Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Guardian Force Drill Participation

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Guardian Force Drill Participation support request in The Legends of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: Deputy Commander Baelz

Salary: 3000 mira


Travel to East Street and exit to East Crossbell Highway. Once there, take the bus stop and select “Bus Stop (Fork)”. Take the eastern path and follow it all the way towards Tangram Gate. Along this path, you’ll find the below!

  • Treasure Chests
    • EP Charge
    • Heaven’s Eye
    • Teara Balm
    • Each Sepith x40
    • Monster chest – Defeat the enemies to receive a Range quartz.
    • Monster chest – 2 Level 30 Master Cryon (won’t be able to defeat yet so just skip!)
  • Enemies
    • Purple Charlot
    • Horned Frog
    • Fartacus
    • Nepenthes
    • Humming Gator

Once you arrive at the Tangram Gate, enter the large building. Head through the first door on the left (behind the guy standing next to a column). Go through the doorway to the right of the stairs then speak with Temas twice behind the counter in the cafeteria to receive the below recipe!

  • Recipe
    • Boiled Fish Hotpot

Exit this room via the door you came in then head up the stairs on the left. Follow the walkthrough and head through the doorway at the end of the path. Follow this walkway and exit to reach the outside. Again, follow the path to reach the below chest.

  • Treasure Chest
    • Soldier Suit


Head back inside and follow the path through the doorway. Enter the first door on the right then speak with Deputy Commander Baelz. Select “Let’s get this started!” to begin a fight against a Recruit – Assault Rifle and 3 Recruit – Halberd. Defeat them! You’ll then have to fight them again but this time you’ll also have to defeat Sergeant Major Seeker. Once you defeat them all, the quest will complete!



Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Old Road Property Monster Extermination

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Old Road Property Monster Extermination support request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: Chief Tolta

Salary: 2,500 mira


Exit Crossbell via the eastern exit on East Street then catch the bus to Armorica Village. Once there, head to the house northwest of the general store and speak with Ange to receive the below recipe.

  • Recipe
    • Satisfying Carbonara

Next, speak with Chief Tolta in his house. He’ll give you the Private Property Key. Afterwards, take the bus to the Bus Stop (Fork) then head to the northern path towards Armorica Village. In this area, continue along the path until you see a wooden gate.


Interact with it then head inside to find the below.

  • Treasure Chests
    • Feather Tackle
    • Teara Balm
  • Enemies


Defeat all of the enemies behind the wooden gate to trigger a cutscene. Once the cutscene concludes, approach the wooden gate then select to return to Armorica Village. When the cutscene concludes, the quest will complete. Make sure to report it at the terminal!



Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Enigma Combat Test

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Enigma Combat Test support request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: Orbal Store

Salary: 1,500 mira


Speak with Wendy at the Genten Orbal Store’s customer service counter on the first floor. This request is a bit tricky to figure out! Ultimately, you need to learn a Hollow Sphere support art.

In order to do this, open the menu then go to the Orbment tab and select Quartz. We set these quartz into the specific slots as shown below to get the Hollow Sphere support art.

The reason we did this is because you need to get 3 blue quartz, 3 green quartz and 5 grey quartz on the same line to cause the Hollow Sphere support art to appear on the Arts List (press square). When you put a quartz into a slot, make sure to put them all on the same color so their numbers stay on the same line.


Once you’ve gotten the Hollow Sphere support art, use it in any battle then return to Wendy in the Genten Orbal Store. She’ll give you a Libra Gem and the quest will complete. Make sure to report it to the terminal!



Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Champion of the Nopon

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Champion of the Nopon DLC quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. You can accept this quest from the Expansion Pass tab in the menu under Vol. 2 (if you purchased the expansion pass!).


Travel to the Great Idalla Ravine landmark in the Fornis Region then make your way east to the objective. When you arrive, a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight against 4 Level 19 Dannagh Arachno. Defeat them then travel east to the next objective where another cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, approach the group of Level 20 Disparre Skwaror then defeat them to trigger another cutscene. Once it concludes, follow the tutorial on how to power up Ino. When you’ve finished, another cutscene will trigger and the quest will complete.



  • 1180 EXP
  • 1520 G
  • 10 SP



Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Chapter 1 Walkthrough – Part 3

by MrsChappie in


Below is Part 3 of a walkthrough for the collectibles found during Chapter 1: Afternoon of the Wolves of The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.




When the cutscene concludes, head downstairs and interact with the terminal then retrieve the following support quests:


First thing’s first, finish the Hunting for Ingredients support quest. Please note that it’s important to speak with Bennett in Morges on West Street first before speaking with Oscar behind the counter! Give her the eggs first then speak with Oscar! Once you complete the quest, turn it in at the terminal.


Next, complete the Inspection Assistance Wanted and Abandoned Apartment Monster Cleanup support requests. You won’t be able to complete the Mainz Mountain Path Monster Extermination support request until later!


After you report the above requests at the terminal, head to the Fisherman’s Guild on East Street and speak with Branch Manger Cerdan to check your rank. If you caught all of the above fish, you’ll be a Professional Fisher now and will receive Hare quartz.


While on East Street, head to Long Lao Tavern & Inn. Enter the room on the left side of the inn. In the hallway with the giant cat statue, take the first door and speak with Lars inside. You’ll get the following support request:


Complete this support request and turn it in at the terminal. If you’ve completed all the support requests up to this point, you’ll receive a Septium Vein quartz!


When you’re ready to progress the story, travel to the Residential District and take the northern exit to the Mainz Mountain Path.


Mainz Mountain Path

Area 1

Head forward a short way to trigger a cutscene. When it ends, you can explore the path to the northeast leading to the Crossbell Cathedral if you wish, however, there are no collectibles there. Instead, head to the western path.


Area 2

Explore this area to find the below.

  • Treasure Chests
    • Blind Quartz
  • Enemies
    • Rock Rat
    • Humming Gator
    • Earth Drome
    • Ale Slime
  • Fish
    • Snow Crab (Novice Rod, Earthworm)


Area 3

Explore this area to find the below. When you head uphill on the path, a cutscene will trigger. After it ends, continue along the path.

  • Treasure Chests
    • Time, Space and Mirage Sepith x50
    • Luminous Glasses
  • Enemies
    • Humming Gator
    • Ale Slime
    • Nepenthes
    • Rock Rat
    • Earth Drome


Area 4

Explore this area to find the below.

  • Treasure Chests
    • When you interact with this different colored chest on the western side of the area, you’ll sense that powerful monsters are in the chest and will have the option to challenge them. If you begin the fight, you’ll face 2 Level 35 Armored Hydra. Since you’ll do no damage against them, leave this chest unopened for now!
  • Enemies
    • Ale Slime
    • Nepenthes
    • Humming Gator
    • Earth Drome
    • Rock Rat

When you head under the bridge, a cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, take the northeastern path.


Area 5 (Northeastern path from bus stop in Area 4)

Explore this area to find the below. Please also finish the Mainz Mountain Path Monster Extermination support request in this area!

  • Treasure Chests
    • EP Charge
    • Teara Balm
  • Enemies
    • Nepenthes
    • Humming Gator


Rosenberg Studio

Once you enter this area, a cutscene will trigger. You won’t be able to do anything here so return to Area 4 with the bus stop. Proceed up the northwestern path.


Mainz Mountain Path – Tunnel

Explore this area to find the below.

  • Treasure Chests
    • Earth, Water, Fire and Wind Sepith x50
    • Interact with the different colored chest to begin a fight against 6 Mottled Killers. Defeat them all to receive Engineer Boots.
  • Enemies
    • Killer Cricket
    • Mottled Killer (tan spider)
    • Mottled Murder (red spider)
    • Rocktopus


Mainz Mountain Path – After Tunnel

Enter the next area to trigger a cutscene. Choose the following:

  • Why was that wolf not the culprit?
    • The howl
    • The appearance
    • Both howl and appearance


Afterwards, continue along the path to find the following:

  • Treasure Chests
    • Reviving Balm
  • Enemies
    • Rozu
    • Rocktopus
    • Ale Slime


Mainz Mining Village

Once inside the village, head directly to the far east side and enter the large circular building (mayor’s house) to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, head to the right side (when facing the mayor’s house) and go down the stairs, speaking with everyone you find (including those in the buildings). Return to the mayor’s house to trigger a cutscene. Return to the mayor’s house to trigger another cutscene. When prompted select the following:

  • What has yet to be confirmed?
    • Monsters’ identity
    • Monsters’ lair
    • Monsters’ objective
  • Which one corresponds to the ‘Culprit’?
    • Black Wolves
    • Unknown
    • Wolves’ Abilities
    • Property Damage/Injuries
  • Which one corresponds to the ‘Objective’?
    • Black Wolves
    • Unknown
    • Wolves’ Abilities
    • Property Damage/Injuries
  • Which one corresponds to the ‘Means’?
    • Black Wolves
    • Unknown
    • Wolves’ Abilities
    • Property Damage/Injuries
  • Which one corresponds to the ‘Result’?
    • Black Wolves
    • Unknown
    • Wolves’ Abilities
    • Property Damage/Injuries
  • What’s the name of the witness?
    • Harold Hayworth
    • Lytton
    • Shizuku MacLaine
    • Noel Seeker


Don’t interact with the table just quite yet. Instead, exit the inn then head down the stairs to the right of the mayor’s house. Enter the circular house on the southern side of the village and speak with Miner Max in bed to receive the below book.

  • Books
    • Back Alley Doctor Glenn – Ch. 3


Next, speak with the person (Mine Chief Hoffman) in front of the entrance to the mine on the northern side of town to the right of the general store.

During the cutscene, he will unlock the mine allowing us entry.


Mainz Mine

Head inside and explore to find the below!

  • Treasure Chests
    • Teara Balm
    • HP 2
    • Reviving Balm
    • Martial Arts Uniform
  • Enemies
    • Sticky Slug


Once you’ve explored everything, return to the entrance and exit the mine.


Mainz Mining Village

When you’re ready, interact with the table in your room at the inn and “stand by until midnight”. After the cutscene, a fight will trigger with 3 Doven Kaiser. Defeat them all to trigger a cutscene. When this cutscene completes, another fight will trigger. This time you’ll have to defeat Mafioso – Machete, Mafioso – Pistol and their 3 Doven Kaiser. Defeat them to complete this chapter!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 2 of The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero!



Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Chapter 1 Walkthrough – Part 2

by MrsChappie in


Below is Part 2 of a walkthrough for the collectibles found during Chapter 1: Afternoon of the Wolves of The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.




When you’re able to explore the city, stop by and feed the cat on the roof of the SSS building. We gave it a Tiger Rockfish that we caught in Armorica Village and were given an Attack 1.


Next up, head to West Street and make your way to the Bellheim Apartments. Once inside head downstairs then go into the middle apartment. Speak with Ryu to receive the below support request.


Complete this request and make sure to report it to the SSS terminal! Afterwards, head to the Administrative District and check in with Receptionist Rebecca at the C.P.D. Show her your Combat Notebook. If you’ve scanned all the monsters, you should receive 500 mira and U-Material.


Next, head on over to the Harbor District and fish off the dock near the lighthouse to receive the below fish.

  • Fish
    • Pearlglass (Novice Rod, Dumplings)
    • Gluttonous Bass (Novice Rod, Earthworm)
    • Amorican Carp (Novice Rod, Dumplings, Earthworm)
    • Eel (Novice Rod, Earthworm)


With some entries in your Fishing Notebook, head to East Street and enter the Fisherman’s Guild. Speak with the Branch Manager Cerdan behind the counter and select “Check your rank” twice. He will examine your notebook and if you caught all of the above fish, you’ll earn the Hobbyist Fisher title and the Straw Hat.


Now that you’ve done everything, head to Station Street and interact with the bus stop on the southern side of the city to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, exit the city to Ursula Road!


Ursula Road

Once on Ursula Road, explore the area to find the below.


Area 1

  • Enemies
    • Racohm
    • Ocean Drome
    • Deathcargot
    • Long-Eared Monkey
    • Kesalan
  • Fish (First northern path you can take. Follow it to the end where there is a rectangular platform. Fish off of the northern side!)

    • Carp (Novice Rod, Dumplings or Earthworm)
    • Eel (Novice Rod, Earthworm)
    • Snow Crab (Novice Rod, Earthworm)


Area 2

  • Treasure Chests
    • Coral Ring
    • EP Charge
  • Enemies
    • Deathcargot
    • Grass Drome
    • Ocean Drome
    • Kesalan

When you reach the southern part of this area, a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight against 2 Gordian. Defeat both of them to continue with the cutscene. Once it concludes, speak with the bus driver again to heal then continue south.


Area 3

  • Enemies
    • Ocean Drome
    • Kesalan
    • Backlash
    • Mossimon
    • Tropical Archer
    • Racohm
  • Treasure Chests
    • Reviving Balm
    • When you open the different colored chest on the eastern side of this area, a fight against 8 Backlash will trigger. Defeat them all to receive a Rune Cloth!
    • Impede 1

Please note that when you’re in this area, you’ll be able to fulfill an objective for the Hunting for Ingredients support request.


Area 4

  • Enemies
    • Fire Beetle
    • Butterflier
    • Ocean Drome
    • Spineedler
  • Treasure Chests
    • Tinkle Earrings
    • EP Charge
    • Each Sepith x20


St. Ursula Medical College

Explore the St. Ursula Medical College to find the below!

  • Recipes
    • Deluxe Beef Stew – Le Lectier Inn – Speak with the guy behind the counter


Once you’re ready, enter the main building on the east side of the area to trigger a cutscene then speak with Receptionist Sera (the female) behind the counter. When the cutscene ends, head upstairs to the top level then enter the area on the southwestern side to find the roof. Approach the bridge to trigger another cutscene. Afterwards, exit the room and head up the stairs on the right. On the new level, turn left and follow the path all the way to the end where you’ll see a giant EXIT sign. Exit here to reenter the roof. Once on the roof, follow the path until a cutscene triggers. Now you’ll have to investigate. First, head right and check the railing overlooking the water.

Next, head left along the rail and inspect the rail in the middle of this area overlooking the overhang below. It will be across from the light post with the two banners.

Continue heading left along the railing and inspect the railing on the bridge.

Next, head left and check the railing behind the hanging sheets.

To investigate the area below, head through the nearby doors then take a right and head down the stairs. Once on the next level, enter through the door on the left. Follow this path to the far left. When you’re outside, interact with the boxes on the right side.

Tio points out the other boxes across from the ones above. Before heading back inside, interact with them.

Next, inspect the railing on the western side.

Afterwards, head inside and return all the way back to 2F where the Resident Lytton was. On this floor, speak with him then head to the Nurse Station to the northwest of Resident Lytton’s room. Speak with Nurse Philia. Instead of heading to the third floor to speak with Cecile, follow Martha into the room behind the Nurse Station and speak with her. A special scene with Martha and Tio will trigger. Exit this room to trigger another dialog event. Afterwards, head to 3F and enter room 304 to trigger a cutscene. When you’re ready to leave, interact with the bus stop and wait for the bus.


Click here for Part 3 of the Chapter 1 walkthrough for The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero!



Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Mainz Mountain Path Monster Extermination

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Mainz Mountain Path Monster Extermination support request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: State Government

Salary: 2000 mira


When you reach the Mainz Mountain Path bus stop in area 4, take the northeastern path. In the next area, take the first path on the left.

At the dead end, approach the Fall Eagle and select to exterminate it.

This will begin a fight against 2 Fall Eagles. Defeat both of them to complete the quest! Make sure to report it to the terminal!



Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – We Long for Mishy

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the We Long for Mishy support request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero. In order to obtain this quest in Chapter 1, speak with Lars in the Long Lao Tavern & Inn on East Street after returning to Crossbell from completing the investigation at the hospital.


Once you’ve accepted the quest, head to the Entertainment District and enter Barca Casino. Inside speak with Cherry (girl wearing bunny ears at the Exchange counter). The Mishy Plush Toy can be traded for 200 medals. You can either purchase these medals for 1,000 mira or win them!


After you’ve traded for the Mishy Plush Toy, return to Lars in the inn on East Street to hand it over. As a reward, you’ll receive 120 mira and the quest will complete. Make sure to report it at the terminal!



Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Inspection Assistance Wanted

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Inspection Assistance Wanted support quest in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: Inspection Officer Quattro

Salary: 2000 mira


Head to Station Street and enter the Crossbell Station. Once inside, head up the stairs and speak with Inspector Officer Quattro on the left in front of a door.

Accept his request follow him through Platform 2, which is at the bottom of the stairs on the south side. Next, speak with Inspection Officer Quattro near the entrance to the train.

When you gain control, speak with all the people inside the train car. Once you’ve spoken with everyone, a brief cutscene will trigger. Afterwards, speak with the family of 3 then speak with the guy sitting alone on the back right side of the train (behind the lady wearing a white dress).

After the cutscene ends, the quest will complete! Make sure to report it at the terminal.



Trails from Zero Walkthroughs

Trails from Zero – Abandoned Apartment Monster Cleanup

by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Abandoned Apartment Monster Cleanup support quest in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.


Client: Imelda

Salary: 2500 mira


Head to the Back Alley then enter Imelda and speak with Imelda.

Accept the quest then head to the Maison Imelda in the Downtown District. It’s near the Serpent’s HQ.

As you make your way through this place, defeat the enemies you come across and explore to find the below!

  • Treasure Chests
    • Time, Space and Mirage Sepith x40
    • Earth, Water, Fire and Wind Sepith x40
    • Long Barrel
  • Enemies
    • Geralm Rat
    • Mosquito
    • Dart Gnaw


After you’ve cleared out the last monster, exit the room to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, it’ll just be you and Randy. Make your way back down the stairs then head to the western side of the hallway to trigger another cutscene. Proceed forward to find the below.

  • Treasure Chests
    • Sprinters (under stairs)


When you head up the stairs, a cutscene will trigger. Before heading through doors where Wald’s voice came from, swing right and follow the pathway to find the below.

  • Treasure Chests
    • When you interact with the different colored chest, a fight will trigger. Defeat the 4 Geralm Rats to receive a Fiber Coat!


Once you’re ready, head through the doors to trigger a cutscene followed by a fight against a Superior Mosquito and 5 Mosquitos. Defeat them all to complete the quest. Make sure to turn it in at the terminal!