Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Lorenz’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Lorenz during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • An insurmountable wall exists between commoners and nobles, but there is only a fine line between a duke and a count.
    • Argue against that view.
  • Gloucester has many beautiful sights as well. I would love for you to see it someday.
    • Say you’re looking forward to it.
  • I wish I could always be my ideal self, but reality makes that quite difficult. What say you?
    • Encourage him to try to attain it.
  • A person cannot grow stronger if they lack ambition. Do you have any aspirations?
    • Keep them to yourself.
  • My father has an unsavory reputation amongst the other nobles, but he is well loved by the commonfolk.
    • Say he’s a wise ruler.
  • Even the highest quality tea leaves will taste horrible if not brewed properly. Do you not agree?
    • Ask if the teaware is also important.
  • I always strive to live up to my noble status. Have I succeeded in your eyes?
    • Say he seems like a true noble.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Commend that.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Act dependable.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Offer encouragement.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Be impressed.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Commend that.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Express admiration.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Say you’re sad to hear that.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Say you get it.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Offer encouragement.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Acquiesce.



For a guide on the gifts that Lorenz loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – An Incurable Shut-In Paralogue

by MrsChappie in


Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. During the An Incurable Shut-In paralogue, you can only use Shez, Bernadetta and Monica for the fight. The options that grant support points during the paralogue are shown below in this pinky purple color.


Dialog Options:

  • Back her up. (increases Bernadetta)
  • Berate her. (increases Monica)


  • Empathize with her.
  • Shrug off her concern.


  • Take a positive stance about Duke Gerth.
  • View him with suspicion.


  • Disagree with her.
  • Agree reluctantly.



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Jeritza’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Jeritza during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • Hmph. I can sense that you and those maggots are of the same ilk.
    • Consider the similarities.
  • The evil inside me and I are one and the same – cursed swordsmen for whom there is no salvation.
    • Say he should atone for his deeds.
  • My mother and sister remain in good health. That is all I… No. Enough.
    • Stay silent.
  • This bores me. I only find delight in battle.
    • Volunteer to spar with him.
  • Don’t bother inviting me to victory parties. I won’t go.
    • Nod quietly.
  • I fight as I see fit. Nothing more.
    • Simply listen.
  • That sword of yours… Perhaps it can excise the evil inside me.
    • Say you’ll try and see.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Give a wordless nod.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Sympathize.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Follow up with concern.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Keep listening.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Agree.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Think about that.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Keep listening.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Admire that about him.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Commend that.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Nod.



For a guide on the gifts that Jeritza loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Manuela’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Manuela during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • I know the river of time flows the same for everyone, but I still fell like I’m trapped in its rapids more often than not.
    • Compliment how ageless she looks.
  • My ideal partner? Hmm…Well, someone who would clean my room without complaining, I suppose.
    • Say that love solves everything.
  • I’m a woman who tends to keep things bottled up, which means I need to let off steam once in a while.
    • Say you’ll accompany her anytime.
  • You might hear rumors about my being a mess when I’m drunk, but don’t you dare believe them!
    • Offer to join her every so often.
  • My beautiful singing voice is a gift from the goddess herself – a gift I would very much like to share.
    • Compliment her magnificent voice.
  • Everyone has at least a little darkness in them. Is there really anyone out there who is truly pure?
    • Say that can be alluring too.
  • I’m not single because I want to be. I just haven’t found “the one” yet…
    • Cheer her up with a rational excuse.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Give a counterargument.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Sympathize.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Dispute that.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Ask for more details.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Say she really cares for her friends.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Nod.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Express admiration.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Nod.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Admonish.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Laugh.



For a guide on the gifts that Manuela loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Balthus’ Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Balthus during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • You should open yourself up to nature, like I do. It’s good for the soul.
    • Give it a try.
  • Just once, I’d like to be that guy who single-handedly turns the tide of battle.
    • Worry that he’ll get himself killed.
  • I’m pretty good at picking my fights, but these are hard times for folks who can’t say the same.
    • Admit you’re not good at it either.
  • Up for some sparring? I mean, we don’t have to, but…
    • Take him up on that.
  • Whenever I find myself somewhere with fresh air, I start to miss the mustiness of Abyss.
    • Ask him to tell you about Abyss.
  • You might not know this, but there was a fourth house at Garreg Mach called the Ashen Wolves.
    • Say you did actually know that.
  • If you’ve ever seen an unwholesome type trying to take a shot at me, be a pal and lend a hand, all right?
    • Laugh and say he’d owe you one.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Give a rueful smile.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Ask for more details.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Let that sink in for a moment.
  • Ask about their home.
    • Agree.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Act dependable.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Commend that.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Be confounded.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Commend that.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Give a pep talk.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Laugh.



For a guide on the gifts that Balthus loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Black Eagles Documents

by MrsChappie in


Below are the documents that can be found in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes if you sided with the Black Eagles! To find documents for the other houses, click here!


Scarlet Blaze: Part I – Chapter 4 – The Struggle Commences

Imperial Territories of Adrestia: Book One

This book can be found on the altar in the church.


Report on Abyss

This book can be found on some parcels between a vegetable stall and the stables.


Empire Nobles I

This book can be found on the long table behind Edelgard.


Scarlet Blaze: Part I – Chapter 5 – Skirmish in the Fog

Empire Nobles II

This book can be found on a table next to the beds in the tent with Manuela.


Traveler’s Journal I

This book can be found on a table outside of the mess hall.


Scarlet Blaze: Part I – Chapter 6 – Bridge of Betrayal

Traveler’s Journal II

This book can be found on a table outside of the building with Ashe in it.


