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One Piece Odyssey – Luffy’s Water Seven Cube Fragments

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In One Piece Odyssey Luffy’s experience and skills will be taken from him. In order to get them back, you’ll need to locate 50 cube fragments scattered around Waford Island. Below is a guide on where to find his cube fragments in Water Seven. You’ll receive the Cube Collector: Luffy trophy/achievement for finding all of his cube fragments.


Sewer Franky’s Hideout

This fragment is located on the eastern side of the upper balcony in Franky’s Hideout. You can reach it by climbing the ladder.

Tower of Law


The fragment can be found to the left of the fridge in the pantry, which is in the northwestern part of the area.

Water Seven Lower Coast

Water Seven Lower Coast

This cube can be found just past the save point heading south from where you first reach Water Seven on a rock in the water.

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One Piece Odyssey – Nami’s Water Seven Cube Fragments

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In One Piece Odyssey Nami’s experience and skills will be taken from her. In order to get them back, you’ll need to locate 30 cube fragments scattered around Waford Island. Below is a guide on where to find her cube fragments in Water Seven. You’ll receive the Cube Collector: Nami trophy/achievement for finding all of her cube fragments.

Dock One

Shipbuilding Scaffolding

This fragment can be found on the layer of scaffolding along the southeastern part of the area.

Tower of Law

Underground Prison

This fragment can be found behind a fallen rock in the northwestern hallway.

Underground Storeroom

When you first reach the storeroom, you’ll be in a long hallway with giant fans. Across the fan on the west side, there will be some barrels you can break to reveal a hole in the wall. Use Chopper to head into the hole to find the fragment.

Water Seven City Area

Canal Restaurant

This cube can be found next to a bench overlooking the waterfall on the far eastern side of the map.

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapters 24, 25 and 26 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapters 24: Recollections, 25: The Final Guardian and 26: The Last Engage in Fire Emblem Engage!

Ch. 24 – Recollections

Location: Mountainous Region

We’re in the final stretch of the game now! When you’re ready to raise a mountain, travel to the Mountainous Region. After a trippy cutscene, you’ll need to defeat… yourself. They are stationed on the west side of the map next to the Fell Dragon Shard. This shard allows them to summon an avalanche to push you back to the starting point if you don’t take cover behind some boulders. You’ll also only have 20 turns before you lose automatically. Past Alear has 3 health bars and will continually spawn enemies along the eastern side of the map. Once you take them down, you’ll win the battle.

BootsDropped by Past Alear
LendabairDropped by a Sniper Corrupted in the middle lane on the ballista
UkonvasaraDropped by a Berserker Corrupted in the top lane

Ch. 25 – The Final Guardian

Location: Gradlon Temple

Travel to Gradlon Temple where the final Fell Dragon Shard is located to kick off a cutscene. For this battle, you’ll be facing off against Corrupted Lumera. She’ll be in the northern part of the room guarding the shard. She will use the shard to shoot a beam that will deal some damage if you aren’t standing behind one of the pillars on the map. Also keep an eye out for the enemies that spawn from the grates scattered around the map. Once you finally reach Lumera, you’ll need to deplete all three of her health bars to win the battle. You’ll then be treated a cutscene. When it ends, speak with your allies and collect any items.

CinquedeaLooted from a chest on the northwest side of the map
DracoshieldLooted from a chest on the northeast side of the map
Wille GlanzDropped by Corrupted Lumera

Ch. 26 – The Last Engage

Location: The Somniel

It’s finally time for the fated final battle with dear ole’ dad. When you’re ready, head to the second level balcony of the Somniel above the cafe to find a portal. Use it trigger a cutscene leading to the final battle. On a floating rock in the sky, you’ll be facing Sombron who is accompanied by his minions. Sombron will have 3 bars of health that you’ll need to deal with. After taking his health down all the way, phase 2 will began and Sombron will turn into a dragon and summon reinforcements. Sombron (with 4 health bars of 100 HP) will be in the middle of the map protected by a forcefield. You’ll have to destroy the Dark Emblems he summoned to break the barrier. This will allow you to attack the Fell Dragon. You’ll have to be quick though because after a turn passes, he’ll disengage any engaged units and summon more Dark Emblems to restore his barrier. Once you defeat him, a cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the game!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 23 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 23: The Four Hounds in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Hero-King

