Minister Sorsley as his vassal? (Liberty)


Conviction Choice 2 (Wolffort Solider)

  • Please, say no more. I would be loath to lie to my own soldiers… (Morality)
  • All we do, we do for Wolffort. I ask that you keep observations like these to yourself. (Utility)
  • …This is proof of his resolve, one which I will support with all my might. (Liberty)



  • The Saintly Seven of Hyzante
    • Speak to the Hyzantian Solider near the main entrance to the castle



  • Quality Stone – in the house next to the Itinerant Merchant near the deer head
  • Timber x3 – in the house next to the Itinerant Merchant next to one of the beds
  • Red Anklet – on a shield next to a house on the back right side of the town



  • Hyzantian Solider
  • Hyzantian Solider
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Child
  • Itinerant Merchant
  • Wolffort Soldier
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Child
  • Wolffort Townsperson


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Voting)

For this decision, the group is voting on whether to transport the illegal salt to Aesfrost or to travel to Hyzante to report the illegal salt shipments. Talk to your allies and persuade them on which location you want to go to. Kick off the voting when you’re ready to see the results leading to the end of Part I. Please note that if you are trying to get Serenoa’s ending, you’ll need to agree to transport the salt to Aesfrost.


Transport the illegal salt to the duchy at House Ende’s behest


  • We ought to make for Hyzante and report the illegal salt shipments
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • House Ende aims to make us their pawn. If we gave them an inch, they are apt to take a mile.
      • The whole realm may know of your death, but I think it still too dangerous to make way to Aesfrot.
      • ???
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • As your vassal, I cannot let you be an accomplice to these wrongdoings in all good conscience.
      • If we get to Hyzante, we may be able to negotiate ourselves aid from the other saints.
      • Salt is the financial foundation of the Holy State. If we expose Minster Sorsley’s crimes, we can easily gain the Holy One’s trust
        • Sorsley’s Responsibilities info



  • We ought to make for Hyzante and report the illegal salt shipments
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Aesfrost is our enemy, and I doubt we would be welcomed with open arms. Not to mention we have no clue as to who our recipient might be…
      • The production and management of salt is the foundation of Hyzante. I doubt they would let us off with a mere warning were our crimes to be discovered.
      • What Minister Sorsley is doing is illegal. That much is certain. Though we may not have proof, justice is on our side.
        • The Saintly Seven of Hyzante info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • All evil deeds come to light in time. I would expose Sorsley’s wrongdoings before then and earn Hyzante’s trust.
      • House Wolffort does not tolerate injustice. I would protect the integrity of my house.
      • Minister Exharme stands opposed to Minister Sorsley. He would no doubt help us if we asked.
        • Exharme Marcial Info



  • We ought to make for Hyzante and report the illegal salt shipments
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Roland’s death has just been announced. Going to Aesfrost now would put him in unnecessary danger…
      • If we have no evidence, we need only find it. We should not let a lack of proof spur us into compliance.
      • ???
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Any wrongdoings will stain the Wolffort and Glenbrook family name forever, and I would rather not sully our honor if I could avoid it.
      • I wish to expose Minster Sorsley not just to keep our hands clean, but to gain the Holy Ones’s support by show of good faith.


Travel to Hyzante and report the illegal salt shipments


  • We should transport the salt to the duchy at House Ende’s behest
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • There is no guarantee we will succeed in exposing Sorsley. And should we fail, we would make enemies of both House Ende and the Holy State itself.
      • Regardless of his motives, we owe him a debt, and I would rather not repay kindness with betrayal.
      • Right now, House Wolffort stands alone. We cannot risk losing Minister Sorsley’s support.
        • House Wolffort’s Weakness info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • It is. We haven’t sufficient information to take action.
      • Minister Sorsley is no fool. I doubt he would blindly trust us to carry out such an important deal.
      • Shaking Hyzante’s faith in one of the Saintly Seven will be night impossible.



  • We should transport the salt to the duchy at House Ende’s behest
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Right now, House Wolffort stands alone. We are in sore need of House Ende’s support.
      • There is a time and place for everything. And now is not the time to bring Minister Sorsley to Justice.
      • Minister Sorsley is one of the Saintly Seven. Proving him guilty would be a struggle even with evidence, of which we have none.
        • The Saintly Seven of Hyzante info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Our relations with Aesfrost are strained enough as it is, and I would rather not make any more enemies if we can avoid it.
      • I wish to know Aesfrost’s true intentions. We might glean something new if we got there.
      • I have heard rumors of Minster Exharme. Though he looks reliable at first glance, I do not know if he can truly be trusted…
        • Exharme Marcial Info



  • We should transport the salt to the duchy at House Ende’s behest
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • House Ende has given us money and provisions. Would reporting them not be biting the hand that feeds?
      • Minister Sorsley is no fool. He is no doubt wary of our betrayal.
      • While I believe Minister Exharme would help us find Minister Sorsley guilty… we ought to be careful around him. He is no doubt another trying to use us as his pawn.
        • Exharme Marcial Info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • If our accusations fall on deaf ears, we make an enemy of both House Ende and the Holy State. The risk is too great.
      • …I understand, but we must do this to see House Wolffort survive. Please, Erador, I ask you bear this burden with us.
      • Running away from our problems will avail us nothing. Ill-earned though it may be, we need house Ende’s coin.
        • House Wolffort’s Weakness info




  • We should transport the salt to the duchy at House Ende’s behest
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • If we know the way House Ende’s illicit operations work, we may figure out a way to get the upper hand.
      • There is no harm in gaining Minister Sorsley’s trust, regardless of what unfolds in the future.
      • ???
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Our house’s honor is trivial at best. You needn’t pay it any mind.
      • Right now, we must do everything in our power to keep our people alive and house standing. So long as we do, there will be a chance to reclaim our honor.
      • The words of outsiders likey mean little against the Saintly Seven. If we bring charges against Minister Sorsley, he may just lay all the blame at our feet.
        • The Saintly Seven of Hyzante info
  • We ought to make for Hyzante and report the illegal salt shipments
    • Aesfrost is enemy territory and as such a greater danger to us. I would rather not put Roland at such a risk if I could avoid it.
    • We may not have evidence, but the fact that we have been asked to traffic illicit salt remains unchanged. If we speak to the other saints, we may yet find ourselves an ally.
    • ???


Click here for the next walkthrough for Chapter IX – Part II: March of the Smugglers in Triangle Strategy.



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Rank Up: Grade B

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Rank Up: Grade B quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Defeat 1 Cavern Keeper

The Cavern Keeper can be found on the east side of Erk’s Ice Caves. It’s a mini boss that has 3089 HP! Defeat it then return to Kati to complete the quest!



  • Gnade Ring (quality 80) x1



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Ballads on the Breeze 2

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Ballads on the Breeze 2 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Defeat 2 Black Puni

Black Puni can be found in Erk’s Ice Caves. Defeat 2 of them then report back to Kati to complete the quest.



  • Sparking Sand (quality 105) x3