Shin Megami Tensei V
by Chappie in

Welcome to our Shin Megami Tensei V (SMTV) Vengeance guide on the locations of the Miman found around Gotenyama and Fairy Village.

Gotenyama Miman

Gotenyama Miman

Miman 1

Gotenyama Miman

Located on the narrow ledge near the entrance of this area from Yatsuyama/Konan 2nd Block.

Miman 2

Gotenyama Miman

Located under a ruined building near a Oni demon that you can speak with on your way from Yatsuyama/Konan 2nd Block to the Fairy Village leyline.

Fairy Village Miman

Fairy Village Miman

Miman 1

Fairy Village Miman

Located by the waterfall that has Arahabaki standing in front of it in the northern part of the village behind the Fairy King.

Miman 2

Fairy Village Miman

Located just west of the Fairy Village leyline near a ruined building along the eastern edge of the river.

Miman 3

Fairy Village Miman

Located between rubble and a cliff along a building in the southwestern part of the area.

Click here for the next guide on the location of the Miman in North & South Shinagawa!

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