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Jedi Survivor – Koboh Rehabilitation Wing Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the collectibles in the Rehabilitation Wing on Koboh? Check out our Koboh Rehabilitation Wing collectibles guide below!

Essence: Health Essence

In the room where you found the Fallen Jedi accessible after you fight him.

Databank – Beyond the Abyss

From the above essence, face the ledge then head left to find a metal beam wrapping around the structure. Follow it around to reach a balcony with a zipline. The echo can be found on a railing past the zipline.

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Jedi Survivor – Koboh Chamber of Duality Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the collectibles in the Chamber of Duality on Koboh? Check out our Koboh Chamber of Duality collectibles guide below!

Databank – Disaster

You’ll reach the Chamber of Duality through a circular golden doorframe when coming from the Collapsed Passage. Scan the left side of the doorframe to receive this databank.

Treasure – Datadisc

When facing Zee (where she was trapped), to the right of her will be a fenced doorway with a room housing the second orb. This collectible can be found across from the orb on the ground to the left of the doorway past the door you opened by pulling the cord and securing it in a pedestal to keep it open.

Chest – Weapon Materials: Jedi Paint

After collecting both orbs and placing them in the pedestals near each other a bridge will open. Cross the bridge then use the left wall to wall run to a rock platform on the left side of the room. You’ll find the chest there.

Essence – Resilience Perk

Zee will lead you to this essence after you free her during the main story.

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Jedi Survivor – Koboh Collapsed Passage Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the lone collectible in the Collapsed Passage on Koboh? Check out our Koboh Collapsed Passage collectibles guide below!

Treasure – Datadisc

After leaving the meditation point, you must run the obstacle course. When reaching the end by jumping up along two walls close together, look for the gray wall at the top and wall run along it to jump to a platform below. There you will find the treasure.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

XC3 Future Redeemed – Black Mountains

by NightlyGamingBinge in

As you explore The Ragmos Desolation in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed, you can find Affinity Scenes, City Survivors, Containers, Field Crafting, Relics, Secret Areas, Unique Monsters, etc. There locations can be found below!

Affinity Scenes

1. Ignia Hill

2. Town of Banerro Ruins

3. Corridor of Silence

4. Prison Island

City Survivors

1. Complete the intervention in southeastern Ignia Hill

2. At Ancient Rooftop Camp rest spot which is reachable via an ether slide

3. Cummings can be found by defeating the intervention on the western side of the map


1. Belgazas’ Drifts – On a ledge of the mountain. You’ll need to drop down/jump to it.

2. Near the Fog Rift jump down over the railing to reach this chest perched on a cliff

3. Town of Banerro Ruins

4. On the side of the mountain

5. Kana Peak

6. Southern side of Prison Island just after crossing ether slide

7. Prison Island

8. Corridor of Silence

9. Corridor of Silence balcony

10. Cliff on side of mountain – You’ll be able to reach this container after you take the ether lift on the eastern side of Town of Banerro Ruins which is available during the Snow Man’s Treasure standard quest

Field Crafting

1. Ether Lift

2. Elevator

3. Ether Slide

4. Ladder

5. Ether Mast

6. Ether Slide

7. Ether Lift

8. Ladder

9. Ladder

10. Ether Lift

11. Ether Lift

12. & 13. Ether Mast and Ether Slide

14. Ether Lift


1. Town of Banerro Ruins – Use the ether lift to reach it

2. Befalgar Ruins near a fog rift

3. On the side of the mountain on the western side of the map. You’ll need to drop down to it.

4. Argan Cathedral Ruins

5. The Alabaster Throne

6. Three Sage Tabernacle

7. Third Sanctum

8. Prison Island

Secret Areas

1. Three Sage Tabernacle

2. Third Sanctum

3. La Luz Temple

This area is reachable during the Snow Man’s Treasure standard quest. You’ll need to take the ether lift on the eastern side of Town of Banerro Ruins to reach it.

Unique Monsters

Dragon God Alcar (Lv. 46)

Foghewn Augustus (Lv. 48)

Hallowcanter Hazerune (Lv. 42)

Sensational Gigapur (Lv. 47)

For more guides on Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed, click here!

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

XC3 Future Redeemed – Regret and Resolve

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Regret and Resolve standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed, speak with Jethro just north of the Gelgemos Garrison in The Ragmos Desolation. For this quest, you’ll need to retrieve the keepsakes around the area.

Brass Locket

Tarnished Ring

Bloodied Bandana

Once you’ve retrieved the keepsakes, return to Jethro to hand them over. A Keves Patrol Squad will show up. Defeat the 6 of them to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 3270 EXP, 2240 Gold, Detector Headgear and Engineer Gloves.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

XC3 Future Redeemed – The Ragmos Desolation

by NightlyGamingBinge in

As you explore The Ragmos Desolation in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed, you can find Affinity Scenes, City Survivors, Containers, Field Crafting, Relics, Secret Areas, Unique Monsters, etc. There locations can be found below!

Affinity Scenes

1. Lumos Pillar Remnants

2. On an island in Raguel Lake

3. Up the ladder you’ll need to repair in the Gelgemos Garrison

4. On a land formation sticking up out of Raguel Lake just west of the Raguel Bridge – Must reach the Black Mountains before you can view this scene.

City Survivors

Under the bridge at the Oracle Spire landmark

In the Hidden Windy Cave


1. On the side of the mountain

2. East of Lumos Garrison behind a large rock with a Candela Taos on it

3. Along Raguel Lake

4. Southeast of Lumos Garrison

5. Along the southeastern shoreline of Raguel Lake

6. South of the Oracle Spire landmark

7. In the Hidden Windy Cave

8. From the center of Raguel Bridge, take the ladder down then head south. Cross the bridge to find this container.

9. From the center of Raguel Bridge, take the ladder down then head north crossing a bridge. When you reach the land mass, jump off it to the east to find this chest on a lower land mass.