Location: The Broken Castle

Travel to the Broken Castle for a dialog event with Marth. This lead to a battle against the Hero King to increase his bond with Alear. This battle is pretty straightforward. Marth is on the northeastern side of the map while the below chests are in the southwest. After defeating some enemies, Marth will open the gates to his area and come to you with his forces. Marth has two health bars you’ll need to deplete in order to seize victory. You’ll then be free to explore the area by collecting items and speaking with allies.

1,000 GDropped by a General Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a Warrior Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a Hero Fabrication
AntitoxinLooted from a chest in the southwestern part of the map / Dropped by a Thief Fabrication after they loot the chest
ElixirLooted from a chest in the southwestern part of the map / Dropped by a Thief Fabrication after they loot the chest
Silver GreataxeLooted from a chest in the southwestern part of the map / Dropped by a Thief Fabrication after they loot the chest
Secret BookDropped by a Thief Fabrication
Speed TonicLooted from a chest in the southwestern part of the map / Dropped by a Thief Fabrication after they loot the chest

Paralogue: The Connector

Location: Garden of Memories

Travel the Garden of Memories for a dialog event leading to a battle. You’ll need to retrieve the Pact Ring from the Barbarian Corrupted before he can escape with it. During this battle, you can retrieve the below items! After taking down the Barbarian, reinforcements will show up that you’ll need to defeat to claim victory. You’ll then be able to collect items, speak with allies and adopt all of the animals.

1,000 GDropped by a Corrupted Mage Knight
1,000 GDropped by a Corrupted Bow Knight (spawns after getting Pact Ring)
1,000 GDropped by a Corrupted Warrior (spawns after getting Pact Ring)
Pact RingDropped by the Corrupted Barbarian


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units or earn money!

Lava Fields

When you’re ready to progress with the story, travel to the Lava Fields. You’ll have to fight your way to the Fell Dragon Shard in the northwestern part of the map guarded by Zephia and Griss then destroy them. Both of the remaining hounds have 3 health bars each. Also, keep an eye out for the volcanic bombs that will fall down onto the battlefield. They explode causing massive damage to those in their path but are easy to avoid. The battle comes to an end after you defeat both Griss and Zephia.

GeorgiosDropped by Zephia
Goddess IconDropped by a Mage Knight Corrupted
NovaDropped by Griss

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, stock on any supplies you may need and collect the items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel in search of the next ring.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 24 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 22 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 22: The Fell & the Divine in Fire Emblem Engage!

Lythos Castle

When you finally regain control of Alear, Veyle will join your group and you’ll be tasked with recovering all of the Emblem Rings again using the same units from the last chapter. To do this, move Alear near a group of Emblems and wait. This will awaken the heroes of the rings and allow your other units to sync with them. You’ll then need to talk with all of the rings. Once you do, the objective will update to defeat the remaining enemies. Doing this will trigger another lengthy dialog event. After it ends, you’ll be able to collect items and speak with your allies.

BrionacDropped by a Corrupted Halberdier
ElixirDropped by a Corrupted Bow Knight
SpeedwingDropped by a Corrupted Wyrm

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, speak with Veyle and Maurier to get them added to the Ally Notebook. You may also want to stock up on supplies and collect any items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 23 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 21 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 21: The Return in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralouge: The Caring Princess

Location: Forgotten Shrine

Travel to the Forgotten Shrine for a dialog event between Alear and Celica followed by a battle to increase their bond. The fight takes place on a beach with Celica at the southwestern corner. Please note that you can obtain the below items during this battle! After starting the battle, each High Priest will summon 4 additional enemies into the fight. They will keep doing this every couple of turns until defeated. Another thing to keep in mind during this fight is that Celica has a large area of attack. If you enter with her range, she will warp in using her Emblem Skill to deal some big damage. After defeating Celica you’ll be free to explore the area collecting items, speaking with allies and adopting animals.

