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One Piece Odyssey – Luffy’s Waford Cube Fragments

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In One Piece Odyssey Luffy’s experience and skills will be taken from him. In order to get them back, you’ll need to locate 50 cube fragments scattered around Waford Island. Below is a guide on where to find his cube fragments in Waford. You’ll receive the Cube Collector: Luffy trophy/achievement for finding all of his cube fragments.

Dust Ruins

Dust Ruins Collapsed Corridor

This fragment can be found on the side of a column along the west side of the room. You can grab it with the Gum-Gum Rocket after jumping a gap on the west side of the room.

Dust Ruins Quicksand Experiment Site

After entering the ruins, take a left heading west to find this cut sticking out the side of a wall. You can grab it with the Gum-Gum Rocket.

Ice Block Ruins

Last Experiment Room Entrance

This cube can be found on the ground on the eastern side of the room next to a small colossus statue.

Last Experiment Room

To the east of the save point, there will be a door that Zoro can cut down. After doing so, head through the doorway and take a left past the columns to find the cube on the ground.

Last Experiment Room

This cube can be found along the walkway on the southeastern side of the room.

King Kong Garden

King King Garden

This fragment can be found on some rocks in the middle of the river along the left of the path after using the Gum-Gum Rocket near the entrance.

Shipwreck Beach

The fragment is stuck into the side of the ship at the beach. You can grab it with the Gum-Gum Rocket.

Lake Shore Cave

Lake Shore Cave

You’ll get 3 fragments after receiving Eisa’s Record Cube during the Retrieving Lost Strength main episode.

Lake Shore Cave

Another Luffy Cube Fragment can be found after cutting down the metal gate with Zoro in the northern part of the cave. You’ll need to use Gum-Gum Rocket to break a wall just past the gate. The fragment can be found on the rocky ledge to the right. Use the Gum-Gum Rocket to collect it.

Sky Tower

Purity Garden

This cube can be found on a rock ledge northeast of the save point.

Waford South

Thunderhead Bluff

Along a rock wall south of the path leading to Thunderhead Ruins.

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One Piece Odyssey – Chopper’s Waford Cube Fragments

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In One Piece Odyssey Chopper’s experience and skills will be taken from him. In order to get them back, you’ll need to locate 30 cube fragments scattered around Waford Island. Below is a guide on where to find his cube fragments in Waford. You’ll receive the Cube Collector: Chopper trophy/achievement for finding all of his cube fragments.

Dust Ruins

Dust Ruins Corridor Room

This fragment is located in the northern part of the room being guarded by a giant beetle.

Lake Shore Cave

Lake Shore Cave

Chopper’s cube fragment can be found under a ledge near the entrance to the cave. You’ll need to use Gum-Gun Rocket on the grapple point northwest of the save point. From there, Gum-Gum Rocket to the southern grapple point then look up to the eastern ledge to find the fragment. You’ll need to use your Gum-Gum Rocket to nab it.

Waford South

Thunderhead Bluff

This fragment can be found to the left of a stone archway along the path leading to the Thunderhead Ruins.

Waford Central

This cube can be found in a nook to the left of the entrance to the Sky Tower.

Ice Block Ruins

Last Experiment Room

This cube can be found in the southeastern part of the room on a platform. If you follow the southeastern path to the dead end, you should see it to the southwest and will be able to grab it using Luffy.

Sky Tower

Purity Garden

This cube can be found in a bird nest in the center of the area.

Purifying Bluff

This cube can be found in the central-eastern part of the area on a rock ledge near a small tunnel that Chopper can fit through.

Forest of Cleansing

This cube can be found on a rock ledge in the northeastern part of the area near the climbable wall.

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One Piece Odyssey – Alabasta Locked Chest Locations

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring the Island of Waford in One Piece Odyssey, you’re bound to find loads of treasures along the way. One such category of treasure is the Locked Chest which contains resources vital to your survival on the island provided you have a chest key to open them with. Below is a guide on where you can find the locked chests in Alabasta. Opening all of them rewards you with the Treasure Hunter trophy/achievement. Please note that you will have to complete the Grand Line Quiz questline in order to receive the key needed to open the chests. You can find details on those quests here.

Desert Near Nanohana

Desolate Valley

This chest can be found in the northwestern part of the region. You’ll need to have Frankie as a party member so he can build a bridge to reach the chest.

Great Sandy Desert

Cross Bone Bridge Canyon

This chest can be found in the western part of the region. You’ll need to have Frankie as a party member so he can build a bridge to reach the chest.

Sandy Ruins

This chest is guarded by a giant dragon-lizard on the north side of the ruins. You’ll need to defeat the beast to access the chest.


Eastern Highway

This chest can be found at the far eastern end of the highway in an alley up some stairs. You’ll need to use Chopper to reach it.

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One Piece Odyssey – Bounty Hunts

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While exploring Waford in One Piece Odyssey, you’re going to need a steady flow of Berriesi to fund your expedition. That’s where Bounty Hunts come in. You can accept bounties from Bounty Boards in taverns. Bounty Hunts are unlocked in Chapter 2 after completing the Mediator Marzin’s Quest side story at Spice Bean Plaza in Nanohana.


Antlion Moyas

Target Location: Desert Near Alubarna

This bounty unlocks during Chapter 5. The target can be found on the northern side of The Rebel Army Camp. Speak with the man wearing a housecoat to begin the fight against enemies using the following types of attacks: 1 power and 3 technique. Defeat them all to claim the bounty.

Reward: 130,000 Berries

Beast Tamer Mooji

Target Location: Ravine of No Return

After accepting the bounty in the Spice Bean tavern, make your way to the save point at the end of the Ravine of No Return. From there, follow the southeastern path until you reach the mine and are in the room with a statue in the center of it. Next, just keep heading east through two rooms to reach the area with Mooji. Clear out the pirates guarding him then speak to the pirate to start the fight. You’ll have to deal with Mooji and his two Rock Pandas. All three of the use power-based attacks, so Robin and Zoro will do extra damage here.

Reward: 38,000 Berries

Evil Bulbro

Target Location: Eastern Highway

After accepting the bounty, head to the eastern highway which is directly east of Spice Bean to find the targets in an alleyway. Speak with them to kick off the fight. Both of the brothers use technique-based attacks so Nami and Usopp will deal additional damage to them. Once you defeat them, the mediator will show up and the bounty hunt will be completed.

Reward: 30,000 Berries

Garuda Pirate Gardar

Target Location: Bone Bridge Canyon

After accepting the bounty, travel to the Great Sandy Desert then head for Bone Bridge Canyon which can be found in the western part of the region. Please note, that you’ll first need to retrieve your stolen food and water as part of the main episode here before you can reach the bounty. When you reach the area, look for the unattended cart. Interact with it to start the fight. You’ll face Gardar and his crew. 5 of them use technique-based attacks and the last one uses power-based attacks. Usopp and Nami will deal extra damage in this fight against the technique users. After bringing down all 6 of the Garuda Pirates, you’ll complete the bounty.

