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by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Trinity Trigger, there are 13 chests in the Hoplard Mountains: North. Below are the locations of these chests along with what they contain!

Area 1


This chest can be found just off the main path in the southern part of the map across from some wooden stairs.

Poison Defense I

This chest can be found underneath the wooden bridge on the east side of the area.


This chest can be found up a set of wooden stairs on the western side of the area. To find the entrance to this hidden path, look for two snowman along the tree line by the central stairs leading up then walk between them!

Antidote x3

This chest can be found underneath a mound of snow just north of the eastern bridge. Give it a good whack with your sword to reveal it!

Divine Extract

This chest can be found behind giant rocks south of the northeastern map transition. You’ll need to progress in the story until you gain Zantis as a party member. Use his axe to reach this chest.

Area 2

Aqua Gel x15

This chest can be found in the central area between 2 wooden bridges.

HP Absorber I

This chest can be found between 2 rows of giant crystals on the eastern side of the area.


This chest can be found in the open plain just south of the northern map transition underneath a mound of snow.

1500 Liba

This chest can be found just west of the above chest underneath a mound of snow near a snowman.

Aqua Gel x15

This chest can be found in the southeastern corner of the area near the map transition. You’ll need to return to this area after obtaining Zantis as a party member!

Divine Extract

This chest can be found in a snow mound across the bridge on the northwestern side of the area. To access this area, you’ll need to have progressed through the story until you obtain Zantis as a party member. Use his axe to break the large rocks!

Untouchable Jewel I

This chest can be found under a snow mound just northwest of the above chest.

Stamina Pill

This chest can be found under a snow mound north of the above chest.

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