
Stray – Chapter 10 Collectibles Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the collectibles found in Chapter 10 of Stray.


B-12 Memory

This memory is obtained automatically as part of the cutscene at the start of the chapter.


B-12 Memory

Head to the other side of the platform and take the stairs up. After you head through the fence, the memory will be in a small makeshift room on the right.



Nuzzle against Ledoc who is sitting right next to the memory. This will give you the Cat’s Best Friend Trophy (saying you followed our previous guides of course)!



After exiting the subway next to the above nuzzle and memory, you’ll take a right on a walkway with some robots. Head up the small flight of stairs to find an elevator on your left.

Jump on the railing on either side of the elevator to find the scratch next to Bonobot.


Cat Badge

When you’re in Midtown, look for a yellow shop with a robot wearing a white coat standing outside of it.

Jump into this shop via the counter and head to the top of the bookshelves to find a safe.

The password can be found by translating the sign on the back of the bookshelf. It is 8542.


B-12 Memory

Facing the yellow shop containing the above badge, head left and take the first right into an alleyway. Follow along the alley until you reach Albert (robot sweeping). Jump up onto the green dumpster next to a yellow vending machine.

You’ll then want to way your way up to the building behind the vending machine to find the memory on a makeshift bed with some pillows.


B-12 Memory

Facing the yellow shop with Paoudre in front, head left and follow the road, heading up a ramp. When you reach the hologram in the center of the road, take a right. This will bring you to a white building with an open window.

Jump into the barber shop then jump onto the couch. From there, head over to the ladder then jump up. This will bring you to a small space containing the memory.


B-12 Memory

This memory can be found in a restaurant behind the giant hologram in the center of the road.

Enter the restaurant then head to the back room. Jump up onto the counter then the white tiled ledge. From there, you’ll be able to enter a hole in the roof. Once up there, follow the drop ceiling to find the memory.


B-12 Memory

From the giant hologram of the robot, look for the long brightly lit yellow building.

Head inside to find the memory on a picture on the wall.


Police Badge

From the giant hologram in the middle of the road, take a nearby set of stairs down.

At the bottom of the stairs, take a right into an alleyway. This will be next to a clothes store. Near the door leading to the clothes store, there will be a makeshift table. Use it to reach some AC units. Keep heading left, climbing up as high as you can go. This will bring you to a metal overhang under a window with 2 bars.

Jump into the window then jump down into the cell. Inspect the badge on the dead robot.


Neco Badge

As you progress through the story in the factory, there will be a robot leaning against the railing along the main path. If you speak to him, he’ll want 3 keys. To get the keys, open the door via the switch then walk next to the moving box until you reach the left corridor. Jump onto the barrel in the water then head to the right (instead of going straight into the next room). The key will be along the barrels.

Continue across the barrels to the next room. Before the next drone, take a left then open the switch behind the boxes. Return to the robot that requested the keys to get the badge.


B-12 Memory

When you’re in the nightclub as part of the story, jump on the counter behind the bartender and stand in the middle of the square box.

It will take you down to a lower level where you can find the memory on a table in the center of the room.


Scratch Trophy

Facing the bar, the right most bar table will have a vinyl record. Pick up the record and carry it to the turntable in front of the DJ. Once on the turntable, scratch it!


Click here for the next walkthrough on the collectibles found during Chapter 11 in Stray!



Live A Live

Live A Live – Prehistory: The First Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Prehistory: The First chapter in Live A Live.


Safe Cave

When you gain control of Pogo, interact with the other person sleeping in the cave to cause Gori to join your party. Next head over to the stone dresser and interact with it to receive a stick then exit the cave. Speak with the caveman blocking your path, then head into the next room on the right. Interact with the room rock furniture in the back corner of the room to receive a hard rock, stick and pelt. You can then speak to the caveman in the room to play a guessing game with him. Depending on which picture he points to you’ll want to know which stack has the most caveman, the least caveman or the one Gori is hiding in. You’ll win a stick, bone, beast horn, beast fang, pelt, dried skins and hard rock each time you guess right. To play this game, the caveman will show you two pictures.


When you’re ready to move on, exit the room and follow the hallway right to reach another room with three beds and a trio of cavemen blocking some rock containers in the back. Speak with the three to get them to move then interact with the shelves to receive a bone and stick. Return to the hallway and head all the way to the left to reach a big open room filled with cavemen.


If you head to the southwestern room with the tools above the door, you’ll reach the crafting room. Speak with the caveman behind the counter and give him a rock and stick to make a strong axe weapon. Head back to the previous room. If you want, you can enter the room on the right side with a single bone above the door. It contains the kitchen which can provide a mildly funny event if you interact with the food. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, head through the western door in the big open room with horns above it and speak with the elder. He’ll task you will hunting food for the clan. Before leaving, interact with the stone container on the left side of the room to find a stick.


Make your way back to the previous room then go through the newly unblocked northern doorway to reach a new hallway. Follow it northeast, heading through the exit of Safe Cave.


Hunting Ground

Speak with the elder for a quick tutorial on smell then you’ll be let loose to hunt animals in the area using Pogo’s smell. In case it wasn’t clear, you’ll need to hit the Y button on the controller to make smell clouds appear. Run into them to get either the image of a deer or a red question mark. The deer image means there is an animal to hunt nearby. You’ll then need to run to a small section of nearby cloud to engage the animal in battle. Some clouds don’t trigger a battle but instead lead you towards other clouds that do have battles. The red question mark means that there is an item nearby on the ground for you to collect. Keep hunting the wild game here until Pogo tells you it’s time to return to the elder. Another thing to note is if you climb up on top of the dinosaur skeleton near the Safe Cave, you’ll find some dried skins on the top. Return to the elder and speak with him then return to your room. Interact with the bed to hit the hay.


Safe Cave

When you regain control of Pogo, follow the hallway left to reach the main hall. You’ll then want to enter the kitchen on the right side of the room and interact with Gori on the floor to wake him up. Next exit the kitchen causing a short event to occur.  Re-enter the kitchen interacting with the bone on the ground to collect it. When you’re ready, examine the first bale of hay on the left causing the intruder to pop up then move to another bale of hay. Keep interacting with the different bales of hay until it seems like the intruder disappears. At this point, use your smell power to summon a scent cloud and follow it to a bale of hay. Interacting with the hay will cause it to move to the right side of the room. Before approaching it, collect the haunch of meat from the nearby stone table. When you get close to the hay you’ll be prompted to select an item. Choose the haunch of meat. You’ll then need to exit the kitchen and re-enter it. Head for the bale of hay on the right side of the room again to trigger an event. When it concludes, interact with Gori and exit the kitchen. Head back towards your room to discover a caveman standing in the doorway. Use Pogo to move him causing another event to occur. Afterward, return to the kitchen to grab the hay bale. You can now return to the caveman and move him to enter your room. Interact with the bed to progress the story.


When Pogo wakes up, head to the left side of the room and interact with the bale of hay to trigger an event. Wake up Gori when it ends then leave your room. Follow the hallway left (waking up the sleeping caveman blocking your path) to reach the main hall. Head through the northernmost door making your way to the Hunting Ground.


Hunting Ground

Once in the Hunting Ground, put your golden sniffer to work hunting down wild game to procure some haunch of meat for our new special lady. I would case the area and grab as much as you can. When you’re finished return to the Safe Cave.


Safe Cave

Head back to your room and interact with the bale of hay to hand over a haunch of meat. You’ll then want to go to the main hall and exit out the northernmost door. Follow the hallway straight and speak with the caveman blocking the path to trigger an event. Return to the main hall for another event. When you regain control of Pogo and Gori, go back to the main hall for another event followed by a fight against 5 cavemen. After that, you’ll face their leader Zaki. Zaki can be a bit annoying because he attacks multiple time in a row dishing out some serious damage. After you whoop his butt, an event triggers.