1,000 GDropped by a High Priest Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a High Priest Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a High Priest Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a Phantom Wyrm Fabrication


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you usually don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Lythos Castle

Travel to Lythos Castle when you’re ready to progress with the story. Here you’ll receive a prompt stating that starting this chapter will lead to a series of battles you’ll have to complete before being able to return to the Somniel. Select yes to trigger a lengthy dialog event. After it concludes, you’ll have to fight your way to Veyle and the hounds while being assaulted on both sides by enemies. Enemies will also keep spawning as the turns progress until you defeat Veyle. The best course of action would be to rush Veyle while taking out the two hounds and thief along the way to get all of the rewards. Please note that Mauvier will also join your group! After reducing all three of Veyle’s health bars a cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the chapter.

CaladbolgDropped by Zephia
CarnwenhanDropped by a Thief Corrupted
Spirit DustDropped by Griss

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 22 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 20 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 20: The Kingless Castle in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Young Lion

Location: The Binding Grounds

Travel to The Binding Grounds for an event leading to a battle with Roy to increase your bond with him. This fight is pretty straightforward with A LOT of wyvern enemies. Make your way to Roy fast as more wyverns will just keep spawning! During this fight, you can find the below items. When you reach Roy, deplete both of his health bars to win the fight. You’ll then be free to explore the area while collecting items, speaking with your allies and adopting animals.

1,000 GDropped from a Sniper Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a Sage Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a Wyvern Knight Fabrication

Paralogue: The Dawn Maiden

Location: Frozen Fortress

Travel to the Frozen Fortress to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight against Micaiah that will strengthen your bond. For this fight, you’ll have to defeat Micaiah while also preventing her and her allies from reaching the area that Alear is guarding. It’s best to make a b-line to her as enemies will just keep spawning until she is defeated. Please note there are quite a few mounted and armored units in Micaiah’s army. During this fight, you can find the below items. Once you defeat her, you’ll be free to explore the area while collecting items, speaking with your allies and adopting animals.

1,000 GDropped from a Thief Fabrication


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you usually don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Elusia Castle

When you’re ready to proceed with the story, travel to Elusia Castle. Here you’ll have to face Griss, who has three health bars, in a room covered in darkness. For the first couple of turns, Griss will use Celica’s Emblem skill, teleporting around the map and dealing high damage to your units. After the second turn, he’ll head to his tile on the northern side of the room. There will be braisers scattered around the area that you can light to lift some of the darkness and reveal enemies. During this fight, you can also find the below items. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll receive 50,000 G. You’ll then be free to explore the area collecting items and speaking with your allies. When you’ve finished, return to the Somniel.

Brave BowLooted from a chest on the northeastern side of the map
EntrapDropped from an Elusian High Priest
ExcaliburDropped from Griss
RescueLooted from a chest on the northwestern side of the map
Secret BookLooted from a chest on the northeastern side of the map
Silver BladeLooted from a chest on the northwestern side of the map

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, stock up on supplies you may need and collect any items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 21 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 19 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 19: The Dead Town in Fire Emblem Engage!


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you usually don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Givre Port

Travel to Givre Port to progress with the story. During this battle, you’ll have to defeat Marni and Mauvier. This time they brought a horde of Corrupted and there is purple miasma everywhere. At the start of the battle, Saphir will be standing nearby on the docks. Speak to her with Alcryst or Diamant to gain her as an ally. During this battle, you can obtain the below items. Also note that the houses you visit contain 3 Corrupted each and one of them holds an item. Mauvier will begin warping enemies to attack you from the dock. Once that is done, he’ll warp Marni to him. Defeat the pair then you’ll be free to explore the area, speaking with your allies, collecting items and adopting animals. When you’re ready to move on, travel to the Somniel.