Reward: 30,000 Berries

Godspeed Fasti

Target Location: Alubarna Ravine

After accepting the bounty, progress in the game until you cross the sand river on the giant crab. This will bring you to the Desert Near Alubarna. Follow the path heading past the southern save point. When you reach the split, head left then use Chopper to head through the small gap in the boarded door. Look for the left to find Fasti. Speak with him to start the fight. You’ll have to face 2 technique-based, 1 power-based and 1 speed-based enemy. Defeat them to complete the bounty.

Reward: 33,000 Berries

Harbinger Vigo

Target Location: Great Sandy Desert

This bounty unlocks during Chapter 5. This target can be found in the Sandy Ruins of the Great Sandy Desert. From the Sandy Ruins Yoisa Travel Sign, head west backtracking towards the tunnel. Do not enter the tunnel! There will be a rock that you can break just before the entrance of the tunnel revealing a path. Use Chopper to head inside where the target awaits. Interact with the man wearing an orange shirt to trigger the fight. You’ll be up against 1 technique, 1 power and 2 speed attackers. Defeat them all to complete the bounty.

Reward: 150,000 Berries

Illusionist Ginger

Target Location: Great Sandy Desert

This bounty unlocks during Chapter 5. Travel to the Donut Canyon in the Great Sandy Desert to find a lady in a pink dress. Speak with her to begin the fight. You’ll be up against enemies that use the following attacks: 1 power, 1 technique and 1 speed. Defeat them all to complete the bounty.

Reward: 200,000 Berries

“Land Karage” Rikaon

Target Location: Plaza in Front of Royal Mausoleum

This bounty becomes available at bounty boards after returning to Alabasta in chapter 3. Rikaon can be found in the city of Alubarna near the entrance to the mausoleum. Speak with him to start the fight against him and his 3 Kung Fu Dugongs. Defeat them to claim the bounty.

Reward: 40,000 Berries

Mad the Bounty Hunter

Target Location: Alubarna

This bounty unlocks during Chapter 5. This target can be found on the eastern side of town in the Market District Front Gate Path. Speak with the man wearing a blue plaid shirt that is opened with a brown shirt underneath it to begin the fight. You’ll be fighting enemies with the following attack types: 1 speed and 3 techniques. Defeat them all to claim the bounty!

Reward: 300,000 Berries

“Sniper Genius” Sniper Killer

Target Location: Desert Cave Upper Level

After accepting the bounty, travel to the Desert Cave. Near the entrance, there will be two people taking off to the right. Just past them are some vines you can use to drop down to a lower level. It is here that you will find the Sniper Killer. Interact with him to start a fight with his crew. Two of them will use technique-based attacks and the Sniper Killer uses speed-based attacks. Defeat them to complete the bounty.

Reward: 30,000 Berries


Anarchy Pirate Zenran

Target Location: Dressrosa City Area

This target can be found in the Dressrosa City Old Residential District. Speak with him to begin the fight against enemies using the following types of attacks: 2 Power and 2 Technique. Defeat them all to claim the bounty.

Reward: 600,000 Berries

Deathless Biezom

Target Location: Dressrosa City Area

This target can be found east of the Coliseum Path Yoisa Sign. Speak with him to kick off a fight against 1 technique, 1 power and 1 speed. Defeat them all to claim the bounty.

Reward: 300,00 Berries

Devil Marin the Witch

Target Location: Dressrosa City Area

Travel to the Old Royal Plateau Area, which is north of the Coliseum Path Yoisa Sign. This will begin the fight with 3 speed and 2 technique-based attackers. Defeat them to claim the bounty!

Reward: 480,000 Berries

Dicing Vence

Target Location: Dressrosa City Area

This target can be found next to the savepoint near the Coliseum. Speak with the man to kick off a fight against attackers using 1 power, 2 techniques and 1 speed.

Reward: 400,000 Berries

Fickle Milena

Target Location: Dressrosa City Area

You can find Fickle Milena on the southeastern side of Dressrosa City Area in the Foot of New Royal Plateau area. Speak with her to begin the fight against enemies using the following types of attacks: 2 Techniques and 1 Speed. Defeat them all to claim the bounty.

Reward: 780,000 Berries

Ultimate Evil Bulbro

Target Location: Dressrosa City Area

This duo can be found surrounded by rubble east of the Square, At Fountain Yoisa sign. Speak with them to kick off a fight. They both use technique-based attacks. Defeat them to collect the bounty.

Reward: 200,000 Berries

Weapon Maniac Ganot

Target Location: New Royal Plateau: Bottom

This target can be found down the path west of the N.R.P. 1F Camp standing on some rubble. Speak with the guy holding a sword to kick off a fight against 4 speed and 1 power. Defeat them all to collect the bounty.

Reward: 420,000 Berries

Water Seven

Bandit Nine Gillian

Target Location: Water Seven Lower Coast

This bounty becomes available during Chapter 5. This target can be found on a rock path overlooking the eastern beach. Speak with the man wearing the maroon t-shirt to begin the fight against enemies using the following types of attacks: 1 power, 1 speed and 1 technique. Defeat them all to claim the bounty.

Reward: 300,000 Berries

Dance-Dance Creez

Target Location: Water Seven City Area

This bounty becomes available after beating the story for the Water Seven City Area. Travel to the Gallery-La Company Dock One, which is in the southeastern corner, and speak with the lady wearing a yellow shirt to begin a fight against Creez and her minions. Two use technique-based attacks and one uses speed-based attacks. Defeat them to collect the bounty!

Reward: 120,000 Berries

Furious Medicine Dwanger

Target Location: Water Seven City Area

This bounty becomes available after beating the story for the Water Seven City Area and some of the bounties. This target can be found in Main Street, which is on the west side of the area. Speak with the man wearing a purple shirt and vest to begin the fight. There will be 3 speed attackers and 1 power attacker. Defeat them all to claim the bounty!

Reward: 500,000 Berries

Mistaken Bentag

Target Location: Sewer

This bounty becomes available after beating the story for the Water Seven City Area. Travel to the Sewer entrance and head deeper in towards Frankie’s hideout. As you make your way, the bounty will appear on the map in the center of Old Sewer. Once you reach the target, speak with the man wearing a green shirt to trigger the fight. The attackers use speed, power and technique attacks. Defeat them to obtain the bounty!

Reward: 90,000 Berries

Mysterious Baritone Lazarus

Target Location: Dock One

This bounty becomes available after beating the story for the Water Seven City Area and some of the bounties. Travel to the Material Depot in the southern part of Dock One near the crane. Once there, speak with the man wearing the blue shirt to start the fight with Mysterious Baritone Lazarus and his minions. 2 use technique attacks and 1 uses speed. Defeat them to claim the bounty!

Rewards: 375,000 Berries

Pepper Pot Terrance

Target Location: Water Seven City Area

This bounty becomes available after beating the story for the Water Seven City Area. Travel to the Elevator-Top Floor, which is southeast of the save point. Once there, speak with the man all in red to trigger a fight against Pepper Pot Terrance and his minions. All are technique-based! Defeat them to claim the bounty!

