by Chappie in


Chapter 1 – 4/17 Sat

  • Where did Emperor Dreichels start his campaign?
    • Merchant City of Crossbell
    • Verdant City of Bareahard
    • Nord Highlands (Correct Answer – 1 AP)
  • Which hand is the coin in? Left or right?
    • Right hand
    • Left hand
    • Neither option is correct, this choice is just for flavor
      • Fun fact: You don’t actually lose 50 mira, it’s just cosmetic


Chapter 2 – 5/22 Sat

  • Instructor Neithardt’s Orbal Revolution Question
    • Orbal arts
    • Orbal communications (Correct Answer – 1 AP)
    • The transport of cargo via train
    • Crow’s question
  • What was the Bandanaed Boy’s (Crow) trick with the coin?
    • The bandana around his head
    • The drawstring bag at his feet (Correct Answer – 1 AP)
      • Fun Fact: You can actually see this in the cutscene from Chapter 1
    • The coin was never tossed


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