Brave LanceDropped by Mauvier
DracoshieldDropped by a Berserker Corrupted that comes out of a house you visit on the northern road
ElixirDropped by a Warrior Corrupted that comes out of a house you visit on the southern road
Goddess IconDropped by Marni

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, stock up on supplies you may need and collect any items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 20 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 18 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 18: The Cold Voyage in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Sage Lord

Location: Bridges in a Row

Travel to the Bridges in a Row area for a dialog event leading to a battle with Leif to increase his bond. For this battle, you’ll need to fight your way to Leif on the northeastern side of the map. There are 6 ballistae scattered around the map that will impede your progress. Also, there are mages near the ballista that will break and freeze your units in place. As you get closer to Leif, he’ll have his forces start destroying the bridges to slow your movements. Leif will also start charging toward you. This can make it hard to claim all of the dropped items. Once you defeat Leif, explore the area collecting items, speaking with allies and adopting all of the animals.

1,000 GDropped by a Sniper Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a General Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a High Priest Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a Sniper Fabrication
Magic TonicDropped by a Lance Fighter Fabrication
Pure WaterDropped by a Lance Fighter Fabrication
SilenceDropped by a Lance Fighter Fabrication
SpeedwingDropped by a Lance Fighter Fabrication

Paralogue: The Holy Knight

Location: River of Light and Dark

Head to the River of Light and Dark to view a dialog event with Sigurd. This will lead to a battle against the hero to increase his bond with Alear. The first part of this battle has Alear and their allies fighting to take control of a drawbridge that you’ll need to lower to reach Sigurd. Once all of the enemies near the fortress have been defeated, the drawbridge will drop. This will cause around 20 enemies to emerge from the fortress near Sigurd. If you wait near the drawbridge, Sigurd will run to you (just watch out for his Emblem Skill). Once you defeat him, explore the area collecting items, speaking with allies and adopting all of the animals.

2,000 GDropped by the Sage Fabrication guarding the fortress near the drawbridge
1,000 GDropped by a Sage Fabrication with 2 health bars on the southwest side of the map
1,000 GDropped by a Sage Fabrication with 3 health bars on the southwest side of the map


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you usually don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Route to Elusia

When you’re ready, head to the Route to Elusia to continue the story. You’ll be doing battle on a ship while being attacked from both sides. There is a cannon in the middle you can leverage to help push back the siege. On the east side of the map will be Lindon. If you speak with him using Ivy or Hortensia, he will join you. During this fight, you can also collect the below items! Defeat Abyme on the northeastern ship to win the map. You’ll then be free to speak with allies, collect items and adopt any animals. Return to the Somniel when you are finished.

Second SealLooted from a chest on the east side of the map
SpeedwingLooted from a chest on the west side of the map / Dropped from a Theif that stole it from the chest

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, stock on supplies you may need and collect any items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 19 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 17 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 17: Serenity in Ruin in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Azure Twin

Location: Dark Ruins

Travel to the Dark Ruins in Solm for an event leading to a battle with Eirika to increase your bond with her. You’ll have to face a large assortment of enemies including two Phantom Wyrms. She will also summon additional enemies as the battle progresses. When you reach Eirika, she will have two High Priests that will freeze your units in place. Reduce both of Eirika’s heath bars to 0 to win the battle. You’ll then be free to explore the area, grabbing items and speaking with your allies.

1,000 GDropped from a General Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a Wolf Knight Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a Hero Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a Hero Fabrication
Second SealLooted from a chest on the southwestern side of the map / Dropped by a thief that stole it from the chest
Seraph RobeLooted from a chest on the southeastern side of the map


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you usually don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Florra Port

When you are ready to progress the story, travel to Florra Port for an educational dialog event. When it ends, you’ll be thrown into battle and tasked with defeating Marni, Mauvier, Griss, Corrupted Hyacinth, Zephia and Veyle. This map is pretty straightforward. Take out the officers as you make your way to Veyle then defeat her to win the battle. After another dialog event, you’ll be free to speak with allies, collect any items and adopt all of the animals.

BolganoneDropped by Griss
Flashing Fist ArtDropped by Corrupted Hyacinth
FortifyDropped by Griss
Master SealDropped by Veyle

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, stock on supplies you may need and collect any items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 18 in Fire Emblem Engage!