Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden

Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden – Chapter 2 Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 2 in Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden.



At the start of the chapter, ignore the chest and oasis as they have nothing and head east to find a person. Interact with them and select whichever dialog option you’d like then defeat the 2 weak monsters.


Desert Circus

When you awaken, make your way to the Stall. Next, head up to the man in the north near the tent and interact with him. Once the cutscene concludes, defeat the 2 wolves and 2 wasps. After the battle concludes, agree to help the man and Pulche will join your party. For the next objective, you’ll be tasked with finding the stray circus members in the desert. Before you set out, explore the below.



  •  Pet Shop
    • Slime
    • Iron Tortoise
    • Lesser Troll
    • Orc Child
    • Centaur
  • Item Shop
    • Salve
    • Antidote
    • Curative
    • Defroster
    • Unsealer
    • Dispeller
    • Pepper-Upper
    • Serum
    • Inspirilixir
    • Bomb
    • Smoke Bomb
    • Bellwether
    • Bill of Good Fortune
  • Armorer
    • Steel Blades
    • Mercenary’s Sword
    • Sacred Staff
    • Magic Staff
    • Iron Armor
    • Simple Breastplate
    • Traveler’s Apparel
    • Adventurer’s Attire
    • Ring of Protection
    • Firestay Ring
    • Waterstay Ring
    • Lightningstay Ring
    • Windstay Ring


When you’re ready, exit the town!



Once you’re in the desert, head east to find a chest containing 800G!

Next, travel to the southwest to the card shown below to trigger an event involving Buzzing Wings.

Select “Revenge Shall Be Mine” to start a battle with the Wasp that has 15 Attack, 40 Health and 8 Defense. After you defeat it, you’ll earn the 5 Star Wasp card!

Travel between the above card and the Desert Circus to find a chest containing an Inspirilixir near a Tent.

Next, interact with the Tent. You’ll unlock the Burly Boy’s flipside story! Afterward, travel to the chest that has appeared to the south of the Tent.

Interact with it to unlock the Clown’s flipside story. You’ll then need to travel north to the cactus that has appeared.

Again, interact with this card to unlock the Acrobat’s flipside story. To progress the story, head northwest of the Desert Circus to find a chest containing a Poisonstay Ring!

As shown in the picture above, make sure to step on the card with the Avatar (card just south of the chest) as we found an event involving a Tarnished Bangle on this card. Select to keep it for an event described further down involving the Sandprowler Czar! Next, interact with the Sand Ruins just west of the above chest. You’ll then be tasked with finding the girl’s companion in the Sand Ruins!


Sand Ruins

After you enter the Sand Ruins, head north and take the first path on the left to find a chest at the end containing a Bellwether.

From there, make your way to the northeast to find a chest containing a Darkstay Ring!

When you’re ready to progress through this floor, head to the northwest. After the brief scene, make your way into the hidden chamber where you’ll find a chest containing 1200G!

Afterwards, continue north and around the hidden chamber to find another chest. This one has a Quality Salve.

With this floor successfully explored, head southwest from the previous chest to find the stairs leading to Sand Ruins B1. Take them down. On the western side of this area, you’ll find a chest containing a Panacea.

We looped around the north of this area then some dialog triggered saying there might be a breakable wall somewhere. Head directly east of the stairs to find this breakable wall and interact with it. Enter the hidden passage then head south to find a chest and interact with it. This will trigger a fight against 3 monsters. Defeat them all to receive the Simple Key. Afterwards, head directly north to find a Weathered Stela.

Interact with the card to trigger an event. Insert the Tarnished Bangle to trigger a fight against a Skeleton that has 16 attack, 50 HP and 8 Defense. Defeat it to receive a Ring of Life! You’ll also receive A Memory in Sand trophy for defeating the Sandprowler Czar sealed within the Sand Ruins.


Now that you’re ready to continue forward, head directly south of the stairs to find a door. Interact with it then insert the Simple Key. Before heading down the stairs, interact with the chest in the southeastern corner to receive an Omnisalve.

Afterwards, head down the stairs to reach Sand Ruins B2. Continue directly north to run across a mysterious card.

