Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Houses – Dedue Gifts

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you can give gifts to increase a unit’s charm and support points. Below are the gifts that Dedue loves, likes and dislikes!



Loves (You mean it’s for… Thank you.)

  • Exotic Spices
  • Floral Adornment
  • Owl Feather
  • Watering Can


Likes (You shouldn’t have.)

  • Ancient Coin
  • Anemone
  • Arithmetic Textbook
  • Armored Bear Stuffy
  • Baby’s Breath
  • Blue Cheese
  • Board Game
  • Book of Crest Designs
  • Carnation
  • Ceremonial Sword
  • Coffee Beans
  • Daffodil
  • Dapper Handkerchief
  • Fishing Float
  • Forget-me-nots
  • Gemstone Beads
  • Goddess Statuette
  • Hunting Dagger
  • Landscape Painting
  • Lavender
  • Legends of Chivalry
  • Lily
  • Lily of the Valley
  • Monarch Studies Book
  • Pitcher Plant
  • Riding Boots
  • Rose
  • Smoked Meat
  • Stylish Hair Clip
  • Sunflower
  • Tasty Baked Treat
  • Tea Leaves
  • Training Weight
  • Violet
  • Whetstone


Dislikes (What…is this?)

  • Book of Sheet Music
  • The History of Fodlan




Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Dimitri’s Expeditions

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you’ll be able to go on expeditions with the units who have a Support Rank of C or higher. Below is a guide on the correct dialog choices for your conversations with Dimitri during the expeditions!




During the expeditions, you might run across an encounter. You’ll know that you’re going to have an encounter if there is an ! to the right of the location on the Select Destination screen. During this encounter, either choice will increase your support points. One of the choices triggers sparkles on the screen after making the selection. We’re not sure what the sparkles mean.



  • I’d like to show you around Fhirdiad if the opportunity arises. I could introduce you to my old friends.
    • Say you’re looking forward to it.
  • At times, I feel there must be some purpose to the strength I was born bearing.
    • Express your thoughts on the matter.
  • Consider the terrain we’re in. How would you assault a position such as this?
    • Say it depends on the situation.
  • I’m not very comfortable around children. I never know quite what to say or how to act.
    • Help him think of things he can try.
  • I prefer not to name my horses if I can avoid it. Growing attached only makes their deaths more painful.
    • Say you understand how he feels.
  • Lady Rhea granted me some wisdom regarding land cultivation the other day. The breadth of her knowledge never ceases to amaze me.
    • Express interest.
  • I have seen much death, often dealt by my own hand. The idea that one can die with dignity is sadly nothing more than a myth.
    • Say that he must always be ready for that.


Ask a Question

  • Ask about their likes.
    • Sympathize.
  • Ask about their dislikes.
    • State your thoughts.
  • Ask about their worries.
    • Nod emphatically.
  • Ask about their home.
    • Smile and nod.
  • Ask about their friends
    • Offer encouragement. 
  • Ask about dreams for the future.
    • Nod.
  • Ask about memories of the past.
    • Agree.
  • Ask about preferred fighting style.
    • Acknowledge it.
  • Ask about any personal news.
    • State your thoughts.
  • Ask what they think of you.
    • Nod emphatically.



For a guide on the gifts that Dimitri loves, likes and dislikes, click here!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Azure Gleam: Ch. 5 Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Azure Gleam: Part I – Chapter 5 – Skirmish in the Fog are shown below in this pinky purple color. Please note that we chose the Blue Lions House for this playthrough. For guides on other houses, click here!




  • Tell him you understand.
  • Crack a joke.



  • N/A



  • Say that you can.
  • Say that you can’t.



  • Ask for more details.
  • Agree.



  • N/A



  • Ask how they’re different.
  • Agree they’re different.



  • N/A



  • Prompt her to continue.
  • Leave it be.



  • N/A



  • Tell her the Empire’s army will be there too.
  • Agree it’s a relief.



  • Ask who she means.
  • Say nothing.



  • Ask if he’s going to fight too.
  • Ask if that’s the only reason they’re fighting.



  • Accept what she says.
  • Doubt her fighting skill.



  • Introduce yourself.
  • Tell her you’ve heard of her.



  • N/A



  • N/A



  • N/A


Cutscene – Before battle


  • Press the issue.
  • Back off a little.


Cutscene – After battle


  • Don’t deny it.
  • Try to deny it.


  • Go look for them.
  • Stay put.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Azure Gleam: Part I – Chapter 6 – Conspiracy in the Air in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Houses – Dimitri Gifts

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you can give gifts to increase a unit’s charm and support points. Below are the gifts that Dimitri loves, likes and dislikes!



Loves (It’s much appreciated.)

  • Ceremonial Sword
  • Owl Feather
  • Riding Boots
  • Training Weight
  • Whetstone


Likes (Thank you.)