10. Gelgemos Garrison – Atop a metal tower that you’ll need to jump onto

Field Crafting

Ether Lift – Constructed as part of the main story

Ether Lift – South of the Oracle Spire landmark

For this lift, you’ll need Monochromagnetite x2, Black Crystal x1, Photonium x1 and Ether Cylinder x2.

Ether Mast – Jump to this ledge against the mountain from the Lumos Pillar Remnant


For this ladder you’ll need Rusty Bolt x1, Monochromagnetite x1 and Ether Cylinder x1.


For this ladder you’ll need Rusty Bolt x2, Monochromagnetite x2 and Ether Cylinder x2.

Ether Slide x2 – Western side of Raguel Bridge

Ether Mast – From the center of Raguel Bridge, take the ladder down then head south. Take the northern ether slide to reach this ether mast.


1. Jump to this ledge against the mountain from the Lumos Pillar Remnant

2. On the eastern side of Raguel Lake

3. On a higher ledge along Magwall Road. To reach it, take the ether slide just west of Raguel Bridge.

4. Royal Green (Secret Area)

5. From the Royal Green secret area, jump down over the edge to reach the roof below. From there walk across the plank then make your way straight to reach the chest.

Secret Areas

Godreading Altar

To reach this secret area, construct the ether lift just south of the Oracle Spire landmark.

Royal Green – From the Many-Lived Derrick unique monster, head southwest to find a cave. Head through the tunnel to reach the secret area.

Tranquil Bluffs

Unique Monsters

Many-Lived Derrick (Lv. 42)

Naberius Invictus (Lv. 40)

Perambulator Moritz (Level 28)

Surrogate Fitzpatrick (Lv. 41)

Sworn Protector Hector (Level 32)

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

XC3 Future Redeemed – Abandoned Supplies

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Abandoned Supplies standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed, speak with Eow in Colony 9 during Chapter 4. For this quest, you’ll need to travel to the Abandoned Depot which is just south of Pilgrims’ Rest Remains. To reach this area, fast travel to the Three-Pillar Transept Ruins landmark in Aurora Shelf then head west, hugging the cliffs. You’ll come to a gap in the cliffs where you’ll find a ladder.

Take it down then head inside the cave inhibited by 4 Omeg Ropls and an Alif Aspar. Once you take them out, return to Colony 9’s Central Plaza and approach the Supply Office to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 2700 EXP, 2110 Gold, Crystal Earrings and Scout’s Kneeguard.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

XC3 Future Redeemed – Ether Lift Research Scenario Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

You’ll automatically receive the Ether Lift Research scenario quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed during Chapter 4. For this quest, head into Riku’s workshop to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, make your way over to the Pioneer’s Camp rest spot in the Aurora Shelf. Once there, construct the Ether Slide to reach the cave across the way.

You’ll need Noise Bite x2, Black Shard x1 and Ether Cylinder x2 to construct the slide. After it’s been constructed, go ahead and slide on across. Once on the other side, a cutscene will trigger during which Rex will clear the entrance to the Sealed Cave. Make your way through this cave in search of the Photonium. One can be found down a ladder near a bunch of Igna.

The second one can be found on the far western side of the cave just past a Fog Rift.

The last Photonium can be found protected by the Level 37 Fograptor D’nari unique enemy.

Once you collect all the Photonium, the quest will complete. As a reward, you’ll receive 1880 EXP, 2980 Gold, Quantum Scarf and Platinum Belt.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

XC3 Future Redeemed – The Ouroboros Power Scenario Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

You’ll automatically receive The Ouroboros Power scenario quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed during Chapter 4. For this quest, approach the Colony 9 Camp rest spot to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, enter Riku’s workshop to trigger another cutscene. Afterwards, make your way to the Gotrock Oracle Ruins, which is a small island to the east of Colony 9.

Once you arrive, you’ll encounter the Level 37 Heidel Taos. Take it down! You’ll then have to take on Rex and Shulk only using Glimmer and Nikol. When you’ve accomplished this task, return to Riku’s workshop in Colony 9. The quest will then complete! As a reward, you’ll receive 2930 EXP, 1860 Gold, Lessons in Unity, vol. 10, 11 and 14.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – The Hope of Noponkind

by NightlyGamingBinge in

This is a guide for The Hope of Noponkind DLC hero quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. You can start it from the Namba Mound Camp in the Fornis Region after leveling the Noponic Champion class to level 10 with Noah.

Travel to the Namba Mound Camp in the Fornis Region to trigger an event. When it ends, head to the Engardo Pass Camp along the eastern side of the Pentelas Region for another event then head northwest towards the objective near the Clifftop Gerronis Hulk. Approach the big flying red bird to engage the level 48 Nopon Eater in battle. When its health gets low, an event triggers and the beast flees. Return to the Engardo Pass Camp for another event. This time, you’ll be tasked with gathering some flowers for Sunny. Which flower he’ll accept and where they can be found are listed below.

  • Panda Pansy (+15%)
  • Suite Pea(+15%)
  • Anarchy Orchid (+5%)
  • Chrysanthemany (+10%)
  • Black Iris (+20%)
  • Shiny Rose (+5%)
  • Mosaic Petal (+10%)
  • Honking Shrub (+25%)

After delivering the flowers, your next destination is the Seaspray Lookout landmark in the Cadensia Region on the eastern side. You can use a zip line from there to reach the Nopon Eater. Approach it to engage in battle once more. Once its health gets low, an event will trigger then the fight will resume with a level 50 Nopon Eater. Once you take the beast down a cutscene plays and the quest will complete.


  •  5190 EXP
  • 5050 G
  • 10 SP