Reward: 105,000 Berries

Sweet Poison Portnoy

Target Location: Water Seven City Area

This bounty becomes available during Chapter 9. Travel to the Mayoral Residence Plaza Yoisa sign then make your way to the guy standing outside the Red Bird Apparel. Speak with the man wearing purple to kick off the fight. There are 2 speed and 1 technique-based attackers. Defeat them all to claim the bounty!

Reward: 700,000 Berries

Super Evil Bulbro

Target Location: Dock One

This bounty becomes available after beating the story for the Water Seven City Area. Travel to the Shipbuilding Scaffolding in the eastern part of Dock One. Once there, head up to the top of the scaffolding then speak with the two men wearing striped shirts. This will trigger a fight against them. Both are technique attackers. Take them down to claim the bounty!

Reward: 50,000 Berries

Talkative Idor

Target Location: Water Seven City Area

This bounty becomes available after beating the story for the Water Seven City Area. Travel to the Employee Public Bath in the northwestern corner of Water Seven City Area and speak with the man wearing a striped shirt. This will lead to a fight against Idor and his minions. One uses technique-based attacks and the other two use power-based attacks. Defeat them to complete the bounty!

Reward: 90,000 Berries

Whistling Paylin

Target Location: Sewer

This bounty becomes available after beating the story for the Water Seven City Area. Travel to the Sewer and head to the western side to find the bounty. Speak with him to start the fight against three enemies. One uses technique-based attacks while the other two use speed-based attacks. Defeat them to complete the bounty!

Reward: 165,000 Berries

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One Piece Odyssey – Side Stories

by NightlyGamingBinge in

While trying to find a way off Waford Island in One Piece Odyssey, you’ll come across people that need help from the Straw Hats. That help comes in the form of Side Stories that task with completing a specific objective for a reward. You’ll get your first side story in Chapter 2.

A Prisoner’s Desire

Area: Marineford City Area

Objective: Collect 2 repair materials

This side story becomes available during Chapter 7. For this request, you’ll be tasked with gathering Nails from a broken cannon in the city and Ship Lumber from Ox Bell Plaza. The cannon can be found on the west side of South Town at the end of the straight. Speak with the Nail-Gathering Craftsman standing in front of the cannon to receive the nails. For the Ship Lumber, head to Ox Bell Plaza then speak with the Wood-Gathering Craftsman. Now that you’ve obtained both items, return to Jude. He’ll want you to find a sailcloth. Head to South Town and look for the shop stall near Ox Bell Plaza. Speak with the shopkeeper to begin a fight. Defeat him to obtain the sailcloth then return to Jude. Speak with him to complete the case.

Rewards: Prisoner’s Ring x1, 126,000 Berries

Battlefield Courier

Area: Alabasta – Desert Near Alubarna (The Royal Army Garrison)

Objective: Look for Hator

This side story can be started after returning to Alabasta in chapter 3. Speak with Segem in the Royal Army Garrison. He’ll ask you to deliver a letter to his son. Head over to the Rebel Army Camp located west of the garrison. Once there, speak with the Former Rebel Soldier sitting near a ladder on the right just past the main entrance. You’ll then want to take the ladder up and speak with the Veteran Soldier on the walkway. He’ll then send you to a talk to Hator’s Partner wearing a red shirt and sitting under a canopy. Finally, the next destination is the Baroque Works Hideout which can be reached via a northwestern path in the Desert Near Alubarana. Talk to Hator there then return to Segem to close the case.

Rewards: Family Ring x1, 18,000 Berries

Dance Rehearsal

Area: Alabasta – Alubarna (Lovely Spring Plaza)

Objective: Train the pupils

This side story becomes available after completing the Talented Doctor side story for Sardan. This time, she’ll ask you to help train her dancers. You can do this by speaking with her again to fight them. There will be two technique-based enemies and 1 power-based. Defeat them to close the case.

Rewards: Dancer’s Tiara x1, 18,000 Berries

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Area: Marineford City Area

Objective: Talk to the plaza animals

This side story becomes available during Chapter 7. Speak with the man sitting on the ground in Ox Bell Plaza. As Chopper, speak with the cat near the stairs. Next, travel to the fountain in the northeast part of South Town and speak with the dog frolicking in the water. After speaking with the dog, head up the stairs in the north to reach North Town. Once there, head past the horse and take the stairs to the left up to the top. Speak with the black cat next to the tables. Afterwards, head back down the stairs and turn left. Follow the path to the Crumbled Ground and speak with the people next to the bridge that Franky built to trigger a fight. Defeat the enemies then return to Kevin to complete the case.

Rewards: Ox Bell’s Pendant x1, 126,000 Berries

God Usopp 1

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Reform the violent gladiators

Speak with Blacksmith Garill in Dressrosa City East to obtain this side story then travel to Dressrosa City South in the southern part of the city to find a group of gladiators. Approach the group for an event followed by a battle. Defeat the gladiators then speak with them. Afterwards, speak with Garill to close the case.

Rewards: Fairy Pumpkin Gazpacho x1, 37,000 Berries

God Usopp 2

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Learn about the mystery seeds

To start this quest, speak with the Worried Old Woman at Foot of New Royal Plateau in the southeastern part of the area. To learn more about the mystery seeds, start by heading to the bookstore, which is the red brick building at Coliseum Path. Once inside the bookstore, speak with the man behind the counter. You’ll need to gather the Bo Bo Bird Egg, which can be looted around the Coliseum. Once you’ve found one, report back to the old woman. Next, she’ll want you to meet her in front of the castle at New Royal Plateau. Travel to the N.R.P. Sunflower Field in the New Royal Plateau: Top at night. Once there, speak with the woman near the sunflowers to trigger a fight against a group of man-eating plants. When you defeat them all, the quest will complete.

Rewards: Team God Badge x1, 49,000 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Kid Level 1

Area: Sandy Oasis (Great Sandy Desert)

Objective: Answer Zoner’s Quiz Correctly

Zoner can be found in the Sandy Oasis after you get Nami’s money back as part of the main episode in Chapter 2. She’ll ask you a series of questions that you’ll need to answer correctly. The questions and answers can be found below. The case will close after answering them all correctly.

What animal will ask to become your apprentice when beaten in battle?The Kung Fu Dugong.
What’s the name of a poisonous spider that looks like a fruit?The Desert Strawberry
Who is Alabasta’s ruler and twelfth successor of the Nefertari Royal Family?Cobra.

Rewards: Scorpion and Clam Soup x1, 100 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Kid Level 2

Area: Sandy Oasis (Great Sandy Desert)

Objective: Answer Zoner’s Quiz Correctly

This side story becomes available after completing the Grand Line Quiz Kid Level 1 side story. Zoner will ask you more questions that you’ll need to answer correctly. The questions and answers can be found below. The case will close after answering them all correctly.

What animal plays dead to steal the belongings of travelers?The Bilker Heron
What is the name of the large casino in Rainbase?Rain Dinners
What’s the name of the giant gators who inhabit Sandy Island?Banana Gators

Rewards: Sazae Kancho Pescatore x1, 200 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Kid Level 3

Area: Sandy Oasis (Great Sandy Desert)

Objective: Answer Zoner’s Quiz Correctly

This side story becomes available after completing the Grand Line Quiz Kid Level 2 side story. Zoner will ask you more questions that you’ll need to answer correctly. The questions and answers can be found below. The case will close after answering them all correctly.

