
Monark – Vanitas’ Act of Greed Questions Guide

by Chappie in


Vanitas will ask you these questions at the start of Act of Greed: Recurring Twilight. Not all of the answers reward Ego stats.


Q1: How would you feel is your darling pet cat chose somebody else over you, just like that?

  • How dare they? (+40 Envy)
  • It doesn’t bother me. (+0)

Q2: Two of your friends as you to hang out. Which do you think is the better route? The one you find carnally attractive? Or the one who is fun and proactive?

  • The friend that I find fun. (+0)
  • The friend I’m attracted to. (+40 Lust)

Q3: What would you do with this fact you uncover? Your friend has been secretly meeting your lover.

  • Get depressed. (+0)
  • Get angry. (+40 Wrath)

Q4: Would you ever borrow a Daemon’s might to achieve your goals at the cost of what’s right?

  • Absolutely. (+40 Greed)
  • Not a chance. (+0)

Q5: If a video of someone feasting were shown, would you wish you had some of your own?

  • Definitely. (+40 Gluttony)
  • Not really. (+0)

Q6: Would you get angry if your friend took your phone and made your icon something you would bemoan?

  • Laugh. (+0)
  • Get pissed. (+40 Wrath)

Q7: You’re in your first match of a round-robin tourney. How will you prevent an early end to your journey?

  • Save my strength. (+40 Sloth)
  • Give it my all. (+0)

Q8: At your friend’s house, their mom makes you far too much food. Do you eat every bit so as not to be rude?

  • It depends. (+0)
  • I would. (+40 Gluttony)

Q9: Would you train your strengths in lieu of your flaws or compensate for them with effort and cause?

  • Build on my strengths. (+40 Sloth)
  • Make up for my weaknesses. (+0)

Q10: Would you call yourself a reliable soul? The kind who would thrive in a leadership role?

  • No way. (+0)
  • Yes way. (+40 Pride)

Q11: Would you press a button that wiped out your life if it let you start over without any strife?

  • In a heartbeat. (+40 Greed)
  • I don’t think so. (+0)

Q12: Have you ever had the intrusive thought that the popular kids should die and rot?

  • Absolutely. (+40 Envy)
  • Not a chance. (+0)

Q13: If a teacher was scolding your friend, would you defend them to the end?

  • Cover for them. (+0)
  • It depends. (+40 Sloth)

Q14: Do you start a task, but get so fixated that your sleeping schedule is devastated?

  • Absolutely. (+40 Gluttony)
  • Not a chance. (+0)

Q15: How would you react to a verbal assault over something that wasn’t even your fault?

  • Take it like a champ. (+0)
  • Get pissed as all hell. (+40 Wrath)

Q 16: Could you hear someone’s story with a willing ear if the ending were painfully, obviously clear?

  • It’s only polite. (+0)
  • I couldn’t take it. (+40 Sloth)

Q17: Are you so firm in your own sense of right that you censure all in your line of sight?

  • No way. (+0)
  • Yes way. (+40 Pride)

Q18: Your close pal’s girlfriend admits she like you, as it turns out, you’ve fancied her too. Do you take the girl away from your friend, knowing their heart if would surely rend?

  • Yep. Sorry, bro. (+40 Lust)
  • No way! (+0)

Q19: How do you feel when you see a stranger get wrapped up in social media danger?

  • Uninterested. (+0)
  • Secondhand cringe. (Charity)

Q20: During a club or committee affair, would you try harder if your crush was there?

  • I’d try harder. For them. (+40 Lust)
  • I’d end up doing worse. (+0)

Q21: The person who was your rock in life has died. How do you react to this sudden blindside?

  • Die from despair. (+0)
  • Live on and find hope. (Hope)

Q22: You and your partner have dated for years. But the spark is gone, and you’re bored to tears. You’re asked on a date by someone appealing. Do you engage in this unfaithful freewheeling?

  • Of course not. (+0)
  • Yes, please. (+40 Lust)

Q23: Do you hate when your friends steal the show with their boasting and bragadoccio?

