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Jedi Survivor – Koboh Southern Reach Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the collectibles in the Southern Reach on Koboh? Check out our Koboh Southern Reach collectibles guide below!

Seed Pod – Bluebell Squash: Nabooan Green

From the Southern Reach Mediation Point, head down the long hill to find this plant.

Chest – Full Beard

From the above collectible, continue down the long hill. When you come to the canopy tent, jump on the ledge behind it to find the chest.

Seed Pod – Cactus Ball: Alderaanian Blue

From the above collectible, head down the hill. It will be on your left.

Seed Pod – Bluebell Squish

Continue down the hill towards the building. You’ll find this plant across from the entrance of this building.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

**Requires creature taming!**

This treasure can be found on the hill overlooking the above building. To reach the top of this hill, you’ll need to ride a wildlife creature then double jump and dash to this ledge!

Seed Pod – Spine Fluff: Rare

This seed pod can be found in the center of the rock containing the above treasure.

Databank – Unusual Silo

Return to the canopy tent and head down the hill. At about halfway, take a right towards the structure and scan the side of it.


This little scrapper bot can be found to the right of the above databank behind the giant cylinder. Take it out to loot the treasure.

Seed Pod – Naboonan Green

Return to the canopy and head directly across from it to find this plant amongst all the greenery.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

From the above collectible, head towards the waterfall. Facing the waterfall, follow the wall left to find some yellow metal laying against a rock. Climb up this rock then use the vines to reach a ledge containing the nest.

Chest – Weapon Materials: Kashyyyk Paint

From the nest, use the two nearby hanging poles to jump a gap and reach the other side. Look to the right to find a cave with some vines blocking the entrance. Cut the vines with your lightsaber then head inside. Use the pole to jump the gap then swing around left to find the chest behind the waterfall.

Seed Pod – Tuber Maw: Alderaanian Blue

From the above collectible, climb up the ledge near the waterfall then take a left to exit the cave. Drop down onto the rock ledge on the left then use the Force to grab a rope on your right to swing across the gap. You’re aiming for the top of the giant rock on your left.

Databank – Besotted

From the above collectible, jump down. Climb up the rock ledge on your right to find the echo in a dirt mound.

Essence – Skill Point

Facing the above collectible, head left to find the essence next to a rock column.


With your back to the rock column, head straight then jump down to the ledge below, take a right and follow the path down jumping down another ledge. From there head straight and look down. There will be some enemies below. Defeat them then cut down the plant.

Seed Pod – Tuber Maw: Felucian Yellow

From the previous seed, drop down to the ledge on the left between the 2 overhangs. Follow the path left heading up a hill. About halfway up the hill take a right then keep walking straight to find the plant near the curve of the path.

Seed Pod – Tuber Maw

From the above collectible, enter the cavern and look to the left just before a ledge to find the plant.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

This treasure can be found on top of the building with the Corroded Silo.

Seed Pod – Spine Fluff: Alderaanian Blue

This seed pod can be found next to a yellow dam.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

This treasure can be found in the yellow dam next to the above seed pod.

Seed Pod – Spine Fluff

This plant can be found across from the above yellow dam.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

This treasure can be found in the skull on the archway leading to the Rambler’s Reach Outpost. Use the Force to pull the skull down.

Chest – Blaster: Quick Draw

The chest can be found in the building where the Southern Reach meets Rambler’s Reach Outpost and Hunters Quarry.

At first, the chest is covered by the strange matter. To reach it, start with your back to the building containing the chest and head straight. When you reach the cave blocked by the matter, follow the path to the right of it. This will bring you to yellow door. Use the force to open it then head through jumping down the hole in the ground at the end. Be sure to use the wall to slow your fall so you can land safely. Climb on the platform with the laser and make your way towards the cave entrance that was blocked by the matter outside. Stand on the platform just before that and look to the left through a doorway to locate a ball. Use the force to grab it then bring it back to the laser and insert it there to run on the laser. Return to the house with the chest and use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder ability to lead the laser to the house destroying the matter. You can now loot the chest.

**These collectibles are only available after unlocking the creatures you can glide on.**

Seed Pods – Tuber Maw: Rare / Tuber Maw x7

From the meditation point, head into the Southern Reach standing at the ledge overlooking the area. There will be a flying creature there. Grab its feet then head right to the top of a rock formation.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

In the cave next to all the above Seed Pods.