What is Alabasta Vice-commander Pell’s alias?Pell the Falcon
What is the rare, giant catfish found only in the Sandora River?The Sandora Catfish
What is port city Nanohana’s local specialty?Perfume

Rewards: Quiz Researcher’s Badge x1, 300 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Lady Level 1

Area: Fountain Square (Water Seven City Area)

Objective: Answer Zoner’s quiz correctly

This side story becomes available after clearing the story portion of Water Seven. Speak with Zoner near the Yosa sign. When you’re ready, speak with her a second time to begin the quiz. The questions and answers can be found below. The case will close after answering them all correctly.

What is the name of the Sea Train currently servicing Water Seven?Puffing Tom
What is the mounted transportation essential to living in Water Seven?Bull
What is the name of the annual high tide that overwhelms Water Seven?Aqua Laguna

Rewards: Bronze Bat Soup x1, 12,000 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Lady Level 2

Area: Fountain Square (Water Seven City Area)

Objective: Answer Zoner’s quiz correctly

This side story becomes available completing the Grand Line Quiz Lady Level 1 side story. Speak with Zoner near the Yosa sign. When you’re ready, speak with her a second time to begin the quiz. The questions and answers can be found below. The case will close after answering them all correctly.

What is the highest tier Bull you can rent from the Rental Bull Shop?King Bull
What is the name of the endangered tree that is the strongest in the world?Treasure Tree Adam
How many foremen does the Galley-La Company have for each dock?5

Rewards: Ogre Sazae Kancho Carbonara x1, 16,000 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Lady Level 3

Area: Fountain Square (Water Seven City Area)

Objective: Answer Zoner’s quiz correctly

This side story becomes available completing the Grand Line Quiz Lady Level 2 side story. Speak with Zoner near the Yosa sign. When you’re ready, speak with her a second time. She’ll then travel to the northwestern corner of Dock One. Speak with her behind a covered wagon to close the case.

Rewards: Quiz Researcher’s Ring x1, 24,000 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Madam Level 1

Area: Marineford City Area

Objective: Answer Zoner’s quiz correctly

You can obtain this side story during Chapter 7. To start the quest, speak with Zoner in South Town near the fountain. When you’re ready, speak with her a second time to begin the quiz. The questions and answers can be found below. The case will close after answering them all correctly.

What is the name of the prison impossible to break into or out of?Impel Down
What is the name of the bell in western Marineford? The Ox Bell
The “Ultimate Military Force” of Marines HQ are Aokiji, Kizaru, and who else?Akainu

Rewards: Shogun Jishi’s Steak x1, 63,000 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Madam Level 2

Area: Marineford City Area

Objective: Answer Zoner’s quiz correctly

You can obtain this side story after completing Grand Line Quiz Madam Level 1. To start the quest, speak with Zoner in South Town near the fountain. When you’re ready, speak with her a second time to begin the quiz. The questions and answers can be found below. The case will close after answering them all correctly.

What is the name of the warden of Impel Down?Magellan
The Three Great Powers of the Grand Line are the Four Emperors, Marine HQ, and?The Seven Warlords of the Sea
What is the name of the giant gate in both Enies Lobby and Impel Down?The Gates of Justice

Rewards: Shay-King Parfait x1, 84,000 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Madam Level 3

Area: Marineford City Area

Objective: Answer Zoner’s quiz correctly

You can obtain this side story after completing Grand Line Quiz Madam Level 2. To start the quest, speak with Zoner in South Town near the fountain. This time she’ll want you to find her. You can find her in Ox Bell Plaza, which is south of South Town. As soon as you reach the plaza, an event will trigger leading to a battle against some escaped prisoners. Defeat them to complete the side story.

Rewards: Quiz Researcher’s Necklace x1, Zoro’s Cube Fragment x3, 126,000 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Mister Level 1

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Answer Zoner’s quiz correctly

You can obtain this side story during the Final Chapter. To start the quest, speak with Zoner in the Old Royal Plateau Area, which is the northwestern corner of the area. When you’re ready, speak with him again to begin the quiz. The questions and answers can be found below. The case will close after answering them all correctly.

What is the name of the violent fish that lives in the sea near Dressrosa?The Fighting Fish
What flower blooms in the garden near the Dressrosa Royal Palace?Sunflower
What is the name of the place in Dressrosa where gladiators fight?The Corrida Coliseum

Rewards: Merchant Gelato x1, 37,000 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Mister Level 2

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Answer Zoner’s quiz correctly

You can obtain this side story after completing the Grand Line Quiz Mister Level 1 side story. To start the quest, speak with Zoner in the Old Royal Plateau Area, which is the northwestern corner of the area. When you’re ready, speak with him again to begin the quiz. The questions and answers can be found below. The case will close after answering them all correctly.

Who is the man called the strongest gladiator of the Corrida Coliseum?Kyros
What are the dwarves who live in Dressrosa called?The Tontattas
The current Ultimate Military Force of Marines HQ are Kizaru, Ryokugyu and?Fujitora

Rewards: Fruit Gator Punch x1, 49,000 Berries

Grand Line Quiz Mister Level 3

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Answer Zoner’s quiz correctly

You can obtain this side story after completing the Grand Line Quiz Mister Level 1 side story. To start the quest, speak with Zoner in the Old Royal Plateau Area, which is the northwestern corner of the area. For this quest, you’ll need to find the kidnapped Zoner. Turn around immediately when you gain control and speak with the Worried man in front of the pink building to learn that he spotted a girl walking near the Colesium. Head south to the fountain at Coliseum Path and speak with the lady wearing an orange dress to learn that Zoner was spotted south of the Coliseum. Follow the road south to Square, At Fountain. Head up the raised road to find a little girl surrounded by a group of dangerous-looking men. Approach them for a cutscene that leads to a fight. Defeat them to close the case.

Rewards: Treasure Chest Key x1, Luffy’s Cube Fragment x3, 74,000 Berries

Help Iceberg 1

Area: Water Seven City Area

Objective: Get aqua corn

Talk with Iceberg outside the gate in Front of Mayoral Residence. Next, travel to the Lower Coast and head to the middle of the path traveling north from the harbor to find the shop. Speak with the merchant then keep heading north. After passing under the rock archway, take a right towards the eastern beach where you’ll find a group of pirates. Interact with them to start a fight. The enemies use the following types of attacks: 2 speed and 1 technique. Defeat them then return to the quest giver to close the case.