Interact with it to begin a fight against a serpent monster with 23 Attack, 100 HP and 10 Defense. Defeat it then leave the Sand Ruins.


Desert Circus

After you exit the Sand Ruins, return to the Desert Circus to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, interact with the scantily clad woman near a monster to obtain the Mild-mannered Woman’s flipside story. Afterwards, speak with L’gol. Once you’ve spoken to everyone, head to the Circus Tent in the middle of the town to begin the show! You’ll get to choose from one of the following rewards:

  • Inspirilixir
  • 900G
  • Numbstay Ring

After a bit more dialog, a fight against a dragon monster with 20 Attack, 50 HP and 10 Defense will trigger. Defeat it to gain Tralis as a party member! Next, interact with L’gol and wake him. Leave the town to trigger a cutscene ending the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Chapter 3 in the Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden!



Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden

Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden – Chapter 1 Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 1 in Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden.



At the start of this chapter, you’ll be located in the desert. Head directly west and interact with the Mysterious Boy. Afterwards, continue heading west, hugging the southern edge of the map to find a water card. Interact with it then explore the desert as you make your way north to find the following treasure chests:


Quality Salve – West of the oasis in the southwestern corner of the area


300G – Directly north of the oasis


When you’re done exploring, enter Steelborough.




Make your way to the Mysterious Boy, and interact with him to trigger an event. Next, speak with the three Senators. After speaking with the Senators, accept their request to subdue the Steel Primal. Defeat the monster they bring before you then explore the town to find the below.


Character Cards

  • Boy in Flower Crown
  • Man
  • Mature Woman
  • Soldier
  • Mysterious Woman



  • Pet Shop
    • ?
  • Item Shop
    • Salve – 20G
    • Antidote – 40G
    • Curative – 40G
    • Defroster – 40G
    • Unsealer – 60G
    • Dispeller – 60G
    • Pepper-Upper – 60G
    • Inspirilixir – 800G
    • Bomb – 40G
    • Smoke Bomb – 100G
    • Bellwether – 100G
    • Bill of Good Fortune – 40G
  • Armorer
    • Guardian’s Blades – 100G
    • Steel Blades – 700G
    • Iron Sword – 100G
    • Mercenary’s Sword – 500G
    • Iron Armor – 200G
    • Simple Breastplate – 150G
    • Traveler’s Apparel – 100G
    • Ring of Protection – 300G


After you visit all the establishments, an event will trigger with the Mysterious Boy. When you’re ready to proceed, speak with the Soldier on the northwestern side of town then proceed to exit via the newly revealed path behind him.



Before heading to the mine northwest of Steelborough, explore the desert to find the following treasure chests:


300G – North of Steelborough


When you’re ready, enter the Mine.



Once in Mine 1F, head east and board the mine cart. At the end of the line, you’ll find a treasure chest containing an Omnisalve!



The stairs leading forward can be found in the far southwestern corner of the area. A shortcut to this area can be found by taking the mine cart on the left side. Instead of doing this, head south until you come across a path on the west side. Take this path to find a chest containing a Ring of Protection.



With all the chests found, head to the southwestern stairs and enter Mine B1. Once on this level, travel west until you see a path open up to the north. Take the path to find a chest containing an Invigorant.



When you’re ready to progress, travel north of the stairs. Board the mine cart to the north. Follow the path to the end to find a Medium Gold Nugget.



Return to the mine cart and board it. Head down the narrow path immediately east of you to find a monster card.



Interact with it then defeat the 3 enemies. Afterwards, interact with the lever just east of where the enemies were. Move the lever then return to the northern mine cart that you previously rode to reach the Medium Gold Nugget chest. Again board the mine cart. It will now take you further north! Upon exiting the cart, continue north and take the stairs to reach Mine B2. Head directly north and interact with the glowing card to trigger a fight against the Steel Primal. It has 16 attack, 80 health and 8 defense. Defeat it then leave the mines and return to Steelborough!