Wild Lands

Make your way northeast to find a small cave. Along the way, it might be a good place to grind out some levels. Just keep an eye out for large groups of enemies as they the beasts in this area are stronger than the ones you have faced thus far. When you’re ready to progress the story, enter the cave to trigger a dialog event. Please note that entering the cave will lock you into a boss fight. You won’t be able to leave until you defeat the boss. I’d highly recommend being close to level 10 before taking on the boss. It might also be a good idea to upgrade your gear via crafting. There is a caveman in the northwestern part of the Wild Lands that will do this for you if you provide the materials.


Wild Lands – Cave

Head through the open doorway to trigger an event leading to a fight with Zaki. You will be fighting alone with just Pogo. The fight should not be too difficult if you’re at or around level 10 and decently geared. After defeating him, an event will trigger. Head down to the entrance of the cave and interact with Gori. You can then use him to destroy the rocks blocking your path. Afterwards, head through the doorway for another event.



When you gain control of Pogo, you’ll be in a giant flower field. Head north until another event triggers.


Wild Lands – Cave

When you awake, head to the northern wall and look for a section you can interact with. You’ll need to interact with it a few times for Pogo to create an opening. Head through to find yourself back in the room with the campfire. Proceed through the northern doorway then follow the path to the other doorway.


Cliff Path

Follow the path west through the Cliff Path. You’ll eventually come to a cave with 2 trees containing skulls on them out front. There will also be a wondering caveman who can craft some things for you here if needed. When you’re ready, enter the cave!


Kuu Village

Approach the sleeping guard to trigger an event then follow the path right. Approach the cliff overlooking the cave to trigger another event. Head back down the path towards the caveman guard to trigger yet another event. Head past where the sleeping guard was then enter the right most doorway. Inside there will be some stone containers you can loot containing stone knife, pelt and hard rock. Next, you’ll want to speak with Gori then enter the doorway on the right side of the room. This will bring you to a hallway. Enter the room straight ahead to find some stone containers with a bone and stick. Return to the hallway and follow it right to reach a doorway with a skull above it. Head inside then follow the tunnel north. Another event will trigger when you head through the doorway. Afterwards, make your way back to Gori. Speak with him a couple of times and he’ll rejoin the party. Return to the room with all 5 cavemen. Approaching the doorway triggers another event. When it concludes, you’ll finally be able to head through the doorway. This will be a good place to save as pressing forward will trigger a boss fight.


Sacrifice Altar

When you’re ready, proceed through the door to trigger an event followed by a fight with Zaki. You’ll fight Zaki solo with Pogo. When his health gets low, an event will trigger leading to a boss fight against Odo! It has 992 Health and deals massive damage per hit. The strategy we used to beat him was pushing him into the back left corner of the area using Wheel Jack on Pogo. We then used the Poop Throw with Gori to poison the ground under it dealing extra damage every turn. Keep wailing on it while keeping it in the corner with Wheel Jack. Also as a side note, Pretty Boy joins you during this fight. After you defeat him, you’ll complete the Prehistory chapter.




Stray – Chapter 9 Collectibles Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the collectibles found in Chapter 9 of Stray.


B-12 Memory

This memory is obtained automatically as part of the story.



At the beginning of the chapter, head up the ladder on the left then look next to the two robots sitting on a bunk bed to find some wood leaning against the wall. Scratch it!


Cat-a-strophe Trophy

At the beginning of the chapter, head up the ladder on the left. Look ahead on your left to find 2 robots sitting at a table.

Jump onto the table to trigger the trophy!


B-12 Memory

After speaking with Zbaltazar at the top of this place, head down to where the robot is sitting on the couch watching TV. Facing this robot, look on the wall to the right to find the memory.


Plant Badge

For this badge, you must gather 3 plants. Facing the above memory, take a right and go behind the ladder.

From there, climb onto the tree and follow the branches to reach the Purple Plant.

Exit the tree and take a right. Jump into the bucket behind the 2 mahjong players.

After you descend, head to the 2 robots playing in the dirt by the tree.

