Astria Ascending – J-Ster Level V Tokens

Astria Ascending


Below you’ll find the list of all Level V J-Ster Tokens in Astria Ascending and how they can be obtained. Please note that defeating opponents and taking their tokens will sometimes result in them getting a new token the next time you face them. This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as we progress through the game.


185. ?

186. ?

187. ?

188. ?

189. ?

190. ?

191. ?

192. ?

193. Zimar – Sorcerer

  • Obtained as part of the story

194. Ulan – Guardian

195. ?

196. Kaydin – Alchemist

197. Eko – White Mage

198. ?

199. ?

200. ?

201. ?

202. ?

203. Ulan – Harnesser

  • Loot the chest at the Migmie Shop in Residential District. The chest is hidden on the far right side in front of the stairs

204. ?

205. ?

206. ?

207. ?

208. Kress – Dark Knight

209. Alassia – Chronomancer

210. ?

211. ?

212. ?

213. ?

214. ?

215. ?

216. ?

217. ?

218. ?

219. ?

220. ?