Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Tactical Eradication

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Walkthroughs Guides


Below is a walkthrough for the Tactical Eradication standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. After completing Charity and Hypocrisy and Dorin and Bambam, listen in on a conversation near the Ferronis Hatch at Colony 4 then head to the rest spot and discuss the Tactician’s Plan topic.


Speak with Maxie in the council room on the second level of the Ferronis. You’ll receive the following quests:

After you complete each of them, return to Colony 4 and speak with Maxie. When you’re done, speak with Solon to complete the quest.



  • Stone Belt x1
  • 1760 EXP
  • 970 Told
  • 3 SP