Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Scarlet Blaze: Ch. 4 Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Scarlet Blaze: Part I – Chapter 4 – The Struggle Commences are shown below in this pinky purple color. Please note that we chose the Black Eagles House for this playthrough. For guides on other houses, click here!


Cutscene – After start of act


  • Accept the offer enthusiastically.
  • Hesitate.




  • Express surprise.
  • Say you had a feeling.



  • N/A



  • Say she was guided by her heart.
  • Try to comfort her.



  • Tell him you’ll do your best together.
  • Stare at him in confusion.



  • Say you find that reassuring.
  • Tell her that sounds a bit dodgy.



  • Share in his bloodlust.
  • Claim you’re not interested.


Monica / Linhardt

  • Side with Monica. (increases Monica)
  • Side with Linhardt. (increases Linhardt)



  • Say that they were only acquaintances.
  • Empathize with her plight.



  • N/A



  • N/A


Cutscene – After major battle at the end of the chapter


  • Nod in agreement.
  • Scold Arval.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Scarlet Blaze: Part I – Chapter 5 – Skirmish in the Fog in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Black Eagles – Prologue: Ch. 3 Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Prologue: Chapter 3 – The Shadows of Adrestia are shown below in this pinky purple color. Please note that we chose the Black Eagles House for this playthrough. For guides on other houses, click here!




  • Say it.
  • Resist the urge and stay quiet.




  • Ask who she’s expecting to fight.
  • Respond obediently.



  • Respond with humility.
  • Blow it off.



  • Ask what he means.
  • Nod despite having no idea what he means.



  • Nothing



  • Tell her you’ll fight just as hard.
  • Express your doubts.



  • Ask if he’s working for the church.
  • Ask if he’s working for someone outside the church.


Cutscene – Imperial Palace Side Gate (Enbarr)


  • Voice your unease. (increases Dorthea)
  • Give a stirring speech. (increases Petra)


Cutscene – After Battle


  • Tell her it’s been mostly pleasant.
  • Say that you feel uncomfortable.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Scarlet Blaze: Part I – Chapter 4 – The Struggle Commences in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Golden Deer – Prologue: Ch. 2 Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Prologue: Chapter 2 – Three Houses are shown below in this pinky purple color. Please note that we chose the Golden Deer House for this playthrough. For guides on other houses, click here!


Cutscene – Garreg Mach


  • Show some pride
  • Remain humble.



  • Turn her down.
  • Express interest in her offer.


*THIS IS WHERE YOU CHOOSE YOUR HOUSE* For this playthrough, we chose the Golden Deer!



  • Greet him.
  • Admire his ability.



  • Take the praise and run with it. (increases Marianne)
  • Advise greater caution. (increases Hilda)



  • Nod reassuringly.
  • Fire off a quip. (increases Claude)



  • Suggest you hold back. (increases Ignatz)
  • Suggest you charge forth. (increases Raphael)


Cutscene – After battle


  • Trust the dining staff. (did not increase any support points)
  • Suspect the dining hall staff. (did not try)



  • Dash off without a word. (did not try)
  • Mention Tomas before you run off. (did not increase any support points)


Click here for the next walkthrough for Prologue: Chapter 3 – The Battle for the Locket in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Blue Lions – Prologue: Ch. 2 Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Prologue: Chapter 2 – Three Houses are shown below in this pinky purple color. Please note that we chose the Blue Lions House for this playthrough. For guides on other houses, click here!


Cutscene – Garreg Mach


  • Show some pride
  • Remain humble.



  • Turn her down.
  • Express interest in her offer.


*THIS IS WHERE YOU CHOOSE YOUR HOUSE* For this playthrough, we chose the Blue Lions!



  • Greet him.
  • Admire his ability.



  • Take the praise and run with it.
  • Advise greater caution. (increases Dedue)



  • Express quiet confidence.
  • Fire off a quip. (increases Dimitri)



  • Suggest you hold back. (increases Sylvain)
  • Suggest you charge forth. (increases Felix)


Cutscene – After battle


  • Select either choice



  • Dash off without a word.
  • Mention Tomas before you run off.



  • Venture a guess
  • Leave the conjecture to someone else.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Prologue: Chapter 3 – Crisis in Fhirdiad in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Black Eagles – Prologue: Ch. 2 Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Prologue: Chapter 2 – Three Houses are shown below in this pinky purple color. Please note that we chose the Black Eagles House for this playthrough. For guides on other houses, click here!


Cutscene – Garreg Mach


  • Show some pride
  • Remain humble.



  • Turn her down.
  • Express interest in her offer.


*THIS IS WHERE YOU CHOOSE YOUR HOUSE* For this playthrough, we chose the Black Eagles!



  • Greet him.
  • Admire his ability.