Rewards: Aqua Cabbage Roll x1, 36,000 Berries

Helping Iceberg 2

Area: Water Seven City Area

Objective: Talk to the tableware factory boss

After completing his first quest, speak with Iceberg again where he’ll request your assistance once more. You’ll need to head west from the mayor’s house to reach the bath. Speak with the man wearing a blue leopard print shirt. Select the following options: “The mayor has a press conference.”, “I hear he’s going to advertise your merchandise.” and “It’s for the city.” Afterwards, return to the mayor’s to get the next task. Head all the way down the stairs to reach Fountain Square. Speak with the guy standing to the right of an orange and white striped overhang. Select the following options: “The mayor has to get ready.”, “He’s preparing for the Aqua Laguna.” and “The mayor trusts you.” Again, return to the mayor’s to get another task. This time head to the Canal Restaurant on the eastern part of Water Seven City Area. You can find him just past the outdoor seating area standing in the corner near a door. He’ll be wearing a green striped shirt. Select the following options: “The mayor has a stomach ache…”, “There’s a dish that is good for stomach aches.” and “He said he’d work with your schedule.” Yet again, report back to Iceberg. This time the case will close.

Rewards: Elephant Tuna Saute x1, 46,000 Berries

Helping Iceberg 3

Area: Water Seven City Area

Objective: Ask around the sewers

After completing Helping Iceberg 2, speak with Iceberg to receive this case. Head to the Sewage Treatment Plant in the southern part of the city to reach the Sewers. Outside the grate, speak with the man wearing the blue button-up shirt. In the sewer, find 3 different groups of the gold bats and defeat them. Once done return to the guy outside the sewer entrance then report back to Iceberg to close the case.

Rewards: Iceberg’s Gift x1, 59,000 Berries

Hungry Navi Bird

Area: Alabasta – Nanohana (Exit to Desert)

Objective: Collect 10 Desert Nuts

You’ll receive this side story during Chapter 2 during the Head to Rainbase Main Episode. The Navi Bird will task you with collecting 10 Desert Nuts. They can be found in bird nests around Nanohana. You’ll need to use Usopp to shoot them down. After getting 10, return to the Navi Bird to close the case.

Rewards: Navi Bird’s Lost Item x1

Madame Julie’s Pupil – Part 1

Area: Waford South – Hermit’s Cave

Objective: Syntheziie an Accessory with at Least 2 Effects

To find Julie, you’ll need to make your way to Hermit’s Cave which can be found west of Adio’s house. You’ll need to enter the cave as Chopper then switch to Zoro to cut down a metal gate standing in your way. This will allow you to reach the back room of the cave where Juile can be found. Speak with her and she’ll task you with crafting an accessory that has at least 2 effects. You can do this by using the Robin’s Mystery Craft machine during a party. Pick two accessories you have and fuse them together. Then bring it to Julie to close the case.

Rewards: Gator Durian x3, 18,000 Berries

Madame Julie’s Pupil – Part 2

Area: Waford South – Hermit’s Cave

Objective: Syntheziie an Accessory with at Least 3 Effects

Speak with Julie after completing her first side story and she’ll ask Robin to craft another accessory, but this time she wants at least 3 effects. To do this you’ll need to level up Robin’s crafting skill and also have an accessory with 2 additional effect slots. You should be able to do this after completing the main story for Water Seven City Area. Once that’s done, you’ll just need to craft the accessory the bring it to Julie to close the case.

Rewards: Shock Kabuto Meat x5, 24,000 Berries

Madame Julie’s Pupil – Part 3

Area: Waford South

Objective: Synthesize an accessory

This time you’ll have to make an accessory with 4 effects. You’ll be able to craft this accessory during Chapter 7. Once you have the accessory, deliver it to Julie to complete the case.

Rewards: Julie’s Ring x1, 36,000 Berries

Master and Student Final

Area: Alabasta – Desert Near Alubarna (Alubarna Ravine)

Objective: Train with the Kung Fu Dugongs Again Again

This side story becomes available after completing the Master and Student Rematch side story. The Kung Fu Dugongs will ask to fight against you a final time. Speak with them again to start the fight. Just like the last couple of times, all three of them use power-based attacks. After defeating them, a Sandora Dragon decides to join the party. The beast uses technique-based attacks, so make use of Nami and Usopp for extra damage. Defeat the beast to close the case.

Rewards: Kung Fu Dugong’s Treasure x1

Master and Student Rematch

Area: Alabasta – Great Sandy Desert (Great Sandy Dunes)

Objective: Train with the Kung Fu Dugongs Again

After completing the Master and Student side story, you’ll come across the Kung Fu Dugongs again in the Great Sandy Desert northeast of the ruins in the Great Sandy Dunes. They will ask for a rematch against the Straw Hats. Speak with them a second time to oblige. As before, all three of them use power-based attacks so Robin and Zoro will deal more damage here. Defeat them to prompt a dialog event. When it ends, you’ll need to procure some Bedrock Salt and Sandora Dragon Meat to have Sanji cook steak tips for the Dugongs. You probably have the ingredients by now, but if you don’t there is an enclosed area southeast of your current position that has a Sandora Dragon you can fight. Bedrock Salt can be bought from the Spice Bean Plaza shop in Nanohana. Bring the ingredients to the Dugongs to close the case

Rewards: Bo Bo Bird Breast x5

Master and Student Showdown

Area: Alabasta – Nanohana (Spice Bean Plaza)

Objective: Train with the Kung Fu Dugongs

The Kung Fu Dugongs can be found in an ally southeast of Spice Bean past the Mediator. Speak with the trio and agree to train with them. Talk with them again when you’re ready to start the sparring session. All three of them use power-based attacks so Robin and Zoro will deal extra damage here. Defeating them will close the case.

Rewards: Small Drumstick x1


Area: Alabasta – Nanohana (Spice Bean Plaza)

Objective: Complete a bounty

Marzin can be found in Spice Bean Plaza across from Spice Bean. Talk with him to learn about bounty hunts then agree to work with him. Next, you’ll want to head to Spice Bean and accept the bounty for Evil Bulbro. Once you do, head to the eastern highway which is directly east of Spice Bean to find the targets in an alleyway. Speak with them to kick off the fight. Both of the brothers use technique-based attacks so Nami and Usopp will deal additional damage to them. Once they both go down the bounty hunt will be completed and the case will be closed.

Rewards: Mediator’s Invitation x1, 6,000 Berries

More Important than Berries

Area: Alabasta – Nanohana (Eastern Highway)

Objective: Look for the Lost Photograph

This quest becomes available when returning to Alabasta during chapter 3. Tam will tell the Straw Hats about his missing photo and Nami will offer to find it for a reward. Start by heading to the Desolate Valley west of Nanohana. If you speak with the group of people near the save point there, they will mention seeing a photograph blowing by. Continue on to the camp in the north. Then go west to find a small tunnel that Chopper can fit in. Keep going west from there to find the photograph on the ground near a broken bridge. Return to Tam and speak with him.

Return to the caravan in the Desolate Valley to learn the other picture flew into the Ravine of No Return. Make your way there, then take the eastern path in the first three areas to reach the place with the scorpions. You’ll find the picture on the ground. Take it back to Tam to close the case.