Databank – Amphibian Blues

From the above collectible, head over to the clear, blue green rock baths and go underneath the waterfall. From there, drop down to find the databank. If it’s not available, you might have to come back after progressing in the story.

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Jedi Survivor – Koboh Pyloon’s Saloon Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the collectibles in Pyloon’s Saloon on Koboh? Check out our Koboh Pyloon’s Saloon collectibles guide below!

Chest – Outfit: Scrapper

This chest can be found in Cal’s room near the meditation point.

Databank – Hallikset

Hanging on the wall to the right of the above chest.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

From the entrance of the saloon facing the bar, go right into the bathroom. Interact with the first open stall then collect the shard.

*To gain access to the two collectibles below, you’ll need to talk to Moran several times and eventually he’ll give you access to a back room where they can be found.

Databank – Moran’s Possessions

Head into the newly unlocked room and scan the trunk on the right side.

Chest – Music Track: Eerin Siinaa

The chest can be found on the left side of the room across from the databank.


Tears of the Kingdom – How to unlock the Stable in Lookout Landing

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, stables will play an important role in Link’s quest to take down the demon king. They offer a bed to rest his weary head along with the ability to board horses which can make traversing Hyrule a breeze. There is even a reward system dubbed Pony Points that you can earn by using the services available at stables. Unfortunately, the stable in Lookout Landing will be unavailable right away.

Before you can unlock the mini-stable, you’ll first need to complete one of the four major dungeons during the Regional Phenomena main quest. After this has been done, return to Lookout Landing and head for the in-progress table near the southern exit. Speak with Karson and you should get the Incomplete Stable side quest. Complete it by climbing on the stack of hay bales behind the stable then use Ultrahand to fit the final piece of roof into the slot. Speak with him afterward and the quest will complete with the stable being open for business.


Tears of the Kingdom – Who Goes There?

by NightlyGamingBinge in

After clearing one of the 4 main temples in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll be able to obtain the Who Goes There? side adventure by speaking with Jerrin at Lookout Landing in the emergency shelter.

For this quest, crouch through the hole in the wall that Jerrin created to reach the Royal Hidden Passage. Follow it to the dead end where you’ll need to use a bomb or heavy weapon to break through the rock. After breaking the first rock, head to the right to find another breakable rock wall. Tear it down to find the Horned Statue.

Speak with it and it’ll steal one of your Heart Containers. This will begin the A Deal With the Statue side adventure. Speak with the statue again and you’ll be able to choose to regain a heart or stamina. It’ll then explain that you can pay to switch your hearts to stamina or vice versa. After the explanation, the side adventure will complete! Report back to Jerrin to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll receive a red rupee.


Tears of the Kingdom – Serenade to Mija

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, speak with Mastro at Snowfield Stable to obtain the Serenade to Mija side adventure.

For this quest, you’ll need to travel south along the road to just south of Nero Hill.

You’ll find a crater with some smoke coming out of it.

Jump inside and speak with Eustus who will task you with a new side adventure called The Hornist’s Dramatic Escape.

For this adventure, Eustus is unwilling to leave the hole without his wagon. You have 2 choices to accomplish this. To his left you’ll see some building supplies which you can use to construct a flying apparatus to lift his wagon out of the crater. Alternatively, you can stack the 3 crates on top of each other near the edge then use Ultrahands to lift the wagon out of the crater. Whenever you’re ready to take action, have Eustus hop in the cart to lift him out too! As a reward for getting him out, you’ll receive Courser Bee Honey x3.

Afterwards, return to Mastro at Snowfield Stable. When you speak with him, he’ll need you to construct a roof for the breezer. This one is easy peasy! Just slap a wooden board onto the roof of the breezer then tell him that you’ll take him.

Since there’s no horse attached, head to the stable and speak with Varke to grab a horse and have him equip it with a tow harness. Mount the horse then bring it to the Great Fairy on the hill nearby. As a reward, Mastro will give you a Silver Rupee!


Tears of the Kingdom – Where to find the Great Fairies

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, there are 4 Great Fairies. After you complete their quests, you’ll be able to enhance your armor. It will cost you 10 rupees plus the materials. Below are the locations of these 4 Great Fairies!

Great Fairy Cotera

The Great Fairy Fountain for Great Fairy Cotera can be found along the river just south of the Twin Bridge.

Great Fairy Kaysa

The Great Fairy Fountain for Kaysa can be found northeast of Nephra Hill.

Great Fairy Mija

The Great Fairy Mija’s Great Fairy Fountain can be found in the Tabantha Tundra northeast of the Snowfield Stable.