Take the Red Plant. Head all the way back to the floor with Zbaltazar. Facing Zbaltazar, head right to reach a bar. Facing the couch in the bar, take the pipe on the left that swings around the back of the bar.

Grab the Yellow Plant on the pipe. With all 3 plants collected, head back to Zbaltazar. Facing this robot, jump onto the wooden box to the right.

From there, keep following the path up via the pipes. At the top, speak with the robot watering the plants.


Click here for the next walkthrough on the collectibles found during Chapter 10 in Stray!




Stray – Chapter 8 Collectibles Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the collectibles found in Chapter 8 of Stray.


Pacifist Trophy

For the Pacifist trophy, you must not kill any Zurks with the flashlight during this chapter!


B-12 Memory

Keep heading through the sewers until you reach the section where Momo has to manually lift the door. Proceed into this tunnel and jump onto the walkway ahead.

Take a left to head into a brightly lit hallway. Follow it to the right. Take the first left just past some Zurk pods on the wall. You’ll then have to quickly run through a handful of Zurk pods on the ground.

Jump into an open pipe in the wall on the left side. At the end of the pipe, you’ll find the memory on a railing overlooking an open area in the sewer.


B-12 Memory

As you progress through the level, you’ll come to a room infested with Zurks and eyes watching you from the walls. Just past this room, you’ll have to jump onto a pipe. Do so then turn left. Follow the pipe then jump to the smaller one on the left.

Follow the path up some barrels and through a tunnel to find the memory.



When you come to a large room with two terminals on either side of a locked door, use both terminal to open a door. Head up the flight of stairs. A wooden board will be on the ground next to a pile of barrels. Scratch it!


Click here for the next walkthrough for Chapter 9 in Stray!




Stray – Chapter 7 Collectibles Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the collectibles found in Chapter 7 of Stray.


Outsider Badge

This badge is unmissable as you’ll get it as part of the story at the beginning of Chapter 7.


B-12 Memory

After Seamus gives you the badge, he’ll open a door. Head through and follow the sidewalk until you reach the end. Take a left and head to the garage door to find the memory.


B-12 Memory

After both segments of the Zurk chase, the cat will take a major tumble. Head forward to find a capsized truck. Jump on the truck and take the pipes to the top of a higher level. When you reach an area with narrow concrete walls, head straight to find a fence with a broken corner section.

Take a right to find the memory.


B-12 Memory

Interact with the mannequin in Doc’s house.



Scratch the wall in the room across from the mannequin.


Click here for the next walkthrough on the collectibles found during Chapter 8 of Stray!




Stray – Chapter 6 Collectibles Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below are the collectibles found during Chapter 6 of Stray.



Scratch the rug directly in front of you at the beginning of the chapter.


Seamus Puzzle / Doc’s Hidden Workshop

When in Seamus’s house as part of the story, knock off the picture frames above the desk on the wall. Translate the wall to get the hint for the keypad of “Time will tell”. The clocks on the wall read 2511.

Enter this code on the keypad to reveal the hidden door. Enter the hidden room. Climb to the top of the bookshelf next to the dry erase board then knock the box off the top to cause the Broken Tracker to spill out.

Speak with Seamus.


Click here for the next walkthrough on the collectibles found during Chapter 7 in Stray!




Stray – Chapter 5 Collectibles Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide on the collectibles found during Chapter 5 of Stray.



This rug can be found on the roof where you start at the beginning of the chapter.


B-12 Memory

From the scratch, keep following the path until you come across a giant billboard. The billboard is the memory.


B-12 Memory

After crossing a crane, you’ll enter a building. Work your way up to the upper level. You’ll come to a floor with a gated area filled with Zurks and a barrel. Follow the floor past the gated room to find the sign in a corner past a stack of metal bars.


B-12 Memory

This memory is obtained automatically as part of the story.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Chapter 6 in Stray!