  • Ugh, yes. (+40 Envy)
  • Not really. (+0)

Q24: You’ve broken something important to you, but repairing it costs a small fortune or two. You could just replace it at reasonable cost. Do you go and repair it, or leave it for lost?

  • Replace it. (+0)
  • Repair it. (+40 Greed)

Q25: Have you ever gotten so mad at a game that you toss the controller, fury aflame?

  • Absolutely. (+40 Wrath)
  • Not a chance. (+0)

Q26: You’re hungry in the dead of night. Do you get up and have a bite?

  • Why not? (+40 Gluttony)
  • Tough it out. (+0)

Q27: You’re in a group project that’s going awry. Do you blame all the rest as the reason why? That perhaps they should’ve asked you for help, or that things would be fine if you did it yourself?

  • No way. (+0)
  • Yes way. (+40 Pride)

Q28: If you devoted yourself to livestreaming fame, could you get a million subscribers to your name?

  • I’m sure I could. (+40 Pride)
  • I don’t know about that… (+0)

Q29: How would you feel if your friend got a job and their salary makes you look like a slob?

  • It’s no big deal. (+0)
  • It makes me hate myself. (+40 Envy)

Q30: Say you scored 99 points on a test. Would you feel happy? Perhaps even blessed? Or would you be filled with deep dejection being a point away from perfection?

  • I’d feel happy. (+0)
  • I’d feel frustrated. (+40 Greed)

Q31: Your best friend is solely to whom you confide an embarrassing secret you’re trying to hide. What do you do when the whole class finds out, which your friend claims to know nothing about?

  • Believe them. (Faith)
  • Cut ties with them. (+0)


At the end if you answered Question 19, 21 and 31 correctly, you’ll get a chance to boost some extra stats.



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Cold Steel, Burning Heart 2

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Cold Steel, Burning Heart 2 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Defeat 2 Diamond Golem

Diamond Golem can be found at Quartz Lapis and the Eternal Sand Dunes. After you defeat 2, report back to Kati to complete the quest.



  • Undastone (quality 85) x1
  • 2350 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Thunderbolt Palace Treasure Chests

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on what loot the treasure chests contain and where they can be found in the Thunderbolt Palace in Atelier Sophie 2!


Thunderhead Gate

3200 Cole




Thunderclap Garden

Wurzel Aqua


Storm Bracelets


Diamant Gemstone


Thunderstorm Chapel

2500 Cole


Herbal Sky Medicine


Alchemy Mantle


Sparkling Sand


Golden Leaf


Thunderstrike Hall

Eternal Breeze


Dreamer’s Tentacle


4000 Cole


Eternal Plate



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Thunderbolt Palace Landmarks

by MrsChappie in


Below are the locations of the landmarks at Thunderbolt Palace in Atelier Sophie 2!


Thunderhead Gate

Plant Dome


Thunderclap Garden

Garden Heart


Verdant Watering Hole


Thunderstorm Chapel

Crystal Circle


Levin Stele


Thunderstrike Hall

Red Switch


Green Switch


Thunderclap Chamber




Monark – Interlude III Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Interlude III in Monark. Our protagonist just helped Kokoro take down the Packbearer of Wrath.


TSC Room

Speak with Kokoro then exit the room.


Main Bldg – 1F

Stop by the Infirmary to heal up if needed then head to the eastern hallway and speak with Tensei to take another one of his Psychology Tests.


2nd Year Bldg – 1F

Travel to the 2nd Year Bldg and speak with Nobutaka to take one of his Psychology Tests.


1st Year Bldg – 1F

Travel to the 1st Year Bldg then head to the northeastern stairwell and speak with Miho to take one of her Psychology Tests.


Alter Egos / Grinding

If you haven’t yet, now might be a good time to go back and collect any Alter Egos you might now have the stats for. You might also want to consider grinding a bit if you’re feeling inclined. The phone numbers below are some of the areas you should have no trouble with this early in the game.