Great Fairy Tera

The Great Fairy Tera’s Great Fairy Fountain can be found north of the Woodland Stable, which is northeast of Central Hyrule.


Tears of the Kingdom – Zelda’s Golden Horse

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Zelda’s Golden Horse side adventure in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, speak with Penn at Snowfield Stable during the Potential Princess Sightings! side adventure.

You’ll then need to head north to look for Princess Zelda’s golden horse. As you head north, avoid the 3 headed dragon unless you’re looking for a serious challenge! Further north from the dragon in the North Tabantha Snowfield, you’ll spot the golden horse with 3 wild horses.

Use all your sneakiness (stealth up armor if you have it and elixirs) to sneak up behind the golden horse undetected then quickly mount and soothe it. Once you’ve caught the horse, guide it back to Snowfield Stable and speak with Harlow to complete the quest. As a reward, you’ll get to keep the horse. You’ll also receive a Royal Bridle, Royal Saddle and Energizing Elixir.


Tears of the Kingdom – Ruffian Infested Village

by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Ruffian Infested Village side adventure, speak with Rozel in Lurelin Village near the Sifumin Shrine in the southeastern part of Hyrule.

For this quest, you’ll need to clear out all the monsters occupying Lurelin Village. They consist mainly of black and blue rank enemies. There will be several groups scattered throughout the village. One lone enemy can be found at the bottom of the well in town and the rest will be on the ship docked at the harbor.

Once the monster forces have been eliminated, you’ll speak with Rozel and Bolaon near the ship where the quest will complete.


Tears of the Kingdom – A New Champion’s Tunic

by NightlyGamingBinge in

In the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you can receive the A New Champion’s Tunic quest by visiting Link and Zelda’s house.

To reach it, travel to Hateno Village in eastern Hyrule near the Necluda Sea and make your way to the Firly Pond. Cross the bridge there to find to arrive at their house then head around the back. There you will find Zelda’s Secret Well.

Climb down into it then look for her desk.

Examine the book on it to find Zelda’s Diary then choose the read it. An entry will mention that she ordered a new and improved Champion’s Tunic as a present for Link to thank him for his support. It also says that she hid the tunic in the throne room of the castle so it remains hidden until after their investigation. This will officially kick off the quest.

Now that you have the quest, travel to Lookout Landing Skyview Tower in Central Hyrule.

You’ll want to use the tower to launch Link into the air and glide over to the castle. It would help to have a bigger stamina bar or the Gliding outfit to make reaching it a bit easier. After you land, follow the main path to reach the Sanctum. On the right and left side of the room, is a set of stairs leading up to the balcony in front of the throne. Make your way there to find two unlit braziers. Light them both using a Fire Fruit.

This will cause the statue behind the throne to move revealing a secret cubby hole. Climb up on it then look inside to spot a chest. Open it up to receive the Champion’s Leathers. This will complete the quest. While you’re here, you might want to check out the upper level of the Sanctum. There is some good gear up there that could give you an edge!


Tears of the Kingdom – Orochium Shrine Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Orochium Shrine can be found near the Snowfield Stable in the Tabantha Tundra northwest of Rito Village.

You’ll need to complete the Courage to Fall challenge to clear this shrine. Start out by heading down the stairs then use Ultrahans to open the doors of the structure. Next, follow the path left of the doors and fight the enemy at the end. There will be a section of wall hanging out on the right. Use Ascend to reach the top of it then climb up the ladder and crouch through the gap in the wall on the right. When you reach the other side, turn to the right and glide down to the area below. Take out the enemy here then pass the doorway looking to the left. There will be one more enemy guarding a chest with 5 arrows inside.

Return to the doorway and open the doors then crouch walk past the lasers. There will be two enemies here that you’ll need to deal with. Afterward, return to the lasers and walk through one. This will open up the floor causing you to drop down into a hallway with more lasers. Dodge them heading under the platform at the end. Use Ascend here to reach a chest. Open it to receive the small key then use Ascend again.

Head down the stairs and use the key to unlock the door allowing you to grab the ball. Head up the stairs behind the room with the ball and use one of the moving platforms. This will take you up where you can drop the ball in a pressure plate opening a gate and gaining you access to a wing with some fans on it. Pull out then stick the ball to the top. Set the wing on the track and ride it back to the starting area by hitting one of the fans. You can then unstick the ball and place it on the floor plate opening the door leading to the altar where your Light of Blessing awaits!