Astria Ascending
by Chappie in


In Astria Ascending, speak with Hanett on Floor 165 of Harmonia Tower to obtain the Unexpected Protector side quest.


Look for Tamatoa in the Harmony Orchard

Travel to Harmony Orchard via the train and interact with the glowing orb to trigger a fight. Defeat the 5 Warabe.


Go back to talk to Hanett at the Harmonia Tower

Make your way back to Hanett on Floor 165 and speak with her.


Talk to Tamatoa in the Peyska Spring Sewers

Fast travel to the Sewers Entrance of the Peyska Spring Sewers to find Tamatoa next to the door. Speak with him to trigger a fight. Defeat the rat.


Go back to talk to Hanett at the Harmonia Tower

Return to Hanett once again to report the news.


Obtain the Spirit of Dusk, Spirit of the Infinite and Spirit of the Wilderness

Fast travel to the Statue of Shala in the Virgo Temple and defeat random Noises until you obtain both the Spirit of the Wilderness and Spirit of the Infinite. For the Spirit of Dusk, you’ll need to interact with a red glowing orb underneath a long bridge that breaks if you walk too long on it. To find this bridge, from the Statue of Shala fast travel point, head west and go through the door. Head to the right in the next room to collect water from the stone then use the water on the stone on the left side of the door to raise the water allowing you to continue west. In the next room head west across the bridge. When you reach the next bridge, stand on it to drop down to the red glowing orb. Interact with the orb then defeat the pack of enemies.


Bring the objects to Hanett at the Harmonia Tower

Return once again to Hanett and speak with her.


Talk to Tamatoa in the Peyska Spring Sewers

Fast travel to the Sewers Entrance of the Peyska Spring Sewers then head right and go through the door when you reach it to find Tamatoa. Speak with him to trigger another fight. Defeat the group of enemies then speak with him yet again.


Go back to talk to Hanett at the Harmonia Tower

Return to Hanett once again to report the news.


Rewards: Zosma x1, Ether X x3, Silver Stone x1 and 5,000 Lums



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