Once in Steelborough, head to Steel Hall. We then chose not to give them the card. They of course do not like this and had the Mysterious Boy retrieve it. You’ll then attempt to get it back by interacting with his card. Interact with the Mysterious Boy’s card where the exit to Steel Hall is. After the event, flee to a Sandskiff on the southern side of the town. Two guards will attack so defeat them! Afterwards, interact with both of the remaining Sandskiffs to eliminate them.



Once in the desert, you can explore to find the below treasure chests. Keep in mind that you can heal at the oasis in the southwestern part of the area!


Omnisalve – Southwest of Steelborough


Bill of Godly Fortune – East of Subterrean Village


When you’re ready to progress the story, head east across the quicksand. Eventually, a cutscene will trigger. Select “… See the Stars” to finish the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 2 in the Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden!



Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden

Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden – Chapter 0 Walkthrough

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 0 in Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden.


Subterranean Cave

After defeating the first monster, head down the stairs as you are unable to go anywhere else to reach Subterranean Cave B4. Again, head directly south to reach a set of stairs leading to Subterranean Cave B5. After you take these stairs, make your way to the southwest to reach the stairs leading to the Subterranean Village. Select to enter the village!


Subterranean Village

Once in the village, you’ll be tasked with returning to your home on the west side of the village. Make a beeline to your house first as the character cards to not matter until you first interact with your house. After interacting with your house, speak with the below people.



  • Elderly Man
  • Girl
  • Young Man
  • Old Woman


You’ll earn their character cards! Once you’ve spoken to everyone, return to your house. Afterwards, head to the northern part of the village and take the stairs to Subterranean Cave B5.


Subterranean Cave

Once in Subterranean Cave B5, press forward to Subterranean Cave B4 to trigger a fight against 3 monsters. Defeat them then head on up to Subterranean Cave B3. Again, a fight will trigger. Defeat the 2 monsters then return to the village.


Subterranean Village

Upon entering the village, enter your house. When the cutscene concludes, exit the village via the northern stairs.


Subterranean Cave

In the cave, work your way all the way to Subterranean Cave B3. Once there, head to the southwestern corner and take the stairs to Subterranean Cave B2. The stairs to Subterranean Cave B1 can be found on the northeastern side of this area. When you arrive in B1, head directly south to trigger an event leading to the end of Chapter 0.


Click here for the next walkthrough for Chapter 1 in the Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden!



Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden

Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden – Monster / Enemy Cards

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide for the monster / enemy cards in Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden. If you collect all these cards, you’ll earn the Master of Monsters trophy!


Page 1

  1. Slime – First enemy you fight during the story
  2. Venomslime – Lake of Fire, Desert, Underground Passage
  3. Wasp – Obtained as part of the story in Chapter 0
  4. Voltwasp – Sand Ruins, Endwall
  5. Devilwasp – Endwall
  6. Wolf – Obtained as part of the story in Chapter 0, Snowfield
  7. Garm – Underground Passage
  8. Iron Tortoise – Obtained as part of the story in Chapter 0
  9. Magma Tortoise – Lake of Fire, Underground Passage
  10. Ice Tortoise – Snowfield, Newterra


Page 2

  1. Furball – Obtained as part of the story in Chapter 0, Newterra
  2. Mouthy Furball – Snowfield, Underground Passage
  3. Lesser Troll – Mine northwest of Steelborough, Underground Passage
  4. Troll – Obtained as part of the story in Chapter 1, Underground Passage
  5. Proto-Troll – Underground Passage
  6. Centaur – Mine northwest of Steelborough, Underground Passage
  7. Red Fungo – Sand Ruins, Lake of Fire, Underground Passage
  8. Gold Fungo – Endwall, Newterra, Underground Passage
  9. Orc Child – Mine northwest of Steelborough, Snowfield, Underground Passage
  10. Orc Wildling – Endwall, Underground Passage


Page 3

  1. Skull Soldier – Sand Ruins, Ruined Edifice
  2. Lost Soul – Ruined Edifice, Underground Passage
  3. Proto-Skull Soldier – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 7, Underground Passage
  4. Wererat – Lake of Fire, Desert (other side of bridge at start of Chapter 4), Ruined Edifice
  5. Proto-Wererat – Underground Passage
  6. Dryad – Sand Ruins, Newterra
  7. Salamander – Lake of Fire, Desert, Ruined Edifice, Underground Passage
  8. Undine – Newterra, Underground Passage
  9. Sprite – Fought as part of the story during Chapter 6, Underground Passage
  10. Ghost – Ruined Edifice, Underground Passage


Page 4

  1. Tailtoad – Lake of Fire, Endwall
  2. Darktoad – Newterra, Underground Passage
  3. Proto-Darktoad – Underground Passage
  4. Orge – Lake of Fire, Desert (other side of bridge at start of Chapter 4), Ruined Edifice, Underground Passage
  5. Death Crawler – Obtained as part of the story in Chapter 2, Ruined Edifice, Underground Passage
  6. Gargoyle – Ruined Edifice, Underground Passage
  7. Living Statue – Obtained as part of the story in Chapter 4, Underground Passage
  8. Proto-Gargoyle – Underground Passage
  9. Snowy Treant – Endwall, Newterra
  10. Wraith – Obtained as part of the story in Chapter 4


Page 5

  1. Seastone – Underground Passage
  2. Yeti – Fought as part of the story in Chapter 6
  3. Proto-Yeti – Underground Passage
  4. Magemoth – Newterra, Underground Passage
  5. Wyvern – Obtained as part of the story in Chapter 2, Endwall, Underground Passage
  6. Aquarock – Endwall
  7. Fearock – Obtained from an event at Newterra in Chapter 6
  8. Fury Aberrant – Silent Village (after visiting Monster Town), Underground Passage
  9. Malice Aberrant – Silent Village (after visiting Monster Town), Underground Passage
  10. The Forebear – Post game boss


Page 6

  1. Frost Primal – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 5
  2. Steel Primal – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 1
  3. Flame Primal – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 3
  4. Fused Mizar – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 7



Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden

Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden – Character Cards

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide for the character cards in Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden. If you collect all the character cards, you’ll earn the Character Fanatic trophy!


Page 1

  1. Guard – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 0
  2. Sharp-Dressed Guard – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 1
  3. L’gol – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 2
  4. Pulche – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 2
  5. Tralis – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 3
  6. Guard’s Mother – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 0
  7. Elderly Man – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 0
  8. Girl – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 0
  9. Young Man – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 0
  10. Old Woman – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 0


Page 2

  1. Senator – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 1
  2. Soldier – Steelborough
  3. Mysterious Woman – Steelborough
  4. Man – Steelborough
  5. Mature Woman – Steelborough
  6. Ringmaster – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 2
  7. Clown – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 2
  8. Acrobat – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 2
  9. Burly Boy – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 2
  10. Mild-mannered Woman – Desert Circus


Page 3

  1. Aristocrat – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 3
  2. Orphan – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 3
  3. Overheated Man – City of Flame
  4. Knowledgeable Old Woman – City of Flame
  5. Wandering Merchant – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 4
  6. Guru – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 4
  7. Apothecary – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 4
  8. Amicable Old Man – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 4
  9. Boy in Flower Crown – Steelborough
  10. Old Woman – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 5


Page 4

  1. Blacksmith – Steelborough
  2. Item Shop Girl – Steelborough
  3. Pet Shop Owner – Steelborough
  4. Innkeeper – Steelborough
  5. Game Parlor Reception – Steelborough
  6. Iron Figure – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 7
  7. Scarred Monster – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 6
  8. Fairy – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 5
  9. Mizar – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 7
  10. True L’gol – Obtained as part of the story during Chapter 7



Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden

Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden – Equipment Cards

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide for the equipment cards in Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden. If you collect all the equipment cards, you’ll earn the Weapon Collector trophy!


