Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Okuwamon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Okuwamon’s questions!


  • The monster looks away, as if bored.
    • Pretend to cry.
    • Throw something.
    • Lure him with food.
    • Keep talking to him.
  • The monster seems to be pleading hungrily.
    • Give him vegetables.
    • Give him candy.
    • Give him fruit.
    • Give him water.
  • The monster seems perplexed by the sight of a human.
    • Strut around.
    • Taunt him.
    • Sigh at him.
    • Smile and wave.
  • The monster has taken a threatening stance!
    • Glare at him.
    • Take a stance.
    • Act harmless.
    • Take a step back.
  • The monster thrashes about on the spot.
    • Stare coldly at him.
    • Calm him down.
    • Just wait.
    • Yell threateningly.
  • Me…eat you…okay?
    • Don’t make me mad.
    • I’m afraid not.
    • Yes, you eat now!
    • Try it, if you dare.
  • Human…no good!
    • Sorry to bother you.
    • Please listen to me.
    • You’re in my way.
    • I wanna be friends!




Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 11 Moral Route Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the moral route of Part 11 in Digimon Survive.


Cafeteria – Decision

  • In the end, I think we should prioritize…
    • Beating the Master. (moral)
    • Rescuing Miyuji. (wrathful)
    • Finding another way. (harmony)


Woods by School – Exploration

  • Use camera on a tree from the left side of the screen to find a shadow. Either fight or run.
  • Use camera on a tree in the center of the screen to find an item.


Old School – Free Activity

  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • What should I say to Minoru?
      • You’re really brave.
      • I’m counting on you. (Minoru affinity up)


Corridor – Free Activity

  • Saki (costs 1 move)
    • What I want to say to Saki is…
      • I’m glad we came here. (Saki affinity up)
      • Let’s hurry back!


Music Room – Free Activity

  • Use a camera on the right side to find an item.
  • Professor (costs 1 move)
    • Ultimate Enlightenment Slab x1


Cafeteria – Free Activity

  • Use camera behind Agumon to find an item.
  • Aoi (costs 1 move)
    • How should I respond to Aoi?
      • The feeling is mutual. (Aoi affinity up)
      • I should be grateful.


Gym – Free Activity

  • Miu (costs 1 move)
    • What can I say to cheer up Miu?
      • Glad you missed this.
      • Glad you went there. (Miu affinity up)


Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera on the left side of the stairs to find an item.


Spider Lily Forest – Free Activity

  • Use camera on tree next to Kaito to find an item.
  • Kaito (costs 1 move)
    • How should I show my feelings to Kaito?
      • I’m counting on you. (Kaito affinity up)
      • Thanks, man.


Classroom – Decision

  • What should I say to Agumon?
    • Yes, I have! (moral)
    • It feels natural. (wrathful)
    • Hm, I dunno… (harmony)



  • For this battle, you’ll face Level 48 Puppetmon and his minions. The chest on the field contains a Stirring Fire Crystal. Defeat this enemy to be victorious!


Old School – Decision

  • What should we do now?
    • Save Miyuki now. (moral)
    • Stop dawdling. (wrathful)
    • I think we’re ready. (harmony)


Spider Lily Forest – Decision

  • What’s the right plan here?
    • Hide and wait. (moral)
    • Launch an ambush! (wrathful)
    • Make for the shrine. (harmony)


Spider Lily Forest – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll be fighting Puppetmon with 2 allies. Focus on Puppetmon to win the battle. The chest on the field contains Boost Bushell.


Woods by Shrine – Exploration

  • Use the camera next to Agumon to find Spirited Away: Chapter 5.
  • Interact with the grass to the right of Agumon to find Ultimate Enlightenment Slab.


Shrine – Exploration

  • Use the camera behind Agumon to find an item.
  • Use the camera to the left between the 2 stone lanterns to find a shadow. Either fight it or run.
  • Professor
    • Gives Antibiotic Crystal


Deep under Shrine – Decision

  • To open this door, we should…
    • Talk to Puppetmon. (moral)
    • Steal from Puppetmon. (wrathful)
    • Find another Magatama. (harmony)


Spider Lily Forest – Exploration

  • Use the camera on the left side to find a shadow. Either fight it or run!


Inner Shrine – Decision

  • What strategy should we follow, here?
    • Take them head-on! (moral)
    • Strike first! (wrathful)
    • Try and talk first. (harmony)


Shrine – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll be fighting Puppetmon with its allies. Focus on Puppetmon to win the battle. The chest on the field contains Boost Bushell.


Shrine Lowest Lev. – Decision

  • How should I respond to Renamon?
    • Anyone can leave. (moral)
    • Ready as ever. (wrathful)
    • Let’s stop to think. (harmony)


Before the Depths – Decision

  • I think our priority should be to…
    • Keep moving. (moral)
    • Ponder the messages. (wrathful)
    • Send a test message. (harmony)


Before the Depths – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll face a Level 55 boss who will summon adds to defend themself. The chests on the field contain a Clarifying Dark Crystal and Fine Anti-Dark Crystal. The best strategy for this fight is to just focus on the boss and deal with the adds if they get close to you. As you chip away at the boss’ health, multiple cutscenes will trigger.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Part 12 in Digimon Survive!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending MegaKabuterimon

by MrsChappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to MegaKabuterimon’s questions!


  • The monster bends forward, scowling at you.
    • Look apologetic.
    • Jump aside.
    • Clap vigorously.
    • Mimic his posture.
  • The monster shakes his head as he starts to leave.
    • Nod your head.
    • Shake your fist.
    • Shake your head.
    • Speak kindly to him.
  • The monster seems interested in what the humans are saying.
    • Stay quiet.
    • Talk to him slowly.
    • Howl like a beast.
    • Rattle on and on.
  • The monster just stands there.
    • Stand silently.
    • Make a lot of noise.
    • Gesture.
    • Sing a song.
  • The monster looks warily in this direction.
    • Smile back.
    • Try to soothe him.
    • Chicken out.
    • Prepare to fight.
  • The monster is trying to say something.
    • Go “Nyooww” back.
    • Show your confusion.
    • Give it some food.
    • Cock your head.
  • The monster is staring in fascinated confusion.
    • Grin and wave.
    • Take a step forward.
    • Look away.
    • Stare right back.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending WarGreymon

by MrsChappie in

As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to WarGreymon’s questions!

  • Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?
    • You look strong.
    • Not really.
    • I eat everything!
    • I prefer vegetables.
  • I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right?
    • Even more than you!
    • I’m not like you.
    • Grin and bear it.
    • You know your stuff!
  • This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here!
    • I’ll think about it.
    • You give ME food!
    • I need this food.
    • Hunt for yourself!
  • Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best!
    • Thanks for the lesson!
    • Yeah, the best!
    • Really? I can’t sleep.
    • It’s bad for your gut.
  • Arrrgh! Grraaaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way!
    • Let it simmer down.
    • Calm down already!
    • That’s crazy talk.
    • We can’t live alone.
  • I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahaha!
    • This’ll be your grave.
    • Not if I beat you!
    • Scary! But I’ll win.
    • Nice, a tough one!
  • Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy!
    • [Stare in amazement.]
    • I know what you mean.
    • Have more patience!
    • Can’t say the same…
Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending SkullGreymon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to SkullGreymon’s questions!


  • The monster looks warily in this direction.
    • Smile back.
    • Try to soothe him.
    • Chicken out.
    • Prepare to fight.
  • The monster just stands there.
    • Stand silently.
    • Make a lot of noise.
    • Gesture.
    • Sing a song.
  • The monster shakes his head as he starts to leave.
    • Nod your head.
    • Shake your fist.
    • Shake your head.
    • Speak kindly to him.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending MarineDevimon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to MarineDevimon’s questions!