Rewards: Noble’s Ring x1, 3,000 Berries

My Dearest Violet

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Find the Autographed Paper

To obtain this quest, speak with Ellio in Dressrosa City East. For this quest, head to the tavern in the southeastern part of the city and speak with the Intoxicated Man standing next to a gladiator near the entrance. Afterwards, head to Blacksmith Road, which is north of the Coliseum. Once there, there will be a kid spazzing out in front of a blue house. Speak with him to learn that his friend has the autographed picture but that friend is playing hide and seek. Head to the next house to the north and look by the patio table to find the kid. Speak with him to learn that Martha is playing by the fountain in front of the Coliseum. When you reach the fountain, head up the stairs facing the red brick building then take a left to find a fabric stand. Speak with the girl then go into the red brick building. Head inside and look for the man wearing a red shirt by a bookshelf. Speak with him to obtain the autograph then return to Ellio to close the case.

Rewards: Gifted Ring x1, Sanji’s Cube Fragment x3, 74,000 Berries

My Treasure

Area: Cafe Park (Water Seven City Area)

Objective: Find the Germa 66 dolls

Speak with Crybaby Hien northeast of the Yoisa sign in Cafe Park to obtain the quest. Afterwards, head to the stairs to the right of the child and speak with the Sad Yagara. It’ll tell you that a passenger with a light blue shirt and glasses took the doll. Return to where the child was and head west. A guy wearing a blue shirt with stripes will be straight ahead. Speak with him to obtain the Poison Pink Figure.

Next, travel south of Cafe Park to the Elevator – Top Floor. Once there, head to the southeastern corner and speak with the Genteel Yagara. It’ll tell you that a family looking for jewelry has it. Look diagonally from the Yagara to find a building with a green wall. Enter the doorway on this wall to reach the Money Exchange. Speak with the girl sitting on a bench to obtain the Stealth Black Figure. She’ll give you a hint that she saw another doll on the ground outside of Canal Restaurant.

Travel to Canal Restaurant on the far eastern side of the area. You can ride a Yagara to reach it quickly. Once there, speak with the Forgetful Yagara and it’ll mention dropping the doll around the area. Travel west along the river. After you pass the outdoor seating area, you’ll see some stairs leading down into the water. The doll will be in the water. Approach the water to receive the Sparkling Red Figure.

For the next doll, speak with the Friendly Yagara in front of the Canal Restaurant. It’ll tell you that he gave the doll away to an old lady sitting on a bench. Head to the Gallery-La Company Dock One entrance, which is south from the restaurant. Speak with the lady wearing a striped blue dress to receive the Winch Green Figure. She’ll give you a hint that the next doll is near the entrance to Dock One.

From the old lady, head south passing the entrance to Dock One. Go down the stairs and turn right at the bench to speak with the Hungry Yagara. It’ll tell you that it has the doll, however, it wants the Sazae Kancho Pescatore in exchange for it. You can make this dish in any tavern as long as you have the correct ingredients. Once you do, hand it over to the Yagara to receive the Shocking Blue Figure.

With all 5 dolls finally collected, return to Crybaby Hien in Cafe Park to complete the case.

Rewards: Yagara’s Lost Item x1, 500 Berries

Natural Underground Enemies

Area: Water Seven City Area

Objective: Defeat the Berserk Wicked Mice

During Chapter 5, travel to the Canal Restaurant area and speak with the Franky Family Follower to accept his request. You’ll then need to speak with the other Franky Family Follower next to the sewer grate to enter the Sewer. In the Sewer, use the elevator to take it to Sewer B2F. Head west to reach the Old Sewer then keep working your way to the Franky’s Hideout. A cutscene will trigger leading to a fight. Defeat the enemies then return to the quest giver to complete the quest.

Rewards: Mouse Repellent x1, 36,000 Berries

Night Exterminator

Area: Alabasta – Great Sandy Desert

Objective: Defeat 10 Deluck Brothers

This side story becomes available after returning to Alabasta during chapter 3. Speak with Mitt who will ask Zoro to take care of the blue scorpions terrorizing the desert. The Deluck Brothers can be found in the desert at night. You’ll need to use the campfire to change the time of day if it’s not night already. After defeating 10 of them, return to Mitt to close the case.

Rewards: Mitt’s Ring x1, 500 Berries

Rebuilding Dressrosa

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Talk to the old Tohbo

To obtain this quest, speak with the Thinking Man at the N. R. P. Elevator on the east side of town near the elevator. For this side story, you’ll need to travel to Dock One in Water Seven. Once there, cross the stone bridge to reach the material depot and speak with the Ship Carpenter Tohbo inside the building. Afterwards, travel to Franky’s hideout then speak with the Franky Family Follower on the west side of the map to get the medal. Afterwards, return to Dressrosa and speak with Ship Carpenter Tohbo to hand over the materials. Afterwards, the quest will complete.

Rewards: General Store Gift x1, Zoro’s Cube Fragment x3, 74,000 Berries

Respected Elder

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Make a special Trick Ball

To start this quest, speak with the Barto Club Apprentice in the Dressrosa City East. He’ll want you to craft a Perfect Exhaust Ball Plus using Mezcal Cactus, Negative Seed, Unlucky Herb and Nimbus Spider. Once you do, speak with him to hand it over to close the case.

Rewards: Barto Club Badge x1, 74,000 Berries

Someone I Must Meet

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Find Neline

To start this side story, speak with Poppy at Square, At Fountain. She’ll want you to travel to a child-sized hole at the New Royal Plateau: 1st Level. Travel to the N.R.P. 1F Camp Yoisa sign then make your way to the long bridge in the southern part where Frankie had to build and add on to it. Head to the west side of this bridge. From the western part of the bridge, don’t cross the bridge but instead head to the right to find Soldier Ekie. Speak with him to trigger a fight. There will be 2 techniques and 1 speed. After the fight, travel to the northeastern corner of the New Royal Plateau: Bottom across from the savepoint to find the NPC in front of the rubble. For this fight, there are 3 techniques and a speed. You’ll then need to find the guy again. This time he can be found in the New Royal Plateau: Top just before the N.R.P. Sunflower Field. Interact with the guy to trigger a fight. There will be 3 techniques and 2 speeds. Once you defeat them, return to Square, At Fountain and speak with Poppy to complete the case.

Rewards: Nostalgic Necklace x1, Sanji’s Cube Fragment x3, 37,000 Berries

Taken by Tontattas

Area: Dressrosa City Area

Objective: Find the Tontattas

To start this side story, speak with the girl at Coliseum Path. Next, inspect the bush directly behind the girl. You’ll learn that it didn’t take it and suggested looking around the Coliseum fountain. Travel north to the fountain to find a dog barking at a wagon. Speak with the man next to the dog then head around to the back of the wagon and speak with the Tontatta. It doesn’t have it so head up the middle set of stairs. Just before the entrance to the bookstore, take a right then interact with the plant between the benches. You’ll then obtain the Keepsake Ribbon. Return to the girl to close the case.

Rewards: Toy Ring x1, Nami’s Cube Fragment x3, 500 Berries

Talented Doctor

Area: Alabasta – Alubarna (Alubarna – Clock Tower Western Path)

Objective: Find a Doctor

This side story becomes available after returning to Alabasta during chapter 3. To start, head to the main gate and speak with the burly man wearing a white shirt and black hat. Head through the gate going south then enter the tavern by the save point. Speak to the man wearing a red shirt with a yellow bandana. He’ll ask you to bring him two Gator Bananas. You can get them off of the Banana Gators which should be in the Desert Near Alubarna. Deliver the ingredients to get the medicine then take that back to the lady to close the case.