  • Ancient Coin
  • Anemone
  • Arithmetic Textbook
  • Baby’s Breath
  • Blue Cheese
  • Board Game
  • Book of Crest Designs
  • Carnation
  • Coffee Beans
  • Daffodil
  • Dapper Handkerchief
  • Exotic Spices
  • Fishing Float
  • Floral Adornment
  • Forget-me-nots
  • Goddess Statuette
  • Hunting Dagger
  • Landscape Painting
  • Lavender
  • Legends of Chivalry
  • Lily
  • Lily of the Valley
  • Monarch Studies Book
  • Pitcher Plant
  • Rose
  • Smoked Meat
  • Stylish Hair Clip
  • Sunflower
  • Tasty Baked Treat
  • Tea Leaves
  • The History of Fodlan
  • Violet
  • Watering Can


Dislikes (I…will accept it.)

  • Armored Bear Stuffy
  • Book of Sheet Music
  • Gemstone Beads




Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Azure Gleam: Ch. 4 Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Azure Gleam: Part I – Chapter 4 – To War! are shown below in this pinky purple color. Please note that we chose the Blue Lions House for this playthrough. For guides on other houses, click here!


Cutscene – Start of chapter

Kingdom Soldier

  • Motivate her.
  • Sympathize her.




  • N/A



  • Ask if he’ll return to Duscur.
  • Compliment their efforts.



  • Propose practical countermeasures.
  • Sympathize with him.


Ashe / Sylvain

  • Ask about Ailell. (increases Sylvain)
  • Chastise Sylvain. (increases Ashe)



  • N/A



  • Say you feel the same.
  • Say it’ll happen fast.



  • Give a reassuring response.
  • Give a humble response.



  • N/A



  • N/A



  • N/A


Camp – Before final battle


  • Apologize for interrupting.
  • Express concern.


Cutscene – After final battle


  • Nod in agreement.
  • Scold Arval.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Azure Gleam: Part I – Chapter 5 – Skirmish in the Fog in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Blue Lions – Prologue: Ch. 3 Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Prologue: Chapter 3 – Crisis in Fhirdiad are shown below in this pinky purple color. Please note that we chose the Blue Lions House for this playthrough. For guides on other houses, click here!


Cutscene – Start of chapter


  • Say it.
  • Resist the urge and stay quiet.



  • Admit that you feel uneasy.
  • Try to shrug it off.



  • Enthusiastically agree.
  • Reluctantly agree.




  • Try to cheer him up.
  • Scold him.



  • Act surprised by his candor.
  • Wait for him to finish.



  • Tell him you’re reassured.
  • Ask if he’s connected to the Kingdom.


Ingrid / Ashe

  • Praise Lord Lonato. (increases Ashe)
  • Ask who Lord Lonato is.



  • N/A



  • Ask him if he’s Felix’s dad.
  • Introduce yourself.


Felix / Sylvain

  • Ask why he’s upset.
  • Doubt his denial.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Azure Gleam: Part I – Chapter 4 – To War! in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes!



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Scarlet Blaze: Final Ch. Support Points

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, support points signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversations, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together. The options that grant support points during the Scarlet Blaze: Part II – Final Chapter – A Path Forward are shown below in this pinky purple color. Please note that we chose the Black Eagles House for this playthrough. For guides on other houses, click here!




  • Show understanding.
  • Express disappointment.



  • N/A



  • Assure him it’ll be fine.
  • Express concern too.



  • Press him on that.
  • Agree, walking’s the worst.



  • N/A



  • Encourage her.
  • Prioritize his safety.



  • N/A



  • N/A



  • Agree wholeheartedly.
  • Suggest he might not show up.



  • Assure him he will.
  • Express doubt.



  • N/A



  • Ask if he’s worried about the Alliance.
  • Ask if he wants to return to the Alliance.



  • Agree with him.
  • Disagree with him.



  • N/A



  • N/A



  • N/A



  • Say you think about it.
  • Say you focus on fighting.



  • Say you don’t know.
  • Say you aren’t worried about it.



  • Ask what happened between them.
  • Tell him to abandon that fantasy.



  • N/A



  • Refuse.
  • Comment on her suggestions.



  • Suggest it has hidden secrets.
  • Say it’s sacred ground.



  • Sympathize with her.
  • Say you’re in the same boat.



  • N/A



  • N/A



  • N/A



  • Apologize for attacking him.
  • Thank him for not killing you.


Cutscene – Before battle

  • Psyche yourself up.
  • Keep it casual.



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Mercenary Complications Paralogue

by MrsChappie in


Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. In order to obtain the Mercenary Complications paralogue, you’ll need to have Leonie and Shamir amongst your forces. The options that grant support points during the paralogue are shown below in this pinky purple color.