  • You sure like to puff out your chest around a weak monster like myself.
    • Oh. My bad.
    • Liar. You’re not weak.
    • How rude!
    • Strength’s irrelevant.
  • Let’s make a deal: Throw the fight and I’ll give you an item!
    • Interesting proposal!
    • I don’t believe you.
    • I’ll just beat you up.
    • That sounds dodgy.
  • Trying to pick a fight with a peace-lover like me… You humans sure are cruel.
    • You’ll say anything…
    • You attacked me!
    • I love peace, myself.
    • So let’s call it off.
  • What do you think decides what’s right or wrong?
    • Majority rule?
    • Your own beliefs.
    • Your preferences?
    • Reality itself.
  • You may think of those around you as friends, but perhaps you’re actually alone?
    • Don’t mess with me!
    • That’s not true!
    • Do you have friends?
    • I wouldn’t mind.
  • I bet you’ve got some secrets, huh? Go on, tell me one! I dare you!
    • I’m not telling you.
    • You first…
    • I’ve nothing to hide.
    • Secrets? I wonder…
  • Who do you think is worse? The deceiver, or the deceived?
    • I don’t like either.
    • The deceiver, duh!
    • Only dupes get duped!
    • It depends, I guess.




Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Part 10 Moral Route Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the moral route of Part 10 in Digimon Survive.


Free Action

For this Free Action, you’ll have 8 moves! After you use 4 moves, you’ll be forced to visit the Cafeteria for a cutscene. After it concludes, the characters will shuffle around.


Spider Lily Forest – Exploration

  • Use the camera close to the center of the area to find the Spirited Away: Chapter 4


Woods by Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera close to the center of the area to find an item.


Inner Shrine Ent. – Exploration

  • Use camera on the tree to the right of the doorway to find a shadow. Either fight it or run away!


Old School – Free Action

  • Kaito (costs 1 move)
    • Before Kaito gets upset, I should…
      • Scold the professor. (Kaito affinity up)
      • Call out to him.
      • Grab some popcorn.


Corridor – Free Action

  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • When you’re out of ideas, you should…
      • Deal with it later.
      • Try to adjust first.
      • Go step by step. (Minoru affinity up)


Music Room – Free Action

  • Use camera on right side of room to find an item.
  • Saki (costs 1 move)
    • How can I encourage Saki?
      • Okay to be weak. (Saki affinity up)
      • Don’t worry!
      • We can trust them.


Cafeteria – Free Action

  • Miu (costs 1 move)
    • I get the impression she’s more of a…
      • Total little sister.
      • Complete softie. (Miu affinity up)
      • Big sister type?


Deep Woods – Battle

  • Doing this battle will unlock Floramon’s ultimate form.
  • This should unlock when Saki’s affinity is around level 80.
  • Will receive a Ultimate Enlightenment Slab



  • Cutscene to progress story


Old School – Free Action

  • Saki (costs 1 move)
    • What’s my recommendation?
      • A good scream? (Saki affinity up)
      • A good talk?
      • A nice, cool breeze?


Classroom – Free Action

  • Minoru (costs 1 move)
    • Should I listen to Minoru’s stories?
      • I’m good for now.
      • Why not listen a bit? (Minoru affinity up)
      • No kid stuff for me.


Cafeteria – Free Action

  • Miu (costs 1 move)
    • How should I answer Miu?
      • I hope he behaves.
      • Anyone would worry. (Miu affinity up)
      • No need to be shy.


Deep Woods – Battle

  • Doing this battle will unlock Falcomon’s ultimate form.
  • This should unlock when Minoru’s affinity is around level 70.
  • Will receive a Ultimate Enlightenment Slab


Woods by School – Exploration

  • Agumon
  • ??? (to the left of Agumon)
  • Professor


Shrine – Exploration

  • Use camera on left side near statue to find a shadow. Either fight it or run!
  • Agumon (costs 1 move)
    • I should tell it…
      • Don’t be scared.
      • We don’t want a fight. (leads to battle)


Woods – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll be up against Level 40 Kyubimon and their Kenzoku minions. The chest on the field contains an Acceleration Charge. Defeat all the enemies to finish the battle!



  • Cutscene



  • Cutscene


Reception – Exploration

  • Saki (progress story)


Reception – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll only have Agumon and two of your Digimon that are not partners with the other characters. You’ll be up against 4 Kenzoku. Take them all out to be victorious. The chest on the field contains a Fresh Snakehead.