  • Agree (increases Dorothea)
  • Raise an eyebrow. (increases Ferdinand)



  • Express quiet confidence
  • Fire off a quip. (increases Hurbert)



  • Suggest you hold back. (increases Bernadetta) 
  • Suggest you charge forth. (increases Caspar)


Cutscene – After Battle


  • Agree wholeheartedly.
  • Agree halfheartedly.



  • Correct her misunderstanding.
  • Look puzzled.



  • Dash off without a word.
  • Mention Tomas before you run off.


Click here for the next walkthrough on the Prologue: Chapter 3 – The Shadows of Adrestia in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Prologue: Ch. 1 Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Prologue: Chapter 1 – A Chance Encounter are shown below in this pinky purple color.




  • Tell him you understand. 
  • Doubt Alois.



  • Encourage her dreams.
  • Rain on her parade.



  • Press him for details.
  • Shrug him off.


Lysithea / Marianne

  • Deny her claim. (increases Lysithea)
  • Keep her guessing. (increases Marianne)



  • Laugh at the image.
  • Keep it business.


Ignatz / Raphael

  • Tell them your name.
  • Keep it hush-hush.



  • Decide later.
  • Ask why she wants to hire you.



  • Give your name.
  • Change the subject.



  • Claim you’ve never heard of him.
  • Try to play along.



  • Give some details (increases Caspar)
  • Keep it vague (increases Linhardt)



  • Accept his praise.
  • Question his motives.



  • None



  • Correct her.
  • Roll with it.



  • Ask him what a Crest is.
  • Claim he’s barking up the wrong tree.



  • Show surprise.
  • Thank him for the advice.


Ingrid / Sylvain

  • Give your name.
  • Hold back.



  • Shrug it off.
  • Crack a joke.


Annette / Mercedes

  • Say that you have.
  • Say you haven’t.



  • Agree enthusiastically.
  • Refuse his offer.
  • Ask who “the boar” is.



  • Tell him you’ve heard of it.
  • Claim ignorance.


For the next walkthrough on Chapter 2, click on the following house you’re going to side with:



My Lovely Wife

My Lovely Wife – How to Summon a Vered Succubus

by Chappie in

In My Lovely Wife, you’ll take on the role of Jake who has recently become a widower. After forming a partnership with a mysterious researcher, he’ll be tasked with generating Carnal Essence by summoning and pimping out various succubi. This guide will explain how to summon the Vered succubus. Please note that you can buy materials for summing a succubus from Phillip’s Warehouse or the Shrine. You also can receive materials by sacrificing succubi as well as consummating their love with Jake. Some materials aren’t unlocked until you progress further in the story.


To summon the Vered succubus, you’ll need to use the following materials in the Succubus Summoning Circle:

  • 1 Animal
  • 2 Metal



My Lovely Wife

My Lovely Wife – How to Summon a Taura Succubus

by Chappie in

In My Lovely Wife, you’ll take on the role of Jake who has recently become a widower. After forming a partnership with a mysterious researcher, he’ll be tasked with generating Carnal Essence by summoning and pimping out various succubi. This guide will explain how to summon the Taura succubus. Please note that you can buy materials for summing a succubus from Phillip’s Warehouse or the Shrine. You also can receive materials by sacrificing succubi as well as consummating their love with Jake. Some materials aren’t unlocked until you progress further in the story.


To summon the Taura succubus, you’ll need to use the following materials in the Succubus Summoning Circle:

  • 2 Wood
  • 1 Ichor



My Lovely Wife

My Lovely Wife – How to Summon a Shyasta Succubus

by Chappie in

In My Lovely Wife, you’ll take on the role of Jake who has recently become a widower. After forming a partnership with a mysterious researcher, he’ll be tasked with generating Carnal Essence by summoning and pimping out various succubi. This guide will explain how to summon the Shyasta succubus. Please note that you can buy materials for summing a succubus from Phillip’s Warehouse or the Shrine. You also can receive materials by sacrificing succubi as well as consummating their love with Jake. Some materials aren’t unlocked until you progress further in the story.


To summon the Shyasta succubus, you’ll need to use the following materials in the Succubus Summoning Circle:

  • 3 Ichor



My Lovely Wife

My Lovely Wife – How to Summon an Ornia Succubus

by Chappie in

In My Lovely Wife, you’ll take on the role of Jake who has recently become a widower. After forming a partnership with a mysterious researcher, he’ll be tasked with generating Carnal Essence by summoning and pimping out various succubi. This guide will explain how to summon the Ornia succubus. Please note that you can buy materials for summing a succubus from Phillip’s Warehouse or the Shrine. You also can receive materials by sacrificing succubi as well as consummating their love with Jake. Some materials aren’t unlocked until you progress further in the story.


To summon the Ornia succubus, you’ll need to use the following materials in the Succubus Summoning Circle:

  • 1 Wood
  • 2 Animal