Dialog Options:

  • Ask if she’s headed for a romantic rendezvous.
  • Ask if she’s going to fight someone.
  • Ask if she’s going drinking with someone.


  • Claim you’re coming no matter what.
  • Hesitate.


  • Claim you have no idea.
  • Avoid a super awkward conversation.



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Master Gift Guide

by MrsChappie in


In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you can give gifts to increase a unit’s charm and support points. These gifts can be purchased from the Item Shop at Camp. As you upgrade the shop, more gifts will be added! This guide shows what gifts are LOVED by the units. For a more detailed guide on all the items that each unit loves, likes and dislikes, click here!


Ancient Coin

  • Ashe
  • Balthus
  • Ignatz


  • Hilda

Arithmetic Textbook

  • Annette
  • Constance
  • Lysithea
  • Monica
  • Yuri

Armored Bear Stuffy

  • Bernadetta
  • Edelgard
  • Flayn
  • Hilda
  • Lysithea
  • Marianne

Baby’s Breath

Blue Cheese

  • Balthus
  • Catherine
  • Jeralt
  • Manuela
  • Raphael
  • Rodrigue

Board Game

  • Claude
  • Edelgard
  • Holst
  • Hubert
  • Sylvain
  • Yuri

Book of Crest Designs

  • Claude
  • Constance
  • Linhardt
  • Lysithea

Book of Sheet Music

  • Annette
  • Bernadetta
  • Dorothea
  • Gatekeeper
  • Hilda
  • Lorenz
  • Manuela
  • Shamir


  • Edelgard
  • Monica

Ceremonial Sword

  • Balthus
  • Dimitri
  • Felix
  • Ignatz

Coffee Beans

  • Hapi
  • Hubert
  • Shamir


Dapper Handkerchief

  • Bernadetta
  • Flayn
  • Hilda
  • Marianne
  • Seteth
  • Sylvain

Exotic Spices

  • Ashe
  • Claude
  • Dedue
  • Hapi
  • Holst
  • Petra
  • Shamir

Fishing Float

  • Byleth
  • Jeralt
  • Leonie
  • Linhardt
  • Seteth

Floral Adornment

  • Dedue
  • Lorenz
  • Marianne


  • Flayn
  • Ignatz

Gemstone Beads

  • Dorothea
  • Hilda
  • Manuela
  • Mercedes

Goddess Statuette

  • Gatekeeper
  • Ignatz
  • Manuela
  • Mercedes
  • Yuri

Hunting Dagger

  • Byleth
  • Caspar
  • Felix
  • Hapi
  • Jeritza
  • Leonie
  • Monica
  • Petra
  • Rodrigue
  • Shamir

Landscape Painting

  • Bernadetta
  • Ignatz
  • Sylvain


  • Mercedes

Legends of Chivalry

  • Ashe
  • Catherine
  • Ingrid


  • Lysithea

Lily of the Valley

  • Constance
  • Marianne

Monarch Studies Book

  • Edelgard
  • Monica

Owl Feather

  • Everyone!!

Pitcher Plant

  • Bernadetta
  • Hapi

Riding Boots

  • Claude
  • Dimitri
  • Ferdinad
  • Ingrid
  • Jeralt
  • Rodrigue


  • Jeritza
  • Lorenz

Smoked Meat

  • Caspar
  • Felix
  • Hapi
  • Holst
  • Ingrid
  • Jeralt
  • Petra
  • Raphael
  • Rodrigue

Stylish Hair Clip

  • Annette
  • Dorothea
  • Flayn
  • Hilda


  • Petra
  • Shamir

Tasty Baked Treat

  • Ashe
  • Flayn
  • Hapi
  • Jeritza
  • Linhardt
  • Lysithea
  • Mercedes
  • Raphael
  • Yuri

Tea Leaves

  • Constance
  • Ferdinand
  • Lorenz

The History of Fodlan

  • Byleth
  • Gatekeeper
  • Hubert
  • Monica
  • Seteth

Training Weight

  • Byleth
  • Catherine
  • Dimitri
  • Felix
  • Holst
  • Leonie
  • Raphael


  • Ashe

Watering Can

  • Bernadetta
  • Dedue


  • Balthus
  • Byleth
  • Caspar
  • Catherine
  • Dimitri
  • Ferdinand
  • Jeralt
  • Jeritza
  • Rodrigue



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Like Cats and Dogs Paralogue

by MrsChappie in


Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. In order to obtain the Like Cats and Dogs paralogue, you’ll need to have Caspar and Linhardt amongst your forces. The options that grant support points during the paralogue are shown below in this pinky purple color.


Dialog Options:

  • Agree reluctantly.
  • Refuse to go.


  • Be proud of Caspar.
  • Be jealous.


  • Shut the conversation down.
  • Playfully brush off the suggestion.



  • Jarngreipr (Legendary Fist Relic)
  • Monstrous Strength Ring