History of Fodlan I

This book can be found on the desk next to the Tactics Instructor.


Scarlet Blaze: Part I – Chapter 7 – The Triumph of Valor

History of Fodlan II

This book can be found on the table behind Caspar.


Scarlet Blaze: Part I – Chapter 8 – The Maiden’s Peril

Imperial Territories of Adrestia: Book Two

This book can  be found on a crate in the kitchen behind the Kitchen Master.


Scarlet Blaze: Part II – Chapter 10 – Shifting History

Dagda War Journal Excerpt

This book can be found on a table near Ashe outside of the kitchen.


Scarlet Blaze: Part II – Chapter 11 – Heroic Bloodlines

Bundle of Illustrations

This book can be found on a table in the medical tent.


Scarlet Blaze: Part II – Chapter 13 – Severing the Past

Book of Seiros I

This book can be found in the white medical tent.


Scarlet Blaze: Part II – Chapter 14 – Torment of the Eagle and Lion

Piece of an Old Note

This book can be found on the long table near Hubert.



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Ashe’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Ashe during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • It’s almost like a dream for a commoner like me to be fighting alongside all these nobles.
    • Say that he earned it.
  • I’m glad you asked me out here. Work has sort of ground to a halt recently.
    • Promise to invite him again.
  • I worked so hard to get into the academy, only for it to close down right after I finally walked through the doors.
    • Say he can learn on the battlefield.
  • I wonder what life would’ve been like if you never showed up at the academy.
    • Say it would’ve been a bumpy ride.
  • Everyone has to figure out their own sense of justice for themselves.
    • Say that’s exactly right.
  • It’s been so long, I can’t even remember my father’s voice. Though I do remember the taste of his cooking, strangely enough.
    • Ask for more details.
  • Lonato taught me so much. I couldn’t even read before I ended up at Castle Gaspard.
    • Say that you’ll be his teacher now.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Ask for more details.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Sympathize.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Act encouraging.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Express admiration.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Give a pep talk.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Offer encouragement.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Be silent.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Commend that.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Picture it in your mind.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Say you trust him.



For a guide on the gifts that Ashe loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Constance’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Constance during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • When I watch tea diffuse through water in my cup, I feel a fleeting moment of happiness.
    • Say enjoying it together is nice too.
  • You have also experienced the trauma of losing everything, have you not? We’re kindred spirits in that sense.
    • Say you’re here now because of it.
  • I suspect I’d be more useful to the army if I just left it altogether.
    • Say she’s definitely useful in the army.
  • I have drifted through the Kingdom, the Empire, and even Garreg Mach during my time in this most transient of worlds.
    • Tell her that you feel the same.
  • Are you familiar with curses? Unlike magic, there is much I do not understand about the art.
    • Say you want to learn to use them.
  • I feel I would be more fit to serve as a squire who tended to cleaning and laundry. What do you think?
    • Be seriously unsure how to answer.
  • I wonder if I will ever genuinely laugh from the bottom of my heart. Heh…
    • Suggest you laugh together.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Dispute that.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Be doubtful.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Cheer up.
  • Ask about their home.
    • Follow up with concern.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Laugh.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Act dependable.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Ask for more details.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Commend that.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Look confused.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Blush.



For a guide on the gifts that Constance loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Monica’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Monica during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • Are you ever overcome with feelings of complete and utter helplessness? I’m asking for a friend, of course.
    • Say you’ve never felt that way.
  • Don’t you think Her Majesty is at her most beautiful in profile? Apologies, just a stray thought.
    • Admire her devotion.
  • My father was not a legitimate heir, and in truth had no desire to inherit his title. The situation is… complicated, to say the least.
    • Catch her meaning and feel for her.
  • I remember every single word you’ve said – even tracing back to when you first burst in to save me.
    • Say you’re glad she’s all right.
  • Fighting inland for too long makes me miss the sea near my home. I used to love swimming there.
    • Vow to all go together someday.
  • If Her Majesty wills it, I want to annihilate every last one of those who slither in the dark.
    • Say you need to learn the truth first.
  • I know Hubert is capable, but his attitude leaves much to be desired!
    • Smirk and say she’s not much better.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Get competitive over it.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Be shocked.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Be sad.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Get competitive over it.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Give a pep talk.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Lean forward in excitement.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Get competitive over it.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Be pleased.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Be dispirited.
  • Ask about their home.
    • Be doubtful.



For a guide on the gifts that Monica loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Linhardt’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Linhardt during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • The aristocracy of ten meets in the Imperial capital, so I recognized many of the other students when I first arrived at the academy.
    • Envy him for having such old friends.
  • I’m fond of the little silences you often get in the middle of conversations.
    • Stay silent.
  • Mind if I catch some shut-eye? I feel so safe with you I can’t help myself.
    • Wake him with a funny story.
  • I thought for certain you would have a Crest, but no. I still find that so strange…
    • Offer to help him research.
  • Have you ever been to Hevring territory? The seat of power sits in a steep valley, and the slopes are simply impossible!
    • Say it’d be perfect for hiding away.
  • Oh, sorry. I was thinking about you so intently that I lost track of the conversation. What were you saying?
    • Crack a joke.
  • Let’s rest here a bit longer. Also, horseback riding really should be classified as heavy labor…
    • Wholeheartedly agree.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Smile.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • Console.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Be impressed.
  • Ask about their family.
    • Contemplate that.
  • Ask about their friends.
    • Act dependable.
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Yawn.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Pick one.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Be impressed.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • Sympathize.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Let that sink in for a moment.



For a guide on the gifts that Linhardt loves, likes and dislikes, click here!