Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Problem Child

by Chappie in


This is a guide on the Problem Child DLC request in Soul Hackers 2. You can start it after clearing the Central Line from Club Cretaceous.


Client: Brodie

Location: East Shipping District

Ideal Lv: 29

Reward: Sealed Scripture x2



Investigate the Shipping District

Head to the East Shipping District then speak with Brodie there near the entrance. When you’re finished, used the portal to travel to the North: Container Area portal. Head west of the portal then take a right at the gate to feel a dangerous presence. If you’re ready, select the “Proceed” option to start a fight with an out of control level 29 enemy. They are weak to electric attacks and null out force attacks. After you win the battle, a dialog event will trigger. When it concludes, return to Brodie to complete the request.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – A New Hee-Home: Part 2

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the A New Hee-Home: Part 2 request in Soul Hackers. Its obtained in the Central Line Middle Area near the entrance after defeating the Central Line boss.


Client: Frost Jiro

Location: Central Line

Ideal Lv: 11

Reward: Life Stone x2



Defeat 5 Zhu Tun She

Speak to Frost Jiro and agree to help him find a home by defeating Zhu Tun She. They are located around the Middle Area of the Central Line. Once you have defeated 5 of them, return to Jiro to complete the request.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – The Wolf Who Cried Wolf

by Chappie in


This is a guide for The Wolf Who Cried Wolf request in Soul Hackers. Its obtained in the Central Line Middle Area when coming from the Upper Area.


Client: Makami

Location: Central Line

Ideal Lv: 19

Reward: 8,000 yen



Defeat the Scary-Faced Demon

Speak to Makami and accept his quest to deal with the demon. Head back up to the Upper Area and make your way to the room with two doors near the center of the area to find the scary-face demo. Speak with it to start the battle with 3 level 19 Jaki Loa which is weak to force. After you emerge victorious, return to Makami to complete the request.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Target: Inugami

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Target: Inugami directive in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after defeating the boss at the Central Line during the story.


Location: Arrow Sector 2F

Ideal Lv: 28

Reward: Totem Memory



Defeat the Targert Inugami

Make your way to Arrow Sector 2F then head for the Gate 1 portal. The target Inugami can be found by following the path north of the gate and then taking the first left. Speak with it to start the fight. Note that you will not be able to use continue if you lose, items and commander skills are disabled and Saizo will not be available for the fight. Once the battle starts, you’ll be facing a level 28 Beast Inugami and a level 28 Avatar Makami. The Inugami is weak to force attacks while the Makami is weak to ice. After you emerge victorious, the directive will complete.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Retrieve Chain Crystaloid Beta

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Retrieve Chain Crystaloid Beta directive in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after defeating the boss at the Central Line during the story.


Location: Arrow Sector 2F

Ideal Lv: 21

Reward: Fusion of Yoshitsune unlocked



Collect 7 Chain Crystaloid Beta

Make your way to Arrow Sector 2F in the Soul Matrix and explore the area speaking to your recon demons. Eventually, they will hand over a Chain Crystaloid Beta. After you collect 7 of them, the directive will complete.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Arrow Sector Cleanup 2

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Arrow Sector Cleanup 2 directive in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after defeating the boss at the Central Line during the story.


Location: Arrow Sector 2F

Ideal Lv: 21

Reward: Shaman’s Mark x3



Defeat 9 Inugami

Head to Arrow Sector 2F and make your way to the Gate 1 portal. The Inugami tend to spawn near there. After you defer 9 of them, the directive will complete.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Retrieve Orb Crystaloid Beta

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Retrieve Orb Crystaloid Beta directive in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after clearing the Central Line during the main story.


Location: Saizo Sector 2F

Ideal Lv: 24

Rewards: Fusion of Nigi Mitama unlocked



Collect 7 Orb Crytaloid Beta

Make your way to Saizo Sector 2F in the Soul Matrix and explore the area. Explore the area speaking to your demons doing recon. Eventually one of them will hand over an Orb Crystaloid Beta. Once you collect 7, the directive will complete.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Target: Muu Shuwuu

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Target: Muu Shuwuu directive in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after clearing the Central Line during the main story.


Location: Saizo Sector 2F

Ideal Lv: 28

Rewards: Cheap Chip



Defeat the Target Muu Shuwuu

Make your way to Saizo Sector 2F in the Soul Matrix and then make your way to the Gate 3 portal just before the floor boss. The target can be found east of the portal and you should see it walking along the main path. Speak with the Muu Shuwuu to start the battle. Note that for this battle you will not be able to use continue if you lose, items and commander skills will be locked and Milady will not be available. You’ll be facing a level 28 Muu Shuwuu, level 28 Leanan Sidhe and level 28 Turbo Granny. The Muu Shuwuu is weak to gun damage, Leanan Sidhe is weak to fire and Turbo Granny is weak to physical and ruin attacks. After emerging victorious, the directive will complete.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Saizo Sector Cleanup 2

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Saizo Sector Cleanup 2 directive in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after clearing the Central Line during the main story.


Location: Saizo Sector 2F

Ideal Lv: 24

Rewards: Witch’s Mark



Defeat 6 Archangel

Make your way to Saizo Sector 2F in the Soul Matrix then head for the Gate 1 portal. You can find the Archangel demon on the path between the Gate 1 and Gate 3 portal. Defeat 6 of them to complete the directive.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Target: R.S.

by Chappie in


This is a guide on the Milady Sector Cleanup 2 directive in Soul Hackers 2. It is available after cleaning the Central Line during the main story.


Location: Milady’s Soul Matrix 2F

Ideal Lv: 24

Reward: Totem Memory



Defeat Target R.S.

Make your way to Milady Sector 2F in the Soul Matrix. Once there, head for the Gate 1 portal. Keep going following the path north from the portal to come across R.S. Speak with him to start the battle. Note that you will not be allowed to continue if you leave and neither Arrow or Saizo will be allowed to take part in the battle. R.S. will be level 24 and accompanied by a level 24 Wilder Bicorn. R.S. is weak to fire attacks while the Bicorn is weak to ruin attacks. The Bicorn will also cast healing skills on R.S. After you emerge victorious, the directive will complete.