Tiny Tinas Wonderlands Walkthroughs
by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the On the Wink of Destruction side quest in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. To obtain this quest interact with the poster on the side of Izzy’s Frizzies in Brighthoof.



Talk to Sully in Sunfang Oasis

Head to the objective on the northwestern side of the area to find an eyeball in a crumbly wall. Interact with it.


Close outflow channels

Flip the 2 switches on each side of the area to close the channels.


Kill mean cyclops bullies

Defeat the enemies that spawn.


Return to Sully

When you’re ready, head back to Sully then hold square to give him a tug.


Find Sully’s body

Head towards the objective to find the body. Don’t touch the water as you’ll die if you do! Thankfully the respawn point is just outside the room.


Flood the chamber

Head up the stairs and pull the lever.


Follow Sully

Follow him to the next room.


Lower water level

Pull the lever in the room to lower it.


Enter treasure room

Drop down to where the water was then clear out the enemies. Afterwards, open the door. Once inside, take the crown from the statue.


Get out!

Quickly get out of the room without touching the water as you’ll die! Upon exiting the ruins, defeat the enemies.


Give Sully the crown

Place the crown on Sully’s head to complete the quest.



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