Bonding Events
- Emma
- Crow
- Received character profile Blade
- Sara
- Gaius
- Received character profile Homeland
Bonding Events (After Old Schoolhouse)
- Fie
- Jusis
- Imperial Chronicle – Issue 2
- Keynes’ Bookstore for 100 mira
- Campus Store for 100 mira
- Erebonian Folklore: Vol. 1
- Thors Academy Library
- In the Recommended Reading Corner
- Thors Academy Library
Character Profiles
- Crow
- Blade – Attend Crow’s bonding event
- Gaius
- Homeland – Attend bonding event
- George
- Tech Institute – Talk to him before going into the Old Schoolhouse
- Angelica
- Biking Trips – Talk to her in the Student Council Room after completing the Old Schoolhouse
- Instructor Sara
- Odd Friendship – Talk to her in Micht’s Pawn Shop after investigating the Old Schoolhouse
- Trista River
- Kasagin
- Swordtail
- Trista Pond
- Crayfish
- Swordtail
- Gray Crab
Master Quarz
- Scepter
- Buy from George in the Engineering Building for 2000 mira
- Wing
- Buy from George in the Engineering Building for 4000 mira
Monsters and Treasure Chests
Old Schoolhouse Floor 2 – Main Area
- Monsters
- Pom
- Lantern Spider
- Claydoll
- Stone Stalker
- Treasure Chests
- 150 of each Sepith
- Floral Bottle
- Reaper (Monster Chest)
- EP Charge II
- Tomato Sandwich
- Buy Manly Munchies – Sandwiches from Keynes’ Bookstore for 500 mira
Old School House Mystery II
- Objective: Continue the investigation of the Old Schoolhouse
- Investigate the Old Schoolhouse and defeat the boss
- Reward: Heal

Cherubic Gate Attacks
- Light Beam
- Damages the targeted party member and anyone near them
- Crysis Cry
- Deals damage to everyone and can decrease speed
The best way I found to handle this fight was by dealing with one of the three Cherubic Gates at a time while healing through the attacks for all three. My party consisted of Rean, Larua, Gaius and Elliot. Laura, Rean and Gaius focused on the monster while Elliot healed nearby. Try to keep up Elliot’s Resounding Beat to help with the healing, and I had Breath on Elliot for AOE healing as well. One of the issues I ran into was the enemies started targeting Elliot, so I also had Tear on Gaius to assist with healing. The Cherubic Gate has two main attacks to watch for with the first being a Light Beam that targets a party member and deals splash damage. The second is called Crysis Cry, and it damages all party members in combat while decreasing speed and the possibility to inflict Confuse. Try to get the enemy’s health down to around 5,000 then use Rean and Laura’s S-Crafts to finish it off. Once defeated, move onto the next one. You can also use earth-based arts to deal extra damage to the Cherubic Gates. Take your time and use items if needed to pull off the win here.
Substitute Tutor
- Objective: Tutor a kid for Klein
- Head to the lower class dorms and talk to Klein
- Head to Emile’s house (the house in front of the lower class dorms) and talk to Melissa
- Questions:
- When did the Orbal Revolution take place?
- Roughly 30 years ago
- Roughly 50 years ago ( Answer)
- Roughly 70 years ago
- Who invented orbments?
- Professor C. Epstein (Answer)
- Professor A. Russell
- Professor G. Schmidt
- What was the Reinford Factory’s specialty?
- Goods, like clocks and cameras
- Vehicles, like carriages and boats
- Weapons, like guns and artillery (Answer)
- When did the Orbal Revolution take place?
- Completes after answering the questions
- Reward: 2000 mira
Book Delivery
- Objective: Deliver books for Keynes
- Head to Keynes’ Bookstore and talk to Keynes
- Deliver the book Behind the War of the Lions to Instructor Thomas in the Academy Library
- Deliver the book Modern Art: The Complete Works to Instructor Mary in the Music Room in Thors Academy Main Building 2F
- Deliver the book Topical Science to Instructor Makarov on the Thors Academy Main Building Rooftop
- Deliver the book Analyzing Microeconomics to Vice Principal Heinrich in the teacher’s office in Thors Academy Main Building 1F
- Deliver the book The Empire’s Hottest Spots to Instructor Sara in the Class VII Dormitory in her room
- Return to Keynes
- Reward: Groundbait x 3
A Rose By Any Other Name
- Obtained: Talk to Linde in the Art Room of Thors Academy Main Building 2F after completing Old Schoolhouse Mystery II
- Objective: Pick up some flowers from Jane’s flower shop
- Talk to Linde in the Art Room
- Talk to Jane at Jane’s Flower Shop in Trista
- Return to Linde in the Art Room
- Reward: Cozy Socks, Cooling Belt
Continue to Chapter 2: 5/29 Sat Bareahard Field Study Day 1