Rewards: Sandora Dragon Steak Tips x1, Herb-Filled Bo Bo Bird x1, 18,000 Berries

Tavern Troubles

Area: Tavern – Kajika (Water Seven City Area)

Objective: Get info from the 3 tourists

Travel to the Cats All Over Bar, which can be found in the Elevator – Top Floor Area in the south-central part of the map. In the bar, speak with the boy wearing a blue shirt, a man wearing a striped shirt and a lady wearing a polka dot shirt. After you speak with them all, return to the Proprietress Lucie in the tavern and speak with her. She’ll task you with obtaining perfume from Nanohama, which is in Alabasta. The soonest you can travel to Nanohama is in Chapter 5 when Franky repairs the bridge leading to the next ruin. In Nanohama head to the Spice Bean Plaza, which is on the north side of town. Look for a lady wearing a navy top who is standing in front of a building west of the Spice Bean Restaurant and Bar. Head into the building and speak with the lady behind the counter to receive Men’s Cologne. Return to Proprietress Lucie to complete the request.

Rewards: Aroma Ring x1, 36,000 Berries

That Tea Tastes Thorny

Area: Alabasta – Alubarna (Palace Western Path)

Objective: Collect the 2 jars of missing tea

This side story becomes available in chapter 3 after securing the crab’s help. Speak to Lief on the Palace Western Path to learn she lost two jars of tea. Sanji, being the lady’s man that he is, will demand the crew help her out. The first tea jar can be found in the alley behind where Lief is standing. Take the path to her right then look to the right to see a soldier standing near some jars. Talk with him to receive the jar. The second jar can be found on the eastern side of the street. You’ll need to head down the alley to the left of the general store. Speak to the guy wearing the long blue coat there to beat him up and take back the second jar. Return them to Lief to close the case.

Rewards: Spiders Cafe Employee Card x1, 18,000 Berries

The Truth About Eye-lashes

Area: Alabasta – Great Sandy Desert (Central Sandy Desert)

Objective: Look for the bait camel

Saien can be found in the Central Sandy Desert near the decoy bandit you’ll pursue as part of the Head to Rainbase Main Episode. He’ll ask you to track down his missing camel with long eyelashes. To begin the search, head for the Sandy Ruins which can be found in the center of the Great Sandy Desert. Once you’re there, speak with two guys talking to learn that a unique camel was spotted northeast of the ruins. Continue heading north until you reach a wooden walkway. Head to the bottom then head east towards Rainbase. The camel will be on the right near a cluster of cacti being harassed by bandits. Defeat them then return to Saien to close the case.

Rewards: Eye-Lashes’s Record Cube x1, Saien’s Necklace x1, 30,000 Berries

Waford Record 1

Area: Waford South – Thunderhead Bluff (under the ruins)

Objective: Collect the King Kong Garden Tablet

Speak with Stonely who will ask the Straw Hats to gather tables scattered around Waford for her. The first one she asks for is the table located in the King Kong Garden. Make your way there then head to the far west side of the region near the save point. You’ll find the table on a pedestal there. Grab it and return it to Stonely to close the case.

Rewards: Volcano Dragon Tail x3

Waford Record 2

Area: Waford South – Thunderhead Bluff (under the ruins)

Objective: Collect the Forbidden Valley Tablet

Stonely will ask you to get the table from the Forbidden Valley. To reach the valley, head west from Thunderbluff. When you the path leading to south beach, keep going west. You’ll end up at an old ruin that you’ll have to climb down via vine. The table can be found on a pedestal on the land by the waterfall. Return to Stonely with the tablet to close the case.

Rewards: Jelly Rock x5

Waford Record 3

Area: Waford South – Thunderhead Bluff (under the ruins)

Objective: Collect the Ring Inlet Tablet

The third table that Stonely will request is the Ring Inlet tablet. It can be found on the eastern beach in the Circular Inland Sea (north of Adio’s house) on its pedestal. You’ll need to use the Gum-Gum Rocket to reach the beach. With the tablet in hand, bring it to Stonely to close the case.

Rewards: Cozy Beetle x5

Waford Record 4

Area: Waford South – Thunderhead Bluff (under the ruins)

Objective: Collect the Thunderhead Ruins Tablet

Stonely will request the Thunderhead Ruins tablet next. You can find it in the Thunderhead Ruins on B2F. It will be located in an eastern hallway connected to the hallway leading to the colossus room. Deliver it to Stonely to close the case.

Rewards: Sazae Kancho Ogre Liver x3

Waford Record 5

Area: Waford South – Thunderhead Bluff (under the ruins)

Objective: Collect the Dust Ruins Tablet

The next two tablets that Stonely asks for can be found in the Dust Ruins which you’ll visit during the Chapter 3 main episode. You’ll come across the first one in the Dust Ruins Collapsed Corridor while progressing through the ruins.

The second one can be found behind the wind Colossus. You’ll have to battle and defeat it before you can retrieve the tablet. Once you have both, deliver them to Stonely to close the case. Please note that you won’t be able to return to her until Chapter 5.

Rewards: Shock Kabuto Meat x3

Waford Record 6

Area: Waford South

Objective: Collect 1 Tablet

This request becomes available during Chapter 5 after turning in the above request. The next two tablets you need to find are in the Ice Block Ruins, which you’ll explore during Chapter 5. The first tablet can be found in the Great Bottomless Waterfall Lower Part. After freezing the waterfall, this will open up a path allowing you to Gum-Rum Rocket up the northwestern side of the room. The tablet can be found after using the first Gum-Gum Rocket point on the right after you land.

The second tablet can be found in the Last Experiment Room Entrance on an elevated platform. To reach it, you’ll need to defeat the dragon in the Second Vault and loot the chest for the Blue Key. There will then be a door requiring the Blue Key in that room. Use the key on this door to reach the area containing the tablet. Deliver them to Stonely to close the case.

Rewards: Rock Bear Arm x3, Robin’s Cube Fragment x3

Waford Record 7

Area: Waford South

Objective: Collect tablets

This request becomes available during the Final Chapter when heading back to Adio’s House. Madame Stonely will ask you to retrieve the ninth and final tablet from the Sky Tower, which is the final dungeon in the game. In the Sky Tower, keep climbing up until you reach the Purity Garden. The tablet can be found near the center of the gardens on the west side in a little nook along the edge. Deliver it to Stonely…

Rewards: Stonely’s Necklace x1, Robin’s Cube Fragment x3

Why Eye-lashes Enlisted

Area: Alabasta – Alubarna (Palace Square)

Objective: Get some perfumes

This side story becomes available after returning to Alabasta in chapter 3. Travel to Nanohana then head to Spice Bean Plaza. From there, you’ll want to take the road west of the fountain to find the perfume and weapon shop. Talk with the lady behind the counter to kick off a dialog event. Next, fast travel to the Alubarna Palace Square Yoisa sign then head west to the Plaza in Front of Royal Mausoleum. There will be a merchant on the southwest side you’ll need to speak to. After that head to the main gate in the Market District Front Gate Path. On the east side of the gate, there will be a small set of stairs leading down. Take them down to trigger an event leading to a fight. After the fight, you’ll be given some lotion. Return to Eye-lashes to close the case.

