Ghostwire Tokyo

Ghostwire: Tokyo – Prayer Beads Locations

by Chappie in


In Ghostwire: Tokyo, you can earn the Power Overwhelming trophy by acquiring all sets of prayer beads. Below are the locations of these prayer beads.


Aqua Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Yamaki Shrine.


Aqua Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Toyoi Shrine.


Aqua Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Kappagaike Torii Gate.


Archery Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Morite Shrine.


Archery Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Namihara Shrine.


Archery Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Matsumi Shrine.


Flame Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Kirigaoka Shrine.


Flame Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Mikubo Shrine.


Flame Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Akitsu Shrine.


Gust Beads

These prayer beads are automatically acquired during A Maze of Death main mission in Chapter 2.


Gust Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Hatsuike Shrine.


Gust Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Kamio Shrine.


Incognito Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Noto Shrine.


Nourishment Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Hirajuku Building Rooftop Torii Gate.


Nourishment Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Tatsui Shrine.


Nourishment Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Sakano Shrine.


Prosperity Beads 

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Chishima Shrine.


Sleuth Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Hirokawa Shrine.


Sleuth Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Onten Shrine.


Sleuth Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Shiratsuki Shrine.


Spirit Perception Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Hitani Shrine.


Spirit Perception Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Saihama Building Rooftop Torii Gate.


Talisman Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Momokane Building Rooftop Torii Gate.


Talisman Beads

These prayer beads can be found on the altar at Shimokusa Shrine.



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Eternal Sand Dunes Landmarks

by MrsChappie in


Below are the locations of the landmarks at Eternal Sand Dunes in Atelier Sophie 2!


Sea of Golden Sand

Eternal Sands


Buried Tower


Oblivion Wasteland

Desert Village Ruins


Wrecked Sand Ship


Shimmering Land

Precipitous Lighthouse


Forbidden Monument

Quicksand Wall


Cactus Colony



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Zelgador Summit Treasure Chests

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on what loot the treasure chests contain and where they can be found in Zelgador Summit in Atelier Sophie 2!


Pockmarked Cliff

500 Cole


Heaven Sword Peak

The Secret of Smithing


Sea of Golden Sand

Time Control Hourglass




Monark – Act of Greed: Recurring Twilight Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Act of Greed: Recurring Twilight in Monark. The act starts after recruiting all members to the TSC.


Main Bldg – 1F

This act starts off with a cutscene. When it concludes, you’ll be in the hallway near the TSC Room. Head east down the hallway then enter the Dean’s Office across from the main entrance to trigger a dialog event. When it concludes exit the room. Take this opportunity to heal up if needed then head to the eastern hallway and speak with Tensei to take another one of his Psychology Tests.


2nd Year Bldg – 1F

Travel to the 2nd Year Bldg and speak with Nobutaka to take one of his Psychology Tests.


1st Year Bldg – 1F

Make your way to the 1st Year Bldg then head to the northeastern stairwell and speak with Miho to take one of her Psychology Tests.


TSC Room

Return to the RSC Room in the Main Building for a dialog event. You’ll now have to choose who to take with you to the next area. The cutscenes involving who you bring will be unique, but this won’t impact anything else. You’ll also want to make sure your party is level 30 as the levels of enemies have gone up. A good place I found to grind is Fertile Ground III, but you’ll need to be in the mid-20s for that and might even consider dropping the game down to casual mode. It can reward 2200-3000 SPIRIT per fight. Another thing you’ll want to do is speak to Vanitas for another Psychology Test. This one has the potential to raise each of your Ego stats by 160 points. When you are done with everything, exit the room.


Main Bldg – 1F

Swing by the Infirmary if you need to heal up then head to the eastern hallway and speak with Tensei to take another one of his Psychology Tests.


2nd Year Bldg – 1F

Travel to the 2nd Year Bldg and speak with Nobutaka to take one of his Psychology Tests.


1st Year Bldg – 1F

Make your way to the 1st Year Bldg then head to the northeastern stairwell and speak with Miho to take one of her Psychology Tests.


Alter Egos

Another thing you can do before heading to the Old Dormitory is to go back and grab any Alter Egos you couldn’t obtain before. Check out this guide here for more info.


Central Street

When you’re ready to continue on with the story, make your way to the Memorial Garden entrance on the north end of Central Street to trigger a dialog event. When it concludes, enter the Memorial Garden.


Memorial Garden (Mist)

Once in the gardens, head to Vanitas to receive the number for the Precipice of Greed I. Call it and defeat the enemies to put an end to the Death Calls. Next keep heading east passing a student at a three-way split to eventually end up at a memorial. Speak with Shiori here choosing to hear her out. She’ll give you the key to the locked Old Dormitory gate if you tell her which student’s name was scratched off of the memorial. Leave the Memorial Garden and head for the 2nd Year Bldg – 1F. Go to classroom 2-B on the western side of the floor then head inside. On a desk, there will be a vase of flowers with a note next to it. Read the note to get its title (rosemary) then travel to the Programming Club room at Club Block B – 2F. Use the computer there entering 020211010 as the ID and rosemary as the password. This will get you information on Takamori Suzuki. Return to Shiori in the Memorial Garden and speak with her. Choose the option, Takamori Suzuki, to receive the Old Dormitory Gate Key. Back track to the three-way split then follow the path south to reach the gate. Unlock it with the key and head through.



  • Alter Ego – follow the path east past Vanitas to reach it
  • Memorial Monument – due east of Vanitas
  • Deceased Persons – due east of Vanitas



  • 35 SPIRIT – on the ground past Vanitas
  • 50 SPIRIT – on the ground near the 3-way split
  • 70 SPIRIT – on the ground past the student at the 3-way split
  • 110 SPIRIT – on the ground at a dead-end near the top-center of the garden
  • Detox Agent – on the ground near the fence leading to the Old Dormitory



  • Shiori Fujiwara


Old Dorm – Front

Follow the path south a short way to find the pile of cellphones on a table. Accept the call to trigger a dialog event leading to a battle. Defeat the enemies to trigger another dialog event.



  • 100 SPIRIT – on the ground near the entrance to the Old Dormitory
  • 135 SPIRIT – on the ground near the entrance to the Old Dormitory


TSC Room / Infirmary

Speak with Chiyo then exit the room to trigger a dialog event. Speak with Kakeru after it completes to heal if needed.


Psychology Tests

Don’t forget to do the rounds and swing by Tensei, Nobutaka and Miho to take their Psychology Tests. Once you complete all of them for each student, they keep giving you tests you’ve already completed so feel free to keep going back to raise those Ego stats!


Memorial Garden / Old Dorm – Front

Head back to the garden and make your way to the Old Dorm Main Gate for a dialog event. When it ends, enter the Old Dorm.


Old Dormitory – 1F (Mist)

Head left to spot Vanitas and approach him to receive the number for Precipice of Greed II. Call it then defeat the enemies and destroy the core to put an end to the Death Calls. After exploring, head through the doorway to the Courtyard.



  • Memo: Galactic Ground N – to the left past Vanitas in the corner between the window and door



  • 20 SPIRIT – across the room from Vanitas in a pile of furniture



Head to the southeastern part of the courtyard to find a safe. Enter code 1245 to open it and receive the Cafeteria Key.



  • Memo: Hunting Ground R – on a desk in Room 108
  • Combination – on a table in Room 104
  • Memo: Fertile Hunting Ground IV – in a safe (Code: 0915) in Room 104
  • Combination – on a wall in the southeastern part of the courtyard



  • 15 SPIRIT – on a dresser in Room 106
  • 45 SPIRIT – on a dresser in Room 108
  • Extraction Agent – in a plant pot in the center of the courtyard
  • Stitching Agent – in a plant pot in the center of the courtyard
  • 40 SPIRIT – on a cardboard box at the southeastern part of the courtyard
  • 55 SPIRIT – on a cardboard box at the southwestern part of the courtyard



Explore the room, the approach the back table to find the stack of cellphones. Accept the call to trigger a cutscene leading to a battle. Defeat the enemies to trigger lengthy dialog event.



  • Cromwell: The Abyss – on a table near the cellphones
  • Crowell: The Academy I – on a table near the cellphones



  • 230 SPIRIT – on a cardboard box
  • 145 SPIRIT – on a cardboard box


TSC Room

Speak with Chiyo, Nozomi, Ryotaro, Shinya and Kokoro then exit the room.


Main Bldg – 1F

Swing by the Infirmary for a dialog event with Neiko then speak with her again afterwards to heal up.


Psychology Tests

Don’t forget to do the rounds and swing by Tensei, Nobutaka and Miho to take their Psychology Tests. Once you complete all of them for each student, they keep giving you tests you’ve already completed so feel free to keep going back to raise those Ego stats!


Memorial Garden

When you’re ready to continue with the story, travel to the garden and head for the Old Dormitory. As you approach the building, a dialog event triggers. When it ends, enter the Old Dormitory.


Old Dormitory

Explore the area by speaking with the students listed below. When you’re ready, head down to the basement which is to the left of the cafeteria.



  • Alter Ego – in the courtyard



  • Mitsuyasu Jinbo – near the entrance in the Old Dorms
  • Wei Chen – in the courtyard
  • Ziyi Zhao – in the courtyard near the cafeteria
  • Shigeyuki Mura – in the cafeteria
  • Kenji Naoe – in the cafeteria


Old Dormitory – BF (Mist)

A dialog event triggers as soon as you reach the basement. Head to Vanitas to get the Precipice of Greed III contact info. Please note that you may need to go past him a little bit to get the interaction to activate. Call the number and shatter the core to put an end to the Death Calls. Head down the southern hallway to find a locked door. To the left of the door on the wall will be the Spare Key note. Read it then leave the mist and travel to the Infirmary in the Main Bldg. Head over to the table holding the Packbearer of Pride to find the Spare Chapel Key under it. Return to the Old Dorm basement and unlock the door then head inside.



  • Someone’s Memo 1 – on the wall near Vanitas
  • Spare Key – on the wall down the hall to the left of where you came into the basement at
  • Someone’s Memo 2 – on the wall further down past the Spare Key note
  • Secret Scoop: Paging Dr. Danger? – on an upside down desk at the end of the most northern hall



  • Healing Agent: S – on a cardboard box near Vanitas
  • Recovery Agent – on a desk at the west side of the northern hallway
  • 60 SPIRIT – behind a girl in the northern hallway



Explore the chapel then approach the phones on the altar and accept the call. This will trigger a dialog event leading to the boss battle. Defeat the enemies to trigger another dialog event ending the chapter.



  • Cromwell: Connecting



  • 215 SPIRIT – on a box next to one of the pews
  • 125 SPIRIT – on a box next to one of the pews



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Paint the World You See 5

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Paint the World You See 5 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Codex of Creation with a quality over 100

For guidance on how to unlock the Codex of Creation recipe, click here! When synthesizing, focus on using high level ingredients to achieve a quality over 100! Once you’ve crafted the item, deliver it to Kati to complete the quest.



  • Snow Queen (quality 97) x1
  • 3250 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – The Caring Tailor 4

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for The Caring Tailor 4 quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion.


Deliver 1 Langwolke with the Wind Lv. +2 effect

For guidance on how to unlock the Langwolke recipe, click here! When synthesizing, focus on the top line for white/light to get the Wind Lv. +2 effect. It starts in the second group with the tall notch and ends on the little notch just before the tall notch in the third group. Once you’ve crafted the item, deliver it to Kati to complete the quest.



  • Velvetis (quality 155) x1
  • 3800 Cole



Atelier Sophie 2

Atelier Sophie 2 – Rank Up: Grade S

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Rank Up: Grade S quest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams. To obtain this quest, speak with Kati at the Crystal Sparkle Pavilion after getting your Adventurer Grade A’s reputation all maxed out.


Deliver 1 Priarco with a quality over 130

Synthesize a Priarco with a quality over 130 then deliver it to Kati to complete the request. It helps to use high level ingredients and a restricted catalyst.



  • Ambrosia Garland (quality 210) x1
  • 5 Scrolls