Reception – Exploration

  • Agumon (progress story)


Bookshelves – Exploration

  • Use camera on stepping ladder to the left of Agumon to find an item.
  • Agumon (progress story)
  • What should I do for him…
    • Watch and wait. (moral)
    • Hear him out. (wrathful)
    • Tell him to chill. (harmony)


Bookshelves – Battle

  • For this battle, you’ll face off against Level 46 Taomon and their minions. After the first turn, Minoru will join you. After the second turn, Kaito and Aoi will join in the fray. The chest on the field contains a Remedy Crystal A. Defeat all the enemies to be victorious!
  • After a cutscene, you’ll engage in a second battle! For this battle, you’ll face off against Zenzoku enemies. The chest on the field contains a Speed Break+. Defeat all the enemies to complete the battle.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Part 11 in Digimon Survive!



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Megadramon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Megadramon’s questions!


  • Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy!
    • Stare in amazement.
    • I know what you mean.
    • Have more patience!
    • Can’t say the same…
  • This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here!
    • I’ll think about it.
    • You give ME food!
    • I need this food.
    • Hunt for yourself!
  • I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaaahahahahaaa!
    • This’ll be your grave.
    • Not if I beat you!
    • Scary! But I’ll win.
    • Nice, a tough one!
  • I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right?
    • Even more than you!
    • I’m not like you.
    • Grin and bear it.
    • You know your stuff!
  • Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?
    • You look strong.
    • Not really.
    • I eat everything!
    • I prefer vegetables.
  • Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best!
    • Thanks for the lesson!
    • Yeah, the best!
    • Really? I can’t sleep.
    • It’s bad for your gut.
  • Arrrgh! Grraaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way!
    • Let it simmer down.
    • Calm down already!
    • That’s crazy talk.
    • We can’t live alone.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Wendigomon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Wendigomon’s questions!


  • This is my turf! Leave some food and get outta here!
    • I’ll think about it.
    • You give ME food!
    • I need this food.
    • Hunt for yourself!
  • Arrrgh! Graaargh! Anyone else just gets in my way!
    • Let it simmer down.
    • Calm down already!
    • That’s crazy talk.
    • We can’t live alone.
  • Uurrgh… Waiting around makes me wanna go crazy!
    • Stare in amazement.
    • I know what you mean.
    • Have more patience!
    • Can’t say the same…
  • I’ll pulverize ya! Gwaahahahahaaa!
    • This’ll be your grave.
    • Not if I beat you!
    • Scary! But I’ll win.
    • Nice, a tough one!
  • Did you know? Taking a nap after stuffing your face is just the best!
    • Thanks for the lesson!
    • Yeah, the best!
    • Really? I can’t sleep.
    • It’s bad for your gut.
  • I want to do nothing but fun things! You too, right?
    • Even more than you!
    • I’m not like you.
    • Grin and bear it.
    • You know your stuff!
  • Ain’t you a frail-looking thing. You eating enough meat?
    • You look strong.
    • Not really.
    • I eat everything!
    • I prefer vegetables.



Digimon Survive Walkthrough

Digimon Survive – Befriending Gatomon

by Chappie in


As you come across Digimon in the field during Digimon Survive, you’ll have the option to talk with them. Doing so can create a relationship resulting in them joining your team or giving you items if you answer their questions correctly. Below is a guide on the answers to Gatomon’s questions!


  • I don’t feel so good… Someone, help…Pfft, ha ha ha, just kidding! Did I getcha?!
    • That was lame!
    • Whoa, you scared me!
    • What awful acting…
    • I’m glad you’re okay.
  • Don’t you think everyday’s just sooo boring?
    • Wanna fight for fun?
    • I’m too busy living.
    • Let’s go do something!
    • Makes me wanna yawn.
  • I don’t care if you smile, or laugh, or whatever! I ain’t gonna trust no human!
    • Fine by me.
    • I’ll earn your trust!
    • What can I do, then?
    • I trust you.
  • Hey, what kinda food do ya like?
    • Why should I tell you?
    • Love me some meat!
    • Fruit’s my favorite!
    • Veggies all the way.
  • Boy, you’re a tough-lookin’ mug, aren’t ya?! I bet I’d lose if we threw down…
    • Why don’t we find out?
    • Have more confidence!
    • We’d probably tie.
    • I’d definitely lose.
  • Next! Whaddaya think’d be a good prank?
    • Pranks are bad!
    • A pit trap?
    • Tripping someone?
    • Water balloons?
  • Go on… Try guessing what I think of ya!
    • That I’m funny!
    • That I’m cool?
    • That I’m trouble…
    • That I’m easygoing?