  • Fertile Ground I: *#*-*#*-000
  • Fertile Ground II: #*#-*00-000
  • Unholy Ground N: ##0-214-078
  • Hunting Ground N: 102-334-155
  • Ectopic Hunting Ground N: 847-430-80*
  • Farrier’s Ground N: *93-915-598


East Street / Central Street

When you’re ready to continue on with the story, make your way to Central Street which can be reached from West Street north of the 1st Year Building.  Along the way, stop by the benches to the right of the 1st Year Building to find Seven Wonders I on the ground behind a bench. Once on Central Street, take the 1st left down a side street and speak with Shinya to start the next act.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Act of Lust: Irreversible Fidelity in Monark.




Monark – Vanitas’ Act of Lust Questions Guide

by Chappie in


Vanitas will ask you these questions after clearing the mist from Club Block B – 1/2F. Not all of the answers reward Ego stats.



  • Q1: Say you are smitten with someone you know. How would you go about telling them so?
    • Get to know them first. (+0)
    • Just confess outright. (+40 Lust)
  • Q2: They say that for now, dating’s out of the question. How do you handle your rejected confession?
    • Give up. Why bother? (+40 Sloth)
    • I go into catatonic shock. (+0)
    • I can’t give up. It’s fate. (+40 Lust)
  • Q3: You eventually find a perspective soul mate. Where should they sit during your dinner date?
    • In the back, where it’s roomy. (+40 Pride)
    • I dunno. Let them decide. (+0)
  • Q4: Your partner has finished their meal before you. But you are still hungry — now what do you do?
    • Order more.  (+40 Gluttony)
    • I’m done too. (+0)
  • Q5: You and your partner’s beliefs don’t align. Are you upset, or is everything fine?
    • I’m upset. We aren’t even compatible. (+0)
    • It’s fine. I like my worldview. (+40 Gluttony)
  • Q6: What would you do if you heard a rumor stating that your partner’s parents were against you dating?
    • Don’t worry too much. It’s just a rumor. (+0)
    • Prepare for the worst, just in case. (+40 Sloth)
  • Q7: While out at a theme park on a fun little jaunt, your partner points out the ride that they want. It drops down a hundred meters or so. But heights petrify you. Do you still go?
    • I’ll take a rain check. (+40 Sloth)
    • I’ll tough it out for them. (+0)
  • Q8: When you return from finding a bench for the show, your partner is chatting up someone you don’t know. Whoever they are, they look much better than you. What do you think is going on between these two?
    • They’re exes. (+40 Envy)
    • They’re childhood friends. (+0)
  • Q9: Your hunch is correct. Their reunion is sweet. How would you feel if they made plans to meet?
    • I’m scared I’ll get cheated on. (+40 Envy)
    • It’s fine. I believe in my partner. (+0)
  • Q10: The clock strikes nine, the moon is bright. You take your partner home for the night. They linger and stare in expectation. What would you do in this situation?
    • Kiss them. (+40 Lust)
    • Not a thing. (+0)
  • Q11: You and your partner are in a rough patch. Each argument ends with a shouting match. The stress has been making it hard to sleep. What would you do now that you’re in this deep?
    • Eat healthy and exercise. (+40 Gluttony)
    • Bundle up and try to sleep. (+0)
    • It’s too painful to even think about. (+0)
  • Q12: Your partner eventually spurns all your texts. What do you think caused these adverse effects?
    • It’s probably because I’m a perv. (+40 Lust)
    • I can’t think of anything. (+0)
    • They’re sick of me. (+0)
  • Q13: When you visit your partner, their parents rule that their child must study and find a good school. What would you do if they told you straight that it’d be for the best if you two separate?
    • Accept it. They kind of have a point. (+0)
    • Yell at them for projecting on their child. (+40 Wrath)
  • Q14: Your partner insists that your love’s no mistake but still wants to split for their parents’ sake. You hear your partner in tears through the phone. How do you handle this plight you’ve been thrown?
    • I don’t know what to say. (+0)
    • Tell them to follow their heart. (+40 Pride)