Rewards: Aroma Pendant x1, 18,000 Berries

Yaya Cube Collector

Area: Waford South – Circular Inland Sea

Objetive: Bring Yaya Cubes to Madame Trade

Travel to the most northern part of Waford South to find Madame Trade east of the save point. Make sure you have at least 1 Yaya Cube when you speak with her. This will lead to her asking you to bring her 8 Yaya Cubes. They can be found randomly in breakable containers while you explore Waford. Once you find 8 of them return to her to close the case. As you keep turning in the cubes and progressing in the story, return to her for more side stories. Each time she will want you to bring her more cubes! Do so to earn the following rewards:

  • Yaya Cube Collector 1 = Banana Gator Pie x1, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 2 = Remedy Brew x3, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 3 = Sazae Kancho Pescatore x1, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 4 = Ogre Sazae Kancho Carbonara x1, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 5 = Bronze Bat Soup x1, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 6 = Fire Element Jewelry x1, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 7 = Brook’s Traveling Outfit x1, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 8 = Durian Gator Salad x2, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 9 = Wild One’s Badge x1, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 10 = Burst Brew x5, 10,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 11 = Elephant Tuna Saute x2, 50,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 12 = Shock Element Jewelry, 50,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 13 = Odyssey Badge x1, 50,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 14 = Super Burst Brew x5, 50,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 15 = HP Auto Regen Jewelry x1, 50,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 16 = Wild One’s Ring x1, 50,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 17 = Dogol Dragon’s Chilled Pasta x3, 50,000 Berries
  • Yaya Cube Collector 18 = Waford Badge x1, 50,000 Berries

Complete Guide to the Digimon Story CS Gold Cup

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition CS Gold Cup guide. In this guide you’ll find a list of the Tamers and Digimon you’ll face for the Gold Cup in the Offline Colosseum on Broadway 4F. You can start the Colosseum by interacting with the red arcade machine near Oruru. In order to start the Gold Cup, you’ll first need to have won the Bronze and Silver Cups.

CS Gold Cup Tamers and Digimon

  • Nurse
    • Angemon
  • Girl
    • Biyomon
    • Salamon
    • Sunflowmon
  • Police Officer
    • GaoGamon
    • Garurumon
  • Maid
    • BlackGatomon
    • Gatomon
  • Defense Trooper
    • Guardromon
    • Tankmon
    • Waspmon
  • Demon Hacker
    • Growlmon
    • Kuwagamon
    • Stingmon
  • Flashy Dude
    • Flamedramon

CS Gold Cup Rewards

For winning the Gold Cup, you’ll get a Brave Point C which gives a single Digimon 10,000 EXP.

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

For more guides on Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, check out our main guides and walkthroughs page.


Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth – Chapter 14 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 14: What is a Youth? in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition.


When you regain control of the sleuth, you’ll be in Shibuya. Travel to Akihabara and approach the shop to trigger an event with some Royal Knights.

Detective Agency

Return to the agency for an event with a new client.

Central Hospital

Head over to Central Hospital and speak with Yuuko to trigger an event. When it ends, take the elevator down to the Lobby. Talk to the nurse behind the counter with an ! above her head to obtain the “Confused Man” keyword. Speak with the boy wearing an orange jacket sitting on a couch in the lobby to learn about our missing patient. The next step is to take the elevator up to the General Ward. Once you’re there, head to the end of the hallway and interact with the back right room to find Yamashina leading to you ending up in Makoto Yamashina’s Memories.

Makoto Yamashina’s Memories

Descend the path heading deeper into Yamashina’s memories. When you reach the bottom there will be an access point along with the enemy you’ll have to face. Interact with the Digimon to start a fight with the virus-type Ebemon. Defeat it to receive a Memory Up and trigger an event.


  • Cyclonemon
  • Vademon
  • Vegiemon


Travel to Shinjuku then head Dowtown. Make your way to the end of the sidewalk to find an Eater. Approach it to start a fight with the creature to save Date and Matayoshi. Afterwards, head into the subway.

Shinjuku: Digital Shift

Make your way through the Digital Shift until you reach the blocked area. There will be a nearby set of stairs you’ll need to take up with an orb at the top you’ll need to destroy. It is guarded by the virus-type Megadramon. With the way forward cleared, continue heading deeper into the Digital Shift to reach its depths. Approach the group of people to trigger a fight against an Eater. Defeat if to trigger another event leading to the end of the chapter.


  • Andromon
  • Ankylomon
  • Dorumon
  • Dorugamon
  • Gotsumon
  • Guardromon
  • Kuramon
  • Mamemon
  • Okuwamon
  • Tsumemon

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth – Chapter 13 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 13: Tokyo Digification in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition.

Shibuya / EDEN Free Area

After gaining control of the sleuth, head to Shibuya and cross the street to find Nokia. Speak with her then use an access point to login to EDEN. Head over to the Eden Free Area for an event with Yuuko.

Detective Agency

There will be three new cases that you can take on now: A Villainous Cinematic Case, Escape from Unemployment and Find the Missing! You can check out a guide for each case here. After completing a case, leave the agency and make your way to the entrance to find Nokia near the escalators. Speak with her to receive a new case at the agency. Head back and accept the Shinjuku Food Tour case. You can use the previous link for a guide on this case as well. After its complete, interact with the couch in the agency to take a break. Rest is important.

Digital Network

Travel to the other end of the Digital Network. An event will trigger when you reach the other side. After it ends, you’ll be back in the agency. Grab the Night of the Enigma case. Complete the case to close out the chapter. A guide for it can be found here.


  • Growlmon
  • Ogremon

Click here for a walkthrough on Chapter 14: What is a Youth? in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition.


Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth – Chapter 11 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 11: Paradise Lost in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition.

Zaxon Forum

Travel to the Zaxon Forum on Eden. Once there, speak with Nokia and Omnimon for an event.

Nakano Underpass

Make your way over to the Nakano Underpass and use the elevator to be treated to a quick event. When it ends proceed down the underpass making sure to grab all the chests. A few of them you’ll receive are a Farm Expansion Plugin and Memory Up. When you reach the Research Facility, approach the machine to trigger another event. As soon as it ends, you’ll be thrown into a fight with the virus-type Crusadermon. You’ll need to get her health down to around halfway to trigger a cutscene leading to another boss fight, but this time against an Eater. Defeat it for another event.


  • Garurumon
  • Ikkakumon
  • Kyubimon
  • MegaKabuterimon
  • Peckmon
  • Seadramon
  • ShellNumemon

Path to Spirit World

Follow along the path speaking to Yuuko as you go. Eventually, you’ll trigger another cutscene to complete the chapter.

Click here for a walkthrough on Chapter 12: Wandering in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition.