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by NightlyGamingBinge in

First Area

Divine Extract

In the center of the area, pass under the bridge and head north then east. Take the southeastern path and follow it to reach the chest just before the wooden stairs.

Second Area

Antidote x3

From the above chest, continue up the stairs and follow the path to reach a new area where you’ll find this chest. If you look on the map, it will be in the southwestern corner of the second area.

HP Absorber I

Continue following the path just northwest of the above chest to find the next one in some bushes near a monolith.

Poison Defense I

This chest can be found along the eastern side of the area down a hidden path. The entrance to this path is across from the second yellow funky fungi.

Super Potion

This chest can be found just after the third yellow funky fungi. Head up the wooden stairs then immediately head east, skirting the small wooden box and following along the ledge going around the tree.

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