Page 1

  1. Guardian’s Blades – Starting weapon
  2. Steel Blades – Purchase at Desert Circus Armorer
  3. Mercenary’s Blades – Purchase at Roving Market Armorer
  4. Hawksblade – Purchase at Monster Town Armorer
  5. Flashpoint – Chest in Underground Passage
  6. Iron Sword – Obtained as part of the story
  7. Mercenary’s Sword – Purchase at Desert Circus Armorer
  8. Mistralblade – Purchase at Roving Market Armorer
  9. Evilsbane – Purchase at Monster Town Armorer
  10. Dark Honor – Chest in Underground Passage


Page 2

  1. Sacred Staff – Obtained as part of the story
  2. Magic Staff – Purchase at Desert Circus Armorer
  3. Thunderstaff – Purchase at Roving Market Armorer; Receive in Monster Town at Mayor’s Residence
  4. Sage’s Staff – Purchase at Roving Market Armorer
  5. Godsguide – Chest in Underground Passage
  6. Tamer’s Whip – Obtained as part of the story
  7. Femme Fatale’s Whip – Purchase at Roving Market Armorer
  8. Dragontwist Whip – Purchase at Monster Town Armorer
  9. Shepherd’s Lament – Chest in Underground Passage
  10. Iron Armor – Obtained as part of the story


Page 3

  1. Knight’s Armor – Purchase at City of Flame Armorer
  2. Frostmail – Purchase at Roving Market Armorer
  3. Darkmail – Purchase at Monster Town Armorer
  4. Heavensgrace – Event involving Bloodied Doll
  5. Simple Breastplate – Obtained as part of the story
  6. Steel Breastplate – Obtained as part of the story
  7. Knight’s Chainmail – Purchase at Roving Market Armorer
  8. Warrior’s Mail – Purchase at Monster Town Armorer
  9. Wild God’s Breastplate – Defeat the Dark Knight in Snowfield
  10. Traveler’s Apparel – Obtained as part of the story


Page 4

  1. Adventurer’s Attire – Purchase at Desert Circus Armorer
  2. Martialist’s Garb – Purchase at Roving Market Armorer
  3. Spangle Dancewear – Purchase at Monster Town Armorer
  4. Stardust Raiment – Friend’s Memo treasure map found in Endwall that leads to a chest in Snowfield
  5. Ring of Protection – Loot from chest; purchase at Desert Circus Armorer
  6. Firestay Ring – Purchase from Armorer; Loot from chest in Lake of Fire
  7. Waterstay Ring – Purchase from Armorer
  8. Windstay Ring – Purchase from Armorer; Reward from Vine Pulling event in the Wastelands
  9. Lightningstay Ring – Purchase from Armorer; Chest in Ruined Edifice
  10. Lightstay Ring – Purchase from Armorer; Chest in Ruined Edifice


Page 5

  1. Darkstay Ring – Purchase from Armorer; Chest in Chapter 2
  2. Poisonstay Ring – Purchase from Armorer; Chest in Chapter 2
  3. Numbstay Ring – Purchase from Armorer; Select as reward during Chapter 2
  4. Freezestay Ring – Purchase from Armorer; Wandering Merchant event at Roving Market
  5. Bindstay Ring – Purchase from Armorer
  6. Cursestay Ring – Purchase from Armorer; Wandering Merchant event at Roving Market
  7. Ring of Life – Event in Chapter 2
  8. Ring of Compassion – Purchase from Armorer; Chest in Wasteland
  9. Ring of Evasion – Chest in Underground Passage
  10. Gemstone Ring – Chest at Endwall


Page 6

  1. Ring of Bravery – Chest in Underground Passage
  2. Ring of Perseverance – Chest in Newterra
  3. Ring of Sharpness – Chest at Endwall
  4. Ring of Omnipotence – Wandering Merchant’s events
  5. Evilbane Ring – After completing the game, begin a new game and carry over the save data. To get the trophy for having all of the equipment cards, play until you reach the village. When you enter the village, the trophy will pop!



Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden

Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden – Item Cards

by MrsChappie in


Below is a guide for the item cards in Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden. If you collect all the item cards, you’ll earn the Item Collector trophy!