Stray – Chapter 4 Collectibles Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the collectibles found in Chapter 4 of Stray. You’ll need to collect all the music sheets, B-12 memories, badges and scratches in each chapter for the Meowlody, I Remember!, Badges and Territory trophies.



Interact with the Guardian’s golden leg by pressing triangle to nuzzle his leg.



This scratchable rug can be found in the garage to the left of the Guardian.


Curiosity Killed the Cat Trophy

Head to the left of the Guardian and go down a set of stairs to find a paper bag to the right of Morusque.

Interact with it to receive the Curiosity Killed the Cat trophy!


B-12 Memory

Mural (Art) – This memory can be found at the top of the alley to the left of Morusque.


Energy Drink Speed 2K

Directly across from Morusque, interact with the blue vending machine and pick up the can it spits out.


Sheet Music 8/8

Interact with the safe in the alley to the right of Morusque to retrieve a code. You can then show the code to B-12 who will tell you that you need to find a way to decipher the code. The code is 1283. Once you obtain the sheet music, speak with Morusque.


Boom Chat Kalaka Trophy

At the start of Chapter 4 in Stray, there is a basketball on the ledge to the right of the Guardian. Push it down the stairs into the awaiting bucket to receive the Boom Chat Kalaka trophy. If you don’t make it in the bucket, head down the hill and just push it in if you can. If you can’t restart the checkpoint and try again.


Sheet Music 4/8

At the bottom of the stairs, you can find Azooz at The Market Place nearby.

You’ll be able to purchase several items from him. For now, just purchase the Sheet Music 4/8 for 1 Energy Drink Can.


Nuzzle / Nuzzle

With the Guardian behind you, head down the stairs and take a left. Head up a flight of stairs to reach Riko and Zakk talking around a burn barrel. Nuzzle both of their legs.


B-12 Memory

Table – With your back to the Guardian, head down the stairs and enter the bar on the left.

Head upstairs to find the memory on the left.


Sheet Music 5/8

In the same room as the above memory, the sheet music can be found on the table next to the table where Kaarl is sitting.



With the Guardian behind you, head down the stairs and keep going straight. Follow the alley left and take a right at the stairs. Grandma will be straight ahead under the lighted overhang.


Energy Drink Speed 2K

Facing Grandma, head right down the alleyway. At the end, there will be a stack of wooden crates next to a ladder.

Climb to the top of them then the ledge on the right to find the vending machine. Interact with it then pick up the can it spits out.


Energy Drink Speed 2K

Across from Grandma, you’ll find a stack of crates near 2 robots sitting on a mat.

Use them to climb all up to the roof of the building. Hector will be at the top of this building. Diagonally from Heptor, there will be a boarding hanging off the edge. Use it to jump to an adjacent building where you can find a vending machine. Interact with it then pick up the can it spits out.


Tele a chat Trophy

For the Tele a chat Trophy in Stray, you’ll have to browse through all of the TV channels. To do this, head to Grandma then use the nearby crates to climb to the top of the building with Heptor.

You’ll then need to jump to the building diagonally from him with the vending machine on it.

Climb up the crates to the left of the vending machine to reach the roof. This roof will have the TV on it. Interact with the remote on the couch and flip through the channels until the trophy pops!


Sheet Music 7/8

Facing the couch, make your way to the balcony behind the couch and enter through the hole at the bottom of the boarded door.

In this apartment, grab the sheet music from the piano in the center of the room.


Doc’s Notebook 3/4

From the piano, head to the back right side of the room to find a smaller room with a bed in it. Translate the note on the bed to receive a key to a safe. Exit the room then take a left. After passing the first bookshelf, take a right then jump onto the tall stack of books on the left. Jump off the books to cause the books to fall, revealing the safe.

Use the key to open the safe then grab the notebook!


Sheet Music 3/8

Near Grandma, there will be 2 robots sitting down against a building.

Scratch on the door to the right of them then head inside when the robot opens it. Interact with the sheet music on the wall.



Head upstairs to find a rug you can scratch!


B-12 Memory

Plant – This memory can be found next to the rug.


