- Carnelia Reprint – Chapter 1
- Buy from Merchant Tommy at the Celdic Grand Market
- Carnelia Reprint – Chapter 2
- Buy Merchant Tommy at the Celdic Grand Market
- Imperial Chronicle – Issue 1
- Buy from Chris near the Market Manager’s house
- Red Moon Rose – Chapter 2
- Given to you by Anita in the Grand Market after completing the hidden quest A Day as a Merchant on Field Study Day 1
- East Celdic Highway 1 (Behind the most southern windmill in the river)
- Kasagin
- Swordtail
- Carp (NG+/Nightmare, Beginner Rod)
- Anor Carp (NG+/Nightmare, Beginner Rod)
- West Celdic Highway 2 (near the entrance to Lunaria Nature Park
- Crayfish
- Swordtail
- Gluttonous Bass (NG+/Nightmare, Beginner Rod)
Master Quartz
- Scepter
- Purchase from Samus for 2,000 mira from Oddvin’s Arms and Orbal Factory
Monsters & Treasure Chests
East Celdic Highway 1
- Monsters
- Ripper Squirrel
- King Dragonfly
- Fanged Wolf
- Crop Muncher
- Treasure Chests
- Groundbait
- EP Charge I
- Proxy Puppet
East Celdic Highway 2
- Monsters
- King Dragonfly
- Ripper Squirrel
- Fanged Wolf
- Treasure Chests
- Teara Balm
- HP 1
- Reviving Balm
- Earth Lance
West Celdic Highway 1
- Monsters
- Acerbic Tomartian
- Deathcargot
- Evil Crow
- Fanged Wolf
- King Dragonfly
- Ripper Squirrel
- Treasure Chests
- 100 of Each Sepith
- EP 1
West Celdic Highway 2
- Monsters
- Crop Muncher
- Deathcargot
- Evil Crow
- Treasure Chests
- Curia Balm
- Aqua Bleed
- EP Charge II
- Sweet Cookie
- Received from Margot at Weathercock Inn
- Whole Juice
- Received from Tisel in the East Highway Farmhouse on East Highway 1
East Celdic Highway Monster
- Objective: Defeat the monster on East Highway 2
- Talk with Syro
- Make your way to the East Highway Farmhouse located on East Highway 1 just before East Highway 2, then enter the farmhouse and talk to Syro near the bookcases
- Head for the plateau near the middle of the map on East Highway 2 to find the monster and defeat it
- Return to Syro at the East Highway Farmhouse and talk with him
- Talk with Syro
- Reward: Fresh Egg x 10, Starberry x 10, Honey Syrup x 10, Coarse Rock Salt x 10

Scary Dinosaur Attacks
- Erie Soundwave
- A roar attack that sends out a shock wave that deals damage and decreases defense
- Chop Attack
- An attack that bites a party member and can inflict the paralyze status
- Crash Bite
- An arts attack that bites the target multiple times for a lot of damage
- Tail Blow
- A tailspin attack that deals damage to any party member in range
For this fight, I had Rean and Laura on the left and right side of the dino while Alisa was just close enough to attack with her bow and arts leaving Elliot a bit further back to heal and use his arts as necessary. The strategy here is to keep the boss focused on Rean and Laura while Alisa and Elliot attack from a distance. That main two attacks to watch out for are the Chop Attack that can leave a party member paralyzed and the Crash Bite attack. As soon as the dino begins charging, use Rean’s Autumn Leaf Cutter craft to interrupt it. I would also make sure you start the fight off by having 200 CP for each party member. That way you can use Rean’s Motivate craft to buff attack and Elliot’s Resounding Beat to buff the party’s defense as well as give them health regen. If you find yourself in a tight shop, Alisa has the Blessed Arrow craft that heals a generous amount. Also, make sure to use water based arts as they do double the damage to the dino.
Any Bright Ideas?
- Objective: Replace the orbment light in the road lamp on the western highway
- Talk to Samus in the Orbal
- Replace orbment light
- Has B-02 written on it near a windmill in front of the nature park
- Use the code 466515 to replace the light
- Head to West Celdic Highway 2 and examine the road lamp next to the windmill. When prompted for the code, select the option 466515. Return to Samus.
- Reward: Detection
For the Common Cold
- Objective: Collect the ingredients needed to make medicine
- Talk to Father Zibel in the Celdic Church
- Collect a bear claw and imperial carrots for Father Zibel
- Bear Claw
- Obtained in the Grand Market from the vendor Old Man Flint
- Imperial Carrots
- Obtained from Farmer Paul located in his farmhouse on West Celdic Highway 2
- Bear Claw
- Bring ingredients to Father Zibel
- Reward: Teara Balm x 3, Celestial Balm x 3
A Day as a Merchant (Hidden Quest)
- Objective: Run a Merchant Stall for the evening
- Talk to Merchant Lymon (2nd on the left) in the Grand Market after completing the other 3 quests and talking to Market Manager Otto.
- Ozette wants 5 tomatoes
- Answer: 35 Mira
- Tourist wants wine
- Answer: 900 Mira
- Answer: Include cheese for 20% off
- Anita wants cabbages
- Answer: Sell 5 for 60
- Reward: Coral Bracelet, Marble Bracelet (bonus reward for selecting the right answers)
Continue to Chapter 1: 4/25 Sun Celdic Field Study Day 2