Page 1

  1. Salve
  2. Quality Salve
  3. Supreme Salve
  4. Omnisalve
  5. Quality Omnisalve
  6. Antidote
  7. Curative
  8. Defroster
  9. Unsealer
  10. Dispeller


Page 2

  1. Pepper-Upper
  2. Serum
  3. Panacea
  4. Omnipanacea
  5. Invigorant
  6. Protectorant
  7. Inspirilixir
  8. Supreme Inspirilixir
  9. Bomb
  10. Soothstone


Page 3

  1. Large Soothstone
  2. Oil Pot
  3. Corrosive
  4. Destruct-o-Box
  5. Zapsmoke
  6. Bellwether
  7. Smoke Bomb
  8. Little Gold Nugget
  9. Medium Gold Nugget
  10. Chunky Gold Nugget


Page 4

  1. Bill of Good Fortune – Purchase from item shop Steelborough Item Shop
  2. Bill of Godly Fortune – Chest in Chapter 1



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Mad Dog

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Mad Dog request in Soul Hackers 2. It’s available from Club Cretaceous after reaching Ozaki Hope Towers Tower B during the main story.


Client: Saki

Location: Shinsando

Ideal Lv: 35

Reward: 50,000 yen



Defeat the Rouge Dark Summoner

Make your way to Shinsando and speak with Saki near the stairs leading up to Bar Heidrun. She’ll task you with taking down another Dark Summoner named Rose. Start your hunt by traveling to the Mansei Realm. Once there, speak with Wyatt just past Yang Yang Palace. He’ll mention that Rose was last seen in the Central Line Upper Area. Head to the Central Area then take the portal to the Southwest Path. Follow the path west and enter through the doorway at the end. This will bring you to a room with Rose in it. Speak with her choosing the option “Are you Rose?” (the second one doesn’t matter)  to start a battle. Rose will be level 35 accompanied by a level 34 Apsaras and level 34 Incubus. She is weak to ice, the Spsaras is weak to fire and the Incubus is weak to force. After your victory, return to Saki to complete the request.



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Academics Wanted (Again)

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Academics Wanted (Again) request in Soul Hackers 2. It’s available from Club Cretaceous after reaching Ozaki Hope Towers Tower B during the main story.


Client: Kyuta

Location: Roppo Realm

Ideal Lv: 38

Reward: 24,000 yen



Pass the Quiz

Make your way to the Roppo Realm and speak with Kyuta at the top left part of the stairs. He’ll ask for your help answering four questions to open another lockbox. After getting all of the questions right, the request will compete. Please see below for the questions and their answers.


Question 1: What is the name of the demon said to seduce men and born from the demon Lilith?

  • Turbo Granny
  • Lilim
  • Lamia


Question 2: Nezha Taizi is the Chinese heroic god in the form of a young boy. Who did he fight?

  • Sun Wukong
  • Cu Chulainn
  • Social Structure


Question 3: The Raptor Muu Shuwuu was supposedly a girl who never knew love. What is she know to drain from her victims?

  • Tapioca Milk Tea
  • Brains
  • Vitality


Question 4: What two things is the Greek god Dionysus associated with?

  • Dyin’ and Ices
  • Love and Courage
  • Drink and Theater



Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Night of the Living Snowman

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Night of the Living Snowman request in Soul Hackers 2. It’s available from Club Cretaceous after clearing the Ozaki Hope Towers and returning to the Safehouse.


Client: Masayoshi

Location: Shinsando

Ideal Lv: 46

Reward: 70,000 yen



Eliminate the black snowman

Head to Shinsando then make your way over to Bar Heidrun and speak with Masayoshi. He’ll task you with defeating a black snowman. Take your investigation to Karakucho. Once there, go to Breaking Mart to speak with the Well-informed Woman outside twice. Afterwards, head down the road just past the pizza place to find the Movie Lover. Speak with him as well then Ringo will then mention that you’ll need to ask a Summoner for more information.


Travel to the Mansei Realm and speak with the Opportunistic Summoner in front of the COMP Smith. He’ll send you to Ozaki Hope Towers B. Use the portal to travel to the Tower B 4F Passageway then head out the eastern door and follow the hallway to the end. Black Frost will be in the room at the end. Speak with Black Frost to begin a battle against a Level 46 Night Kudlak. He’s weak to fire and Rune attacks! Defeat him then return to Masayoshi to complete the quest.