Energy Drink Speed 2K

With the Guardian behind you, head down the stairs then take a right, following the alleyway left. Keep heading straight and go up a flight of stairs. The vending machine will be in front of you!

Interact with it then pick up the can it spits out.


B-12 Memory

This memory will be on the wall right next to the above Energy Drink Speed 2K.


B-12 Memory

Now that you should have a total of 3 Energy Drink Cans, return to Azooz at The Market Place and purchase the Ancient Relic for 3 Energy Drink Cans.


B-12 Memory

Dead Robot (Midtown) – This memory is on top of the building diagonally from the Guardian. With your back to the Guardian, it will be the building on the left.


Sheet Music 6/8

Climb to the roof of the bar then look for the blue painted wall with a red lantern next to an open window.

Climb through this window to enter the building. Walk through one of the broken sections of the door to enter a bedroom. Look to the right to find the sheet music on a bookshelf next to the bed.


Clementine’s Notebook 4/4

In the closet of this bedroom, look on the desk next to the computer to find the notebook.


Sheet Music 2/8

Exit the building with the above collectibles via the window and follow the pipe left. Jump onto the balcony and collect the sheet music from the table.


Super Spirit Detergent

This item can be found on a table in the laundromat, which is across from the bar.

In order to enter the building, you’ll have to climb to the roof of the laundromat where one robot is tossing paint to another robot. You’ll need to interact with Vapora then meow right as he is about to throw the paint can. This will cause him to drop it, creating a mess on the sidewalk below. The owner of the laundromat comes out enraged, thus granting you access to the building. After grabbing the detergent, take it to The Market Place to exchange it for an Electric Cable. Bring this cable to Grandma to receive a Poncho. You’ll need this for the story in Chapter 6.


Zbaltazar’s Notebook 2/4

Head to the rooftop of the laundromat where the 2 robots were tossing paint cans. Jump to the roof where Mito. When facing Mito’s back, head left and follow the strand of lights up to a higher roof.

There will be a power cell you can unplug from a ventilation power supply. This will stop the fan next to the power cell from spinning, allowing you to jump down into a house.

Do so then jump onto the stack of boxes by the door near the picture frames. This will cause them to fall, thus revealing Zbaltazar’s Notebook 2/4.

Exit the above house by scratching the blinds.


B-12 Memory

Head to the roof between the robots throwing paint cans and the couch and TV. Swanito will be sleeping on this roof.

Jump to the ledge across from Swanito’s feet then climb up on the A/C units there to reach a balcony with an open window. DO NOT TALK TO MOMO! Instead, head into the bedroom past him then interact with the poster on the wall to receive a memory.


Sheet Music 1/8

In Momo’s house, head down the hallway across from Momo then look to the left to find a door with some metal bars. Squeeze through the bars then climb up the boxes to reach the shelf containing the music.



Scratch the rug in the middle of room with Momo.


Momo’s Notebook 1/4

Speak with Momo and show him only the Postcard memory to receive this notebook.


Meowlody Trophy / Music Badge

Leave Momo’s apartment and make your way to Morusque to show him all the music sheets! You’ll then earn the Meowlody trophy!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 5 in Stray!




Stray – Curiosity Killed the Cat Trophy

by MrsChappie in


At the start of Chapter 4 in Stray, head to the left of the Guardian and go down a set of stairs to find a paper bag to the right of Morusque.

Interact with it to receive the Curiosity Killed the Cat trophy!




Stray – Tele a chat Trophy

by MrsChappie in


For the Tele a chat Trophy in Stray, you’ll have to browse through all of the TV channels. To do this, find a TV that is on and press the nearby remote until the trophy triggers.


The first TV we found is in Chapter 4. To reach it, head to Grandma then use the nearby crates to climb to the top of the building with Heptor.

You’ll then need to jump to the building diagonally from him with the vending machine on it. Climb up the crates to the left of the vending machine to reach the roof.

This roof will have the TV on it. Interact with the remote on the couch and flip through the channels until the trophy pops!