Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Writer’s Block

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides


Below is a walkthrough for the Writer’s Block standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. To obtain this quest, listen in on the conversations around the City in Chapter 5 after leaving in the ship then returning. Head on over to a rest spot and discuss the A “Novel” Book topic.


For the first task, speak with Wellwell near the City Traderpon and purchase the Founders’ Tale, Latest Vol. for 700 Gold. Next, had to Virid Park and speak with Leeanne. To assist with the writer’s block, hand over the below items to reach 100%.


Leathery Wing Fossil

Cadensia Region – Fast travel to the Eternal Canopy landmark then head east to the objective. Once there, defeat the two Level 48 Mysterious Raiders then retrieve the item.


Rusted Pressure Helm

Fornis Region – Fast travel to the Quicksand Basin landmark then head to the objective. Once there, retrieve the item.


Sinister Faceplate

Fornis Region – Fast travel to the Distant Fingertip secret area. Once there, defeat the two Level 48 Mysterious Raiders then retrieve the item.


Shiny Hexagonal Chip

Pentelas Region – Fast travel to the Ruins of Seebu Camp then head south to the objective. Once there, retrieve the item.


Grimy Identification

Pentelas Region – Fast travel to the Vista of Rhonnar landmark then head southwest to the objective. Once there, defeat the two Level 48 Mysterious Raiders then retrieve the item.


After you hand over the above items to Leeanne in the City, the quest will complete.



  • 3550 EXP
  • 1800 Gold
  • 3 SP
  • Scout’s Kneeguard x1